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Otis fad diet thread — yoga, fasting, and kevzilla walking on🚶‍♂️ (1 Viewer)

bostonfred said:
I think part of the mental game for me is seeing myself as a fat guy who needs to lose weight, then seeing myself as a fat guy who got skinny on a lark, neither of which is a healthy self image. 

I need to start seeing myself as a healthy guy who made bad decisions for a while and i just need to work them back off. And i think I'm getting that mindset. This isn't a one time thing, and I'm not going to be setting personal bests, I'm just getting back to where i was, which is where I'm supposed to be.  

When i was putting weight back on I kept telling myself i can lose a few pounds no problem, I've done it before.  And that's true.  But i think the mindset needs to be that I'm not trying to lose weight, because it's not something you try to do any more than i try to drive to the store.   This is a task not an attempt.  And it's a task i brought on myself because I had too much wine and takeout.  
We may be in different boats here, but one thing that helped me was to try to not be so concerned with the weight loss, but to focus on overall health and fitness.  If I have a few weeks where my weight doesn't go down, but I feel more fit, that's motivation to keep doing what I'm doing and I figure the weight will follow.

I did not eat well today. It started out with good intentions.  I got a chicken avocado breakfast wrap at Panera which isn't too bad.. then had some salmon for lunch... but then i ate the food i made for my kid because he barely touched it.  No problem, I was pretty active today, I'll have a light dinner.  Then i took him out for mini golf and some mall walking and somehow managed to lose my glasses.   ####.  But he was awesome and he's making a big breakthrough socially right now paying attention to other people's behavior and figuring out what he's supposed to do like being quiet when other people are quiet or noticing that i was upset about my glasses and i was really proud of him because that's a big deal for kids on the spectrum... which he totally used to cajole me into taking him to sonic.  And he was sharing with me and i definitely ate more junk than i should have... then i get home and called my dad, who is having surgery tomorrow.  After two types of cancer, a quadruple bypass, a leaky mechanical heart valve, a collapsed lung and two strokes he's been through worse but it's always scary and i talked to his wife until like 930 because she's even more stressed than i am... but I still got my butt on the treadmill even though it was late,  and did 15 min consecutive at MAF pace plus another 5 at faster pace to build my endurance back up... plugged it into myfitnesspal while i was walking and included all the exercise and food for the day and i was somehow 6 minutes of walking away from being even on calories. So i walked a little extra and here i am. 

110g protein

6g fiber

4811mg sodium

Under calories, no alcohol.  Ok.  Quick shower and get some sleep and be back at it tomorrow I guess.  

Hit 100 miles on the bike this week for the first time in forever. When I first started cycling I had that goal and hit it the first couple weeks but it was too much for me and I deemed it unsustainable so I dropped back to 75 which is where I’ve generally tried to stay at even though the last half of 2021 I slacked off big time. Difference is that other than the time commitment I now feel like 100 miles is absolutely sustainable and I’m doing it while climbing hills instead of just flat ground. At pretty well today too. Had a potato, bell pepper and sausage hash with two oranges for breakfast, a lettuce-wrapped hot dog and protein shake for lunch, and a taco salad for dinner.

I am not diabetic, so can't speak to the reversal qualities of various diets, but I did a whole food plant-based (WFPB) diet last year and it was heavily touted as a diet that will reverse type-2 diabetes.  It's rather restrictive in the sense that are supposed to eliminate "processed" food items and either eliminate or heavily restrict added sugar, salt and oil.

My issue has never been that I don't eat healthy foods, but I like to eat a lot of food.  I came to really enjoy the diet because it allowed me to basically eat whatever I wanted within the guidelines and it was almost impossible to eat more calories than I was burning.  The pounds flew off, I was satisfied, and it was actually pretty fun trying to make recipes that mimic what I had been eating, but within the confines of the diet.  

I don't do this diet anymore, but I do implement a lot of what I learned into my current diet and am having success.  I personally think the low-carb thing is ludicrous unless you're getting there by way of plants.  One of my friends who has always struggled with weight is constantly posting low-carb meals she is making for dinner and they all look like they cover up what they are missing with cheese.  She hasn't lost any weight as far as I can tell.  I know I could easily eat 2,000 calories worth of meat, eggs and cheese and not be satiated.  It's much more difficult to eat 2,000 calories worth of brown rice, beans and sweet potatoes.  

Sorry for Hippling.  Since you posted this, I've spent a lot of time reviewing the information on different diets.  I even tracked down the studies that different diet proponents cited.  As a result, although the switch to full vegan and low fat is too big a change for me and my family, we've decided to try to become much more plant forward.  I suppose "plant forward Mediterranean" would probably be the best way to describe it.  The goal is to do about 4 vegetarian dinners and one fish dinner a week.  And to typically not do red meat more than once or twice a month (as the weather gets warmer, my kids are going to demand burgers from the grill).  Now I just need to figure out some dinner ideas that don't feature beans or lentils.

A low carb diet would probably bring my glucose levels down a bit faster (though I've concluded from the evidence that really the only factor in managing or even "reversing" diabetes is just losing weight, none of the diets seems to show improved insulin resistance independent of weight loss), but I also have to manage my cholesterol and the science concerning saturated fat's contribution to heart disease is very convincing, despite what I had been led to believe.

For whatever reason, other than on Saturday, hunger hasn't been an issue for me no matter what I've chosen to eat.  I'm not tracking calories, but I can't imagine I'm coming in above 2000, as I am tracking portion size.  Which is good, because I'm someone who probably could eat 2,000 calories of pasta.  

Anyway, so far, so good.  20 lbs and two waist sizes down.  Still 100 lbs minimum to go.  

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Was quite active over the weekend, but drank too much.  Like a broken record.  

Did the YWA scoliosis session on Saturday as my back was hurting.  Really liked it, thanks @krista4

Otherwise it was only walking the dog and yardwork.

Did a 50-min yin yoga session this morning to limber up some sore muscles.  Will walk the dog later and plan to eat well.  

Keep up the good work!

My first weigh-in shows I lost 3.2 pounds last week.  27 to go. 

I'm a little disappointed as I was hoping for more like five pounds in the first week.  I think I was there, but Saturday was a day I knew would be a challenge and I didn't eat well and drank three glasses of wine.  Yesterday wasn't the greatest either in terms of food.  Still, I was well within my WW points for the week, and I was under points 5 of 7 days plus got more physically active again, so I had hoped for a little more.  At least it's going in the right direction.  

New week starts today, and I'm ready to hit it!

I ran to the store to get some produce and saw they had these on sale, so I stocked up on a few 4-packs because I find them to be really good when hanging out with friends who are all drinking.  I went to the self-check, but it refused to accept these because CA doesn't allow alcohol purchases via self-checkout.  

Self-check attendant:  You can't buy beer at the self check, you need to go to a regular checker.

Me:  These aren't beer.  They are sparkling water and contain no alcohol.

Self-check attendant:  Even non-alcoholic beer has a little bit of alcohol in it.

Me:  Again, this isn't beer, it's seltzer water.  Look on the side of the box, it says "Contains ZERO alcohol".  Non-alcoholic beer will list around 0.5% but this is literally 0%.

Self-check attendant:  Well, even non-alcoholic hard seltzers will have small amounts of alcohol in them.

Me:  Non-alcoholic hard seltzer?  You mean like LaCroix?

Self-check attendant:  Oh no, you can buy LaCroix in self check, those are just regular seltzer waters

I again reassured her that that's all these are, but figured I wasn't breaking through so my time would probably be better spent just waiting in one of the long standard checkout lines.  The lady scans the first one, looks at me, and says "I'm going to need to see some ID".  It's been a good 5-10 years since my old ### has been carded, and regular non-alcoholic 0-calorie carbonated water is what triggers it.  While I'm digging my ID out of my wallet I tell the lady that they are just non-alcoholic seltzer waters and her response was "even non-alcoholic beer has a little bit of alcohol in it".  Thankfully I got my ID out and paid before I had to relive my conversation from 10 minutes prior.

I ran to the store to get some produce and saw they had these on sale, so I stocked up on a few 4-packs because I find them to be really good when hanging out with friends who are all drinking.  I went to the self-check, but it refused to accept these because CA doesn't allow alcohol purchases via self-checkout.  

Self-check attendant:  You can't buy beer at the self check, you need to go to a regular checker.

Me:  These aren't beer.  They are sparkling water and contain no alcohol.

Self-check attendant:  Even non-alcoholic beer has a little bit of alcohol in it.

Me:  Again, this isn't beer, it's seltzer water.  Look on the side of the box, it says "Contains ZERO alcohol".  Non-alcoholic beer will list around 0.5% but this is literally 0%.

Self-check attendant:  Well, even non-alcoholic hard seltzers will have small amounts of alcohol in them.

Me:  Non-alcoholic hard seltzer?  You mean like LaCroix?

Self-check attendant:  Oh no, you can buy LaCroix in self check, those are just regular seltzer waters

I again reassured her that that's all these are, but figured I wasn't breaking through so my time would probably be better spent just waiting in one of the long standard checkout lines.  The lady scans the first one, looks at me, and says "I'm going to need to see some ID".  It's been a good 5-10 years since my old ### has been carded, and regular non-alcoholic 0-calorie carbonated water is what triggers it.  While I'm digging my ID out of my wallet I tell the lady that they are just non-alcoholic seltzer waters and her response was "even non-alcoholic beer has a little bit of alcohol in it".  Thankfully I got my ID out and paid before I had to relive my conversation from 10 minutes prior.
You know why though, right?  Because even non alcoholic beer has a little bit of alcohol in it. 

183g protein  :excited:

39g fiber

4250 mg sodium 🤮

Under calories no alcohol.  I had a high protein, high calorie day today and felt up for bumping up my long run to 30 consecutive minutes at MAF pace so i gave it a shot. The extra protein should help with recovery plus yoga for tired legs with Adriene.   I will do some hypervolt/theragun on my legs too especially the hamstrings but I feel pretty good.  I'm tempted to keep increasing my mileage faster than ten percent a week but I'm also old.  I think I should add some speed work and a couple more MAF runs per week instead of going for longer distances, and get used to running outside again as the weather improves.  

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holy #### - either i have covid or im in the worst shape of my life.....

I climbed up onto my roof to fix a piece of siding....

I could barely move the ladder..... and i was completely winded just getting up there..... then getting down i felt like i was going to pass out..... fml

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72g protein

26g fiber 

1632mg sodium

Under calories no alcohol.  My dad had complications from his surgery tonight and is touch and go right now. Seriously thought about breaking my lenten sacrifice and having a drink or ten.  Got on the treadmill instead but I'm still a little sore from yesterday so i did some yoga and talked to my uncle for a while.  I'm happy with the sodium after a couple bad days recently. My protein was a little low but not terrible for a rest day. 

72g protein

26g fiber 

1632mg sodium

Under calories no alcohol.  My dad had complications from his surgery tonight and is touch and go right now. Seriously thought about breaking my lenten sacrifice and having a drink or ten.  Got on the treadmill instead but I'm still a little sore from yesterday so i did some yoga and talked to my uncle for a while.  I'm happy with the sodium after a couple bad days recently. My protein was a little low but not terrible for a rest day. 
How is dad doing today?

Ate well yesterday, had a couple of beers with dinner.  

Did a 50-min full practice yoga session today.  My balance was poor.  Seems to happen from time to time.  Oh well.  Not sure why other than I had a bit of a stiff back. 

Will walk the dog shortly and plan to eat well today.  

Keep up the good work!

Did a ton of spring cleaning today but no run.  Went over 2000 calories but don't know how to count the calories from all that activity.  I'm not going to sweat it.  Took another night off running and my hamstring seems to feel better, I'll test it out again tomorrow probably. 

No alcohol, 108g protein, 30g fiber, 3557mg sodium.   4 weeks to Easter.  

Haven’t posted in a while but I rode 21.5 miles on the mountain bike with 3,500 feet of climbing. 2,500 active calories burned. Ate an entire bag of chips afterwards, but frankly I don’t care. Been maintaining 90-100 miles cycling each week and have generally been eating healthy, but with the amount of exercise I’ve been doing I haven’t been super rigorous with the diet. 

Took a 3-day weekend and did tons of yardwork and house stuff but no formal exercise (I did walk the dog everyday, but I don't really count that).  Also ate poorly a few times and drank every night.  Have got to do better.  

Already did a 50-min yin yoga session first thing this morning.  Had to get my muscles stretched out from all the yardwork.  

Have a business lunch today but will try to make good choices.  Plan to stay off the booze this week.

Keep up the good work!

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I had hit 188 a few weeks ago, and was hovering around 189-190 for the last two weeks.  Today when I stepped on the scale I was at 186.  I'm putting in the work, my diet has generally been good, and I'm seeing positive results in my fitness.  It was getting a little frustrating not seeing the corresponding weight loss results, but I kept telling myself that it will happen and to just stick to the activities that I'm doing.  Today was a validation of that mindset and while it's only 2 pounds, it feels like a real accomplishment.

Lost another 3.4 pounds last week, which is miraculous considering the Wed/Thurs I had.  Wednesday was a planned "bad day," but I blame March Madness for Thursday going out of control, too.

Big news in the 4 household that will affect my path going forward.  There's an area in WA called The Enchantments where you have to win a lottery to get a backpacking permit.  It's seemingly impossible to win, and each year my FB feeds blows up in mid-March with people ruing their lack of success.  But this year, we won!  Our permit allows us to go in on August 31, which gives us 5-1/2 months to get in shape, especially for Aasgard Pass, which is the steepest part of the route in, gaining 2300 vertical feet in about 0.8 miles.  :shock:   As you can see from the link, people regularly die there.  Neat!  Here's a plenty-terrifying picture looking back down from the top of the Pass to Colchuck Lake where that part of the route begins.  Getting up to Colchuck requires a gain of about 2700 feet before you even get to the route for the pass.  I've hiked up to Colchuck several times, but just with a day pack instead of a heavy overnight one.

So yeah...gotta get back in good shape in order not to die or anything. 

Lost another 3.4 pounds last week, which is miraculous considering the Wed/Thurs I had.  Wednesday was a planned "bad day," but I blame March Madness for Thursday going out of control, too.

Big news in the 4 household that will affect my path going forward.  There's an area in WA called The Enchantments where you have to win a lottery to get a backpacking permit.  It's seemingly impossible to win, and each year my FB feeds blows up in mid-March with people ruing their lack of success.  But this year, we won!  Our permit allows us to go in on August 31, which gives us 5-1/2 months to get in shape, especially for Aasgard Pass, which is the steepest part of the route in, gaining 2300 vertical feet in about 0.8 miles.  :shock:   As you can see from the link, people regularly die there.  Neat!  Here's a plenty-terrifying picture looking back down from the top of the Pass to Colchuck Lake where that part of the route begins.  Getting up to Colchuck requires a gain of about 2700 feet before you even get to the route for the pass.  I've hiked up to Colchuck several times, but just with a day pack instead of a heavy overnight one.

So yeah...gotta get back in good shape in order not to die or anything. 
That sounds incredible. I can’t even comprehend 2,300 feet in 0.8 miles with just walking. Do you need to climb up rocks using your hands?  Sounds like it would also be a treacherous descent. All of my mountain biking has taught me that mileage comes way easier than elevation gain, and no matter how you do it 2,300+ elevation gain isn’t easy. 

That sounds incredible. I can’t even comprehend 2,300 feet in 0.8 miles with just walking. Do you need to climb up rocks using your hands?  Sounds like it would also be a treacherous descent. All of my mountain biking has taught me that mileage comes way easier than elevation gain, and no matter how you do it 2,300+ elevation gain isn’t easy. 

Definitely will involve use of hands to get up (and down).  In my hiking I'm generally much better at going up than going down.  If you're in moderate hiking shape, 2300 gain isn't hard - unlike biking where I'm sure it's much more difficult - but 2300 gain over that short of a path isn't easy unless you're an excellent hiker/climber.  The most comparable I've done in terms of steepness is Mailbox Peak, which is gain of around 4000 feet total but ~1000 feet of gain in the last half mile.  Why are all the steep parts always at the end!?

Agree that miles are way way easier than elevation gain.  I can do long-mileage day hikes without much problem* (my biggest one was 22 miles and about 6500' of gain/loss in a day), but anything that's 1000' feet or more of gain over a mile is always challenging.  There's a small mountain nearby I used to go to for training that's 2000' feet over two miles, and I think I'll start doing it again regularly.  I always meet a lot of people there who are carrying heavy packs and doing repeats to train for Rainier.

I think all the yoga I've been doing will be helpful on the strength/core/balance parts, which I didn't do when I used to hike regularly.  But my cardio capacity is nowhere near where it was, so I have to work a lot on that.

*Or rather, I did when in better shape.

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Yea, I don’t think 2,300 feet of elevation gain for someone who hikes regularly would be difficult, but that is also enough to disqualify it from being easy.

The place I mountain bike a lot has an initial climb of 500ft over half a mile. It’s enough to be challenging for my wife when we hike, but it’s pretty brutal on the bike. 


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