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***Official 2024 Footballguy T-Shirt Exchange ***DEADLINE EXTENDED TO SEPTEMBER 30*** (1 Viewer)

Just a heads-up, the completion of my assignment may come at the VERY end of the cutoff. I am trying to get my hands on some "schwag" that is 100% necessary and will be doing shirt shopping in the next 7-10 days. Apologies in advance.
We have a lot of slackers this year (myself included)...

I have extended the deadline to September 30, so everyone should have plenty of time now. Please make sure your loot is sent by then, and if you can't send for some reason, let me know ASAP and we can find an alternate sender.
Package headed Cali way

USPS tracking: 9534614608814258835921

Spreadsheet will not allow me to enter any info, so if anyone has ideas as to why, feel free to share. Probably because I am a dumb ***:)
Goods purchased and spent the weekend trying to find a right sized box... Amazon delivery yesterday to the rescue. Packaging up tonight and will be headed out west tomorrow.
Critical schwag purchased online today, getting one shirt this weekend and another shirt and some grog next Tuesday and will be able to ship after that!

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