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Obama To Announce Uncostitutional Amnesty (1 Viewer)

Didn't Reagan do this?
Yes, but Republicans want to think because it is Obama doing it, that it is not the same! Also President Bush has done it as well, but they were Republicans so it was ok!
I believe those guys signed a bill passed by congress while Obama is acting unilaterally...that is a huge difference...
Reagan and Bush acted when Congress did not pass a law.

If the only people who saw this speech are Latinos and the frothers on the right someone in the WH deserves a raise.

Wish Obama had come to Washington with this sort of thing, but, alas, he wasted six years trying to get Republicans to pass Republican ideas.

If the Republicans want to defeat the Democrats on this issue, they can come out right now and pass their own immigration plan that includes a path to citizenship for illegals. That will silence Obama, it will divide the Latino vote now and for the future, it will save the future of the GOP. But they'll never do it.

Nice piece looking at the Reagan/Bush executive order amnesty and how it's the same/different from Obama's proposed executive order amnesty.
Some conservatives, including Gabriel Malor of the Federalist, have said that Congress just made a mistake in 1986 when it passed the Reagan immigration bill. They didn't mean to leave out spouses and children, they just "had not considered and not included" them. So Reagan, and Bush after him, were just dealing with unintended consequences of a bill Congress had recently passed — making it different from Obama's actions today.

That's in line with how Sen. Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, characterized the law in 1987; the New York Times (as highlighted by Malor), paraphrasing Schumer, said that Congress kept the law "deliberately vague."

But when the Senate Judiciary Committee sent the Reagan bill to the full Senate, it wasn't vague at all — despite what Schumer claimed later. It made it clear that it didn't intend to legalize the families of IRCA beneficiaries. Here's what the Judiciary Committee report said (as quoted, in full, in a court case from 1988, in which an IRCA applicant's spouse was denied relief):

It is the intent of the Committee that the families of legalized aliens will obtain no special petitioning right by virtue of the legalization. They will be required to "wait in line" in the same manner as immediate family members of other new resident aliens.
The executive actions that Reagan and Bush took didn't let anyone jump the line — they just allowed them to stay in the US until they could actually get in line for legal status. But it's worth noting that the people Reagan and Bush protected had specifically been left out.
If the only people who saw this speech are Latinos and the frothers on the right someone in the WH deserves a raise.

Wish Obama had come to Washington with this sort of thing, but, alas, he wasted six years trying to get Republicans to pass Republican ideas.
Except...for...the part when the entire federal government was run by he Democratic Party in 2008. Except for that.

Well, I guess this is where we find out if the ends justify the means.

I don't think anyone in this thread has the slightest idea how bat-#### crazy things are going to get over the next two years, now.

See you in six months when Congress is trying to ram an ACA repeal through a Presidential veto.

Well, I guess this is where we find out if the ends justify the means.

I don't think anyone in this thread has the slightest idea how bat-#### crazy things are going to get over the next two years, now.

See you in six months when Congress is trying to ram an ACA repeal through a Presidential veto.
So much to repeal, so little time. And not enough votes.

This is a highly entertaining time. So much anger, anger that needs to be catered to by newly elected new congresspeople. Who can't begin to agree what to do.

I see one senator's suggesting violence by not suggesting violence.

Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn warns there could be not only a political firestorm but acts of civil disobedience and even violence in reaction to President Obama's executive order on immigration Thursday."The country's going to go nuts, because they're going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president, and it's going to be a very serious situation," Coburn said on Capital Download. "You're going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. ... You could see violence."
I guess police departments will be wheeling out that military hardware in advance of all this violence.

This is a highly entertaining time. So much anger, anger that needs to be catered to by newly elected new congresspeople. Who can't begin to agree what to do.

I see one senator's suggesting violence by not suggesting violence.

Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn warns there could be not only a political firestorm but acts of civil disobedience and even violence in reaction to President Obama's executive order on immigration Thursday."The country's going to go nuts, because they're going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president, and it's going to be a very serious situation," Coburn said on Capital Download. "You're going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. ... You could see violence."
I guess police departments will be wheeling out that military hardware in advance of all this violence.
They'll need to deal with the Ferguson, etc. violence first.

This is a highly entertaining time. So much anger, anger that needs to be catered to by newly elected new congresspeople. Who can't begin to agree what to do.

I see one senator's suggesting violence by not suggesting violence.

Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn warns there could be not only a political firestorm but acts of civil disobedience and even violence in reaction to President Obama's executive order on immigration Thursday."The country's going to go nuts, because they're going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president, and it's going to be a very serious situation," Coburn said on Capital Download. "You're going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. ... You could see violence."
I guess police departments will be wheeling out that military hardware in advance of all this violence.
Can you imagine if some well known liberal had said that unless Darren Wilson is indicted, there will be anarchy and violence in Ferguson? The conservatives here and elsewhere would destroy him. And they'd be right.

This is a highly entertaining time. So much anger, anger that needs to be catered to by newly elected new congresspeople. Who can't begin to agree what to do.

I see one senator's suggesting violence by not suggesting violence.

Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn warns there could be not only a political firestorm but acts of civil disobedience and even violence in reaction to President Obama's executive order on immigration Thursday."The country's going to go nuts, because they're going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president, and it's going to be a very serious situation," Coburn said on Capital Download. "You're going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. ... You could see violence."
I guess police departments will be wheeling out that military hardware in advance of all this violence.
Can you imagine if some well known liberal had said that unless Darren Wilson is indicted, there will be anarchy and violence in Ferguson? The conservatives here and elsewhere would destroy him. And they'd be right.
If it was Al Sharpton, the sound of all the conservative heads exploding would be louder than Krakatoa.

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Congress has been too concerned with getting reelected to do their jobs, so he stepped up and did it. It's the right thing to do.

Congress has been too concerned with getting reelected to do their jobs, so he stepped up and did it. It's the right thing to do.
Funny that Harry Reid employed a strategy to not pass bills so the could protect their senate jobs. But thats A-OK if you have a D behind your name.Right?

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Congress has been too concerned with getting reelected to do their jobs, so he stepped up and did it. It's the right thing to do.
Funny that Harry Reid employed a strategy to not pass bills so the could protect their senate jobs. But thats A-OK if you have a D behind your name.Right?
Here's a tip, and it goes for liberals AND conservatives: "That's a double standard!" is NEVER a good argument.

Congress has been too concerned with getting reelected to do their jobs, so he stepped up and did it. It's the right thing to do.
Funny that Harry Reid employed a strategy to not pass bills so the could protect their senate jobs. But thats A-OK if you have a D behind your name.Right?
Here's a tip, and it goes for liberals AND conservatives: "That's a double standard!" is NEVER a good argument.
Except, of course...when there are two different standards.

In a sign of the difficulties GOP leaders face in keeping their unruly caucus on-message, retiring tea party firebrand Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Wednesday that the immigrants given new protections by the president could become “illiterate” Democratic voters. “The social cost will be profound on the U.S. taxpayer — millions of unskilled, illiterate, foreign nationals coming into the United States who can’t speak the English language,” Bachmann told reporters at the Capitol. “Even though the president says they won’t be able to vote, we all know that many, in all likelihood, will vote.”
When asked by The Washington Post why she chose to use the word “illiterate” to describe a group of mostly Spanish-speaking workers, Bachmann said her view was informed by trips to the border.

“Some are, some aren’t,” Bachmann said of the literacy of illegal immigrants. “I’ve been down to the border. The reason why I would say that is I spent four days at the border and spoke to American Hispanics on the border. That’s what they told me. Those are not Michele Bachmann’s words, those words came from Hispanics who live on the border…. I’m not using a pejorative term against people who are non-American citizens. I’m only repeating what I heard from Hispanic Americans down at the border. That’s what they told me.”

In a sign of the difficulties GOP leaders face in keeping their unruly caucus on-message, retiring tea party firebrand Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Wednesday that the immigrants given new protections by the president could become “illiterate” Democratic voters. “The social cost will be profound on the U.S. taxpayer — millions of unskilled, illiterate, foreign nationals coming into the United States who can’t speak the English language,” Bachmann told reporters at the Capitol. “Even though the president says they won’t be able to vote, we all know that many, in all likelihood, will vote.”
When asked by The Washington Post why she chose to use the word “illiterate” to describe a group of mostly Spanish-speaking workers, Bachmann said her view was informed by trips to the border.

“Some are, some aren’t,” Bachmann said of the literacy of illegal immigrants. “I’ve been down to the border. The reason why I would say that is I spent four days at the border and spoke to American Hispanics on the border. That’s what they told me. Those are not Michele Bachmann’s words, those words came from Hispanics who live on the border…. I’m not using a pejorative term against people who are non-American citizens. I’m only repeating what I heard from Hispanic Americans down at the border. That’s what they told me.”
gonna miss her, but we've still got Gohmert
In a sign of the difficulties GOP leaders face in keeping their unruly caucus on-message, retiring tea party firebrand Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Wednesday that the immigrants given new protections by the president could become “illiterate” Democratic voters. “The social cost will be profound on the U.S. taxpayer — millions of unskilled, illiterate, foreign nationals coming into the United States who can’t speak the English language,” Bachmann told reporters at the Capitol. “Even though the president says they won’t be able to vote, we all know that many, in all likelihood, will vote.”
When asked by The Washington Post why she chose to use the word “illiterate” to describe a group of mostly Spanish-speaking workers, Bachmann said her view was informed by trips to the border.

“Some are, some aren’t,” Bachmann said of the literacy of illegal immigrants. “I’ve been down to the border. The reason why I would say that is I spent four days at the border and spoke to American Hispanics on the border. That’s what they told me. Those are not Michele Bachmann’s words, those words came from Hispanics who live on the border…. I’m not using a pejorative term against people who are non-American citizens. I’m only repeating what I heard from Hispanic Americans down at the border. That’s what they told me.”
gonna miss her, but we've still got Gohmert
Don't worry, this new woman Senator is coming- she sounds like Bachmann on speed. She worked on a farm as a pig castrator. And now she's comin' to Washington to "make em squeal!"

Breitbart readers are loving Senator Coburn.

I'm afraid you could be right. This might just be the straw that Breaks the camel's back. With something like 73% against it, I could see this being another "shot heard round the world", and the beginning of the 2nd Revolution.

He should be careful what he asks for - He might just get it!

“If Obama announces executive amnesty and the House passes an omnibus with no language blocking it, there will be no Senate vote, because conservatives will burn down the Capitol,” the aide said. When asked to clarify if he was serious they’d burn the building to the ground—or if he was speaking metaphorically—the aide said “open rebellion.”
Is OUR President a clear and present danger to the Constitutional authority of Congress? Or is he just a black untouchable PC criminal that wants to remain relevant in a country where the people REJECT his overreaching authority?

We only have the RINOs and Democrats to blame now for allowing it to get this bad before actually ACTING in the American public's interest.
Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds
Besides the corruption, the majority of them are cowards and idiots. Plenty of bad to go around.

On topic:

About ####### time someone did something.
Why did Obama do nothing in 2009 & 2010 when he had total control? Why wait in 2012 when he was up for re-election? Why did he wait until after the most recent election? If this was so dear to him , so important why wait?

In a sign of the difficulties GOP leaders face in keeping their unruly caucus on-message, retiring tea party firebrand Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Wednesday that the immigrants given new protections by the president could become “illiterate” Democratic voters. “The social cost will be profound on the U.S. taxpayer — millions of unskilled, illiterate, foreign nationals coming into the United States who can’t speak the English language,” Bachmann told reporters at the Capitol. “Even though the president says they won’t be able to vote, we all know that many, in all likelihood, will vote.”
When asked by The Washington Post why she chose to use the word “illiterate” to describe a group of mostly Spanish-speaking workers, Bachmann said her view was informed by trips to the border.

“Some are, some aren’t,” Bachmann said of the literacy of illegal immigrants. “I’ve been down to the border. The reason why I would say that is I spent four days at the border and spoke to American Hispanics on the border. That’s what they told me. Those are not Michele Bachmann’s words, those words came from Hispanics who live on the border…. I’m not using a pejorative term against people who are non-American citizens. I’m only repeating what I heard from Hispanic Americans down at the border. That’s what they told me.”
gonna miss her, but we've still got Gohmert
Don't worry, this new woman Senator is coming- she sounds like Bachmann on speed. She worked on a farm as a pig castrator. And now she's comin' to Washington to "make em squeal!"
Kind of surprised to see this crap coming from you

Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds

Myself, and other progressives here, have often been critical of Obama regarding his actions on civil liberties and criminal justice, particularly surveillance and due process. And I have said numerous times that I am appalled that a former constitutional law professor would keep the prisoners at Guantanamo in legal limbo for years or would kill U.S. citizens who have not been charged or convicted of any crime in a drone strike.

Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds

Myself, and other progressives here, have often been critical of Obama regarding his actions on civil liberties and criminal justice, particularly surveillance and due process. And I have said numerous times that I am appalled that a former constitutional law professor would keep the prisoners at Guantanamo in legal limbo for years or would kill U.S. citizens who have not been charged or convicted of any crime in a drone strike.
I imagine even if you were POTUS you'd keep Guantanamo in business

In a sign of the difficulties GOP leaders face in keeping their unruly caucus on-message, retiring tea party firebrand Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Wednesday that the immigrants given new protections by the president could become “illiterate” Democratic voters. “The social cost will be profound on the U.S. taxpayer — millions of unskilled, illiterate, foreign nationals coming into the United States who can’t speak the English language,” Bachmann told reporters at the Capitol. “Even though the president says they won’t be able to vote, we all know that many, in all likelihood, will vote.”
When asked by The Washington Post why she chose to use the word “illiterate” to describe a group of mostly Spanish-speaking workers, Bachmann said her view was informed by trips to the border.

“Some are, some aren’t,” Bachmann said of the literacy of illegal immigrants. “I’ve been down to the border. The reason why I would say that is I spent four days at the border and spoke to American Hispanics on the border. That’s what they told me. Those are not Michele Bachmann’s words, those words came from Hispanics who live on the border…. I’m not using a pejorative term against people who are non-American citizens. I’m only repeating what I heard from Hispanic Americans down at the border. That’s what they told me.”
gonna miss her, but we've still got Gohmert
Don't worry, this new woman Senator is coming- she sounds like Bachmann on speed. She worked on a farm as a pig castrator. And now she's comin' to Washington to "make em squeal!"
Kind of surprised to see this crap coming from you
What crap? Have you heard this woman? She is an incredible embarrassment.

You spend a lot of time in this forum ripping Elizabeth Warren, and yet you ignore some of the really wacko fringe politicians, simply because they have an ® after their name.

In a sign of the difficulties GOP leaders face in keeping their unruly caucus on-message, retiring tea party firebrand Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Wednesday that the immigrants given new protections by the president could become “illiterate” Democratic voters. “The social cost will be profound on the U.S. taxpayer — millions of unskilled, illiterate, foreign nationals coming into the United States who can’t speak the English language,” Bachmann told reporters at the Capitol. “Even though the president says they won’t be able to vote, we all know that many, in all likelihood, will vote.”
When asked by The Washington Post why she chose to use the word “illiterate” to describe a group of mostly Spanish-speaking workers, Bachmann said her view was informed by trips to the border.

“Some are, some aren’t,” Bachmann said of the literacy of illegal immigrants. “I’ve been down to the border. The reason why I would say that is I spent four days at the border and spoke to American Hispanics on the border. That’s what they told me. Those are not Michele Bachmann’s words, those words came from Hispanics who live on the border…. I’m not using a pejorative term against people who are non-American citizens. I’m only repeating what I heard from Hispanic Americans down at the border. That’s what they told me.”
gonna miss her, but we've still got Gohmert
Don't worry, this new woman Senator is coming- she sounds like Bachmann on speed. She worked on a farm as a pig castrator. And now she's comin' to Washington to "make em squeal!"
Kind of surprised to see this crap coming from you
What crap? Have you heard this woman? She is an incredible embarrassment.

You spend a lot of time in this forum ripping Elizabeth Warren, and yet you ignore some of the really wacko fringe politicians, simply because they have an ® after their name.
First of all I'm a fellow Independent . I'll give you a mulligan as you are probably full of cheer tonight

Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds

Myself, and other progressives here, have often been critical of Obama regarding his actions on civil liberties and criminal justice, particularly surveillance and due process. And I have said numerous times that I am appalled that a former constitutional law professor would keep the prisoners at Guantanamo in legal limbo for years or would kill U.S. citizens who have not been charged or convicted of any crime in a drone strike.
I imagine even if you were POTUS you'd keep Guantanamo in business
Not a chance. They would be brought to trial in this country and either convicted and sent to prison or acquitted by a jury (and the government has a good record in recent years with jury trials of terrorists).

Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds

Myself, and other progressives here, have often been critical of Obama regarding his actions on civil liberties and criminal justice, particularly surveillance and due process. And I have said numerous times that I am appalled that a former constitutional law professor would keep the prisoners at Guantanamo in legal limbo for years or would kill U.S. citizens who have not been charged or convicted of any crime in a drone strike.
I imagine even if you were POTUS you'd keep Guantanamo in business
Not a chance. They would be brought to trial in this country and either convicted and sent to prison or acquitted by a jury (and the government has a good record in recent years with jury trials of terrorists).
i have a feeling after you were briefed much like BO you would have a change of heart. But could be wrong , I just think there are very compelling reasons why he hasn't

Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds
Besides the corruption, the majority of them are cowards and idiots. Plenty of bad to go around.

On topic:

About ####### time someone did something.
Why did Obama do nothing in 2009 & 2010 when he had total control? Why wait in 2012 when he was up for re-election? Why did he wait until after the most recent election? If this was so dear to him , so important why wait?
Maybe he thought given 6 ####### years half of the people elected to represent the people of this country would actually do something or even pretend to do something, but they can't even do that.

Will be an interesting election in 2016, after healthcare reform, immigration reform and marriage reform. Hell, might even be on our way to legalizing marijuana. Not only without the help of the conservatives, but in spite of their best efforts to make sure nothing got done.

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Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds

Myself, and other progressives here, have often been critical of Obama regarding his actions on civil liberties and criminal justice, particularly surveillance and due process. And I have said numerous times that I am appalled that a former constitutional law professor would keep the prisoners at Guantanamo in legal limbo for years or would kill U.S. citizens who have not been charged or convicted of any crime in a drone strike.
I imagine even if you were POTUS you'd keep Guantanamo in business
Not a chance. They would be brought to trial in this country and either convicted and sent to prison or acquitted by a jury (and the government has a good record in recent years with jury trials of terrorists).
i have a feeling after you were briefed much like BO you would have a change of heart. But could be wrong , I just think there are very compelling reasons why he hasn't
You are wrong. Compelling reasons (which does not apply here with people languishing in prison for almost a decade) can not justify the president disregarding due process of law, as provided by The Constitution and is a concept that goes back to The Magna Carta.

Serious question, by naturalizing folks we are already paying social services to, can we grow the tax base and cover social security with the influx of cash?

Most foreigners here are here to work

Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds
Besides the corruption, the majority of them are cowards and idiots. Plenty of bad to go around.

On topic:

About ####### time someone did something.
Why did Obama do nothing in 2009 & 2010 when he had total control? Why wait in 2012 when he was up for re-election? Why did he wait until after the most recent election? If this was so dear to him , so important why wait?
Maybe he thought given 6 ####### years half of the people elected to represent the people of this country would actually do something or even pretend to do something, but they can't even do that.
With Harry Reid gone from a leadership role, plenty will get passed in the next two years. He has been covering Obamas worthless butt for two years now. More will be going to the presidents desk than the last 6 years combined. He will have to veto his ### off.

Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds

Myself, and other progressives here, have often been critical of Obama regarding his actions on civil liberties and criminal justice, particularly surveillance and due process. And I have said numerous times that I am appalled that a former constitutional law professor would keep the prisoners at Guantanamo in legal limbo for years or would kill U.S. citizens who have not been charged or convicted of any crime in a drone strike.
I imagine even if you were POTUS you'd keep Guantanamo in business
Not a chance. They would be brought to trial in this country and either convicted and sent to prison or acquitted by a jury (and the government has a good record in recent years with jury trials of terrorists).
Trial in this country? So you would basically have all the evidence collected against them thrown out because it was not properly collected and their Miranda rights were violated. The only way to put these people on trial would be a military tribunal

Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds

Myself, and other progressives here, have often been critical of Obama regarding his actions on civil liberties and criminal justice, particularly surveillance and due process. And I have said numerous times that I am appalled that a former constitutional law professor would keep the prisoners at Guantanamo in legal limbo for years or would kill U.S. citizens who have not been charged or convicted of any crime in a drone strike.
I imagine even if you were POTUS you'd keep Guantanamo in business
Not a chance. They would be brought to trial in this country and either convicted and sent to prison or acquitted by a jury (and the government has a good record in recent years with jury trials of terrorists).
Trial in this country? So you would basically have all the evidence collected against them thrown out because it was not properly collected and their Miranda rights were violated. The only way to put these people on trial would be a military tribunal
All the evidence? Every single piece? No documentation of that, particularly since most haven't been charged with anything yet. With no charges brought it is all just speculation what case if any the government has against them. As noted before, terrorists have been tried here in recent years and have been convicted despite not all the evidence against them being admissible.

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Is that supposed to counter my point?
more like a pox on both of their houses but PROGRESSIVES never see any bad from Ds
Besides the corruption, the majority of them are cowards and idiots. Plenty of bad to go around.

On topic:

About ####### time someone did something.
Why did Obama do nothing in 2009 & 2010 when he had total control? Why wait in 2012 when he was up for re-election? Why did he wait until after the most recent election? If this was so dear to him , so important why wait?
i like it when you're deliberately obtuse. it makes the bait that much more stinky.


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