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New Cartoon (1 Viewer)


It's been a while, so here's a new cartoon.


Have fun

:lmao: at "Hasselbech clearly blocked the ballcarriers way to the endzone and he did it by hitting him below the waist!"
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Bang - great job as usual. I really appreciated the "Dogs Playing Poker" painting in the background. Classy art work means a classy cartoon.

What's this all about? There were no bad calls in the Super Bowl. Everyone in the world is wrong, except us.


Steelers FBGs

What's this all about?  There were no bad calls in the Super Bowl.  Everyone in the world is wrong, except us.


Steelers FBGs
Really? Only Steelers fans? I know the Steelers have a huge following, but are you saying that nearly half of the fans in the country are Steelers fans?Maybe you should view the ESPN poll on the officiating that so many people have referenced in these forums as an indicator of how the whole country believes the officiating was terrible.

Here's the results as of 4 pm EST for several key questions:

(Over 254,000 votes and counting)


3) Did the officiating in Sunday's game unfairly favor one team?

52.9% Unfairly favored the Steelers

33.1% The right calls were made

14.0% Unfairly favored the Seahawks
Barely more than half of the votes believe the officiating favored the Steelers.
4) Which played the biggest role in determining the outcome of the game?

38.3% Officials missing calls

33.5% Steelers making plays

28.2% Seahawks not making plays
Nearly 5 out of every 8 voted the play of the teams to be more significant than the officiating in determining the winner.
5) Do you think the official made the right call on Darrell Jackson's offensive pass interference in the endzone, negating a Seattle touchdown in the first quarter?

49.8% No

45.4% Yes

4.8% I'm not sure

6) Do you think the football broke the plane of the goal line on Ben Roethlisberger's touchdown run in the second quarter?

48.0% Yes

40.8% No

11.1% I'm not sure

7) Do you think the official made the right call on Sean Locklear's holding penalty in the fourth quarter, negating an 18-yard reception to the one-yard line by Jerramy Stevens?

50.0% No

40.9% Yes

9.1% I'm not sure
In each case, at least half of the voters believe the call was correct or so close that they cannot say the call is wrong. On the Roethlisberger TD, that number approaches 60%.Like I said, the Steelers must have a huge following, huh? Or maybe, just maybe, there are some others who believe the officiating wasn't as bad as some in the media are suggesting.

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It was just a cartoon!

Do we all need to go to sensitivity training and sing kumbaya?

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The Jerk,

I promised myself that I wouldn't get involved in any form of banter in reference to the Super Bowl. As a Math instructor I am well aware of how statistical data, especially unscientific polls, can be twisted to say anything you want.

I know that I am going to regret this, but let me take a stab humoring some of the ESPN stats that you linked:

Poll #3,

What it says - 14% of the people polled felt that the Seahawks were unfairly favored by the officials.

What it means - a) 14% of the people polled are morons, or

b) You guys need to continue your rants because you still have 86% of the people who need convinced.

Poll #4,

What it says - 33.5% of the people pollled felt that the Steelers won by making plays.

What it means - Pittsburgh didn't truely "win" the game.

The most humorus thing of all is that one of your sig's is a quote from Evilgrin 72 that states, "People are sheep - I certainly am not going to base my perception of what went on based on someone's Uncle Rufus in Oklahoma clicked on espn.com"

Didn't your poll results come from espn.com?

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The Jerk,

I promised myself that I wouldn't get involved in any form of banter in reference to the Super Bowl. As a Math instructor I am well aware of how statistical data, especially unscientific polls, can be twisted to say anything you want.

I know that I am going to regret this, but let me take a stab humoring some of the ESPN stats that you linked:

Poll #3,

What is says - 14% of the people polled felt that the Seahawks were unfairly favored by the officials.

What it means - a) 14% of the people polled are morons, or

b) You guys need to continue your rants because you still have 86% of the people who need convinced.

Poll #4,

What it says - 33.5% of the people pollled felt that the Steelers won by making plays.

What it means - Pittsburgh didn't truely "win" the game.
Sea Bass,I'm an electrical engineer and I completely agree with you that these polls are virtually worthless. I'm bringing it up only because I've seen them used over and over again as "evidence" that the majority of football fans believe the officials decided the game, etc.

From what I've seen, you're a good sport and I'm trying to get away from all of the bickering, also. However, I will say that whether or not one believes the Steelers "won" the game due to making three big plays and playing good red zone defense or if one believes the Seahawks "lost" the game due to missed opportunities (2 missed FGs, numerous drops, poor clock management, etc.), the point remains that over 60% of the people in this poll believe the performance of the teams was more decisive than the officiating.

The broader point is that there are two ways to win games: one is by making more good plays, and the other is by making fewer bad plays. This can also be seen in even scientific polls. When the Steelers beat the Colts, it is likely that a poll in Indianapolis would have found more people attributing the loss to Colts mistakes than to Steeler execution. Yet the same poll conducted in Pittsburgh would have found the reverse to be true.

You spoke of twisting data to make any number of unjustified conclusions. I believe you are doing just that to conclude what you did from that poll question. What I see in those numbers is that 62% of the people thought the teams decided the game. Within that 62% group, 55% of them credited the Steelers' big plays as the difference in the game, while the other 45% blamed the Seahawks' missed opportunities. As a math instructor, I'm sure you understand that as well.

Anyway, I appreciate the sense of humor you're trying to bring to the board. Honestly, I don't see what is wrong with civil discussions. I don't believe anyone is being forced to view these threads against their will. I hope to see you mix it up with anyone, especially me, any time you want, because from what I've seen of your posts so far, you'll do it with style, class and tact. :thumbup: to you, Sea Bass.

Thanks Mr. Jerk,

It was just a shot at humor and not meant to be a personal attack. As you can tell I am not a big fan of polls and actually do agree with evilgrin's quote. That being said, I understand that it has been difficult for you guys to state your points without getting into major disputes. You have been constant in your defense, but you have done it without making it personal. Maybe the fans of the two teams can move on and allow the bickering to the people who bicker just to bicker.

I do see humor in just about everthing. I hope that I don't write anything that you or anyone else sees as a mean spirited.


I liked the "If we can't take the defensive back's word for it who we suppose to listen to out there." :lmao:

At least we've evolved the discussion to comedy at this point. :thumbup:

I didn't check out the cartoon. I went right to Bang's girls.


They were FUGLY.

Buy a T-shirt. Help Bang afford better looking girls.

Decent one. Not one of the better ones though IMO...
They are fans of ours, not meant to be supermodels. We told girls to send us pictures and they did and we put them up, no exceptions.Anyway, Steelers fans, you can keep fighting and fighting this for the rest of your lives if you want. Because that is how long it will go on. It seems very similar to left and right wing debating. Complete polarization. Neither side is going to budge on their stance...EVER! So, Steelers fans, you can spend the rest of your lives arguing about it if you want. But, I would suggest when someone claims the refs made bad calls, you simply agree. Just say "Yep, and I don't really care as long as the Steelers won!" The person will then likely make some lame attempt at insulting you and your character at which point you then say "Yep, and I don't really care what you think about anything!" and then you turn around and walk away. You agreed with the bad calls so they can't argue with you about that. They made their insult and you don't care and have walked away. Now, doesn't that sound a lot easier. Oh and I promise, the person you walked away from will be completely furious. Just try it out one time and see. :yes:


aka Tom

Bang Productions


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