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Our Superbowl Champ (1 Viewer)


We lost two teams this year which diminished our league from 16 to 14. We still send 8 teams to the playoffs which means there is likely a team with a losing record in the 8 seed. This year, the 8 seed won it all with a 6-7 regular season record. Anyone else have something like this happen? I'm going to push for a bye system for the top two teams while teams 3-6 play a first round.

That's a joke. Almost despicable. Are you the comish? How much is at stake (for winning the super bowl)?

If so, I would veto the victory and confiscate his prize money.

I am not the commissioner. There is about $400 on the line for first place. Oh, he was also 10th in the league in scoring...out of 14 teams.

Our likely champ was 7-7 during the regular season... 10 team league, top 4 make the playoffs. He knocked off my 12-2 team in the first round.

If it bothers you don't play in head to head leagues.
It doesn't bother me. I'm asking if anyone else had something like this happen. That's the point of the post if you happened to read it.I am going to push for a change for next year, though. I spoke with the commissioner and he said the bye idea might be a good format since our league is shrinking in size.
back in 2000(2nd year dynasty league) had a team win his division and the Superbowl with a 5-6-2 record.

Last year, in my major dynasty, the champ was 6-7. But, he carried it over into this year and was the #1 seed but unless some things go his way tonight and tomorrow, he will likely lose.

Just to show that his 6-7 championship run of 2007 was not a fluke.

Thats why I love this fantasy football thing.

We had a team go 4-9 in the regular season and win some huge tiebreaker to get the 6th seed in our playoffs a few years back. He managed to somehow win 2nd place. Thats the good/bad thing about HTH. Any team can get hot in the playoffs and run the table.

Last year, in my major dynasty, the champ was 6-7. But, he carried it over into this year and was the #1 seed but unless some things go his way tonight and tomorrow, he will likely lose.Just to show that his 6-7 championship run of 2007 was not a fluke.Thats why I love this fantasy football thing.
What size is your league?
In our 10 team league we have 6 teams go to the playoffs. The 6th seed went 5-8 and made it to face me in the finals. I was the #1 seed at 10-3. I'm 19 ahead and she's got D. Williams tonite. I can't say I feel extremely confident. After all, in Week 14 she got 51 combined from Bryant and Williams in that Monday Night Car/TB game to come from way behind to win the first round. I think I'm screwed. :rolleyes:

I see no problem with this and I have seen it happen a few times in my years playing. I actually think this is the beauty of head to head.

The only time I have really had a problem with it is when the waiver wire settings are based on worst to first record. In examples such as this a person (such as the winner here) would be the first waiver wire choice every week in the playoffs, which in some cases could give them a massive advantage (considering injuries in recent weeks I would wager this probably happened). In this case, being the worst record in the playoffs is actually an advantage, especially in a system where there are no bye weeks. The key here is obviously to not have a worst to first bye setup. Any other case, I think this is actually the best part of head to head. Get in the playoffs and anything can happen.

I think there's always going to be something like this in H2H. The first year of one of my leagues, I went 12-2 and lost to a 7-7 team who was the 4th seed, but it happens sometimes. Honestly, the one thing in your situation that sounds off to me is that 8 teams are making the playoffs out of 14. That's more than half the league and diminishes the importance of the regular season. I would try to see if the league would change to a top 6 with top 2 getting byes like you suggested in the original post. As for the possibility of a sub .500 champ this year, if that's what the rules were all season, then that team is legitimately the champ.

I think there's always going to be something like this in H2H. The first year of one of my leagues, I went 12-2 and lost to a 7-7 team who was the 4th seed, but it happens sometimes. Honestly, the one thing in your situation that sounds off to me is that 8 teams are making the playoffs out of 14. That's more than half the league and diminishes the importance of the regular season. I would try to see if the league would change to a top 6 with top 2 getting byes like you suggested in the original post. As for the possibility of a sub .500 champ this year, if that's what the rules were all season, then that team is legitimately the champ.
I don't dispute his championship. He won it fair and square. I would like to see the possibility of a sub .500 team making the playoffs reduced for future years, however. Eight teams out of fourteen making the playoffs was a bit absurd. I guess no one really thought about it. We were more focused on finding a solution for two missing owners (we retracted two teams).
my main dynasty league is ten years old. the team with the best regular season record has only won the SB 3 times in 10 years

We lost two teams this year which diminished our league from 16 to 14. We still send 8 teams to the playoffs which means there is likely a team with a losing record in the 8 seed. This year, the 8 seed won it all with a 6-7 regular season record. Anyone else have something like this happen? I'm going to push for a bye system for the top two teams while teams 3-6 play a first round.
Yeah, I've seen this happen before. This year I was #1 team pretty much all year -- scoring, breakdown, records -- etc. then laid an egg in my first round game and got bounced. That's why we give a portion of the pot to the "regular season champ," so you don't get completely shut out of the payouts. I actually like giving payouts to both regular season champ and playoff champ because while you want to reward consistency the whole year though, you also want to give everyone something to play for. Otherwise, teams getting off to a bad start may just mail it in, and that's no good for the league...M
Last year, in my major dynasty, the champ was 6-7. But, he carried it over into this year and was the #1 seed but unless some things go his way tonight and tomorrow, he will likely lose.Just to show that his 6-7 championship run of 2007 was not a fluke.Thats why I love this fantasy football thing.
What size is your league?
12 teams, 25 man rosters PPRETA - 6 years old.
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That's a joke. Almost despicable. Are you the comish? How much is at stake (for winning the super bowl)?If so, I would veto the victory and confiscate his prize money.
Because it's the winner's fault that the rules are set up that way? Lame. Change it for the future, but don't piss on someone out of spite.
Last year, in my major dynasty, the champ was 6-7. But, he carried it over into this year and was the #1 seed but unless some things go his way tonight and tomorrow, he will likely lose.Just to show that his 6-7 championship run of 2007 was not a fluke.Thats why I love this fantasy football thing.
What size is your league?
12 teams, 25 man rosters PPRETA - 6 years old.
*drool* 25 man rosters
Was 7-6 in the regular season and the 5th seed out of 6. Going to win it all. In fairness...my team was no. 1 in points and breakdown for the season but also had the dubious honor of most scored upon, thus the record.

Meh, this is how I plan to win every year.

12 teams, top 6 make the playoffs. So basically, finish at or above .500 and get in. So when drafting, trading, and making waiver moves, I'll focus on just getting by for 13 weeks and then having the big points come at the end. Also means I'll carry injured players longer if they're going to come back in time for the playoffs. Not trying to hit any home runs in the early weeks.

My team averaged 74 pts per week during the regular season. But during the playoffs, averaged 95 pts per week. Always had 2 guys starting vs. Detroit. Always had the good matchups. Etc.

If I know going into it that the rules allow an average team to make the playoffs, I try to be average with great late-season matchups. If the rules were set up differently, I'd structure the team differently.

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my main dynasty league is ten years old. the team with the best regular season record has only won the SB 3 times in 10 years
We are 10 years old as well. I believe the best team in our league won it 2-3 times max.
Seven year old dynasty league here, and the #1 seed in the league is 0-7 in the playoffs.
the #1 seed is the kiss of death in our league, specialty if you have a great year, only lose 1 or 2 games. I was the 5th seed this year and beat the #1 seed(11-2) today for the championship. I have had 2 season as the #1 seed, both years I was 12-1 and lost in the 2nd round
We lost two teams this year which diminished our league from 16 to 14. We still send 8 teams to the playoffs which means there is likely a team with a losing record in the 8 seed. This year, the 8 seed won it all with a 6-7 regular season record. Anyone else have something like this happen? I'm going to push for a bye system for the top two teams while teams 3-6 play a first round.
That might not solve it either. We have 6 go through to the playoffs, with the 1 and 2 seeds getting a bye. I was the 1 seed and both the #2 seed and I had 10-3 regular season records. We both lost our playoff game last week after the bye week.
I just lost the super bowl to a 6 seed 6-7 team in a 12 team dynasty.

Owner took over for a guy we lost after the rookie draft this year and made 2 roster moves all year.

No money involved.

Meh, this is how I plan to win every year.

12 teams, top 6 make the playoffs. So basically, finish at or above .500 and get in. So when drafting, trading, and making waiver moves, I'll focus on just getting by for 13 weeks and then having the big points come at the end. Also means I'll carry injured players longer if they're going to come back in time for the playoffs. Not trying to hit any home runs in the early weeks.

My team averaged 74 pts per week during the regular season. But during the playoffs, averaged 95 pts per week. Always had 2 guys starting vs. Detroit. Always had the good matchups. Etc.

If I know going into it that the rules allow an average team to make the playoffs, I try to be average with great late-season matchups. If the rules were set up differently, I'd structure the team differently.
Solid strategy... I don't think I could bring myself to do that because I just like dominating every week. It's fun. Though, it's not fun to have my juggernaut get knocked off in the first round of the playoffs by a team whose owner did nothing more than set his roster each week.
Was 7-6 in the regular season and the 5th seed out of 6. Going to win it all. In fairness...my team was no. 1 in points and breakdown for the season but also had the dubious honor of most scored upon, thus the record.
We have bingo. Records don't always tell the true story. We have a guy in guy in our league who 3 years in a row has had the most points scored against him. It's a curse, I'm surprised he hasn't moved on.
If DWill does anything less than 4 TD our champ would have had a regular season record of 4-9. Thank you DWill. :lmao:

What's wrong with this? In the real NFL, didn't a wild card team just win the last Super Bowl?
I wouldn't say there is anything wrong with it at all.... just goes to show that all you have to do is make it to the playoffs..... anything can happen.
In a 12 team league, I was top 3 in scoring, but finished at 6-7, good for 7th place (8 team playoff). As others have said records don't always tell an accurate story of how good or bad a team may be. I earned my trip to the Superbowl by taking out the 2nd and 3rd place teams in consecutive weeks. I lost in the Superbowl this week, but the runner-up prize is vindication for me as a team that consistently went up against the high point-scorer each week.

In my local league (10 team re-draft, $80 buy-in) we have what we consider a good payout/playoff system. 12 game regular season with 8 teams in the playoffs weeks 13-15, no BYE's. The logic being that if you have a top team you've got to earn your way to the championship by continuing to win. I realize not everyone will be a fan of this system, but it works well for us.

Winner gets: $310

Runner-up: $150

Best regular season record: $80

Most points scored, regular season: $80

Highest weekly score for each regular season week: $15

It gives all teams a chance at some money, and even teams who didn't make the playoffs get some money back for being the high scorer during the regular season.

Plaid Boxer said:
allaces10 said:
Was 7-6 in the regular season and the 5th seed out of 6. Going to win it all. In fairness...my team was no. 1 in points and breakdown for the season but also had the dubious honor of most scored upon, thus the record.
We have bingo. Records don't always tell the true story. We have a guy in guy in our league who 3 years in a row has had the most points scored against him. It's a curse, I'm surprised he hasn't moved on.
We give a $$$ payout for this. Most Points scored against gets you your entry fee back.
In my MOX I dynasty league, I'd been in the finals all 5 years of it's existence prior to this year and am 2-time defending champ.

So, this year I came into the season with Brady and Garrard at QB, LT, SJax, Pierre Thomas, James/Hightower, Selvin Young at RB, S Smith CAR, Roddy, VJax, TO at WR... thinking I'm in pretty good shape.

I lose Brady right away. Week after week I still score well but get beat. After 11 weeks I'm 3rd in the league in points but 2-9!

Fortunately this league has a WC spot for total points not otherwise qualifying based on record, I finishe with two wins to end up 4-9 and make the playoffs on total points, and away I go to see if I can make the finals for the 6th straight year.

Guys come up big for me, especially Pierre and MJD (I traded SJax for him near the end of regular season), and I win 2 playoff games to make the finals. Right now I'm sitting on a lead of 91-65 but opponent had QB Rodgers and WR Hester going tonight. Non-PPR league.

It's going to be close, but I have a good shot at winning my 3rd straight title after starting 2-9, and entering playoffs at 4-9. Yay!

In my MOX I dynasty league, I'd been in the finals all 5 years of it's existence prior to this year and am 2-time defending champ. So, this year I came into the season with Brady and Garrard at QB, LT, SJax, Pierre Thomas, James/Hightower, Selvin Young at RB, S Smith CAR, Roddy, VJax, TO at WR... thinking I'm in pretty good shape.I lose Brady right away. Week after week I still score well but get beat. After 11 weeks I'm 3rd in the league in points but 2-9!Fortunately this league has a WC spot for total points not otherwise qualifying based on record, I finishe with two wins to end up 4-9 and make the playoffs on total points, and away I go to see if I can make the finals for the 6th straight year.Guys come up big for me, especially Pierre and MJD (I traded SJax for him near the end of regular season), and I win 2 playoff games to make the finals. Right now I'm sitting on a lead of 91-65 but opponent had QB Rodgers and WR Hester going tonight. Non-PPR league. It's going to be close, but I have a good shot at winning my 3rd straight title after starting 2-9, and entering playoffs at 4-9. Yay!
would not think a team would make the playoffs with a 4-9 record in those MOX leagues
This is why my league doens't have playoffs. Best record wins it all. The better teams win it all, the late-season streakers might get 3rd for prize money.

Our champs went 6-6-1 this year.

Weird season too.

We always had 2 divisions of 6 teams, and top 4 in each division made the playoffs.

In past years, we never had more than one 6-7 team in the playoffs, and this year we aligned to one division to make for (a) more equal schedules, and (b) to get those 7-6 teams in the opposite division into the playoffs instead of those 6-7 teams. Happened 6 times in 9 seasons. So everyone was cool with the realignment.

THIS season, with one division, parity (at least after the top four teams) was the name of the game, with 7 of 12 teams with 5 or 6 wins.















So in 9 years we had six 6-7 playoff teams. And this year alone we had THREE 6-7 teams and one 6-6-1 team in the playoffs.

Normally we have three teams with less than 5 wins, but two of those teams improved their game this year and made for a really interesting Week 13 as we had 6 teams fighting for 3 playoff spots.

kingmalaki said:
What's wrong with this? In the real NFL, didn't a wild card team just win the last Super Bowl?
Congrats on not recognizing the difference between real football and fantasy football.
my main dynasty league is ten years old. the team with the best regular season record has only won the SB 3 times in 10 years
We are 10 years old as well. I believe the best team in our league won it 2-3 times max.
In 6 years of our league, I've won about 80% of my games - far and away the best record in the league. I've been to only two SBs and never won any of them.

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