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Missouri football player Michael Sam is gay (2 Viewers)

So will team location play a factor with Sam?Would it be more beneficial or less to go to a community like San Fran ? Would the Packers be a bad local
Do you think Missouri would be an accepting place in general? His teammates and coaches seemed plenty fine with everything, and his play on the field certainly was not impacted as well.
Credit Pinkel. Plus they knew Sam as a person/teammate 1st
I think "acceptance" is a better term than equality in this case.
And just how exactly are you going to get people who think this young man's lifestyle is fundamentally flawed to "accept" it?
You're not, I know that. Bigotry is not something you can change people's mind on easily. But it's just another step in the long process of accepting homosexuality in everyday life, and with each one of these milestones, bigotry towards gays comes closer and closer to dying with previous generations.

No one should have to be afraid to come out and say they are gay yet there are still professions out there where people feel like they still have to hide it. I see this as a step in the right direction towards eliminating that.
That will occur about as soon as secularists decide to discard their own anti-religious bigotry. We both know that will never happen so I guess we are at an impasse. Secularism is ascendant at the moment but society is rapidly diverging into two distinctly different paths. Yours is one many cannot and will not follow.
It's like Christians are becoming like the Amish, only with electricity.

The shower thing is actually a good question. I mean, if I were showering not only with dozens of other women, but all those women were athletes, there's no way I'm not sporting a boner each and every shower. Maybe he uses his dong as a towel holder or something.
It hasn't been a problem in the military, although people predicted that it would.

So will team location play a factor with Sam?Would it be more beneficial or less to go to a community like San Fran ? Would the Packers be a bad local
Do you think Missouri would be an accepting place in general? His teammates and coaches seemed plenty fine with everything, and his play on the field certainly was not impacted as well.
Credit Pinkel. Plus they knew Sam as a person/teammate 1st
So people should be judged by the content of their character?

I think "acceptance" is a better term than equality in this case.
And just how exactly are you going to get people who think this young man's lifestyle is fundamentally flawed to "accept" it?
Point them to the following bible verse : "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?" In other words worry about you and what you do that is flawed in God's eyes.
TPW isn't a big fan of the 'love thy neighbor' brand of Christianity.

The shower thing is actually a good question. I mean, if I were showering not only with dozens of other women, but all those women were athletes, there's no way I'm not sporting a boner each and every shower. Maybe he uses his dong as a towel holder or something.
It hasn't been a problem in the military, although people predicted that it would.
I wasn't suggesting it would be a problem, was just curious about it.

if Charles Haley could sit there in jackoff in the locker room why would any player have a problem with Sam showering with them

So will team location play a factor with Sam?Would it be more beneficial or less to go to a community like San Fran ? Would the Packers be a bad local
Do you think Missouri would be an accepting place in general? His teammates and coaches seemed plenty fine with everything, and his play on the field certainly was not impacted as well.
Credit Pinkel. Plus they knew Sam as a person/teammate 1st
So people should be judged by the content of their character?
People shouldn't care what a person likes sexually as long as its legal
Warren Cromartie's wrote a pretty good book about his experience playing baseball in Japan. In Japan the players washed each others backs in the showers.

Professional sports teams still have group showers? Kind of odd when you consider how much they cater to the athletes these days with private chefs, massueuses and such. One would think they could afford dividers.

I think "acceptance" is a better term than equality in this case.
And just how exactly are you going to get people who think this young man's lifestyle is fundamentally flawed to "accept" it?
You're not, I know that. Bigotry is not something you can change people's mind on easily. But it's just another step in the long process of accepting homosexuality in everyday life, and with each one of these milestones, bigotry towards gays comes closer and closer to dying with previous generations.

No one should have to be afraid to come out and say they are gay yet there are still professions out there where people feel like they still have to hide it. I see this as a step in the right direction towards eliminating that.
That will occur about as soon as secularists decide to discard their own anti-religious bigotry. We both know that will never happen so I guess we are at an impasse. Secularism is ascendant at the moment but society is rapidly diverging into two distinctly different paths. Yours is one many cannot and will not follow.
Totally agree. Secularists need to stop discriminating against Christians in the workplace. If you're brave enough to declare yourself a Christian, that shouldn't prevent you from being hired.
I think "acceptance" is a better term than equality in this case.
And just how exactly are you going to get people who think this young man's lifestyle is fundamentally flawed to "accept" it?
Point them to the following bible verse : "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?" In other words worry about you and what you do that is flawed in God's eyes.
TPW isn't a big fan of the 'love thy neighbor' brand of Christianity.
It's a problem for a lot of them. Apparently there are a huge group of Christians whose entire reading of the Bible consists of a couple of sentences out of Leviticus. Not even all of Leviticus mind you just that one little part.

I think "acceptance" is a better term than equality in this case.
And just how exactly are you going to get people who think this young man's lifestyle is fundamentally flawed to "accept" it?
You're not, I know that. Bigotry is not something you can change people's mind on easily. But it's just another step in the long process of accepting homosexuality in everyday life, and with each one of these milestones, bigotry towards gays comes closer and closer to dying with previous generations.

No one should have to be afraid to come out and say they are gay yet there are still professions out there where people feel like they still have to hide it. I see this as a step in the right direction towards eliminating that.
That will occur about as soon as secularists decide to discard their own anti-religious bigotry. We both know that will never happen so I guess we are at an impasse. Secularism is ascendant at the moment but society is rapidly diverging into two distinctly different paths. Yours is one many cannot and will not follow.
Totally agree. Secularists need to stop discriminating against Christians in the workplace. If you're brave enough to declare yourself a Christian, that shouldn't prevent you from being hired.
I believe that some day the vast overwhelming percentage of politicians will be self identified Christians. Even the president. I know seems like a pipe dream but darn it I think it's possible.

Who would he even sue?
The NFL. They've got plenty of money.
Well then. The NFL better hope all 32 memos sent out saying not to draft Sam because he is gay get destroyed.
"The NFL" is owned by all 32 team owners, correct? If he falls multiple rounds because of this, he's been discriminated against by all 32 of them, correct?
Probably discriminated against for not wanting a team distraction, rather than being a gay player. In any event, it would be impossible to prove because there is no way of knowing where he would have gone if he had not made this public.
Aren't those the same thing?

This is how it all starts... First one of these gays is taking our elite athlete's job, what is next? One of these gays going to come for my job? The NFL is one of the most progressive employers and is opening the floodgates. This will cost us all when main street follows in line.

I think "acceptance" is a better term than equality in this case.
And just how exactly are you going to get people who think this young man's lifestyle is fundamentally flawed to "accept" it?
Point them to the following bible verse : "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?" In other words worry about you and what you do that is flawed in God's eyes.
TPW isn't a big fan of the 'love thy neighbor' brand of Christianity.
It's a problem for a lot of them. Apparently there are a huge group of Christians whose entire reading of the Bible consists of a couple of sentences out of Leviticus. Not even all of Leviticus mind you just that one little part.
Christianity is much more popular when used to justify people's hatred than when it's used to try and spread love. The original message just doesn't sell well, and has less opportunity for brand partnerships.

I think "acceptance" is a better term than equality in this case.
And just how exactly are you going to get people who think this young man's lifestyle is fundamentally flawed to "accept" it?
You're not, I know that. Bigotry is not something you can change people's mind on easily. But it's just another step in the long process of accepting homosexuality in everyday life, and with each one of these milestones, bigotry towards gays comes closer and closer to dying with previous generations.

No one should have to be afraid to come out and say they are gay yet there are still professions out there where people feel like they still have to hide it. I see this as a step in the right direction towards eliminating that.
That will occur about as soon as secularists decide to discard their own anti-religious bigotry. We both know that will never happen so I guess we are at an impasse. Secularism is ascendant at the moment but society is rapidly diverging into two distinctly different paths. Yours is one many cannot and will not follow.
Totally agree. Secularists need to stop discriminating against Christians in the workplace. If you're brave enough to declare yourself a Christian, that shouldn't prevent you from being hired.
I believe that some day the vast overwhelming percentage of politicians will be self identified Christians. Even the president. I know seems like a pipe dream but darn it I think it's possible.
Ever the optimist, NC? We live in the real world, not your fantasy. Look at the last Presidential election. A Mormon vs a Muslim atheist. Where was the Christian?

Who would he even sue?
The NFL. They've got plenty of money.
Well then. The NFL better hope all 32 memos sent out saying not to draft Sam because he is gay get destroyed.
"The NFL" is owned by all 32 team owners, correct? If he falls multiple rounds because of this, he's been discriminated against by all 32 of them, correct?
Probably discriminated against for not wanting a team distraction, rather than being a gay player. In any event, it would be impossible to prove because there is no way of knowing where he would have gone if he had not made this public.
Aren't those the same thing?
No, see Chris Kluwe.

Why is this funny? It's not an exact analogy, but it's not a terrible one either.
really? the other two were in fear for their lives, people were killed just for the color of their skin. this guy is coming out as gay in a time where everyone is being force feed gayness. from every new site on tv, movies, music, and celebrities. comparing the two is Apple's to oranges
Who would he even sue?
The NFL. They've got plenty of money.
Well then. The NFL better hope all 32 memos sent out saying not to draft Sam because he is gay get destroyed.
"The NFL" is owned by all 32 team owners, correct? If he falls multiple rounds because of this, he's been discriminated against by all 32 of them, correct?
Probably discriminated against for not wanting a team distraction, rather than being a gay player. In any event, it would be impossible to prove because there is no way of knowing where he would have gone if he had not made this public.
Aren't those the same thing?
No necessarily. It depends on if the distraction is in the locker room or in the media frenzy.

I think "acceptance" is a better term than equality in this case.
And just how exactly are you going to get people who think this young man's lifestyle is fundamentally flawed to "accept" it?
You're not, I know that. Bigotry is not something you can change people's mind on easily. But it's just another step in the long process of accepting homosexuality in everyday life, and with each one of these milestones, bigotry towards gays comes closer and closer to dying with previous generations.

No one should have to be afraid to come out and say they are gay yet there are still professions out there where people feel like they still have to hide it. I see this as a step in the right direction towards eliminating that.
That will occur about as soon as secularists decide to discard their own anti-religious bigotry. We both know that will never happen so I guess we are at an impasse. Secularism is ascendant at the moment but society is rapidly diverging into two distinctly different paths. Yours is one many cannot and will not follow.
Totally agree. Secularists need to stop discriminating against Christians in the workplace. If you're brave enough to declare yourself a Christian, that shouldn't prevent you from being hired.
I believe that some day the vast overwhelming percentage of politicians will be self identified Christians. Even the president. I know seems like a pipe dream but darn it I think it's possible.
Ever the optimist, NC? We live in the real world, not your fantasy.Look at the last Presidential election. A Mormon vs a Muslim atheist. Where was the Christian?
In MItt's underpants

Why is this funny? It's not an exact analogy, but it's not a terrible one either.
really? the other two were in fear for their lives, people were killed just for the color of their skin. this guy is coming out as gay in a time where everyone is being force feed gayness. from every new site on tv, movies, music, and celebrities. comparing the two is Apple's to oranges
Yeah good thing gay people are never attacked for being gay. Good thing people never do things like send death threats to 9 year olds because the show they are on features a gay character. Yep never any fear for the gay people.

Who would he even sue?
The NFL. They've got plenty of money.
Well then. The NFL better hope all 32 memos sent out saying not to draft Sam because he is gay get destroyed.
"The NFL" is owned by all 32 team owners, correct? If he falls multiple rounds because of this, he's been discriminated against by all 32 of them, correct?
Probably discriminated against for not wanting a team distraction, rather than being a gay player. In any event, it would be impossible to prove because there is no way of knowing where he would have gone if he had not made this public.
Aren't those the same thing?
No necessarily. It depends on if the distraction is in the locker room or in the media frenzy.
Not what I mean. Isn't not drafting a guy because he's gay the same as not drafting a guy because you don't want the team distraction of having a gay player?

Why is this funny? It's not an exact analogy, but it's not a terrible one either.
really? the other two were in fear for their lives, people were killed just for the color of their skin. this guy is coming out as gay in a time where everyone is being force feed gayness. from every new site on tv, movies, music, and celebrities. comparing the two is Apple's to oranges
Do you feel you've been force fed gayness?
Why is this funny? It's not an exact analogy, but it's not a terrible one either.
really? the other two were in fear for their lives, people were killed just for the color of their skin. this guy is coming out as gay in a time where everyone is being force feed gayness. from every new site on tv, movies, music, and celebrities. comparing the two is Apple's to oranges
Am I the only one who does not feel I'm being force fed gays? I'm starting to agree that this kind of statement is just a blanket for bigotry.

Am I the only one wondering if this guy might actually help shore up the Bear's horrible D-line?
My understanding is if he is drafted he will have to shift to linebacker probably in a 3-4 system. He really isn't big enough to play pure 4-3 DE at the next level.

Screw him then. We've ####ed up that defense enough without switching schemes. And yes, by that I mean the entire team turning gay.

Am I the only one wondering if this guy might actually help shore up the Bear's horrible D-line?
My understanding is if he is drafted he will have to shift to linebacker probably in a 3-4 system. He really isn't big enough to play pure 4-3 DE at the next level.
Seriously, I am all for the Giants getting the SEC defensive player of the year.
As long as they don't reach he seems like he should be worth a look. I think 3rd round is a bit early but 4-5 seems about right.

Giants are still a 4-3 right?
I think so (football season is over and my mind is all hockey and baseball right now - it's a compartment thing) but the LB core has sucked for so long I would take a purple guy that sleeps with llama's if he could tackle and get to the QB.

Am I the only one wondering if this guy might actually help shore up the Bear's horrible D-line?
My understanding is if he is drafted he will have to shift to linebacker probably in a 3-4 system. He really isn't big enough to play pure 4-3 DE at the next level.
Seriously, I am all for the Giants getting the SEC defensive player of the year.
As long as they don't reach he seems like he should be worth a look. I think 3rd round is a bit early FOR A GAY GUY but 4-5 seems about right.

The black eye is on the S.E.C. if the S.E.C. Defensive Player of the Year isn't even drafted. S.E.C.,S.E.C., S.E.C., S.E.C., S.E.C.

I swear half of you could be pundits for MSNBC. A lot of idiotic statements going around. A lot more than 3 percent is going to be supportive of this guy. More like 80 plus percent, with only a few idiots who will be vocal against it. No, most Christians are not hung up on Leviticus. Not even close. This guys draft position has greatly improved. He is not going to go I drafted or in the sixth round. He will be taken at the high end of expectations. Left-wing nut job thinking is getting out of hand in this place. Lighten up you looney bunch of Francises.

Warren Cromartie's wrote a pretty good book about his experience playing baseball in Japan. In Japan the players washed each others backs in the showers.
My friend used to work in tranny bar. It was as stereotypical as you'd think. "Japanese businessman!" was the excited cry there. Mo-ney.

Why is this funny? It's not an exact analogy, but it's not a terrible one either.
really? the other two were in fear for their lives, people were killed just for the color of their skin. this guy is coming out as gay in a time where everyone is being force feed gayness. from every new site on tv, movies, music, and celebrities. comparing the two is Apple's to oranges
Am I the only one who does not feel I'm being force fed gays? I'm starting to agree that this kind of statement is just a blanket for bigotry.
I think we were force-fed lesbianism and the politics that pertain thereto in college, frankly. Like I said, I've never cared about male homosexuality, except for dropping the f-bomb all the time as a youth.*

eta* which, if it hurt somebody, I now really regret. Not kidding.

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So will team location play a factor with Sam?Would it be more beneficial or less to go to a community like San Fran ? Would the Packers be a bad local
Do you think Missouri would be an accepting place in general? His teammates and coaches seemed plenty fine with everything, and his play on the field certainly was not impacted as well.
Credit Pinkel. Plus they knew Sam as a person/teammate 1st
So people should be judged by the content of their character?
People shouldn't care what a person likes sexually as long as its legal
Anal sex ain't legal everywhere.

So will team location play a factor with Sam?Would it be more beneficial or less to go to a community like San Fran ? Would the Packers be a bad local
Do you think Missouri would be an accepting place in general? His teammates and coaches seemed plenty fine with everything, and his play on the field certainly was not impacted as well.
Credit Pinkel. Plus they knew Sam as a person/teammate 1st
So people should be judged by the content of their character?
People shouldn't care what a person likes sexually as long as its legal
Anal sex ain't legal everywhere.
Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003),[1] is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court. In the 6–3 ruling, the Court struck down the sodomy law in Texas and, by extension, invalidated sodomy laws in thirteen other states, making same-sex sexual activity legal in every U.S. state and territory. The Court overturned its previous ruling on the same issue in the 1986 case Bowers v. Hardwick, where it upheld a challenged Georgia statute and did not find a constitutional protection of sexual privacy.

Lawrence explicitly overruled Bowers, holding that it had viewed the liberty interest too narrowly. The Court held that intimate consensual sexual conduct was part of the liberty protected by substantive due process under the Fourteenth Amendment. Lawrence invalidated similar laws throughout the United States that criminalized sodomy between consenting adults acting in private, whatever the sex of the participants.[2]
So actually it is legal everywhere whether or not they have changed their laws on the books.

Can we get back to discussing Michael Sam please? You folks derail a thread faster than anything. We're sitting here discussing locker room shower fantasies when we should be discussing the issue of homosexual acceptance and instituting new equality rights in the NFL.

Can we get back to discussing Michael Sam please? You folks derail a thread faster than anything. We're sitting here discussing locker room shower fantasies when we should be discussing the issue of homosexual acceptance and instituting new equality rights in the NFL.
We covered that. And tangents are what we do here, you know that.

So will team location play a factor with Sam?Would it be more beneficial or less to go to a community like San Fran ? Would the Packers be a bad local
Do you think Missouri would be an accepting place in general? His teammates and coaches seemed plenty fine with everything, and his play on the field certainly was not impacted as well.
Credit Pinkel. Plus they knew Sam as a person/teammate 1st
So people should be judged by the content of their character?
People shouldn't care what a person likes sexually as long as its legal
Anal sex ain't legal everywhere.
Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003),[1] is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court. In the 6–3 ruling, the Court struck down the sodomy law in Texas and, by extension, invalidated sodomy laws in thirteen other states, making same-sex sexual activity legal in every U.S. state and territory. The Court overturned its previous ruling on the same issue in the 1986 case Bowers v. Hardwick, where it upheld a challenged Georgia statute and did not find a constitutional protection of sexual privacy.

Lawrence explicitly overruled Bowers, holding that it had viewed the liberty interest too narrowly. The Court held that intimate consensual sexual conduct was part of the liberty protected by substantive due process under the Fourteenth Amendment. Lawrence invalidated similar laws throughout the United States that criminalized sodomy between consenting adults acting in private, whatever the sex of the participants.[2]
So actually it is legal everywhere whether or not they have changed their laws on the books.
This is spot-on. Sodomy laws are now unconstitutional.

Probably going to hurt his draft stock
It can't help. There is a potential media circus following him and teams have to value the distraction that causes against his perceived talent/potential.
Sadly, this sounds accurate. I have absolutely -- and never really have had -- any problems with male homosexuality, but this can't make it easier for him.

He'll have a rooting section, that you can be sure of. It's probably, all in all, good for the NFL, if they play their cards right.

eta* I also agree with LZ Granderson that this should have been met with a shrug, and for his reasons provided. Seems odd in 2014 that this would be a big story.
An over-rated Manti Te'o with one of the weirdest pre-draft stories I've ever heard still went in the early 2nd. This is a much more positive story than Te'o's and shouldn't hurt him much, if at all. Teams already know they have gay players and won't shy away from one just because he's public about it.


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