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Otis fad diet thread — yoga, fasting, and kevzilla walking on🚶‍♂️ (1 Viewer)

I tend to eat well and/or very little all day, but evenings are what end up killing me if anything does. 


Here's something that might help you. Honestly, sounds like what you are eating is not satisfying and the pathway is non sustainable.

Convert anything bread/pasta/rice/alcohol into beans.

Get an IP Pot and put in some beans and vegetables. You can add in whatever spices you like. Solid protein without some of the drawbacks of meat. But you can add some meat into it if you like. You can make it in bulk and scoop out what you need daily and cut it with water to give it more volume.

A slice of bread is something like 70-100 calories depending on the kind of bread and how it was made/ingredients/etc,etc. A full cup of black beans is like 230 calories. Try it sometime. Eat a couple of pieces of toast with something spread on it and alternatively eat a cup of cooked beans. Which one is healthier for you and will make you feel full.

You want "one pot" type meals. Easy to cook, easy to store, easy to clean, limited prep time, healthy, not that expensive and satiating.

If you feel satiated, you'll sleep better. Which will make everything during your day easier.


Here's something that might help you. Honestly, sounds like what you are eating is not satisfying and the pathway is non sustainable.

Convert anything bread/pasta/rice/alcohol into beans.

Get an IP Pot and put in some beans and vegetables. You can add in whatever spices you like. Solid protein without some of the drawbacks of meat. But you can add some meat into it if you like. You can make it in bulk and scoop out what you need daily and cut it with water to give it more volume.

A slice of bread is something like 70-100 calories depending on the kind of bread and how it was made/ingredients/etc,etc. A full cup of black beans is like 230 calories. Try it sometime. Eat a couple of pieces of toast with something spread on it and alternatively eat a cup of cooked beans. Which one is healthier for you and will make you feel full.

You want "one pot" type meals. Easy to cook, easy to store, easy to clean, limited prep time, healthy, not that expensive and satiating.

If you feel satiated, you'll sleep better. Which will make everything during your day easier.

Good stuff - thank you for that.  I particularly appreciate the bold part as sleep is always a problem for me.

I'm not hungry during the day or at night.  The issue is more mental.  And other than sometimes one slice of bread at lunch, I rarely eat bread, pasta, or rice.  Well...except bread in the form of pizza crust.  :bag:  

I do love black beans, so that's a great option.  I also love chickpeas and lentils so incorporate those fairly often.

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Started out great yesterday. Protein bar and coffee for breakfast, shreed pork with coleslaw (no bun/bread) and salad for lunch, pot roast and carrots for dinner. However, I didn't get home from work until like 8 pm (after the day prior getting home from work after 10 PM). and was stressed from the day and the trial set this morning. So, I had a couple of milligrams of prop 207 to unwind and turn the brain off. Well, then I gave in and had a small bag of popcorn, a brownie, and one of my kid's popsicles. :bag:  

Today so far has been fine. Same breakfast, pot roast, carrots, and broccoli soup for lunch. Wife is already preparing a low carb chicken dish for dinner. My trial today settle during the morning session so, thankfully, I should have the opportunity to hit the gym after work then be more relaxed already at home. 

Per usual, my "trouble" time is between 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM. I can almost regularly keep it clean throughout the day, but at night when I'm fried from the day, the dopemine release of snacking just gets too strong. Current focus/goal is to address this issue. 

.... sleep is always a problem for me.



What I want you to start doing are "air squats"

It's all bodyweight, you don't need special equipment, and you can do them anywhere.

Pavel Tsatsouline has a system called "Greasing The Groove"  I don't need you to read the book, but to boil it down, it's breaking down a simple exercise movement, usually a compound movement, across an entire day in small increments. The methodology is that you are able to do something consistently day after day to develop the "skill" for it because you aren't taxing yourself in a massive one hour or two hour workout set that forces you into a longer recovery phase.

For you, it would mean turning this into a game. Every time you leave your house and walk out your front door, you do 10 air squats. Every time you come back, before you go in, you do 10 air squats.  Or every time you pass any threshold in your house that you choose- your bedroom door, the kitchen door, get up from your work desk at home, you do 10 air squats.

In the video, the person is going below parallel. That means his glutes are lowering past his knees. I don't need you to be that aggressive to start. The goal is getting to parallel if you can. Where your glutes reach your knee depth. Inhale with shallow breath at the top, hold your breath, focus on tightening your glutes, then go down as your arms raise in front of you. As you come back up, your arms swing back to the side of your hips, then exhale at the top. Focusing on keep your glutes tight will help control your breathing pattern.

Using Greasing The Groove methodology, you could easily do 100-200-300 air squats a day.

Try this for 30 days, you will struggle to start but you will start to feel the difference. Use brightly colored Post It Notes to remind yourself at your "threshold" points.

For example, if I heat something in a microwave, I do air squats the entire time while it's cooking inside. If I'm heating something for four minutes, I am doing air squats for four minutes straight.

The "master cue" to an air squat or any squat is to drive through midfoot. You have to visualize yourself pushing up as if you pressing into the Earth with your midfoot. Using this master cue will help you align your hip drive correctly.

If you like yoga and have a passion for it, that's great. But for general health, you need strength training and compound movements.

This month, it's 10 per set. Next month, it can be 15. Then another month, 20 per set.

After a while, you won't even realize you are doing it. It will become instinctive.

I guarantee you, rock bottom solid, if you do this for 30 days consistently, you will start to see a difference in your strength and your core and your mobility.

Approaching the night time hours. Stay strong friends.  :thumbup:

The dreaded witching hour.

I'm stuck in my attic, still working, on like the 14th hour of the day....  I had a healthy breakfast, and walked the dog at lunch (and enjoyed a calorie- and carb-free cigar), and at about 6pm before my latest presentation, ran downstairs to throw some sliced ham on a rice cake, and jam a couple slices of cheese and a hard boiled egg in my face.  Back up to my attic.  After my portion of this presentation concluded, I reached into my mini friend and pulled out the only alcoholic beverage I had in there - a Toasted Lager.  I'd have rather something with fewer carbs (this has 7, and put me 5 over my daily budget of carbs), but I'm still like 700 calories below my limit for the day, and a few carbs won't kill me.  

Two solid days in a row.  My macros weren't as good as yesterday, but I ate fairly well, and I'm ready for tomorrow.  LES GOOOO

Coffee with milk, some salmon for lunch and fruit salad for a snack.  Had a ton of calories left over with plans to cook something but I took my son to an in-person speech therapy appointment and he killed it then wanted to go to the new restaurant nearby.  Turns out it's a craft beer place with tons of unique menu items.  I have no idea how to count the calories but did a good faith estimate, and this morning I'd lost more water weight so whatever it was for calories, I wasn't too far off.  Which is awesome because he was so excited.  Went for a walk on the bike path together and threw rocks in the stream, he tried shoving leaves down the back of my shirt and just generally had a fun day playing with my kid. I'm so proud of the leaps he's making now.  He's finally figuring out the social stuff and really becoming a fun sweet kid.  

Finished the day with yoga with adriene bedtime yoga.  Might be a good one for you @krista4if you haven't tried it.  Some good stretching but lower to the ground and not a sweaty strength builder,  just a nice chill session with calm voice and none of her distractions or look at Benji.  I think it was 22 minutes?  

Did decent yesterday and stayed under my calories with a grilled chicken salad for dinner. 

Just walked the dog today but that will be it for me today.  Have a minor medical thing this afternoon and cannot eat anything all day and have to stop even liquids at noon.  So guess I'll be under my calories today (unless I gorge for dinner, which may happen).  

Keep up the good work!

Seems like a lot of people struggling with the night time willpower.  I struggle with it too when I'm off the diet.  I struggle a lot.  I don't even want to post what I weigh right now. 

I also see people talking about being extra good during the day. 

That's not a coincidence. 

First off, forget being extra good.  You can't really diet more today than usual. If you have a calories deficit of 1000 calories a day and today you have a deficit of 1200 or even 1500, it's barely noticeable. The important part is doing it every day, not doing extra good today.  

Second, being extra good makes you feel like you've accomplished something.  And when you accomplish something, you reward yourself.  So being extra good in the daytime makes you think you can be extra bad at night. 

(This is the same basic thing that derails a lot of diets - you burn off 7 pounds of water weight early on, you get proud of yourself, you commit extra extra hard, then it slows down to 1-2 lbs per week, you get bored with the slow progress but you're still excited about the 9 pounds you're down, and you reward yourself for losing almost ten pounds... then slip back into bad habits.)  

Third, make your decisions while you are in control.  If your bad meal time is 8 to 10, then plan for that.  If you suck at controlling your decisions at night, don't make your food decisions at night.  Buy foods you can eat that you'll look forward to at night. Plan meals.  Give yourself clear ways to stay in structure. 

Try planning a specific dinner.  I have some chicken cordon bleu in the fridge, about 650 calories plus some vegetables thats going to be 750 or 800.  So I need to keep myself to 700 calories at breakfast and lunch to stay under 1500, or do exercise.  I'm looking forward to this dinner, so I can remind myself during the day that i'm going to have it, and having a big breakfast will derail that.  Morning Fred makes much better decisions than night Fred so I can do that. 

Fourth, if you don't like to feel boxed in to eating something specific at dinner, give yourself a specific structure to choose your meals.  Calories.  Ww points. Grams of carbs.  I have this much left and no more.  I'm like this when I first get home from, grocery shopping- I have so many good things in the fridge and I want all the things right now. A day or two later it's easier because I have fewer options. 

Fifth, set goals.  It's hard to commit to structure.  This is where your goals come in. If it's ww points, then remind yourself that you have a goal of losing x pounds, you need to stick to your goal to get there, and you trust the process. If you stay within points you'll get to your goal. A lot of times, people set nebulous goals like i want to lose some weight, or set a specific goal with a specific deadline but no real plan to get there.  The purpose of the plan isn't to imagine how great it would be to be back at your college weight on December 7th.  The purpose is to give yourself accountability for those times you're struggling and need a reason to stay within points for the night.

Specific goals help - I want to lose 15 lbs before my high school reunion - but it can also be I can't ####### wait to be done with dieting and if I screw up tonight this is going to take even longer.  Whatever motivates you best.  It might help to remember that if your goal is to eat 1000 calories below maintenance every day, and you eat 1000 calories above maintenance on Friday, you're going to have to diet two more days just go get back to where you were.  

Sixth, give yourself a ritual.  At the end of the day, I click "complete diary" in myfitnesspal, and it says "if every day were like today then in 5 weeks you'd weigh x".  It feels good to see that, and I look forward to that ritual.  It might be posting here instead, and seeing 5 notifications from people who liked your post.  Pick a routine that says I'm done for the day. 

It's much easier to do something than to not do something. Doing something is easy.  You do it and it's done.  Not doing something is hard because you can successfully not do it at 8:00, 8:01, 8:02, 8:03... and then you have to not do it again at 8:04. Having a routine that says I'm done means you can do that thing - post here, click that button, whatever- and then you have done the thing.  

Seventh, if all else fails, brush your teeth.  It's harder to get excited about a glass of red when you just brushed. 

Seems like a lot of people struggling with the night time willpower.  I struggle with it too when I'm off the diet.  I struggle a lot.  I don't even want to post what I weigh right now. 

I also see people talking about being extra good during the day. 

That's not a coincidence. 

First off, forget being extra good.  You can't really diet more today than usual. If you have a calories deficit of 1000 calories a day and today you have a deficit of 1200 or even 1500, it's barely noticeable. The important part is doing it every day, not doing extra good today.  

Second, being extra good makes you feel like you've accomplished something.  And when you accomplish something, you reward yourself.  So being extra good in the daytime makes you think you can be extra bad at night. 

(This is the same basic thing that derails a lot of diets - you burn off 7 pounds of water weight early on, you get proud of yourself, you commit extra extra hard, then it slows down to 1-2 lbs per week, you get bored with the slow progress but you're still excited about the 9 pounds you're down, and you reward yourself for losing almost ten pounds... then slip back into bad habits.)  

Third, make your decisions while you are in control.  If your bad meal time is 8 to 10, then plan for that.  If you suck at controlling your decisions at night, don't make your food decisions at night.  Buy foods you can eat that you'll look forward to at night. Plan meals.  Give yourself clear ways to stay in structure. 

Try planning a specific dinner.  I have some chicken cordon bleu in the fridge, about 650 calories plus some vegetables thats going to be 750 or 800.  So I need to keep myself to 700 calories at breakfast and lunch to stay under 1500, or do exercise.  I'm looking forward to this dinner, so I can remind myself during the day that i'm going to have it, and having a big breakfast will derail that.  Morning Fred makes much better decisions than night Fred so I can do that. 

Fourth, if you don't like to feel boxed in to eating something specific at dinner, give yourself a specific structure to choose your meals.  Calories.  Ww points. Grams of carbs.  I have this much left and no more.  I'm like this when I first get home from, grocery shopping- I have so many good things in the fridge and I want all the things right now. A day or two later it's easier because I have fewer options. 

Fifth, set goals.  It's hard to commit to structure.  This is where your goals come in. If it's ww points, then remind yourself that you have a goal of losing x pounds, you need to stick to your goal to get there, and you trust the process. If you stay within points you'll get to your goal. A lot of times, people set nebulous goals like i want to lose some weight, or set a specific goal with a specific deadline but no real plan to get there.  The purpose of the plan isn't to imagine how great it would be to be back at your college weight on December 7th.  The purpose is to give yourself accountability for those times you're struggling and need a reason to stay within points for the night.

Specific goals help - I want to lose 15 lbs before my high school reunion - but it can also be I can't ####### wait to be done with dieting and if I screw up tonight this is going to take even longer.  Whatever motivates you best.  It might help to remember that if your goal is to eat 1000 calories below maintenance every day, and you eat 1000 calories above maintenance on Friday, you're going to have to diet two more days just go get back to where you were.  

Sixth, give yourself a ritual.  At the end of the day, I click "complete diary" in myfitnesspal, and it says "if every day were like today then in 5 weeks you'd weigh x".  It feels good to see that, and I look forward to that ritual.  It might be posting here instead, and seeing 5 notifications from people who liked your post.  Pick a routine that says I'm done for the day. 

It's much easier to do something than to not do something. Doing something is easy.  You do it and it's done.  Not doing something is hard because you can successfully not do it at 8:00, 8:01, 8:02, 8:03... and then you have to not do it again at 8:04. Having a routine that says I'm done means you can do that thing - post here, click that button, whatever- and then you have done the thing.  

Seventh, if all else fails, brush your teeth.  It's harder to get excited about a glass of red when you just brushed. 

Nice to have you back.  Nice to have all of us back and committed.  

Seems like a lot of people struggling with the night time willpower.  I struggle with it too when I'm off the diet.  I struggle a lot.  I don't even want to post what I weigh right now. 

I also see people talking about being extra good during the day. 

That's not a coincidence.  

Really good posting.  I'm in the shape I'm in purely because of 7-10pm.   Hell, even if I allow myself to do what I want in that time frame on weekends, if I just never ate or drank after 7pm on weekdays alone, I bed I'd lose the 20lbs I want to lose.

Nighttime.  Is.  Hard.

But it's not unbeatable.  I actually the past two nights had a (single) drink each night. And it was wonderfully enjoyable.  And I didn't need more.  Maybe that's how normal humans are supposed to drink?


Seems like a lot of people struggling with the night time willpower.

If your body tells you that you are hungry, then it's because you aren't eating enough and/or not eating enough of the right things your body needs.

Your body needs fat in it's diet. Looks like many people here are trying to avoid fatty foods and I get that. But not all fat is bad for you.

Sustainable lifestyle choices cannot be built on deprivation. Or the perception of deprivation.

Everyone in his thread should be strength training for their general health. But it will help their metabolism and hopefully increase their muscle mass and give them more leeway in their daily caloric intake.

The best thing Otis can do in his attic is buy a kettlebell and start doing sets of swings and goblet squats during his work breaks. Our bodies were designed to be active and lift moderately heavy things on a regular basis. We were built to be hunter/gatherers, not desk drivers. A 35 pound kettlebell would cost Otis like 60 bucks or so. It would be the best 60 bucks he spent all year on anything. ( Otis is married right? Trust me, he's spent far more money this year on far less that would be good for him for the long term)



Kettlebell Workout - Goblet Squat


If Otis did 100 swings a day ( 10 sets of 10 progressing to 5 sets of 20) and 50 goblet squats a day ( 5 sets of 10) and did it for 30 days straight, he'd see a major difference in his core, his mood and his strength.

The modern work day is built around mental exhaustion, not physical exhaustion. Being physically taxed helps you sleep better but also sleep earlier, which reduces the time available to binge eat at night.

It's always better to train first and get your training cycle down first, then adjust your diet to support that training.

Coffee with milk, some salmon for lunch and fruit salad for a snack.  Had a ton of calories left over with plans to cook something but I took my son to an in-person speech therapy appointment and he killed it then wanted to go to the new restaurant nearby.  Turns out it's a craft beer place with tons of unique menu items.  I have no idea how to count the calories but did a good faith estimate, and this morning I'd lost more water weight so whatever it was for calories, I wasn't too far off.  Which is awesome because he was so excited.  Went for a walk on the bike path together and threw rocks in the stream, he tried shoving leaves down the back of my shirt and just generally had a fun day playing with my kid. I'm so proud of the leaps he's making now.  He's finally figuring out the social stuff and really becoming a fun sweet kid.  

Finished the day with yoga with adriene bedtime yoga.  Might be a good one for you @krista4if you haven't tried it.  Some good stretching but lower to the ground and not a sweaty strength builder,  just a nice chill session with calm voice and none of her distractions or look at Benji.  I think it was 22 minutes?  

Thanks!  She had a week-long series of bedtime yogas a month or two back.  I did a couple of them, though I didn't notice any appreciably better sleep from it.  They're nice anyway. I have been sleeping better through conscious breathing, which I sort of got from her, and from 4-7-8 breathing.

Yesterday was similar to the day before, but with heathier eating at dinner.  Finished up my tuna at lunch with another half-sandwich, and had the veggie snaps with that.  Dinner was roasted chicken (with pan drippings), a ####-ton of Brussels sprouts, and haricot verts.  Absolutely delicious.  I did have two glasses of wine again.  Some grapes for a snack.  Under my points for the day.

I ran my errands yesterday via bipedal locomotion, which were just over two miles, but I'm surrounded by steep hills so they were hilly miles at least.  Also did 44 minutes of moderate yoga.

Today is going to be rough.  I have a wine tasting late this afternoon, followed by dinner out.  I could have managed that OK, but I was talked into lunch out, too.  Had a salmon BLT without the B, ate only half the bread, and ignored the fries save 1.5 of them.  One glass of wine with lunch, though.  By the way, I don't avoid bread because of some dumb keto thing, but because I just don't like bread enough to waste my calories/points on it.  Anyway, will have to modify dinner from our plan for Indian to something where I can eat a bit better.  

Had a salmon BLT without the B, ate only half the bread, and ignored the fries save 1.5 of them.  One glass of wine with lunch, though.  By the way, I don't avoid bread because of some dumb keto thing, but because I just don't like bread enough to waste my calories/points on it.  Anyway, will have to modify dinner from our plan for Indian to something where I can eat a bit better.  

Sounds like a reasonable approach to lunch, followed by a challenging dinner. Be as reasonable and you’ll be set! (I know I couldn’t be; I’d have to just stay home…..)

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Yesterday was similar to the day before, but with heathier eating at dinner.  Finished up my tuna at lunch with another half-sandwich, and had the veggie snaps with that.  Dinner was roasted chicken (with pan drippings), a ####-ton of Brussels sprouts, and haricot verts.  Absolutely delicious.  I did have two glasses of wine again.  Some grapes for a snack.  Under my points for the day.

I ran my errands yesterday via bipedal locomotion, which were just over two miles, but I'm surrounded by steep hills so they were hilly miles at least.  Also did 44 minutes of moderate yoga.

Today is going to be rough.  I have a wine tasting late this afternoon, followed by dinner out.  I could have managed that OK, but I was talked into lunch out, too.  Had a salmon BLT without the B, ate only half the bread, and ignored the fries save 1.5 of them.  One glass of wine with lunch, though.  By the way, I don't avoid bread because of some dumb keto thing, but because I just don't like bread enough to waste my calories/points on it.  Anyway, will have to modify dinner from our plan for Indian to something where I can eat a bit better.  

I may try that brushing teeth thing. Seriously. That or authorizing my wife to hit me every time I reach for junk food at night. 

Was great yesterday until 8:30 PM hit... :bag: . Took a low amount of prop 207, started watching Squid Game with my wife, became relaxed - then all of a sudden I had a bag of popcorn and a brownie. 

Did get back in the gym last night (hopefully that at least counterbalanced the nighttime nonsense). Going tonight after work as well. And, so far, my diet has been good all day (typical protein bar breakfast, keto chili with some sour cream for lunch and about a handful of healthier popcorn, wife is cooking a low-carb chicken dish for dinner).

I may try that brushing teeth thing. Seriously. That or authorizing my wife to hit me every time I reach for junk food at night. 

Was great yesterday until 8:30 PM hit... :bag: . Took a low amount of prop 207, started watching Squid Game with my wife, became relaxed - then all of a sudden I had a bag of popcorn and a brownie. 

Did get back in the gym last night (hopefully that at least counterbalanced the nighttime nonsense). Going tonight after work as well. And, so far, my diet has been good all day (typical protein bar breakfast, keto chili with some sour cream for lunch and about a handful of healthier popcorn, wife is cooking a low-carb chicken dish for dinner).
brushing your teeth is magic.  Popcorn and toothpaste sounds pretty terrible tbh

This is definitely the busiest I've ever seen the thread. Love to see it. :thumbup:  Was a hectic day and almost forgot to post. My foot legitimately began to hurt again yesterday, but the compression sleeve arrived and is making a huge difference. Significantly reduced the pain immediately after putting it on. Ran 4 easy miles at 9:29 pace this morning and felt a little bit of soreness around lunchtime, but that's about it. The next big test will be my 6-miler scheduled for tomorrow. 

Diet has been very solid the last couple days, no major slipups. Blood pressure is the main indicator I'm worried about and alcohol seems to have the biggest effect on it, so I'm trying to zero in on an appropriate booze limit for myself. The week of 9/20 I had 7 or 8 drinks and that was too many. Last week I just had 2 and was fine. Going to try 4 drinks this week and see where I'm at on Monday (that's right, the beer I'm sipping on right now is for research purposes). Hope everyone else is doing well!

Not a great day eating (snacking a little more than I would like during the day) but better than yesterday.  Hit my 600 calories of exercise and most importantly no booze!  I've noticed that I haven't snacked once all week past dinner time.  I think that's strongly correlated with not drinking.  Also threw in a 100 pushups for kicks.

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I did do OK on food tonight...had some shared mussels and then some cod and vegetables.

Booze...well, booze is a different story.  Kinda tough when the people at the wine place know you and just keep pouring more and more "tastes."  And also then you go out and have dinner.  I should make myself the DD so I will have a reason not to drink the wine.  Alas, that was not true tonight.

I did do my yoga (~30 minutes) after lunch today and also walked to the wine-tasting meeting point, which gave me another 2 miles of hills.

Also,  lol at Steeler...those fries were tough, though.  They were freaking delicious, so 1.5 was a huge victory.

So this Huel stuff isn’t terrible. I’m not gonna say it’s good. Because that would be a lie. But it’s not terrible. 



I don't know what you spent on Huel, but the cost may have been better spent on kettlebells.

Kettlebell Kings is really the most accessible top quality on the market, but it's the most expensive. Rogue is also quality but their pricing doesn't factor in shipping.

Titan offers free shipping. At some point, metal is metal. I would start with Titan and if you feel invested at some point, upgrade to better quality.

Your swing weight will be higher than your goblet squat weight which will be higher than your clean and press weight and your Turkish Get Up weight. But it's better to start you with just focusing on swing weight and goblet squat weight.

The average adult male is probably going to start at 35 pounds. Maybe 45 pounds. You'll be better off testing it at a sporting goods store local to you and then buying online.

30 Day Challenge for you - 100 swings a day ( 10 sets of 10) and 50 goblet squats a day for you ( 5 sets of 10)  If you work more 14 hour days, then every hour when you get up to take a break, do a set.

Look at the total volume of work and load. 35 pounds (estimated) at 150 compound movements.

You don't want to leave your attic, so don't. You likely can't drag a power rack up there, so don't. You won't be consistent with something complex, so don't.

I don't know what advice you were given before, but clearly it didn't work.

There are three ways to do things in this life. The right way. The wrong way. And "The Gekko Way". Not everyone wants the Gekko way, but everyone who desires to win actually needs the Gekko way.

@kevzilla - saw your reaction to my post.  I wasn’t totally clear with my post.  I’ve not fallen back totally.  I’ve just not maintained as well as I would have liked the last year and that bump was me reminding myself and holding myself accountable to not go full moron.  I’m still in the 190’s and back on the wagon.  I was dangerously close to throwing all the hard work away AGAIN.  Similar story to Fred - I had a very stressful two months (2 family deaths, had to take the car keys away from my parents, working to get them moved, work crap and while not a bad thing but my oldest moved out).  All excuses though and that was what I reminded myself.


Today is going to be rough.  I have a wine tasting late this afternoon, followed by dinner out.  I could have managed that OK, but I was talked into lunch out, too.  Had a salmon BLT without the B, ate only half the bread, and ignored the fries save 1.5 of them.  One glass of wine with lunch, though.  By the way, I don't avoid bread because of some dumb keto thing, but because I just don't like bread enough to waste my calories/points on it.  Anyway, will have to modify dinner from our plan for Indian to something where I can eat a bit better.  
Everything about this is perfect in an imperfect way. Yesterday wasn't going to be according to schedule, so create a game plan in advance - just like you did. Deciding in advance which cheats you'll allow in then what sacrifices you'll make before/after to offset is necessary - just like you did. Knowing your weaknesses and what you consider filler is paramount to making good decisions in these situations - again, just like you did.

Not every day is going to be great, but proactively focusing your energy on those not great days is how one achieves success.  :hifive:

Yesterday: Huel for lunch and granola for an afternoon snack. Cuban sandwich for dinner likely containing an uncountable amount of calories, but no dessert or late night snacking, so this is acceptable to me. 

Enjoying my guy @gordon gekko - started doing 10 squats every time before I sit back down in my office chair. Maybe get on the kettle ball train someday. I always thought the swings went way higher and thus wouldn't work due to my height / ceilings - but watched the video linked above and that doesn't seem to be true. 

Head out to the mountains for two nights starting this evening which will surely be a setback, but not sweating it. Onwards!

This week:  204 lbs       Last week:  204 lbs

Change:    0 lbs          Loss to date:  77 lbs


Current Target weight:  190 lbs

March 12:   281 lbs  
March 19:   274 lbs
March 26:   270 lbs
April 2:       265 lbs
April 9:       262 lbs
April 16:     259 lbs
April 23:     256 lbs
April 30:     254 lbs
May 7:       251 lbs
May 14:     249 lbs
May 21:     246 lbs
May 28:     245 lbs
June 4:      239 lbs
June 11:    235 lbs
June 18:    235 lbs
June 25:    231 lbs
July 2:       229 lbs
July 9:       232 lbs
July 16:     227 lbs
July 23:     225 lbs
July 30:     223 lbs
Aug 6:       221 lbs
Aug 13:     218 lbs
Aug 20:     215 lbs
Aug 27:     212 lbs
Sep 3:        210 lbs
Sep 10:       206 lbs   First Goal of 207 lbs Reached    🌟 💥 🌟 💥  🌟 💥 🌟 
Oct 1:         206 lbs
Oct 8:         204 lbs
Oct 15:       204 lbs
Pulled myself out of the depressive rut. Made myself do strength training on Monday, and full normal routine on Tuesday and since. Legs were killing me, some of the roughest exercise bike rides I've had in awhile. With the calories last weekend when my motivation floored, just happy I held serve and didn't gain any.

Liking the protein shakes. Gold Standard, double chocolate is good. Picked up a tub of their malted chocolate to try. Vanilla is ok but not as good as the chocolate. I find the protein shakes help reduce my appetite. Getting anywhere from about 140 to 200g of protein most days. More on the days I'm lifting.

As does getting some fat with my meals. I found early on that is part of what sates my cravings. If I don't eat much of it I'll end up getting headaches too. As I converted meals to more turkey and chicken, I wasn't getting as much fat and started getting headaches. Just adding a slice of sharp cheddar on the side makes a big difference for me in how I feel.

Great to see all the progress going on in here!

Everything about this is perfect in an imperfect way. Yesterday wasn't going to be according to schedule, so create a game plan in advance - just like you did. Deciding in advance which cheats you'll allow in then what sacrifices you'll make before/after to offset is necessary - just like you did. Knowing your weaknesses and what you consider filler is paramount to making good decisions in these situations - again, just like you did.

Not every day is going to be great, but proactively focusing your energy on those not great days is how one achieves success.  :hifive:

I appreciate this post.  Yesterday turned out to be a not-great day, but not terrible either.  Planning around what I knew would be too much wine (four glasses!) allowed me still to eat some delicious food but only go about 12% over my points for the day.

Today I have no social obligations, so it will all be easier.

krista4 said:
Booze...well, booze is a different story.

VIDEO: How to Make Chia Pudding with Only 3 Ingredients Aug 29, 2018

This 3-Ingredient Chia Pudding is made with almond milk, chia seeds & sweetener of choice; it's a healthy snack loaded with protein, fiber and healthy fats



A decent trick for those who want to remove regular alcohol consumption is to replace it with Chia Pudding.

It's better to use low fat coconut milk instead of almond milk. You can use honey to start, but the goal is to ween yourself off of any sweetener over time. You can choose to add cinnamon.

Alcohol consumption on a regular basis screws with your how your liver processes carbs and fats when it's time to burn them. Booze is also empty calories.

Staying under your threshold for whatever calorie count you want is pointless if you aren't getting all your macronutrients on a daily basis.

What is a glass of wine? 100 calories or so? Depending on what you are drinking.

Replace each glass of wine with a cup of chia pudding. Whenever you get the urge for alcohol, have some chia pudding instead.

You'll feel more satisfied with your eating, your level of satiation and your sleep will likely be better as well.

This is my 28th anniversary weekend, so I might not be posting every day because it's not going to be good :lol:  

Breakfast and lunch were pretty good today, but I've already had 2 whiskey's and an Indian Pale Ale Beer which is 220 calories for 12 oz.

We are going out to eat for tomorrow's lunch and dinner, and out on Sunday for lunch - alcohol may be consumed.

Monday, I'm planning to make pulled pork so hopefully I can reign it in starting that day (or probably Tuesday) -- so see you Tuesday. 

This is my 28th anniversary weekend, so I might not be posting every day because it's not going to be good :lol:  

Breakfast and lunch were pretty good today, but I've already had 2 whiskey's and an Indian Pale Ale Beer which is 220 calories for 12 oz.

We are going out to eat for tomorrow's lunch and dinner, and out on Sunday for lunch - alcohol may be consumed.

Monday, I'm planning to make pulled pork so hopefully I can reign it in starting that day (or probably Tuesday) -- so see you Tuesday. 

VIDEO: How to Make Chia Pudding with Only 3 Ingredients Aug 29, 2018

This 3-Ingredient Chia Pudding is made with almond milk, chia seeds & sweetener of choice; it's a healthy snack loaded with protein, fiber and healthy fats



A decent trick for those who want to remove regular alcohol consumption is to replace it with Chia Pudding.

It's better to use low fat coconut milk instead of almond milk. You can use honey to start, but the goal is to ween yourself off of any sweetener over time. You can choose to add cinnamon.

Alcohol consumption on a regular basis screws with your how your liver processes carbs and fats when it's time to burn them. Booze is also empty calories.

Staying under your threshold for whatever calorie count you want is pointless if you aren't getting all your macronutrients on a daily basis.

What is a glass of wine? 100 calories or so? Depending on what you are drinking.

Replace each glass of wine with a cup of chia pudding. Whenever you get the urge for alcohol, have some chia pudding instead.

You'll feel more satisfied with your eating, your level of satiation and your sleep will likely be better as well.

Interesting - do you drink this?  I'm wondering because I'm not big on sweets, and I definitely do not like sweet drinks at all, so if I were to make it, I'd just have two ingredients.  Does that still taste good?

By the way, to be clear, yesterday notwithstanding, I'm not trying to reduce my alcohol consumption overall.  I do like to sip drinks throughout the day, so I take in a lot of liquids - iced tea (with or without caffeine depending upon time of day) and sparkling water with lemon or lime, in addition to the wine.  There was a time when I wanted to drink less wine, and I merely drank a lot more water instead.  That's what I do in the evenings, like tonight, when I don't plan to consume any wine.  But this is a nice option with more nutritional value than water, so it's great to have that in my back pocket as an option, too.

Open to any other ideas from anyone as to good non-boozy and non-sweet drinks as well!  Thanks for this.

Walked 1.8 miles at a 15 minute per mile pace (I.e.  the Otis NYC walk).  Well on my way to hit 600.  Also, ate better than I have all week (although that isn’t saying much).  On the other hand, Friday evening is here.  Sigh

:lol:   I was walking with the former Mr. krista yesterday (from now on I'll call him OH), and he exclaimed, "Why do you always walk so fast?!?!"  I told him that my three years in NY followed by 17 in Chicago probably did it to me.  But probably it was just the NY time.

Congrats to Steeler on the anniversary!


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