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***Official 1/6 Select Committee thread*** (1 Viewer)

Hey, so when we dismiss "unnamed sources within the Secret Service" that allegedly contradicted the testimony, we cannot then flip around and pound our chest about "unnamed sources within the Secret Service" that support the testimony.

Neither tidbit should carry any weight. People need to get under oath and give their testimony, either way.
The only dismissing being done is by MAGA sheep. 

Tony Ornato, come on down! Be heard! 

Also, Tony Ornato: Not in Secret Service on January 6th. He was a Trump appointee White House Aide. 


NEWS: The Jan. 6 select committee has interviewed Trump White House aide Tony ORNATO twice, once in January, once in March. 

His answers in the Jan. interview drew skepticism from the panel and is partly behind some members'efforts to attack his credibility.

Among things Ornato told the committee in Jan:

-Trump may not have known Pence was in the Capitol when he tweeted his 2:24pm attack on the VP. That's partly because, Ornato said, he had told Meadows (incorrectly) that Pence had been evacuated to his residence. 

The panel also asked Ornato whether Trump could have more forecfully told rioters to go home at 3:13pm, when he instead urged them to "remain peaceful" (the violence had gone on for hours).

Ornato said Trump had done everything he could and nothing he did/said would have helped.

Details from Ornato's first interview come amid an effort by the committee to portray him as unreliable. Anonymously sourced reports suggest Ornato is prepared to testify that a key element of Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony was false -- but Ornato has not spoken publicly yet. 

moleculo said:
why has his testimony not been made public (or has it?)

it feels like selective information release, designed to paint the proceeding in a pre-determined way.  The committee would have a lot more credibility if they put it all out there.
I agree with this.  And that they need to call Ornato (who is completely untrustworthy, but whatever) and the 2 SS agents.  If they don’t, they lose credibility. 

The people in charge of security at the Capitol (the Capitol Police and Congree who has authority over them) would have to approve having the gaurd present.  
I’ve got some swamp land to sell you if you believe Trump tries to get the NG to protect the Capitol.  Wow.  

Pretty hilarious.

The Biden "Best Ever" thread is perpetually crickets when it comes to liberals posting...but of course anything Trump-related becomes en fuego within minutes.
You typically don't get people arguing that inflation isn't high, Biden trolling on Twitter creating countless topics, or folks pumping up Biden as some action figure. I think that contributes quite a bit.

Trump just provides a welcome distraction from the Biden train wreck.
Well there you go. You answered your question. Part of Trump's crazyness was by design I assume.

People then arguing he didn't really mean this or that or he didn't really say he wanted to overturn the election it generates posts.

Real question:

Do you want the chosen leader of your tribe to win no matter what, or because he or she or other has the best ideas and convinced more Americans to vote for him/her/other?

Because for me, democracy matters so much more than whatever tribal affiliations are. And what has happened, and continues to happen with Trump, is simply untenable. I won't drop it until he's criminally charged. Anything short of that is encouraging more of this anti-democratic behavior moving forward, which will eventually destroy this nation.
I want everything above board and legal,controversy sucks 

i already explained im not thinking about the last election anymore, im looking forward
With that mindset do you put equal value into the thinking that "the election was stolen" with hearings to investigating Trump's role in attempting to overturn the election as well as the Jan 6th riots? 

With that mindset do you put equal value into the thinking that "the election was stolen" with hearings to investigating Trump's role in attempting to overturn the election as well as the Jan 6th riots? 
Ive been invested in Trump as i voted for him so im somewhat interested in the outcome of the hearings and what they can prove or not prove , while i believe some of the testimony i also think there is some added ''flavor'' for effect . This commision does not want Trump to be able to run in 2024 and they are pulling out all the stops . Im waiting for the all the evidence before i make a stance,but if he is guilty ill call him guilty ,if it looks like what ive explained in the other post than i want everyone to move on .

Ive been invested in Trump as i voted for him so im somewhat interested in the outcome of the hearings and what they can prove or not prove , while i believe some of the testimony i also think there is some added ''flavor'' for effect . This commision does not want Trump to be able to run in 2024 and they are pulling out all the stops . Im waiting for the all the evidence before i make a stance,but if he is guilty ill call him guilty ,if it looks like what ive explained in the other post than i want everyone to move on .
Fair enough. 

Although I am not really sure what else needs to be proven (and Trump continues to say the election was stolen from him). 

This person shouldn't be allowed to run for or hold a position in our Government.

Ive been invested in Trump as i voted for him so im somewhat interested in the outcome of the hearings and what they can prove or not prove , while i believe some of the testimony i also think there is some added ''flavor'' for effect . This commision does not want Trump to be able to run in 2024 and they are pulling out all the stops . Im waiting for the all the evidence before i make a stance,but if he is guilty ill call him guilty ,if it looks like what ive explained in the other post than i want everyone to move on .
Seems plenty of evidence has been presented in both impeachments…thus far by the committee…and just overall as far as how awful a person he is and unfit for office.

Guilty?  What will it take for you to call him that?  A conviction only?

Yes he did not accept the results as many of us didnt ,it looked shady and some of it still does . The pandemic was used to literally change voting laws , so people were already sceptical . It didnt take much to convince people on the right that there may have been cheating. So far it hasnt been proven . I dont even think about that anymore and have moved on .
Went to court 60 plus times, and nothing, but you still don't accept. You have questions. Some things look shady. 

Meantime, if they had anything on Trump, it would be in court, like that's the final word. 

Hey, if they tried Trump 60 times in court, and didn't find anything, and I still had questions, what would you say?

Went to court 60 plus times, and nothing, but you still don't accept. You have questions. Some things look shady. 

Meantime, if they had anything on Trump, it would be in court, like that's the final word. 

Hey, if they tried Trump 60 times in court, and didn't find anything, and I still had questions, what would you say?

English, please.

Went to court 60 plus times, and nothing, but you still don't accept. You have questions. Some things look shady. 

Meantime, if they had anything on Trump, it would be in court, like that's the final word. 

Hey, if they tried Trump 60 times in court, and didn't find anything, and I still had questions, what would you say?
They got Nixon in one shot , they had enough to make him resign . Trump fought back and was acquitted ...twice no less . 

Either he`s the real teflon Don or he wasnt guilty ''enough'' to get him to follow Nixons footsteps . 

Is court the end all be all< hell no and i never said that. If a crime is committed and you can prove it in court then do so and take your best shot. Clearly whatever fraud they were seeking to expose wasnt enough to warrant a courtrooms attention. Doesnt mean fraud isnt a real thing . I already said i didnt think there was enough to win trump the election

They got Nixon in one shot , they had enough to make him resign . Trump fought back and was acquitted ...twice no less . 

Either he`s the real teflon Don or he wasnt guilty ''enough'' to get him to follow Nixons footsteps . 

Is court the end all be all< hell no and i never said that. If a crime is committed and you can prove it in court then do so and take your best shot. Clearly whatever fraud they were seeking to expose wasnt enough to warrant a courtrooms attention. Doesnt mean fraud isnt a real thing . I already said i didnt think there was enough to win trump the election
Nixon resigned, right?

In any case Trump’s second impeachment he survived because he was no longer Prez at least that’s the line Mitch used. 

That’s some crazy thinking in my mind and obviously hyper-partisan. 

They got Nixon in one shot , they had enough to make him resign
We passed Nixon level of proof with the "All I need you to say is the election was stolen and me and the GOP reps will take care of the rest"  comment. :shrug:

ETA:  The only meaningful difference between the two is with Nixon it was on tape and Trump's comments are corroborated by several people all on the call/meeting when he said it.  

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Hey, so when we dismiss "unnamed sources within the Secret Service" that allegedly contradicted the testimony, we cannot then flip around and pound our chest about "unnamed sources within the Secret Service" that support the testimony.

Neither tidbit should carry any weight. People need to get under oath and give their testimony, either way.
Excellent point.  I have a feeling we'll be seeing SS agents not named Engel or Ornato under oath first, but I may well be wrong too.

Well, it’s a word that’s been around for a while. I even used a form of it as a lyric in a Southern Slang original!

Well you’re a shameless silver-tounged sympathy-getter
Who never learned to be alone
A sycophantic faux-romantic always lookin’ for better
A long way gone from a life of your own

Bringin’ nothin’ to the table but a song and a story
And the finest chassis money can buy
A histrionic siliconic hung up on former glory
A long way gone from bein’ alive
I like it….but it’s no Don’t Fear the Pooper.  

Ive been invested in Trump as i voted for him so im somewhat interested in the outcome of the hearings and what they can prove or not prove , while i believe some of the testimony i also think there is some added ''flavor'' for effect . This commision does not want Trump to be able to run in 2024 and they are pulling out all the stops . Im waiting for the all the evidence before i make a stance,but if he is guilty ill call him guilty ,if it looks like what ive explained in the other post than i want everyone to move on .
It's over. He's innocent. These failures are running a clown show for bigger clowns watching at home. 

There were something like 60 lawsuits that were all tossed, numerous recounts, etc.

What else are you looking for?
This is the equivalent of clueless Bill Barr saying there wasn't enough fraud a month after the big steal. 

But we have a much clearer picture now don't we?  #2kmules

Real question:

Do you want the chosen leader of your tribe to win no matter what, or because he or she or other has the best ideas and convinced more Americans to vote for him/her/other?

Because for me, democracy matters so much more than whatever tribal affiliations are. And what has happened, and continues to happen with Trump, is simply untenable. I won't drop it until he's criminally charged. Anything short of that is encouraging more of this anti-democratic behavior moving forward, which will eventually destroy this nation.
The D party over the last 5 years has all but destroyed this country and have 4-6 more months of destruction ahead. The Russia hoax, the Covid lies, and a stolen election will forever be a stain on America. Not to mention horrible policies. 

The D party over the last 5 years has all but destroyed this country and have 4-6 more months of destruction ahead. The Russia hoax, the Covid lies, and a stolen election will forever be a stain on America. Not to mention horrible policies. 

We passed Nixon level of proof with the "All I need you to say is the election was stolen and me and the GOP reps will take care of the rest"  comment. :shrug:

ETA:  The only meaningful difference between the two is with Nixon it was on tape and Trump's comments are corroborated by several people all on the call/meeting when he said it.  
Then this hearing should be a slam dunk 

The documentary that has the D party so terrified they're using all their power to discredit, which thankfully has been unsuccessful so far. 
Nobody is terrified of that bogus “documentary “.  Its been discredited because its absolutely ridiculous and devoid of facts and evidence supporting its so called conclusions.


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