My kids team is at Mukwonago tomorrow night, it will be a tough battle. Then head to Purdue in the morning, my son was invited by Purdue to make a visit Saturday, take in the game meet coaches, yadda yadda.Voted.Need help from the collaborative group. My son’s high school football team is up for the play of the week in our state playoffs. We played a team from what everyone says is the top conference in the state. Well we won and are in the running for local television play of the game.
The attached link is where you vote. The play is called
Case The Joint.
Play #1
Appreciate everyone’s time to place the vote. You can vote more than once. This is for the Milwaukee area. @SWC would appreciate your bromingo stamp of approval.
I saw this play on Channel 12 last night. A fantastic catch and run.
How this is losing 48-44 is beyond me. I’m pretty sure there are scripts being run to vote.
It could just be that Tosa East is more exposed to channel 12 than a Racine school. I drove past Hart Park on Friday but didn't go to the game. It was rockin. Agree this should be no contest and the Case play should win easily.
Yes, Mukwonago will be a tough game. Awesome for your son to be getting a visit at Purdue - I'm sure you're very proud and rightfully so. That is fantastic.