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Official Donald Trump for President thread (4 Viewers)

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If Trump is the one to pass the next justice the court will be illegitimate to half the country.

Don't know why this is not a major issue.  It will be.  Everyone just assumes a Democrat will put forth the next justice.

If not, it will have major ramifications.  Checks and balances will be tainted.  Most dangerous issue on the table.

If Trump is the one to pass the next justice the court will be illegitimate to half the country........ Everyone just assumes a Democrat will put forth the next justice.

If not, it will have major ramifications.  Checks and balances will be tainted......
Liberal logic. 

That's an argument to vote out every incumbent, not to vote for a third party candidate.
I think a two party system where both parties could be legitimately considered by people in the middle is best for the country. We need strong parties on both sides. Either of them being controlled by the fringes and giving too much power to the other party is really bad. 

I think both parties are in trouble due to some extreme people. I think the republican party is so stuck in the past and under siege by both too far religious right AND the tea party/Trump type folks, that it needs to split up, fight it out, and then a new party emerge. Otherwise it's going to be democrat control for a long time, especially after this election and the damage trump may do down ticket. 

I legitimately think that the GOP convention may drag them all down instead of there being a bump. Crazy times. 

But beyond whom I'm rooting for (obviously Hillary), the disparate nature of the polls fascinates me. Take Pennsylvania. Quinnipiac has Trump and Clinton tied, with a 3 point margin of error. NBC has Clinton up by 9 points with a 3 point margin of error. Both polls taken the same day.

I took statistics in college. I vaguely remember it now, but this should not be happening. Just how accurate is the science of sampling? 
Silver had a really good article on those Quinnipiac polls today.


Essentially, Quinnipiac is a solid pollster and their newest polls should be taken seriously. 538 has Trump's odds increasing from 22 to 29% day over day.

Troubling CBS/NYT poll this morning showing the race dead even.

On the bright side we get a whole week of making Tim Tebow jokes now that he's speaking at the RNC, which is just outstanding.

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I'm not laughing.
There's definitely troubling polling news this week, which was kind of to be expected after the Comey announcement.

But Rasmussen is useless. They only use landlines and as a result skew old/technophobic, which usually skews Republican and probably even more so with Trump as the candidate.  Here's some of their expert polling-based analysis from the day before the 2012 election.

Troubling CBS/NYT poll this morning showing the race dead even.

On the bright side we get a whole week of making Tim Tebow jokes now that he's speaking at the RNC, which is just outstanding.
67% of the electorate say Hillary is not honest or trustworthy.

Similar result in Q'pac. 

That's a problem. Otoh Trump is distrusted by 62%. However if Hillary's central theme is we can't trust Donald that's somewhat negated when people then ask can we trust her?

I don't think Hillary has anything to worry about in this election - Fox poll has Hillary up 7 in VA, up 10 in CO and Trump is in the high 20s there if you throw in Johnson & Stein - but it just shows what a screwed up election this is. We're considering two people whom a super majority of Americans distrust to run the country.

Politics of fear. I don't understand voters being "afraid" if Hillary is elected though. 
She will appoint judges who will interpret the 2nd amendment to mean the national guard. 

With the federal takeover of all police by 2018 because of white racist cops gunning down unarmed black men in full effect then they will come and take your guns. 

Must be that. 

CBS/NYT poll, on the question of Who would do a better job on the economy/jobs? Donald leads 52-41.

He just keeps hammering that and it's game over. 
Trump has recently been hammering that he is "the law-and-order candidate."

If we continue to see chaos on American streets as we saw against Trump supporters in San Jose, have been seeing during the recent BLM protests, and are likely to see during both parties' conventions, then Trump's law-and-order message could bear fruit.  Especially since Hillary has shown support for Black Lives Matter and we're starting to see growing public resentment toward the tactics of people marching under that banner.

Trump's 'law-and-order' gamble

Every time there is the slightest bump in the polls for Trump, all of his fans rush back here in a hurry. When he's losing they're nowhere to be found. 

I fully expected Trump to have a few good weeks after the Comey speech, and the Dallas shootings no doubt have helped him as well. If the Convention is smooth (or if it is interrupted by BLM protests) that will help him further. The next few weeks are going to be filled, I predict, with Trump leading in the polls, his fans crowing, the media and some Democrats panicking. Fun times for some. 

Then comes the Democratic convention and things will get back to normal. By September, even before the debates, there will be little doubt about the outcome, the only question being how much will Hillary win by and will she take the Senate with her. 

Every time there is the slightest bump in the polls for Trump, all of his fans rush back here in a hurry. When he's losing they're nowhere to be found. 

I fully expected Trump to have a few good weeks after the Comey speech, and the Dallas shootings no doubt have helped him as well. If the Convention is smooth (or if it is interrupted by BLM protests) that will help him further. The next few weeks are going to be filled, I predict, with Trump leading in the polls, his fans crowing, the media and some Democrats panicking. Fun times for some. 

Then comes the Democratic convention and things will get back to normal. By September, even before the debates, there will be little doubt about the outcome, the only question being how much will Hillary win by and will she take the Senate with her. 
I hope so Tim, I really hope so. I just do not have your optimism right now

He'll be tied or ahead coming out of Cleveland. 

Heard random talking head tv guy mention Guiliuani as VP. Think that would work well for the orange man.

Trump has recently been hammering that he is "the law-and-order candidate."

If we continue to see chaos on American streets as we saw against Trump supporters in San Jose, have been seeing during the recent BLM protests, and are likely to see during both parties' conventions, then Trump's law-and-order message could bear fruit.  Especially since Hillary has shown support for Black Lives Matter and we're starting to see growing public resentment toward the tactics of people marching under that banner.

Trump's 'law-and-order' gamble
How can the "law and order" candidate appoint someone he believes committed a federal crime to be his transition leader?  Not to mention crime statistics don't support is "crime is out of control" statements.

He's already won the law and order battle. Hillary's going to need a mistake to make inroads on this. He'll gain in OH, PA, IA, and VA on this, and perhaps take the lead in FL.

How can the "law and order" candidate appoint someone he believes committed a federal crime to be his transition leader?  Not to mention crime statistics don't support is "crime is out of control" statements.
Yeah, well police shooting statistics also don't support that that there's a "war on black men".  For the majority of the people statistics and facts don't matter.  Emotion and perception does.  It's always been that way.  Always will be that way.

If people turn on their TV every night this summer and they see BLM protesters in the streets and the see chaos outside the two conventions the perception will be that we have lost order, and the emotion among most people will be that we must get it under control.  Exact same as 1968.

With all that said, crime statistics due show a sharp increase in murder and violent crime in numerous American cities the past two years.

Yeah, well police shooting statistics also don't support that that there's a "war on black men".  For the majority of the people statistics and facts don't matter.  Emotion and perception does.  It's always been that way.  Always will be that way.

If people turn on their TV every night this summer and they see BLM protesters in the streets and the see chaos outside the two conventions the perception will be that we have lost order, and the emotion among most people will be that we must get it under control.  Exact same as 1968.

With all that said, crime statistics due show a sharp increase in murder and violent crime in numerous American cities the past two years.
When I turn my TV on, it's usually All or Nothing or a movie.  Most people don't give a #### about politics.  They know its a scam.  

Yeah, well police shooting statistics also don't support that that there's a "war on black men".  For the majority of the people statistics and facts don't matter.  Emotion and perception does.  It's always been that way.  Always will be that way.

If people turn on their TV every night this summer and they see BLM protesters in the streets and the see chaos outside the two conventions the perception will be that we have lost order, and the emotion among most people will be that we must get it under control.  Exact same as 1968.

With all that said, crime statistics due show a sharp increase in murder and violent crime in numerous American cities the past two years.
I wonder what his plan is to "get it under control".  I guess for most people tough words are enough, but I'd love to hear some specifics other than "we have to get it under control folks.  Believe me, we're going to get it under control.  We have no choice".  

I wonder what his plan is to "get it under control".  I guess for most people tough words are enough, but I'd love to hear some specifics other than "we have to get it under control folks.  Believe me, we're going to get it under control.  We have no choice".  
Very similar to his banning Muslims until we care "figure out what is going on." 

RBG regrets she made the comments about Trump.

Damn, yeah she probably did the right thing, but now I will hate that Trump will crow about this again and again and again and agian
Don't buy for a second that she regrets it.

Hopefully Eileen Collins is only doing this to support the more pro-NASA party. She seems way too smart to support this clown.

ETA: Should just rename the Derp Party.

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But Rasmussen is useless. They only use landlines and as a result skew old/technophobic, which usually skews Republican and probably even more so with Trump as the candidate. Here's some of their expert polling-based analysis from the day before the 2012 election.
Florida (29). The biggest target state has trended Romney since the Denver debate. I don't see any segment of the electorate favoring Obama more than in 2008, and I see some (South Florida Jews) favoring him less. Romney.

Ohio (18). The anti-Romney auto bailout ads have Obama running well enough among blue collar for him to lead most polls. But many polls anticipate a more Democratic electorate than 2008. Early voting tells another story, and so does the registration decline in Cleveland's Cuyahoga County. In 2004, intensity among rural, small town and evangelical voters, undetected by political reporters who don't mix in such circles, produced a narrow Bush victory. I see that happening again. Romney.

Virginia (13). Post-debate polling mildly favors Romney, and early voting is way down in heavily Democratic Arlington, Alexandria, Richmond and Norfolk. Northern Virginia Asians may trend Romney. Romney.

Colorado (9). Unlike 2008, registered Republicans outnumber registered Democrats, and more Republicans than Democrats have voted early. The Republican trend in 2010 was squandered by weak candidates for governor and senator. Not this time. Romney.

Iowa (6). The unexpected Romney endorsements by the Des Moines Register and three other newspapers gave voice to buyer's remorse in a state Obama carried by 10 points. Democrats' traditional margin in early voting has declined. Romney.

New Hampshire (4). Polls are very tight here. I think superior Republican intensity will prevail. Romney.

Pennsylvania (20). Everyone would have picked Obama two weeks ago. I think higher turnout in pro-coal western Pennsylvania and higher Republican percentages in the Philadelphia suburbs could produce a surprise. The Romney team evidently thinks so too. Their investment in TV time is too expensive to be a mere feint, and as this is written, Romney is planning a Sunday event in Bucks County outside Philly. Wobbling on my limb, Romney.

Wisconsin (10). Recent polling is discouraging for Republicans. But Gov. Scott Walker handily survived the recall effort in June with a great organizational push. Democrats depend heavily on margins in inner-city Milwaukee (population down) and the Madison university community. But early voting is down in university towns in other states. The Obama campaign is prepared to turn out a big student vote, but you don't see many Obama signs on campuses. Romney.

Bottom line: Romney 315, Obama 223. That sounds high for Romney. But he could drop Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and still win the election.


When I turn my TV on, it's usually All or Nothing or a movie.  Most people don't give a #### about politics.  They know its a scam.  
Your bolded sentences are two separate ideas, and I agree with both.  

First, I completely agree that most people don't give a #### about politics.  It cracks me up when political pundits talk like the average person cares nearly as much about politics as they do.

Second, I agree that a growing number of Americans know that party politics are scam.  That's why outsiders like Trump and Sanders did so well.

I wonder what his plan is to "get it under control".  I guess for most people tough words are enough, but I'd love to hear some specifics other than "we have to get it under control folks.  Believe me, we're going to get it under control.  We have no choice".  
Has Trump given us specifics on any of his proposals?  Most of his proposals are just tough words that will likely never come to fruition.

But, hey, slogans work.  Hope & Change, Build the Wall, and other such ####.

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