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Must see movies 1980 to 2005 (2 Viewers)

My older boys are now 17/15 and after my divorce in '07, Friday nights were "MAN NIGHT" which meant pizza and rental movies from Blockbuster.  These were the halcyon days for me, before streaming services and back when my sons liked spending time with me.  I genuinely miss the time spent shopping for movies at Blockbuster on Friday night.  I digress....
Oh man, I just remembered I took a part-time gig at Hollywood Video circa '94 to raise a little xtra xmas $$$. I miss those days, hard.

Strange Brew is one of my favorite all time movies but I watched it recently and I’m not sure it holds up. Sadly. 

Also, she has seen some movies. I’ve seen a bunch mentioned she’s already seen. Again, don’t focus too much on my list. I’m not adding every movie listed here. :lol:

But I love seeing other people’s lists. 
Strange Brew is an  example of why not all great sketch comedy bits turn into good movies.  I love SCTV and this sketch was one of the all-time greats.  

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Anyone seen Tommy Boy or Black Sheep lately?  I loved those movies but wasn't sure if they'd be that funny to someone who didn't really know those two.  

Anyone seen Tommy Boy or Black Sheep lately?  I loved those movies but wasn't sure if they'd be that funny to someone who didn't really know those two.  
No but I can’t  imagine they are funny if one is removed from the time. Comedies generally age poorly.

No but I can’t  imagine they are funny if one is removed from the time. Comedies generally age poorly.
i tend to agree 1000% with this, but ... fat guy slapstick schtick, with nebbish straight man as foil, never really gets old - Farley was aces with this. 

i personally wouldn't recommend them, but i think they will hold up, given the subject matter i sourced. 

I saw Tommy Boy on cable the other day, it held up well.

P.S. has Dazed and Confused been mentioned?
I had D&C on the list at first but removed it.  I'm not sure it would resonate with her age.  I loved that movie though.

True Romance

12 Monkeys

Fight Club

...All 3 Brad Pitt movies was not intentional, LOL, but he's been in some good movies

and why not..


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Das Boot

Spirited Away

Lost in Translation

Come and See

LA Confidential


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Must see movies 1980 to 2005  My top 25  EDIT to add  LINK >>>  Europa Europa   (I would place Europa Europa at #11 right before AMÉLIE)  

  1. The Mission 
  2. LA Confidential  
  3. Groundhog Day 
  4.  The Princess Bride   
  5. Year of Living Dangerously   
  6. An American  Werewolf in London             
  7. Broadcast News   
  8. High Fidelity     
  9. Oh Brother Where Art Thou
  10. Planes, Trains and Automobiles
  11.  AMÉLIE  
  12. Kingpin  
  13. Dark City   
  14. Goodfellas  
  15. Erin Brockovich 
  16. Office Space  
  17. Akira Kurosawa’s  Ran   
  18. Pulp Fiction 
  19. A Christmas Story    
  20. The Incredibles 
  21. Open Range   
  22. When Harry Met Sally  
  23. Raiders of the Lost Ark  
  24.  Tombstone   
  25. So I Married an Axe Murderer   
Honorable Mentions:

  • Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells   
  • Die Hard   
  • They Live 
  • To Live and Die in LA   
  • Platoon 
  • Beetlejuice   
  • My Left Foot       
  •  Das Boot   
  • The Killing Fields   

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Many good choices, I will add to previous:

Excalibur (1981)

Ordinary People (1980)

The Verdict (1982)

Dances With Wolves (1990)

Unforgiven (1992)

Sense and Sensibility (1995)

Many good choices, I will add to previous:

Excalibur (1981)

Ordinary People (1980)

The Verdict (1982)

Dances With Wolves (1990)

Unforgiven (1992)

Sense and Sensibility (1995)
I love Unforgiven, but I feel like that's not a movie she'd like.  I think that's more a "man" movie.

Many good choices, I will add to previous:

Excalibur (1981) Can I forever seal this movie into a Stone so that nobody ever has to see it again?

Ordinary People (1980) hate this movie

The Verdict (1982) is guilty of the crime of boring me to death 

Dances With Wolves (1990) I wish Costner was eaten by wolves 

Unforgiven (1992) i won’t ever forgive the people who made this garbage 

Sense and Sensibility (1995) the writer and director had none 

Some others I forgot:

  •  Salvador (1986) 
  •  Moonstruck (1987)  I had no idea Norman Jewison directed this film till I recently saw it again.  Great romcom, perfect pace.
  •  Koyaanisqatsi (1982)   
  • Diner (1982) 
  • Come and See (1985) 
  •  Philadelphia (1993)
  • Hotel Rawanda (2004)
  • Being John Malkovich (1999) Charlie Kaufman had to make the list.  Considered External Sunshine,  went weirder.  
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 
Jaysus said:
I saw Tommy Boy on cable the other day, it held up well.

P.S. has Dazed and Confused been mentioned?
I did too... still love it. farley and spade don't even have to do anything and I'm laughing.

and love dazed.. one of my favorties.

Must see movies 1980 to 2005  My top 25  EDIT to add  LINK >>>  Europa Europa   (I would place Europa Europa at #11 right before AMÉLIE)  

  1. The Mission 
  2. LA Confidential  
  3. Groundhog Day 
  4.  The Princess Bride   
  5. Year of Living Dangerously   
  6. An American  Werewolf in London             
  7. Broadcast News   
  8. High Fidelity     
  9. Oh Brother Where Art Thou
  10. Planes, Trains and Automobiles
  11.  AMÉLIE  
  12. Kingpin  
  13. Dark City   
  14. Goodfellas  
  15. Erin Brockovich 
  16. Office Space  
  17. Akira Kurosawa’s  Ran   
  18. Pulp Fiction 
  19. A Christmas Story    
  20. The Incredibles 
  21. Open Range   
  22. When Harry Met Sally  
  23. Raiders of the Lost Ark  
  24.  Tombstone   
  25. So I Married an Axe Murderer   
Honorable Mentions:

  • Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells   
  • Die Hard   
  • They Live 
  • To Live and Die in LA   
  • Platoon 
  • Beetlejuice   
  • My Left Foot       
  •  Das Boot   
  • The Killing Fields   
fantastic list!

and love seeing axe murderer in there... was just thinking of showing it to 12yo floppinho soon.

head! paper! now!

eta: actually true, floppinho has a giant noggin. I'm not kidding, that boy's head is like Sputnik; spherical but quite pointy at parts!

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TheIronSheik said:
Anyone seen Tommy Boy or Black Sheep lately?  I loved those movies but wasn't sure if they'd be that funny to someone who didn't really know those two.  
I get the giggles just thinking about this scene, full on belly laughs watching it now even though I’ve seen it 100 times or more:


Must see movies 1980 to 2005  My top 25  EDIT to add  LINK >>>  Europa Europa   (I would place Europa Europa at #11 right before AMÉLIE)  

  1. The Mission 
  2. LA Confidential  
  3. Groundhog Day - the scene toward the end in the dance hall is worth the price of admission
  4.  The Princess Bride - great, great movie
  5. Year of Living Dangerously   
  6. An American  Werewolf in London - Jack was classic    
  7. Broadcast News - Holly Hunter!
  8. High Fidelity - John Cusack rules
  9. Oh Brother Where Art Thou
  10. Planes, Trains and Automobiles
  11.  AMÉLIE  
  12. Kingpin  
  13. Dark City   
  14. Goodfellas  
  15. Erin Brockovich 
  16. Office Space  
  17. Akira Kurosawa’s  Ran   
  18. Pulp Fiction - superb
  19. A Christmas Story    
  20. The Incredibles 
  21. Open Range - excellent modern western
  22. When Harry Met Sally - very understated at times
  23. Raiders of the Lost Ark - semi-groundbreaking
  24.  Tombstone - Tour de Force for Val Kilmer
  25. So I Married an Axe Murderer   
Honorable Mentions:

  • Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells   
  • Die Hard   
  • They Live 
  • To Live and Die in LA   
  • Platoon 
  • Beetlejuice   
  • My Left Foot       
  •  Das Boot   
  • The Killing Fields   
Excellent compilation.

I was a high school wrestler when this one came out so that may be why I like it but I have always liked Vision Quest.

All right, great lists so far. Let me add this to challenge you a bit:

If you had to pick 2 movies from that timeframe that may not be on everyone’s list, what would they be? Do think of this like Scattegories. It still needs to be a good movie, but you’re trying to make it unique. 

All right, great lists so far. Let me add this to challenge you a bit:

If you had to pick 2 movies from that timeframe that may not be on everyone’s list, what would they be? Do think of this like Scattegories. It still needs to be a good movie, but you’re trying to make it unique. 
I’ll do a niche list re: Willem Dafoe in the hopes that your daughter is cool with Dafoe:

- The Boondock Saints

- White Sands

If by chance your daughter isn’t into Dafoe I’ll generate a different niche list....maybe with motorcycles, orangutans, surfing or something thereabouts. 

All right, great lists so far. Let me add this to challenge you a bit:

If you had to pick 2 movies from that timeframe that may not be on everyone’s list, what would they be? Do think of this like Scattegories. It still needs to be a good movie, but you’re trying to make it unique. 
My two choices are:



All right, great lists so far. Let me add this to challenge you a bit:

If you had to pick 2 movies from that timeframe that may not be on everyone’s list, what would they be? Do think of this like Scattegories. It still needs to be a good movie, but you’re trying to make it unique. 

Two by Terry Gilliam:

The Fisher King

12 Monkeys

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All right, great lists so far. Let me add this to challenge you a bit:

If you had to pick 2 movies from that timeframe that may not be on everyone’s list, what would they be? Do think of this like Scattegories. It still needs to be a good movie, but you’re trying to make it unique. 
The Year of Living Dangerously: Mel Gibson, Sigourney Weaver is about foreign correspondents in the Philippine during an attempted coup of the President. It’s like an 80s Casablanca. 

Au Revoir Les Enfants: French film about a Catholic boarding school serving as a safe haven for French children during the German occupation. 

All right, great lists so far. Let me add this to challenge you a bit:

If you had to pick 2 movies from that timeframe that may not be on everyone’s list, what would they be? Do think of this like Scattegories. It still needs to be a good movie, but you’re trying to make it unique. 
Jackknife (1989) - DeNiro as a NamVet dillin w his prolims

Run Lola Run (1998) - 82 minutes of watching Lola run, yet i like it more every time i watch it

Sorry, I just thought of another one that I haven't seen anybody suggest:

All of Me (1984):  Steve Martin and Lilly Tomlin......I haven't seen it in a long time but it was hilarious from what I remember. 

I have been thinking about this, and this is a really hard question Mr. Sheik.    I very much separate my top movies vs. what I would probably suggest others to watch.   In the context of what you are doing with your kid and your initial criteria of wanting it to hold up over time my initial list started to look like 80s movies that I love, still think hold up, and would hopefully be a springboard for my kid developing a love for movies like it triggered in me.   So the start of the list looked something like:

Die Hard, Karate Kid, Back to the Future, The Thing, Ghostbusters, The Breakfast Club, Top Gun, Aliens, Empire Strikes Back,  The Terminator, and Stand by Me.   

Then hopefully any trust that was established with these would be used to springboard a little into movies like:  Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, Fast Times, Blade Runner, American Werewolf in London,  Raging Bull, Elephant Man, and Robocop.   

Yes, that's just an initial 80s list.   

All right, great lists so far. Let me add this to challenge you a bit:

If you had to pick 2 movies from that timeframe that may not be on everyone’s list, what would they be? Do think of this like Scattegories. It still needs to be a good movie, but you’re trying to make it unique. 
Thinking about this question and piggybacking with my post above about cultivating a love for movies.  For me I would throw out the 2 movies that I watched in my early days of owning the video store that made me instantly fall in love with 2 types of movies I hadn't given the time of day to before:  foreign and documentaries.   

Amores Perros - Iñárritu's first full movie.  Gritty, multiple story lines, and hooked me.  That was my gateway to foreign movies and realizing I needed to dive into them.  

Stevie -   Better known for Hoop Dreams, this is a Steve James doc about him going and finding out what happened to a boy that he knew through the Big Brother program.  Spent the movie glued to the screen and realizing that sometimes real life is more ####ed up than the fictional worlds I was watching in movies before then.  

All right, great lists so far. Let me add this to challenge you a bit:

If you had to pick 2 movies from that timeframe that may not be on everyone’s list, what would they be? Do think of this like Scattegories. It still needs to be a good movie, but you’re trying to make it unique. 
The Hurricane (1999)  The story of Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, a boxer wrongly imprisoned for murder, and the people who aided in his fight to prove his innocence.

Lola (1981)  In post-war West Germany, the charming Von Bohm is appointed a city's new Building Commissioner. His morality is tested when he unknowingly falls in love with a brothel worker, Lola, the paid mistress of a corrupt property developer.  >>  LINK to musical clip from the movie - Capri Fischer


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