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Official Donald Trump for President thread (2 Viewers)

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Lol at all the libocrites criticizing Trump for his visit to LA. I bet these are the same shills who crucified GWB for his Katrina flyover.


80% of Trump's children are married to or dating Jews. And most of his top executives are Jewish.


Trump is the worst LITERALLY HITLER in the history of anti-Semitism.

Don't get me started on all of the blacks and women that he employs. This guy needs to go back to Nazi/KKK/Patriarchal camp and refine his hatred skills.

It doesn't sound like there is anything to sustantiate or corroborate that allegation
You can always count on Saints to link some worthless tabloid ####. He is the guy that was white knighting Michelle Fields even after the video evidence revealed her story was completely fabricated to generate publicity for an upcoming book.

What a coincidence that the people pushing this latest fairy tale about Melania are promoting a book.

I guess libocrites are not able to connect simple dots.

If it is revealed that Melania was not paid for the modeling shoots in 1995 (very common for models trying to jumpstart their careers) and therefore not in violation of a tourist visa, I doubt we hear a word from the triggered masses.

It is also amusing that they put so much effort into slut shaming Melania over her modeling work and then give Hillary a pass for silencing the brave women who were allegedly raped by Bill.

Good thing most people are morons and they will never realize the hypocrisy.

CNN says all blacks are felons......... Crickets from the libocrites who claim Trump called all Mexicans rapists and murderers.

This would be more relevant if CNN was running for President.

In fairness, who knew insulting the AA vote en masse wasn't a good way to court them (AFTER unconscionably dragging his feet instead of INSTANTLY rebuking the attention of the KKK, fully aware of the implications and reckoning in his infernal calculus at the time it was an acceptable tradeoff - shocking he isn't being welcomed with open arms now)?

No doubt he will be remembered with affection for the nutter birther antics (as well as multiple discriminatory rental practice law suits, taking out a full page bring back the death penalty ad targeting minority teenagers later exonerated, etc., etc., etc.).

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John Oliver Destroyed Trump as always as he compares him verbatim to a 7 year old boy in "The Kid That Ran For President"


Trumps Wife (A trashy woman who immigrated working the system, who people who dont like the people working the system want as a first lady) sells her body for pictures.


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80% of Trump's children are married to or dating Jews. And most of his top executives are Jewish.


Trump is the worst LITERALLY HITLER in the history of anti-Semitism.

Don't get me started on all of the blacks and women that he employs. This guy needs to go back to Nazi/KKK/Patriarchal camp and refine his hatred skills.
Sorry, but your incoherent ramblings on a football messageboard aren't going to erase 12 months of bigotry spewing out of Trump's mouth.

It doesn't sound like there is anything to sustantiate or corroborate that allegation
Yeah, there's no "reporting" in that article just a bunch of rumor-mongering.

Visas should be on file somewhere, right?  Should be easy enough to substantiate the type and dates on those.  Are they public record or protected like a tax return might be?

Actually if the First Lady is a former prostitute that's a big substantive issue.
You would think the first man (or whatever they're gonna call bill when Hillary wins) being a "John", going on sex planes, and banging interns in the White House would be an issue too. 

It wouldnt surprise me if Bill paid Melania for sex back in the day. Now that would heat up the debates. 

You would think the first man (or whatever they're gonna call bill when Hillary wins) being a "John", going on sex planes, and banging interns in the White House would be an issue too. 

It wouldnt surprise me if Bill paid Melania for sex back in the day. Now that would heat up the debates. 
Many people are saying that it wasn't technically money for sex, as she was so pleased, she refused payment.

Here's the full interview.

While Trump's visit was helpful (not that anyone here has said it wasn't) the Gov had asked that it not be political (Trump used it to get a dig in on Obama), not be a photo op (people are saying he was in/out quickly, aka photo op), and to not come until this week when the recovery efforts should be winding down (Trump didn't heed  that request). But hey, he tossed a little money at them (the helpful part) so it's all good.

Here's the full interview.

While Trump's visit was helpful (not that anyone here has said it wasn't) the Gov had asked that it not be political (Trump used it to get a dig in on Obama), not be a photo op (people are saying he was in/out quickly, aka photo op), and to not come until this week when the recovery efforts should be winding down (Trump didn't heed  that request). But hey, he tossed a little money at them (the helpful part) so it's all good.
Let me just say that given the fact that there are probably a good number of Trumpites who think helping Louisiana is a waste of time - the people who think 'God's will,' and 'oh hey that's what they get for living down there' - having them see Trump come down here was a plus IMO. Too much back and forth on all this. Personally I think it's a plus for the president to show up for these things, on the ground. Same argument is going on here. If there's a difference from Katrina it's probably that we have a much better governor now. However as always it's weird to hear pundits on the radio and tv saying things about where you live.

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Let me just say that given the fact that there are probably a good number of Trumpites who think helping Louisiana is a waste of time - the people who think 'God's will,' and 'oh hey that what they get for living down there' - having them see Trump come down here was a plus IMO. Too much back and forth on all this. Personally I think it's a plus for the president to show up for these things, on the ground. Same argument is going on here. If there's a difference from Katrina it's probably that we have a much better governor now. However as always it's weird to hear pundits on the radio and tv saying things about where you live.
I would hope no one thinks that but there are a lot of stupid people. And by saying that I'm not painting them into any ideological corner. Just stupid people. No doubt Trump coming in was "helpful" as will be the visit by Obama.

As far as the "God's will" :bs: Tony Perkins comes to mind as a rather sweet piece of karma.

''Trump'' and ''running'' strikes me as hilarious for some reason.  

If anyone has video of Trump jogging, running, or oh sweet baby jesus sprinting, I will mail you cold hard American currency.  

That video of him in his mom jeans playing volleyball is pretty close to perfection.  

''Trump'' and ''running'' strikes me as hilarious for some reason.  

If anyone has video of Trump jogging, running, or oh sweet baby jesus sprinting, I will mail you cold hard American currency.  

That video of him in his mom jeans playing volleyball is pretty close to perfection.  
Holy crap, was that him with the Howard Dean scream? :lol:

Let me just say that given the fact that there are probably a good number of Trumpites who think helping Louisiana is a waste of time - the people who think 'God's will,' and 'oh hey that's what they get for living down there' - having them see Trump come down here was a plus IMO. Too much back and forth on all this. Personally I think it's a plus for the president to show up for these things, on the ground. Same argument is going on here. If there's a difference from Katrina it's probably that we have a much better governor now. However as always it's weird to hear pundits on the radio and tv saying things about where you live.
 What got me the most upset was the first thing I hear about Obama mentioning the people of LA was the 13 page report asking the people of Louisiana not to discriminate during their rescue efforts. Seriously?  That is your concern?   I personally don't care if Obama comes in here becuase it would just slow down progress.  With him coming in streets would have to be shut down and law enforcment would be distracted by the president coming in.  Now that road ways are opening up again, here come Obama and I'm sure locals will say it is too little too late, or be upset with the increased traffic we will have to face tommorrow. It is already bad enough with all the outside people coming in to help and LSU starting today. 

I really give props to Trump.  He managed to come into town with a minimal security force.  Streets did not have to be closed off. Sure he came in for his 15 minutes, but then continued to spread the word about the struggles in LA during his speech in Michigan.   

Holy crap, was that him with the Howard Dean scream? :lol:
Well, he had just made a big point with his completely illegal dig/shovel/scoop over the net.  

I like that he kept his head in the game when he lost his hat.  Hat goes flying, he make a quick move to retrive it, as soul-crushing terror grips his entire body (ohmygodmyhairdidmyhaircomeoff), but that Trump competitive spirit took hold, he just has to show the wannabe Playmates on the other team what's what.  

You know when that hat went flying off, he was thinking to himself, ''Someone needs to make a better hat.  Hats used to be great.  Someone should make them great again...''

Michelle Bachman advising Trump on evangelical issues and foreign affairs. Perfect 
Bachmann greatest hits:

1. Warned that the census is going to be used for internment camps.

2. The founding Fathers ended slavery.

3. The HPV vaccine causes ######ation

4. Warned of the “deep penetration”of the U.S. government by the Muslim Brotherhood. 

5. "Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas."

6.  "If we took away the minimum wage -- if conceivably it was gone -- we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level." 

And this woman is advising the potential president.

I don't mean to be insulting but it's hard not to conclude that Republicans these days are simply more ignorant than Democrats: 

1. Polls suggest that up to 50% of all Republicans believe Obama is a secret Muslim. 

2. Republicans seem to believe that liberals are the biggest takers of welfare, food stamps and unemployment, despite facts which clearly state the opposite. 

3. A majority of Republicams are skeptical of the science behind climate change, making them the only significant group of people (in terms of sheer numbers) on the planet who are at this point. 

4. A majority of Republicans believe that gun control legislation such as eliminating the private sales loophole is an attack on the 2nd Amendment and that a Democratic President will appoint Supreme Court justices with the intent of getting rid of the Second Amendment. 

5. A majority of Republicans believe that illegal immigrants are likely to be violent criminals who represent a threat to safety. 

6. A majority of Republicans believe our society is less safe than it used to be and that violent crime has rapidly increased. 

7. A majority of Republicans believe that Republican politicians are more likely to reduce the annual deficit and nation's debt than Democrats are. 

8. A majority of Republicans do not distinguish between the religion of Islam and it's most radical elements, believing that all Muslims represent an equal threat to western civilization. 

All of these beliefs are easily debunked, yet Reublicans believe them, even many of those who loudly state their dislike of Donald Trump. 

Weird Al needs to remake the "Gump" parody and do one called "Trump".

Al, if you are taking the time out of you accordion playing for a moment to read a football site - Hook that one up.

Tim, you should not apologize for talking a proven fact. It is a proven fact that most, not all, Republicans are not that wise from what you just scientifically reported.

Tim, you should not apologize for talking a proven fact. It is a proven fact that most, not all, Republicans are not that wise from what you just scientifically reported.
I think they're very wise on some issues, such as their belief that lower taxes and less red tape stimulate small businesses and the economy in general. I've always believed this to be true. 

I don't mean to be insulting but it's hard not to conclude that Republicans these days are simply more ignorant than Democrats: 
They believe what they are told by sources they trust.  

Their sources have lied to them, in their face, as Tommyboy might say.  

Now, they believe all of the terrible, and it makes them completely insane, as it should really.  If you thought all that was true, you'd be angry too.  The Republican plan has worked too well, their base is spinning completely out of control, and they are helpless.  

Unfortunately, now they can only reiterate the same hatred/lies to the dumb hick base they would have won  anyway.  How on earth are the Republicans ever going to get swing voters?

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