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Otis fad diet thread — yoga, fasting, and kevzilla walking on🚶‍♂️ (2 Viewers)

114g protein 

55g fiber

4236mg sodium ouch

Not doing well on sodium this week.  Makes me realize how much worse I probably am when I'm not dieting.  Ugh.  Starting to get some endurance and speed back on the treadmill but not pushing it too hard, did a couple miles at my normal pace and then another mile or so of speed intervals. Finsihed under calories and no booze.  

I feel like sodium is the hardest thing to keep in check.  Even if you don't sprinkle a speck of salt on the food you eat, everything has tons of sodium.  I've been cooking a lot of salmon for lunch lately (without adding any salt).  It's a low sodium option that tastes great!

I feel like sodium is the hardest thing to keep in check.  Even if you don't sprinkle a speck of salt on the food you eat, everything has tons of sodium.  I've been cooking a lot of salmon for lunch lately (without adding any salt).  It's a low sodium option that tastes great!
Yeah I'm currently eating a delicious breakfast wrap.  Mission Carb balance tortilla, slice of sharp cheddar, half cup of black beans and two eggs.  29g protein!  That's awesome.  21g fiber!  Incredible.  380 calories?  How can something taste so good and have so much fiber and protein and be so filling?  It's like a dream come true.  Oh also over 1000 mg sodium.  ####.  

I'm still going to make these, and having a skyr with berries later should leave me with enough sodium to have dinner without going over... just need to be cautious with the other foods.  Marinades have a ton.  A 10 oz boneless skinless buffalo chicken breast i bought had like 1500 mg sodium.  Ouch. 

Bought some unmarinated chicken and will grill it while the weather is nice.  Skyr and berries with some Kind high fiber granola, not too bad. I can make it work.  Really the trick is to cook things yourself because anyone you pay to cook or prepare your food is going to try to make it taste good and that usually means loading it up with salt. 

I feel like sodium is the hardest thing to keep in check.  Even if you don't sprinkle a speck of salt on the food you eat, everything has tons of sodium.  I've been cooking a lot of salmon for lunch lately (without adding any salt).  It's a low sodium option that tastes great!
Absolutely. I have a huge sweet tooth so I figured that reducing sugar would be the most difficult part of eating healthy for me, but sodium has turned out to be much harder. Even things that don't taste particularly salty are loaded with sodium. 1 Pillsbury biscuit, 20% of your recommended daily sodium intake. 3 little pancakes, 60%.  :loco:  It's crazy. 

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Absolutely. I have a huge sweet tooth so I figured that reducing sugar would be the most difficult part of eating healthy for me, but sodium has turned out to be much harder. Even things that don't taste particularly salty are loaded with sodium. 1 Pillsbury biscuit, 20% of your recommended daily sodium intake. 3 little pancakes, 60%.  :loco:  It's crazy. 
Even some sweets (e.g. cookies) have a good bit of sodium in them.  Chocolate is a good option I guess but then you’re screwing up your sugar ratios.  Eating healthy is not easy.  Like Fred said, you just have to cook from scratch (which thankfully both my wife and I like to do).

Absolutely. I have a huge sweet tooth so I figured that reducing sugar would be the most difficult part of eating healthy for me, but sodium has turned out to be much harder. Even things that don't taste particularly salty are loaded with sodium. 1 Pillsbury biscuit, 20% of your recommended daily sodium intake. 3 little pancakes, 60%.  :loco:  It's crazy. 
I think I've told this in here about sodium before.  

We get Panera occasionally, mainly for the salads.  I was on their nutritional .pdf looking for lower sodium options.  I noticed their baguette (180mg) has more sodium than their little bag of chips (150mg).  Seriously, what is up with that?  

After the Wednesday evening mishap, I rebounded well yesterday, easily meeting my sugar/sodium goals with no booze. Ran 7 miles at 9:43 pace this morning and feel quite sore now. :lol:  Ran 19 total miles this week, hoping to finally break 20 next week. Hope everyone else is doing well!

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Well...  so I ate well yesterday.  And walked over 3 miles total.  But I also drank a decent amount last night because it was Friday eve.   :bag:

Did a core focus down-dog 40-min yoga session this morning.  Noticed I did crow the full length of time twice.  I also did all the stupid boats and half boats.  So I'm seeing some progress in my yoga practice.  

Will hopefully keep the booze under control tonight, but I'm sure I will not stay off the booze.  Weather is too nice and patio sitting seems to equate directly to booze consumption.  

Keep up the good work!

This week:  206 lbs       Last week:  204 lbs

Change:    +2 lbs          Loss to date:  75 lbs


Current Target weight:  190 lbs

March 12:   281 lbs  
March 19:   274 lbs
March 26:   270 lbs
April 2:       265 lbs
April 9:       262 lbs
April 16:     259 lbs
April 23:     256 lbs
April 30:     254 lbs
May 7:       251 lbs
May 14:     249 lbs
May 21:     246 lbs
May 28:     245 lbs
June 4:      239 lbs
June 11:    235 lbs
June 18:    235 lbs
June 25:    231 lbs
July 2:       229 lbs
July 9:       232 lbs
July 16:     227 lbs
July 23:     225 lbs
July 30:     223 lbs
Aug 6:       221 lbs
Aug 13:     218 lbs
Aug 20:     215 lbs
Aug 27:     212 lbs
Sep 3:        210 lbs
Sep 10:       206 lbs   First Goal of 207 lbs Reached    🌟 💥 🌟 💥  🌟 💥 🌟 
Oct 1:         206 lbs
Oct 8:         204 lbs
Oct 15:       204 lbs
Oct 22:       206 lbs
2 lbs gained, I suppose I should be happy it wasn't worse. Did a poor job adapting to not being able to exercise much. I've mostly been eating normal amounts (for my goal weight) and using exercise to make the calorie deficit, been awhile since I've had to do it through just dieting. 

On the good side, I rode last night, and again this morning. It is making my foot a little more cranky after, but I don't know it's actually hurting it. Hopefully there aren't any stress fractures or anything like that. I'll see what it can handle, not getting cardio in is killing me. 

I feel like sodium is the hardest thing to keep in check.  Even if you don't sprinkle a speck of salt on the food you eat, everything has tons of sodium.  I've been cooking a lot of salmon for lunch lately (without adding any salt).  It's a low sodium option that tastes great!
This rigid isn't reasonable, but - don't eat out and only eat foods found on the outer rim of the grocery store. Salt/sugar management is borderline impossible if too much stuff from the aisles and takeout/dine-in is in one's diet.

I was never fully comfortable out there this morning, pace was 18:39.

This is most likely due to drinks last night. So drinks. Also the main reason the scale says I gained 2.0 pounds this week. I don't do that on Fridays anymore, but I did last night, and I paid the price.

Don't want to end on a bummer, so let me add that the dumb errand I had to run yesterday was to go to the practice where I used to have an office and get the 50% employee discount on some orthotic inserts. I couldn't do the roadwork without them.

I was never fully comfortable out there this morning, pace was 18:39.

This is most likely due to drinks last night. So drinks. Also the main reason the scale says I gained 2.0 pounds this week. I don't do that on Fridays anymore, but I did last night, and I paid the price.

Don't want to end on a bummer, so let me add that the dumb errand I had to run yesterday was to go to the practice where I used to have an office and get the 50% employee discount on some orthotic inserts. I couldn't do the roadwork without them.
Just one of those days that will make the next workout feel more satisfying then. Keep at it!

Much better mood than yesterday. Two rides combined for 3.5 hours on the bike yesterday. Toe didn't hurt, but it looked a slight bit more swollen, and bruised area of foot might have darkened. So... going to back off again. But I needed the rides to get my head right. Between that and clearing out some temporary weight, was back down at 204 this morning.

Did a strength workout today which went really well and I moved up in the weights on a couple of exercises. Used a warmup from that guy with the plank workout that the Two Freds (tm) are doing. Looking forward to trying the planks when my toe can handle it.

Then shopping. Been wearing the same XXL shorts, tied tight to stay up, since I started this. Bought two pair, Large. :)   And then got some jeans, 34" waist (was wearing 42" back in March). Might have fit into stretchy 32" but the rest fit perfect so went with the 34.

All that has me feeling fantastic right now. Not going to hit the bike because of my toe, but I might go do a core workout this evening to burn some more calories.

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Ran 19 total miles this week, hoping to finally break 20 next week. 

Did a core focus down-dog 40-min yoga session this morning.  Noticed I did crow the full length of time twice.  I also did all the stupid boats and half boats.  So I'm seeing some progress in my yoga practice.  

Don't want to end on a bummer, so let me add that the dumb errand I had to run yesterday was to go to the practice where I used to have an office and get the 50% employee discount on some orthotic inserts. I couldn't do the roadwork without them.

Then shopping. Been wearing the same XXL shorts, tied tight to stay up, since I started this. Bought two pair, Large. :)   And then got some jeans, 34" waist (was wearing 42" back in March). Might have fit into stretchy 32" but the rest fit perfect so went with the 34.

Just here to say I love all of these snippets.

I'm still on vacation doing about 50/50 on good vs. bad decisions.  Good - healthy lunches!  Lots of exercise!  Bad - everything that happens after 4 or 5 pm.  Join me in this space on Thursday when I start making 95% good decisions instead.

I was not good on calories this weekend.  When losing weight was uncharted territory it was easier to stay motivated because I was trying to do something new and exciting and wanted to prove to myself that I could do it.  Now that I've done it, I find myself justifying bad behavior with "I know I'll be able to lose this later".

I increased my running distance a bit and am getting back to more frequent runs and longer runs, which will allow me to lose without being so strict on intake.  So the weekend wasn't a total loss. 

I also give my weekend diet a C or so. Could've been worse (at least 2 of my 3 meals each day were healthy!) but could've been a lot better. Blood pressure was at the high end of normal last night, confirming that I didn't mess up too bad but need to be careful.

I did stay active over the weekend though, walking 9.5 total miles on Saturday and another 9 on Sunday. Jogged 4 miles this morning at 9:39 pace. Cautiously optimistic about my foot, seems to finally be improving a bit. Hope everyone else is doing well!

Did pretty well today overall.  Got in a 3 mile walk and completed a 30 minute body combat session at night.  Most importantly, stayed off the booze.  Like others in this thread have suggested, brushing teeth is a good deterrent to consuming bad things at night time.  

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Diet yesterday was going well until dinner, when I had the Otis Diet Thread Classic of Indian food and wine. :bag:  Anyway, ran 5 miles this morning at 9:10 pace. The chilly weather had me moving a bit faster than my usual easy pace, so by the end I decided to completely abandon my "easy run" plans and test out my foot. Did the last .75 miles at 8 minute pace, and everything felt alright -- I'm definitely getting closer to resuming my quick runs. Hope everyone else is doing well!

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Haven't been posting every day because the updates would have been bad, frankly.

However, yesterday was a good day.  Skipped breakfast, ate lunch at noon, stopped eating for the day at 6PM.  The worst thing I ate all day was the high-fiber wrap we used for the quesadilla's  (chicken, cheese, black beans and jalapeno).  No booze.

Today started off pretty well:  eggs and breakfast sausage <-- can't do this all the time but it's better than a bagel :lol:  

Let's get it!

Yesterday started off well with a healthy breakfast of cheerios + blueberries.  Then it pretty much went downhill.  Ate a big lunch and dinner and didn’t exercise.  Didn’t even get a walk in as the weather was crappy all day.  Did not hit my 600 calorie goal.  The positives - I didn’t snack much and I didn’t booze.  I guess any day I can avoid booze is at least a partial win.  

Had a hard seltzer with dinner yesterday but otherwise my diet was good. Was able to avoid the rain this morning because it's a scheduled rest day, but I might still be in for a drizzly run tomorrow. Hope everyone else is doing well!

Back from another 30 day TO... Haven't been exercising as much as I would like and have noticed that I've put back on a little weight.

I did do my first ever mountain bike race 3 weeks ago, which was a pretty cool experience.  18 months ago I wouldn't have been in the physical shape to even complete the course, much less "race" it.  My goal was not to finish last in my category, so my version of racing was not the same as a lot of others.  I ended up 57/81 in my group.  My average heart rate for the 2.5 hours was 167 and I burned over 2,700 calories.  Completely kicked my butt.  It's been over 20 years since I've done something so physically demanding, but am hopeful to race again in April..... ideally training for it and without the pulled quadricep.

Can't get out and exercise because I'm recovering from a "half" vasectomy from last friday.  The doctor couldn't locate the vas defrens on the left side after 10 minutes of tugging on my ball.  He moved on to the right side, completed it in a couple minutes and then went back to tugging on the left side for another 10 minutes before realizing I looked like I was going to pass out.... it was either that or I was going to throw up.  Now I have to go back for another procedure where they put me under.  Yay, I get to recover from two vasectomies!  

On the bright side is you will have some good jokes:  I'm so studly one vasectomy wasn't enough!  

When someone mentions their vasectomy you can say. Pffft... only one?!?

Guy tried to tell me that what he was doing shouldn't be as uncomfortable as I was making it out to be.  Five days later, the side with no incision is almost as bruised as the side where they actually did the procedure.

Finally did a ride, 80 minutes, with no annoyance from the toe and foot at all. Even had the resistance up to the lower end of the range I normally ride at for the last third of the ride. Hopefully I'm back.

After last week sucked, got strict on the diet part again. Though I'm looking forward to getting enough exercise in I can get back to enjoying a few more foods like I had been doing, and still losing.

Had a hard seltzer with dinner yesterday but otherwise my diet was good. 
Can copy and paste this blurb again -- met my sugar/sodium/protein goals, just had a hard seltzer while making dinner. It hasn't stopped raining since Tuesday, so I did 4 miles on the treadmill this morning at 9:45 pace. Weather should finally clear up overnight so I can do my Friday long run outdoors. Hope everyone else is doing well!

The in-laws got in last Friday and they're here for another week and a half.  No issues with that other than I end up eating a LOT of food.  Hit my 600 calorie goal yesterday and refrained from booze.  Did cave at night and have a little piece of pumpkin pie and some ice cream.  

Ouch. So apparently, good ride yesterday did not carry over to today. Did a legs workout and then hopped on the bike. Only made it 40 minutes before I had to quit, foot mildly aching. I might end up going to the doctor to have it looked at it. Been two weeks now. :(

Ouch. So apparently, good ride yesterday did not carry over to today. Did a legs workout and then hopped on the bike. Only made it 40 minutes before I had to quit, foot mildly aching. I might end up going to the doctor to have it looked at it. Been two weeks now. :(
Good idea to listen to your body.  Take it easy and good luck.

HELLO.  Back in the game starting tomorrow.  Ex-Mr. k4 is in on this, too, which frankly he needs muuuuuch more than I do.

Tonight I'm just disappointed that I don't have a sleeve of Oreos or anything decadent to eat before going into lockdown.  Damn it.  I ate some whole wheat Ritz crackers, which really didn't do the trick.

Did ok yesterday - somehow managed to stay off the booze on Friday eve (although that took quite a bit of willpower) and hit my 600 calories thanks to a lot of activity and a 20 minute HIIT workout at night.  Didn't eat great - with all of the family here, food and desserts are in abundance.  And now Halloween is coming up.......Sigh

This week:  203 lbs       Last week:  206 lbs

Change:    -3 lbs          Loss to date:  78 lbs


Current Target weight:  190 lbs

March 12:   281 lbs  
March 19:   274 lbs
March 26:   270 lbs
April 2:       265 lbs
April 9:       262 lbs
April 16:     259 lbs
April 23:     256 lbs
April 30:     254 lbs
May 7:       251 lbs
May 14:     249 lbs
May 21:     246 lbs
May 28:     245 lbs
June 4:      239 lbs
June 11:    235 lbs
June 18:    235 lbs
June 25:    231 lbs
July 2:       229 lbs
July 9:       232 lbs
July 16:     227 lbs
July 23:     225 lbs
July 30:     223 lbs
Aug 6:       221 lbs
Aug 13:     218 lbs
Aug 20:     215 lbs
Aug 27:     212 lbs
Sep 3:        210 lbs
Sep 10:       206 lbs   First Goal of 207 lbs Reached    🌟 💥 🌟 💥  🌟 💥 🌟 
Oct 1:         206 lbs
Oct 8:         204 lbs
Oct 15:       204 lbs
Oct 22:       206 lbs
Oct 29:       203 lbs
Thought the foot was better after it endured a full ride, but then the next day it was worse. Have a doc appt for next Tuesday for if it isn't better by then.

Got stricter on my diet and I upped strength training to 5 workouts a week. Lost 3 lbs, so happy with the results. Stocked up on food for the holidays in case those supply chain/food shortage expectations come true.  A lot more treats and stuff I wouldn't usually keep around while dieting, so I'm going to have to show restraint.

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And speaking of (no) restraint, just had a pumpkin spice frappucino and a croissant with chocolate melted in the middle.

So worth it. Was a reward though. I have today off. It's gorgeous out, high 60s and sunny with just a bit of wind. Going to go lie out and catch some rays I think.  😎 ☀️

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