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Obama To Announce Uncostitutional Amnesty (1 Viewer)

GOP should defund this. Congress makes laws, not the POTUS.


Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress exclusive authority to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization . And it is the presidents constitutional duty, under Article II, Section 3, to take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed .
Is he making law? Or just applying enforcement resources as he sees fit?
The former, according to the article.
Sure but they don't give any details. All I saw was - "President Barack Obamas plan to provide executive amnesty to more than five million illegal immigrants."

How? Seems like some details would be important to know before we determine he is unilaterally violating the constitution.

(And that's without attacking the credibility of the writers).
grant the amnesty before we know whats in the amnesty?

In a sign of the difficulties GOP leaders face in keeping their unruly caucus on-message, retiring tea party firebrand Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Wednesday that the immigrants given new protections by the president could become “illiterate” Democratic voters. “The social cost will be profound on the U.S. taxpayer — millions of unskilled, illiterate, foreign nationals coming into the United States who can’t speak the English language,” Bachmann told reporters at the Capitol. “Even though the president says they won’t be able to vote, we all know that many, in all likelihood, will vote.”
When asked by The Washington Post why she chose to use the word “illiterate” to describe a group of mostly Spanish-speaking workers, Bachmann said her view was informed by trips to the border.

“Some are, some aren’t,” Bachmann said of the literacy of illegal immigrants. “I’ve been down to the border. The reason why I would say that is I spent four days at the border and spoke to American Hispanics on the border. That’s what they told me. Those are not Michele Bachmann’s words, those words came from Hispanics who live on the border…. I’m not using a pejorative term against people who are non-American citizens. I’m only repeating what I heard from Hispanic Americans down at the border. That’s what they told me.”
gonna miss her, but we've still got Gohmert
Don't worry, this new woman Senator is coming- she sounds like Bachmann on speed. She worked on a farm as a pig castrator. And now she's comin' to Washington to "make em squeal!"
Kind of surprised to see this crap coming from you
What crap? Have you heard this woman? She is an incredible embarrassment.

You spend a lot of time in this forum ripping Elizabeth Warren, and yet you ignore some of the really wacko fringe politicians, simply because they have an ® after their name.
This embarrassing woman of which you speak was valedictorian of her class in high school. She has a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. She was a lieutenant colonel in the military. But hone in on the "make 'em squeal" thing; that's what's important.


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GOP should defund this. Congress makes laws, not the POTUS.


Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress exclusive authority to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization . And it is the presidents constitutional duty, under Article II, Section 3, to take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed .
Is he making law? Or just applying enforcement resources as he sees fit?
The former, according to the article.
Sure but they don't give any details. All I saw was - "President Barack Obamas plan to provide executive amnesty to more than five million illegal immigrants."

How? Seems like some details would be important to know before we determine he is unilaterally violating the constitution.

(And that's without attacking the credibility of the writers).
grant the amnesty before we know whats in the amnesty?
You forgot to grant it away from the fog of all this nasty little controversy stuff.

Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds
Besides the corruption, the majority of them are cowards and idiots. Plenty of bad to go around.

On topic:

About ####### time someone did something.
Why did Obama do nothing in 2009 & 2010 when he had total control? Why wait in 2012 when he was up for re-election? Why did he wait until after the most recent election? If this was so dear to him , so important why wait?
Or wait another 6 weeks until the new Congress is sworn in. He could have done this at any time.

I don't see how anyone doesn't question the timing here but as I said, the Republicans only have themselves to blame for their inaction. Yet Obama's followers are eating this up as a compassionate decision when it is purely a political one.

Great speech. One of his best, imo. And I agree with the plan.

Are Republicans really that upset over this? This gives them the cover to actually put a policy in place and can say we had to do it. So while I don't agree with Obama doing it this way, I think in the end this was the only way it was going to get done!

Are Republicans really that upset over this? This gives them the cover to actually put a policy in place and can say we had to do it. So while I don't agree with Obama doing it this way, I think in the end this was the only way it was going to get done!
I'm more disappointed in the Republicans for letting it come to this. Yet another Boehner failure. He sucks.

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If the only people who saw this speech are Latinos and the frothers on the right someone in the WH deserves a raise.

Wish Obama had come to Washington with this sort of thing, but, alas, he wasted six years trying to get Republicans to pass Republican ideas.
Except...for...the part when the entire federal government was run by he Democratic Party in 2008. Except for that.
Exactly. If Dems had had the balls to kill the filibuster before Republicans used it to prevent legislation from getting through the Senate they'd have gotten some things done. But, just like Obama, they waited too long to wise up.

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Are Republicans really that upset over this? This gives them the cover to actually put a policy in place and can say we had to do it.
There's little agreement among Republicans on what to do about immigration. A bill had already passed the Senate with 68 votes, but wasn't even allowed to come up for a vote in the House because it might have passed.

his speechwriters dusted off President George W. Bush's 2006 speech on immigration, and built Obama's remarks around it. When Bush spoke from the Oval Office — to broadcast networks that didn't give Obama the same courtesy — a Republican House had passed an immigration bill stalled in the Republican Senate.
Bush, 2006: "Some in this country argue that the solution is to deport every illegal immigrant and that any proposal short of this amounts to amnesty. I disagree."

Obama, 2014: "I know some of the critics of this action call it amnesty. Well, it's not."
Bush, 2006: "There is a rational middle ground between granting an automatic path to citizenship for every illegal immigrant, and a program of mass deportation. That middle ground recognizes that there are differences between an illegal immigrant who crossed the border recently and someone who has worked here for many years, and has a home, a family, and an otherwise clean record."

Obama, 2014: "Mass deportation would be both impossible and contrary to our character. What I'm describing is accountability — a commonsense, middle-ground approach: If you meet the criteria, you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. If you're a criminal, you'll be deported."
Bush, 2006: "The vast majority of illegal immigrants are decent people who work hard, support their families, practice their faith, and lead responsible lives. They are a part of American life but they are beyond the reach and protection of American law."

Obama, 2014: "They work hard, often in tough, low-paying jobs. They support their families. They worship at our churches. ... As my predecessor, President Bush, once put it: 'They are a part of American life.'"

In a sign of the difficulties GOP leaders face in keeping their unruly caucus on-message, retiring tea party firebrand Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Wednesday that the immigrants given new protections by the president could become “illiterate” Democratic voters. “The social cost will be profound on the U.S. taxpayer — millions of unskilled, illiterate, foreign nationals coming into the United States who can’t speak the English language,” Bachmann told reporters at the Capitol. “Even though the president says they won’t be able to vote, we all know that many, in all likelihood, will vote.”
When asked by The Washington Post why she chose to use the word “illiterate” to describe a group of mostly Spanish-speaking workers, Bachmann said her view was informed by trips to the border.

“Some are, some aren’t,” Bachmann said of the literacy of illegal immigrants. “I’ve been down to the border. The reason why I would say that is I spent four days at the border and spoke to American Hispanics on the border. That’s what they told me. Those are not Michele Bachmann’s words, those words came from Hispanics who live on the border…. I’m not using a pejorative term against people who are non-American citizens. I’m only repeating what I heard from Hispanic Americans down at the border. That’s what they told me.”
gonna miss her, but we've still got Gohmert
Don't worry, this new woman Senator is coming- she sounds like Bachmann on speed. She worked on a farm as a pig castrator. And now she's comin' to Washington to "make em squeal!"
Kind of surprised to see this crap coming from you
What crap? Have you heard this woman? She is an incredible embarrassment.You spend a lot of time in this forum ripping Elizabeth Warren, and yet you ignore some of the really wacko fringe politicians, simply because they have an ® after their name.
First of all I'm a fellow Independent . I'll give you a mulligan as you are probably full of cheer tonight
Sure you are :lmao:

And there it is. Obama fires the first salvo in a constitutional fight that obliterates any chance for bipartisanship over the next two years, and does it in true Obama fashion. He lied directly to the country's face on national TV believing the people are too stupid to know any different.

Obama took credit for "deporting" 70% more people than Bush and therefore claiming our borders are as secure as they've ever been. The real fact is the President simply began counting people turned away at the border entrance as a deportation with every other President counting interior removal of illegals as a deportation. Interior removal is down nearly 70% with Obama truly deporting just 1/3 as many illegals annually as Bush had.

If you had those turned away at the border to interior deportations, Bush has far more than Obama, but Obama doesn't account for the border turnarounds for Bush, Clinton, Bush, or Reagan when giving himself credit for these numbers.

This man is simply far too intelligent to not know what he's saying and therefore this is nothing short of another deliberate lie on National Television to try and support a new and very unpopular policy that bypasses the will of the people via their representatives in Congress setting up the largest Constitutional crisis in America in 100 years.

Where does Presidential power end? At this point, Obama has seized the authority to mold and make law at a scale never before seen. This was not an issue of limited resources as past Presidents have cited as a reason to use Prosecutorial Discretion to selectively not focus on small parts of a particular law. This is the willful suspension of nearly the entire Immigration system to meet a political objective in direct violation of the President's primary sworn responsibility, which is to uphold and enforce the laws as they are written.

And so, the battle begins. The GOP will likely respond and now that Obama has bypassed the niceties and instead of shaking hands to build a new partnership, as Bill Clinton did, he's chosen to punch the GOP right in the throat. The problem is the GOP has more power than Obama thought and so a shut down of all ability to function in his role seems likely and the next two years will turn Washington into a political circus whether we like it or not.

Obama may have just solidified his position as the worst President in US history. Executive orders are not legacy items. They are temporary band aids to support a personal political position or view. This will be the same. Obama's legacy will remain as:

1. Obamacare - unpopular with 2/3 of the country and likely to spend the next 10-15 years being picked apart legislatively and judicially, as well as the target of countless defunding efforts about to begin, until it no longer looks the same.
2. The Stimulus/Bailout period - debate will rage for decades on if this actually worked because while we never entered a Depression, the economy never really recovered, having essentially flatlined.
3. The Worst Economic Recovery in 150 years - The economy continues to lag at a snail's pace, creating only part time jobs primarily while wages and other hard felt metrics plummet. Spin does not change what people feel.
4. Scandal - The President had been pulled into over a dozen scandals in, most of which will now assuredly involve two more years of investigation after this latest fight by Obama on Immigration. Expect two more years of even deeper diving into the IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, etc etc etc.
5. Partisanship - With Obama's inability to secure GOP support for even the simplest of his proposals and his unique approach of keeping the GOP out of the room at all during discussion, he secures himself as the most partisan President possibly in US history. A Divider of the populace.
6. Regulation - The President has buried massive amounts of the country under mountains of regulations in huge critical sectors like Health Care, Housing, Banking, Energy, etc. Many of these industries yet to see their tens of thousands of new rules being written and many granting sweeping powers to regulatory bodies that are currently on the Supreme Court's docket.
7. Negativity - 6 years into Obama's term, not one single metric shows a positive feeling toward the President or the perception of the country or its direction by the people.
8. Foreign Policy - You are hard pressed to find a single overseas relationship that views us in a more positive light since Obama has taken office. Perhaps Iran since we are trying to find a way to allow them to continue their nuclear weapons program. Russia is reconquering parts of allied nations. China has become more belligerent. ISIS has expanded to conquer two nations after we pulled out. And terrorism is creeping back into the US and overseas as the President strikes fear in the hearts of no one.

The list goes on and on and on. And we are now in a position to see the next two years where we could've turned a corner, turned a page, instead turn into what will be the biggest fight in the history of Washington. Spectacle and Constitutional battles like we've never seen for 100 years as the GOP tries to wrestle their authority and power back from a President drunk on power and angry with the American voter.

And so it begins...

his speechwriters dusted off President George W. Bush's 2006 speech on immigration, and built Obama's remarks around it. When Bush spoke from the Oval Office — to broadcast networks that didn't give Obama the same courtesy — a Republican House had passed an immigration bill stalled in the Republican Senate.
Bush, 2006: "Some in this country argue that the solution is to deport every illegal immigrant and that any proposal short of this amounts to amnesty. I disagree."

Obama, 2014: "I know some of the critics of this action call it amnesty. Well, it's not."
Bush, 2006: "There is a rational middle ground between granting an automatic path to citizenship for every illegal immigrant, and a program of mass deportation. That middle ground recognizes that there are differences between an illegal immigrant who crossed the border recently and someone who has worked here for many years, and has a home, a family, and an otherwise clean record."

Obama, 2014: "Mass deportation would be both impossible and contrary to our character. What I'm describing is accountability — a commonsense, middle-ground approach: If you meet the criteria, you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. If you're a criminal, you'll be deported."
Bush, 2006: "The vast majority of illegal immigrants are decent people who work hard, support their families, practice their faith, and lead responsible lives. They are a part of American life but they are beyond the reach and protection of American law."

Obama, 2014: "They work hard, often in tough, low-paying jobs. They support their families. They worship at our churches. ... As my predecessor, President Bush, once put it: 'They are a part of American life.'"
Will this Bush guy ever get voted out?

In a sign of the difficulties GOP leaders face in keeping their unruly caucus on-message, retiring tea party firebrand Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Wednesday that the immigrants given new protections by the president could become “illiterate” Democratic voters. “The social cost will be profound on the U.S. taxpayer — millions of unskilled, illiterate, foreign nationals coming into the United States who can’t speak the English language,” Bachmann told reporters at the Capitol. “Even though the president says they won’t be able to vote, we all know that many, in all likelihood, will vote.”
When asked by The Washington Post why she chose to use the word “illiterate” to describe a group of mostly Spanish-speaking workers, Bachmann said her view was informed by trips to the border.

“Some are, some aren’t,” Bachmann said of the literacy of illegal immigrants. “I’ve been down to the border. The reason why I would say that is I spent four days at the border and spoke to American Hispanics on the border. That’s what they told me. Those are not Michele Bachmann’s words, those words came from Hispanics who live on the border…. I’m not using a pejorative term against people who are non-American citizens. I’m only repeating what I heard from Hispanic Americans down at the border. That’s what they told me.”
gonna miss her, but we've still got Gohmert
Don't worry, this new woman Senator is coming- she sounds like Bachmann on speed. She worked on a farm as a pig castrator. And now she's comin' to Washington to "make em squeal!"
Kind of surprised to see this crap coming from you
Are you? Are you really? timschochet has become a caricature at this point. The guy that used to be mostly rational and calm has become the worst sort of populist that he claims to hate.

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Question for legal guys: what if the President simply pardoned all illegal immigrants? Could he do that?
Let's say he did. How does that help anyone? I believe that would only mean they couldn't be prosecuted or punished for the crime of crossing the border illegally. That wouldn't give them legal status going forward.

Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds
Besides the corruption, the majority of them are cowards and idiots. Plenty of bad to go around.

On topic:

About ####### time someone did something.
Why did Obama do nothing in 2009 & 2010 when he had total control? Why wait in 2012 when he was up for re-election? Why did he wait until after the most recent election? If this was so dear to him , so important why wait?
Or wait another 6 weeks until the new Congress is sworn in. He could have done this at any time.

I don't see how anyone doesn't question the timing here but as I said, the Republicans only have themselves to blame for their inaction. Yet Obama's followers are eating this up as a compassionate decision when it is purely a political one.

Great speech. One of his best, imo. And I agree with the plan.
IMO, after the beating he just took in the elections, he is doing this now to try and stay relevant..

In a sign of the difficulties GOP leaders face in keeping their unruly caucus on-message, retiring tea party firebrand Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Wednesday that the immigrants given new protections by the president could become illiterate Democratic voters. The social cost will be profound on the U.S. taxpayer millions of unskilled, illiterate, foreign nationals coming into the United States who cant speak the English language, Bachmann told reporters at the Capitol. Even though the president says they wont be able to vote, we all know that many, in all likelihood, will vote.
When asked by The Washington Post why she chose to use the word illiterate to describe a group of mostly Spanish-speaking workers, Bachmann said her view was informed by trips to the border.

Some are, some arent, Bachmann said of the literacy of illegal immigrants. Ive been down to the border. The reason why I would say that is I spent four days at the border and spoke to American Hispanics on the border. Thats what they told me. Those are not Michele Bachmanns words, those words came from Hispanics who live on the border. Im not using a pejorative term against people who are non-American citizens. Im only repeating what I heard from Hispanic Americans down at the border. Thats what they told me.
gonna miss her, but we've still got Gohmert
Don't worry, this new woman Senator is coming- she sounds like Bachmann on speed. She worked on a farm as a pig castrator. And now she's comin' to Washington to "make em squeal!"
Kind of surprised to see this crap coming from you
Are you? Are you really? timschochet has become a caricature at this point. The guy that used to be mostly rational and calm has become the worst sort of populist that he claims to hate.
I guess I still see him as the guy with the Peter O'Toole avatar. That was a long time ago.
ypu got that from one of those anti immigrant websites (there are dozens of them) and they're very misleading. Illegals represent a net benefit.
You keep saying that, yet you've never once been able to show a study with that conclusion...
I take it the 2013 CBO study doesn't count, correct?
Generally, I put little credence in anything the CBO says because of the constraints on the inputs they're allowed to use, but post a link and we'll see.

Real Americans gettin' riled up. With guns.

A Flint-area woman is facing charges after Secret Service agents caught her outside the White House with a gun.

April Lenhart, of Mount Morris, was taking part in a demonstration Thursday night as President Barack Obama addressed the nation on immigration, announcing plans to shield as many as 5 million immigrants from deportation. The 23-year-old woman was part of a group protesting along the north fence line of the White House complex when she was spotted by plainclothes agents.

“Secret Service noticed she had a gun in a holster attached to her hip,” said WWJ Legal Analyst Charlie Langton. “She was taken in for questioning and arrested when it was found out that she did not have a license to carry that firearm.”

Authorities have not yet discovered a possible motive for Lenhart to have the gun because she is reportedly not cooperating with investigators.
Thank god she's not cooperating with the uncostitutional laws and uncostitutional police.

Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds
Besides the corruption, the majority of them are cowards and idiots. Plenty of bad to go around.

On topic:

About ####### time someone did something.
Why did Obama do nothing in 2009 & 2010 when he had total control? Why wait in 2012 when he was up for re-election? Why did he wait until after the most recent election? If this was so dear to him , so important why wait?
Or wait another 6 weeks until the new Congress is sworn in. He could have done this at any time.

I don't see how anyone doesn't question the timing here but as I said, the Republicans only have themselves to blame for their inaction. Yet Obama's followers are eating this up as a compassionate decision when it is purely a political one.

Great speech. One of his best, imo. And I agree with the plan.
IMO, after the beating he just took in the elections, he is doing this now to try and stay relevant..
You mean the 36% of eligible voters in the country? The bulk of them either self-identified as "independents" and/or Republicans? Yes, Obama and the Dems got their comeuppance from an increasingly dissatisfied restive GOP base. In states where more Dem seats were up for grabs.When faith in gov't and, especially Congress, is at an all-time low. In mid-terms elections which tend to favor the GOP voter profile.

Hardly seems like a groundswell when one thinks about it in those terms.

Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds
Besides the corruption, the majority of them are cowards and idiots. Plenty of bad to go around.

On topic:

About ####### time someone did something.
Why did Obama do nothing in 2009 & 2010 when he had total control? Why wait in 2012 when he was up for re-election? Why did he wait until after the most recent election? If this was so dear to him , so important why wait?
Or wait another 6 weeks until the new Congress is sworn in. He could have done this at any time.

I don't see how anyone doesn't question the timing here but as I said, the Republicans only have themselves to blame for their inaction. Yet Obama's followers are eating this up as a compassionate decision when it is purely a political one.

Great speech. One of his best, imo. And I agree with the plan.
IMO, after the beating he just took in the elections, he is doing this now to try and stay relevant..
You mean the 36% of eligible voters in the country? The bulk of them either self-identified as "independents" and/or Republicans? Yes, Obama and the Dems got their comeuppance from an increasingly dissatisfied restive GOP base. In states where more Dem seats were up for grabs.When faith in gov't and, especially Congress, is at an all-time low. In mid-terms elections which tend to favor the GOP voter profile.

Hardly seems like a groundswell when one thinks about it in those terms.
:shrug: if the D's didn't want to vote, that's on them.. don't want to vote, then don't complain or try to justify the results

Did he say anything about the 90-99% of the population that has seemed to just vanished? (Although, I have to admit, it appears none of them were from New Jersey which is odd, because I have to think that if I have the power to remove 90-99% of the Earth's population without anyone saying boo about it I'd like to think that I would start in Newark and work my way south, but that's just me.)

Did he say anything about the 90-99% of the population that has seemed to just vanished? (Although, I have to admit, it appears none of them were from New Jersey which is odd, because I have to think that if I have the power to remove 90-99% of the Earth's population without anyone saying boo about it I'd like to think that I would start in Newark and work my way south, but that's just me.)
was it the Rapture? Maybe we've all been Left Behind.
In a sign of the difficulties GOP leaders face in keeping their unruly caucus on-message, retiring tea party firebrand Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Wednesday that the immigrants given new protections by the president could become illiterate Democratic voters. The social cost will be profound on the U.S. taxpayer millions of unskilled, illiterate, foreign nationals coming into the United States who cant speak the English language, Bachmann told reporters at the Capitol. Even though the president says they wont be able to vote, we all know that many, in all likelihood, will vote.
When asked by The Washington Post why she chose to use the word illiterate to describe a group of mostly Spanish-speaking workers, Bachmann said her view was informed by trips to the border.

Some are, some arent, Bachmann said of the literacy of illegal immigrants. Ive been down to the border. The reason why I would say that is I spent four days at the border and spoke to American Hispanics on the border. Thats what they told me. Those are not Michele Bachmanns words, those words came from Hispanics who live on the border. Im not using a pejorative term against people who are non-American citizens. Im only repeating what I heard from Hispanic Americans down at the border. Thats what they told me.
gonna miss her, but we've still got Gohmert
Don't worry, this new woman Senator is coming- she sounds like Bachmann on speed. She worked on a farm as a pig castrator. And now she's comin' to Washington to "make em squeal!"
Kind of surprised to see this crap coming from you
Are you? Are you really? timschochet has become a caricature at this point. The guy that used to be mostly rational and calm has become the worst sort of populist that he claims to hate.
Damn you insult me .So I am a populist for making fun of Joni Ernst? Have you read any of her comments?

Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds
Besides the corruption, the majority of them are cowards and idiots. Plenty of bad to go around.

On topic:

About ####### time someone did something.
Why did Obama do nothing in 2009 & 2010 when he had total control? Why wait in 2012 when he was up for re-election? Why did he wait until after the most recent election? If this was so dear to him , so important why wait?
Or wait another 6 weeks until the new Congress is sworn in. He could have done this at any time.

I don't see how anyone doesn't question the timing here but as I said, the Republicans only have themselves to blame for their inaction. Yet Obama's followers are eating this up as a compassionate decision when it is purely a political one.

Great speech. One of his best, imo. And I agree with the plan.
IMO, after the beating he just took in the elections, he is doing this now to try and stay relevant..
You mean the 36% of eligible voters in the country? The bulk of them either self-identified as "independents" and/or Republicans? Yes, Obama and the Dems got their comeuppance from an increasingly dissatisfied restive GOP base. In states where more Dem seats were up for grabs.When faith in gov't and, especially Congress, is at an all-time low. In mid-terms elections which tend to favor the GOP voter profile.

Hardly seems like a groundswell when one thinks about it in those terms.
:shrug: if the D's didn't want to vote, that's on them.. don't want to vote, then don't complain or try to justify the results
for my part, i'm not complaining about the results. it happens. good for the GOP. they get their chance at setting the agenda for the next couple of years. Obama stops being the wetnurse for the Dem party and gets a chance to close out his administration on his terms. i'm hoping we'll get a chance to see what kind of guy he is now that he's not responsible for his party's future.

In a sign of the difficulties GOP leaders face in keeping their unruly caucus on-message, retiring tea party firebrand Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Wednesday that the immigrants given new protections by the president could become “illiterate” Democratic voters. “The social cost will be profound on the U.S. taxpayer — millions of unskilled, illiterate, foreign nationals coming into the United States who can’t speak the English language,” Bachmann told reporters at the Capitol. “Even though the president says they won’t be able to vote, we all know that many, in all likelihood, will vote.”
When asked by The Washington Post why she chose to use the word “illiterate” to describe a group of mostly Spanish-speaking workers, Bachmann said her view was informed by trips to the border.

“Some are, some aren’t,” Bachmann said of the literacy of illegal immigrants. “I’ve been down to the border. The reason why I would say that is I spent four days at the border and spoke to American Hispanics on the border. That’s what they told me. Those are not Michele Bachmann’s words, those words came from Hispanics who live on the border…. I’m not using a pejorative term against people who are non-American citizens. I’m only repeating what I heard from Hispanic Americans down at the border. That’s what they told me.”
gonna miss her, but we've still got Gohmert
Don't worry, this new woman Senator is coming- she sounds like Bachmann on speed. She worked on a farm as a pig castrator. And now she's comin' to Washington to "make em squeal!"
Kind of surprised to see this crap coming from you
What crap? Have you heard this woman? She is an incredible embarrassment.

You spend a lot of time in this forum ripping Elizabeth Warren, and yet you ignore some of the really wacko fringe politicians, simply because they have an ® after their name.
This embarrassing woman of which you speak was valedictorian of her class in high school. She has a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. She was a lieutenant colonel in the military. But hone in on the "make 'em squeal" thing; that's what's important.

Valedictorian, you say? Of a high school with an enrollment of 130 people? Well, that changes my mind.

So, she was better in high school than, what, 44 other kids who had to go home and work on the farm daily? Damn. I've sorely misjudged her. If only her Masters was from a college started in 1958 as a junior college run out of a hosiery mill.

Hey apparently Ted Cruz is extremely bright too, if you listen to Alan Dershowitz. Doesn't keep him from saying crazy #### though.

Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds
Besides the corruption, the majority of them are cowards and idiots. Plenty of bad to go around.On topic:

About ####### time someone did something.
Why did Obama do nothing in 2009 & 2010 when he had total control? Why wait in 2012 when he was up for re-election? Why did he wait until after the most recent election? If this was so dear to him , so important why wait?
Or wait another 6 weeks until the new Congress is sworn in. He could have done this at any time.I don't see how anyone doesn't question the timing here but as I said, the Republicans only have themselves to blame for their inaction. Yet Obama's followers are eating this up as a compassionate decision when it is purely a political one.

Great speech. One of his best, imo. And I agree with the plan.
So the president was able to implement good policy that was also good politics? THAT *******!!

Despite the thread title I think what he's doing is entirely costitutional.
Is there an analysis on the costs? That would be interesting to see.
jonessed, you've been predicting that the GOP would respond by defunding this . But apparently they can't do so, because the ICE has spending power independent of Congress. So what now?
The usual. Huff and puff and say the word constitution a lot. The beltway hacks eat it up.

Good policy for who? Non citizens? The dem party by increasing their voting base? Certainly not good policy for law abiding, tax paying citizens.

Come on, we all kow the republicans don't want to close the borders. Mexican immigrant workers are willing to do more work for less money than their American counterparts. They are the backbone to a lot of business. It's all lip service. Just like abortion. Speaking of that, I'm sure we'll see a real push to end abortion now that the republicans control everything again, right? Like when they had every single branch tied up back during W's term and did nothing to repeal Roe v Wade.

It's all one big party, I don't see why people don't understand or internalize that. They have the same goals.

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John Boehner vows that Congress will stop Obama ... as soon as they get back from vacation

At a Friday morning press conference, Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner denounced President Obama's executive orders on immigration and vowed to do ... something. Said Boehner:

We will not stand idle as the president undermines the rule of law in our country and places lives at risk ... we’ll work to protect the Constitution of the United States.”

And then, with the rule of law, lives and the Constitution all at risk, Republicans headed out of town for their extended Thanksgiving vacation.
Would have had more respect for Obama if he would have just said, "It's a democrat voter registration".

It's not your fault, its the system. Don't even think about working, we will take care of you. So long as you vote for us.

Sadly too many Americans are all in on the previous.

Despite the thread title I think what he's doing is entirely costitutional.
Is there an analysis on the costs? That would be interesting to see.
jonessed, you've been predicting that the GOP would respond by defunding this . But apparently they can't do so, because the ICE has spending power independent of Congress. So what now?
They can defund the ability to give out work permits, SSN, etc. through USCIS.
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