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Pacman Jones (1 Viewer)


Associated Press

Troubled cornerback Adam "Pacman" Jones was released Wednesday by the Dallas Cowboys following a season in which he was suspended six games for an off-field fight.

The transaction will not become official until Feb. 9, the first day NFL teams can make waiver requests.

"He was surprised, and I think he was obviously somewhat hurt," said Worrick Robinson, Jones' agent. "At the same time, he understands the business behind what is happening here."
Didn't see this posted. Sorry if it has and I just missed it.
I just heard on the ESPN Duke/Davidson halftime show that Pacman may have been involved in a violent crime with a charge coming from his Titans days and that is why Dallas released him.

Did anyone else catch that?

Did anyone else catch that?
On ESPN today (courtesy of MDS at Fanhouse), John Barr came on the air and said that Pacman Jones was involved in a SECOND club shooting back in 2007. And no, I'm not talking about the one in Vegas that led to his original suspension, I'm talking about a completely different one.

"While under NFL suspension in 2007, Pacman Jones was the man behind a shooting that followed a dispute inside a nightclub," Barr reported. "There are also allegations that he offered to pay an accused murderer to do this shooting."

Barr made it known that he was not referring to the incident in February of 2007, which left a man paralyzed.

"The information that we have relates to an incident four months after that, while Jones was on suspension," Barr said.

Wow. Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised in the least. I mean, this is Pacman we're talking about. This guy got into a fight with his own bodyguards for God's sake.

Anyway, ESPN's Outside the Lines will apparently have more on this second club shooting on Sunday. I think I may just watch that.
Only Link I could find.
I don't really care if he's a terrible person, but I'm glad to see him go since he's a terrible football player.

I just heard on the ESPN Duke/Davidson halftime show that Pacman may have been involved in a violent crime with a charge coming from his Titans days and that is why Dallas released him.

Did anyone else catch that?
That's what espn.com is saying.
From that article:
"Outside the Lines" obtained information that police, investigating a separate Atlanta-area case, had been told by an informant that Jones ordered the June 2007 shooting following his dispute with one of the men. Police have said while the case remains open they are not actively investigating.
They had to release him in order to create space for some other piece of trash that Jerry Jones is going to rehabilitate and turn into a model citizen.

I don't think he can be just released. He's hurt with possibly a career ending injury. Doesn't an injured player have to work out an injury settlement? Isn't that like to your boss firing you for getting hurt on the job?

It's nitpicking but I think there's more to this story coming out soon.

BTW one less Cowboy practicing in pajamas is a good thing, isn't it?

I don't think he can be just released. He's hurt with possibly a career ending injury. Doesn't an injured player have to work out an injury settlement? Isn't that like to your boss firing you for getting hurt on the job?It's nitpicking but I think there's more to this story coming out soon.BTW one less Cowboy practicing in pajamas is a good thing, isn't it?
He played in the Philly game after the injury. I don't see how a settlement would be required.
I don't think he can be just released. He's hurt with possibly a career ending injury. Doesn't an injured player have to work out an injury settlement? Isn't that like to your boss firing you for getting hurt on the job?It's nitpicking but I think there's more to this story coming out soon.BTW one less Cowboy practicing in pajamas is a good thing, isn't it?
He played in the Philly game after the injury. I don't see how a settlement would be required.
thanks, I didn't even notice. I wonder if that does negate any injury claim.
If he needs some cash to tide him over, I'll gladly buy his TNA tag team championship belt from him.

I was assured by Cowboy fans that Jerry Jones had completely checked out the young man. That there were no more skeletons in his closet nor shoes to drop. I was assured that Pacman, in the presence of a man like Jerry had to automatically bare his soul and that there were no more shoes to drop. I was assured that there was some sort of Cowboy magic that would automatically rub off on Pacman once he joined the team and that this would guarantee no problems since he would be so grateful just to be part of America's Team. All this and more I was assured of by Cowboy fans.

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I was assured by Cowboy fans that Jerry Jones had completely checked out the young man. That there were no more skeletons in his closet nor shoes to drop.
I'm speculating here, but I'm guessing Pacman not revealing this other new apparent incident when he was getting signed by Dallas has a significant impact on his release. If this other incident is true, you can bet he lied to Jerry about nothing else being out there. Getting caught in a lie to Jerry is a quick ticket out of town.Again, pure speculation. But it would not surprise me in the least if thats what's behind this.
I was assured by Cowboy fans that Jerry Jones had completely checked out the young man. That there were no more skeletons in his closet nor shoes to drop. I was assured that Pacman, in the presence of a man like Jerry had to automatically bare his sould and that there were no more shoes to drop. I was assured that there was some sort of Cowboy magic that would automatically rub off on Pacman once he joined the team and that this would guarantee no problems since he would be so grateful just to be part of America's Team. All this and more I was assured of by Cowboy fans.
Keep twisting.No agenda here.
It is pretty funny that he was expected to shape up in Dallas and be a big time player in the return game and then none of that happened.
Cut the guy some slack. Just because he solicited a murderer for a contract hit after being disrespected at a strip club while on NFL suspension doesn't mean he's a bad guy. Oh wait...
I was assured by Cowboy fans that Jerry Jones had completely checked out the young man. That there were no more skeletons in his closet nor shoes to drop. I was assured that Pacman, in the presence of a man like Jerry had to automatically bare his sould and that there were no more shoes to drop. I was assured that there was some sort of Cowboy magic that would automatically rub off on Pacman once he joined the team and that this would guarantee no problems since he would be so grateful just to be part of America's Team. All this and more I was assured of by Cowboy fans.
But alas, they just couldn't make a good football player out of him. That's what it really comes down to IMO. If he was the next coming of Champ Bailey, they'd still be making excuses for the guy and preaching "innocent until proven guilty" until they were blue in the face. I wouldn't see this as any sign that the Cowboys suddenly value character in players.
IMO, the only BIG mistake the Cowboys made with regards to Pacman is......he didn't earn his spot/playing time on the team and especially after he returned from rehab. Orlando Scandrick was clearly outplaying Pacman. Yet his playing time was cut upon Pac's return. This sends a terrible message to the entire team. There are many rumors right now about this being one of problems within the locker room. This move has Jerry's fingerprints all over it and we all know Wade wasn't calling the shots. THIS IS PROBLEM.

The trade and personnel move itself was reasonable and they didn't pay a steep price for someone who should have had everything to play for. ***I know lot's of people will say once a turd always a turd***. I get the theory. TIA. As a Cowboy fan I am of the opinion that bringing in Pac was not the biggest part of the problem.

I was assured by Cowboy fans that Jerry Jones had completely checked out the young man. That there were no more skeletons in his closet nor shoes to drop. I was assured that Pacman, in the presence of a man like Jerry had to automatically bare his sould and that there were no more shoes to drop. I was assured that there was some sort of Cowboy magic that would automatically rub off on Pacman once he joined the team and that this would guarantee no problems since he would be so grateful just to be part of America's Team. All this and more I was assured of by Cowboy fans.
But alas, they just couldn't make a good football player out of him. That's what it really comes down to IMO. If he was the next coming of Champ Bailey, they'd still be making excuses for the guy and preaching "innocent until proven guilty" until they were blue in the face. I wouldn't see this as any sign that the Cowboys suddenly value character in players.
Exactly, does anybody remember the week that Terrance Newman injured himself and they lost another CB. They were making excuses over his bathroom brawl about how they were apparently joking around and they didn't suspend him themselves and waited for the league to do it. They wanted a body that game because they were so thin in the secondary. All in all, the Pacman experiment didn't work, he got exploited some games for his weak coverage and his special teams play was subpar. I remember during the year the special teams coach was telling him he's the reason for most of their penalties by not sticking to the return play. He would try to do it all himself and that resulted in about 100 illegal blocks and blocks in the back penalties. Pacman was just starting to hit the next level before his suspension for the Titans. He was getting better in coverage, playing some offensive snaps and returning pretty well. IMO, the lay off hurt him, he never got to the next level and he's no better then a nickel defensive back... and that's only because his speed and raw athletic ability.
Ozymandias said:
They had to release him in order to create space for some other piece of trash that Jerry Jones is going to rehabilitate and turn into a model citizen.
This was a roll-of-the-dice move by Jerry and the Cowboys. He took a chance on getting a guy who appeared to be playing at a pro bowl level prior to his year off. He gave him a minimum contract with no signing bonus. Cutting him cost Dallas nothing. He structured the deal so that Dallas gets back picks if Pac screwed up off the field.

And btw, by Dallas not suspending him for his bathroom brawl and getting the NFL to suspend him, Dallas was able to recoup a pick from Tennessee. Had Dallas suspended him, then no pick.

The bottom line is the dice roll didnt show a winning number. It is what it is. Time to move on. Jerry was at least smart enough to structure the whole thing so that they could move on with minimal impact. Easy come, easy go.

As a Cowboy fan, I'm glad they at least tried this move. I know my team has an owner who wants to win. An owner who is trying to win. Many teams can't say that. I hope Jerry tries more things like this in the future. Some times it works (Charles Haley). Some times it doesnt.

Time to move on.

I was assured by Cowboy fans that Jerry Jones had completely checked out the young man. That there were no more skeletons in his closet nor shoes to drop. I was assured that Pacman, in the presence of a man like Jerry had to automatically bare his sould and that there were no more shoes to drop. I was assured that there was some sort of Cowboy magic that would automatically rub off on Pacman once he joined the team and that this would guarantee no problems since he would be so grateful just to be part of America's Team. All this and more I was assured of by Cowboy fans.
Keep twisting.No agenda here.
I would never deny I am a hater. The funny thing is I use to like the Cowboys before Jerry Jones, his ways, and the corresponding, it seems, rise in arrogance of many Cowboy fans. I recognize that there are some great Cowboy fans.
I think this is a smart move by Jerry "Al Davis Jr." Jones.

Let's face it, the high point of Pacman's season was catching and holding all 6 of those balls that were punted to him during that Hard Knocks episode. Jerry was obviously expecting higher returns than that on his investment with this deviant player.

This was a roll-of-the-dice move by Jerry and the Cowboys. He took a chance on getting a guy who appeared to be playing at a pro bowl level prior to his year off. He gave him a minimum contract with no signing bonus. Cutting him cost Dallas nothing. He structured the deal so that Dallas gets back picks if Pac screwed up off the field. And btw, by Dallas not suspending him for his bathroom brawl and getting the NFL to suspend him, Dallas was able to recoup a pick from Tennessee. Had Dallas suspended him, then no pick.The bottom line is the dice roll didnt show a winning number. It is what it is. Time to move on. Jerry was at least smart enough to structure the whole thing so that they could move on with minimal impact. Easy come, easy go. As a Cowboy fan, I'm glad they at least tried this move. I know my team has an owner who wants to win. An owner who is trying to win. Many teams can't say that. I hope Jerry tries more things like this in the future. Some times it works (Charles Haley). Some times it doesnt.Time to move on.
I was assured by Cowboy fans that Jerry Jones had completely checked out the young man. That there were no more skeletons in his closet nor shoes to drop. I was assured that Pacman, in the presence of a man like Jerry had to automatically bare his sould and that there were no more shoes to drop. I was assured that there was some sort of Cowboy magic that would automatically rub off on Pacman once he joined the team and that this would guarantee no problems since he would be so grateful just to be part of America's Team. All this and more I was assured of by Cowboy fans.
Keep twisting.No agenda here.
I would never deny I am a hater. The funny thing is I use to like the Cowboys before Jerry Jones, his ways, and the corresponding, it seems, rise in arrogance of many Cowboy fans. I recognize that there are some great Cowboy fans.
How progressive of you.:subscribe:
This was a roll-of-the-dice move by Jerry and the Cowboys. He took a chance on getting a guy who appeared to be playing at a pro bowl level prior to his year off. He gave him a minimum contract with no signing bonus. Cutting him cost Dallas nothing. He structured the deal so that Dallas gets back picks if Pac screwed up off the field. And btw, by Dallas not suspending him for his bathroom brawl and getting the NFL to suspend him, Dallas was able to recoup a pick from Tennessee. Had Dallas suspended him, then no pick.The bottom line is the dice roll didnt show a winning number. It is what it is. Time to move on. Jerry was at least smart enough to structure the whole thing so that they could move on with minimal impact. Easy come, easy go. As a Cowboy fan, I'm glad they at least tried this move. I know my team has an owner who wants to win. An owner who is trying to win. Many teams can't say that. I hope Jerry tries more things like this in the future. Some times it works (Charles Haley). Some times it doesnt.Time to move on.
100% agree.I would just reiterate the mistake was giving him playing time (Jerry's doing) when it was NOT deserved by on the field play.It was more of: Well I spent money and he is talented, so get him out there Wade.Scandrick and Jenkins were better and more deserving of playing time. Other players saw this and knew it too. This is the problem with the Cowboys current culture.
This was a roll-of-the-dice move by Jerry and the Cowboys. He took a chance on getting a guy who appeared to be playing at a pro bowl level prior to his year off. He gave him a minimum contract with no signing bonus. Cutting him cost Dallas nothing. He structured the deal so that Dallas gets back picks if Pac screwed up off the field. And btw, by Dallas not suspending him for his bathroom brawl and getting the NFL to suspend him, Dallas was able to recoup a pick from Tennessee. Had Dallas suspended him, then no pick.The bottom line is the dice roll didnt show a winning number. It is what it is. Time to move on. Jerry was at least smart enough to structure the whole thing so that they could move on with minimal impact. Easy come, easy go. As a Cowboy fan, I'm glad they at least tried this move. I know my team has an owner who wants to win. An owner who is trying to win. Many teams can't say that. I hope Jerry tries more things like this in the future. Some times it works (Charles Haley). Some times it doesnt.Time to move on.
I'm curious, though...Does it dull your enjoyment at all that Jerry Jones seems to build teams with players that tend to be low on character? I'd think it'd be sort of tough to root for players I don't respect, even if they help you win. I remember when Pacman was acquired and people thought he would help them win, most Cowboys fans seemed to be happy with it, but I kept thinking, "yeah, but you've got to root for this jackass every week." It seems like Cowboy fans more than almost any others are completely indifferent to how they win just as long as they DO win. I know my teams occasionally have had players on it that I disliked and for me it made it tough to watch. I could rationalize behaviors to an extent, but after a while it got to the point where I couldn't anymore. The Forest Gregg era in Green Bay was like that, although in that case, they didn't even have the winning to go with it. It was a pretty miserable time to be a fan.
This was a roll-of-the-dice move by Jerry and the Cowboys. He took a chance on getting a guy who appeared to be playing at a pro bowl level prior to his year off. He gave him a minimum contract with no signing bonus. Cutting him cost Dallas nothing. He structured the deal so that Dallas gets back picks if Pac screwed up off the field.

And btw, by Dallas not suspending him for his bathroom brawl and getting the NFL to suspend him, Dallas was able to recoup a pick from Tennessee. Had Dallas suspended him, then no pick.

The bottom line is the dice roll didnt show a winning number. It is what it is. Time to move on. Jerry was at least smart enough to structure the whole thing so that they could move on with minimal impact. Easy come, easy go.

As a Cowboy fan, I'm glad they at least tried this move. I know my team has an owner who wants to win. An owner who is trying to win. Many teams can't say that. I hope Jerry tries more things like this in the future. Some times it works (Charles Haley). Some times it doesnt.

Time to move on.
This is an excellent point!I think Pacman was more than a roll of the dice. He was more like a 100 to 1 shot and the stakes were too high for that gamble. 31 other franchises saw that. I won't go as far to say Pacman was the reason the Cowboys missed the playoff but he sure didn't help.

This was a roll-of-the-dice move by Jerry and the Cowboys. He took a chance on getting a guy who appeared to be playing at a pro bowl level prior to his year off. He gave him a minimum contract with no signing bonus. Cutting him cost Dallas nothing. He structured the deal so that Dallas gets back picks if Pac screwed up off the field. And btw, by Dallas not suspending him for his bathroom brawl and getting the NFL to suspend him, Dallas was able to recoup a pick from Tennessee. Had Dallas suspended him, then no pick.The bottom line is the dice roll didnt show a winning number. It is what it is. Time to move on. Jerry was at least smart enough to structure the whole thing so that they could move on with minimal impact. Easy come, easy go. As a Cowboy fan, I'm glad they at least tried this move. I know my team has an owner who wants to win. An owner who is trying to win. Many teams can't say that. I hope Jerry tries more things like this in the future. Some times it works (Charles Haley). Some times it doesnt.Time to move on.
:wall: I will second that, it is just that some people are just plain stupid when it comes to wanting to bash the Cowboys.
This was a roll-of-the-dice move by Jerry and the Cowboys. He took a chance on getting a guy who appeared to be playing at a pro bowl level prior to his year off. He gave him a minimum contract with no signing bonus. Cutting him cost Dallas nothing. He structured the deal so that Dallas gets back picks if Pac screwed up off the field.

And btw, by Dallas not suspending him for his bathroom brawl and getting the NFL to suspend him, Dallas was able to recoup a pick from Tennessee. Had Dallas suspended him, then no pick.

The bottom line is the dice roll didnt show a winning number. It is what it is. Time to move on. Jerry was at least smart enough to structure the whole thing so that they could move on with minimal impact. Easy come, easy go.

As a Cowboy fan, I'm glad they at least tried this move. I know my team has an owner who wants to win. An owner who is trying to win. Many teams can't say that. I hope Jerry tries more things like this in the future. Some times it works (Charles Haley). Some times it doesnt.

Time to move on.
When every year you are involved in "rolls of the dice" with players of questionable character or attitude, that stops being an isolated gamble and starts to become one's modus operandi. I'm sure you'd like to "move on", but unfortunately you've still got a roster full of other examples of this sort of folly that will hold you back from such forgetfulness.
This was a roll-of-the-dice move by Jerry and the Cowboys. He took a chance on getting a guy who appeared to be playing at a pro bowl level prior to his year off. He gave him a minimum contract with no signing bonus. Cutting him cost Dallas nothing. He structured the deal so that Dallas gets back picks if Pac screwed up off the field. And btw, by Dallas not suspending him for his bathroom brawl and getting the NFL to suspend him, Dallas was able to recoup a pick from Tennessee. Had Dallas suspended him, then no pick.The bottom line is the dice roll didnt show a winning number. It is what it is. Time to move on. Jerry was at least smart enough to structure the whole thing so that they could move on with minimal impact. Easy come, easy go. As a Cowboy fan, I'm glad they at least tried this move. I know my team has an owner who wants to win. An owner who is trying to win. Many teams can't say that. I hope Jerry tries more things like this in the future. Some times it works (Charles Haley). Some times it doesnt.Time to move on.
I'm curious, though...Does it dull your enjoyment at all that Jerry Jones seems to build teams with players that tend to be low on character? I'd think it'd be sort of tough to root for players I don't respect, even if they help you win. I remember when Pacman was acquired and people thought he would help them win, most Cowboys fans seemed to be happy with it, but I kept thinking, "yeah, but you've got to root for this jackass every week." It seems like Cowboy fans more than almost any others are completely indifferent to how they win just as long as they DO win. I know my teams occasionally have had players on it that I disliked and for me it made it tough to watch. I could rationalize behaviors to an extent, but after a while it got to the point where I couldn't anymore. The Forest Gregg era in Green Bay was like that, although in that case, they didn't even have the winning to go with it. It was a pretty miserable time to be a fan.
Most "fans" just care about whether their uniform beats your uniform. Wins and losses.
This was a roll-of-the-dice move by Jerry and the Cowboys. He took a chance on getting a guy who appeared to be playing at a pro bowl level prior to his year off. He gave him a minimum contract with no signing bonus. Cutting him cost Dallas nothing. He structured the deal so that Dallas gets back picks if Pac screwed up off the field.

And btw, by Dallas not suspending him for his bathroom brawl and getting the NFL to suspend him, Dallas was able to recoup a pick from Tennessee. Had Dallas suspended him, then no pick.

The bottom line is the dice roll didnt show a winning number. It is what it is. Time to move on. Jerry was at least smart enough to structure the whole thing so that they could move on with minimal impact. Easy come, easy go.

As a Cowboy fan, I'm glad they at least tried this move. I know my team has an owner who wants to win. An owner who is trying to win. Many teams can't say that. I hope Jerry tries more things like this in the future. Some times it works (Charles Haley). Some times it doesnt.Time to move on.
Adam Jones never was and never will be a Charles Haley, it is an insult to CH to mention them together.
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BTW, should I read anything into the fact that it took 24 hours and a non-Cowboys fan to post news item in its own thread (rather than only discretely mention it in the Cowboys thread) in light of all of the boasts by Cowboys fans that they are proud of being supposedly the most hated/talked about team in the league.

It's a little hard to boast about how proud you are of your family when you're busy pushing your "special" son behind the curtain during the family photo, no?

I think we may have finally seen the last of Pacman in the NFL. It has been very obvious this season that his play on the field is not even close to being worth putting up with his off-the-field problems.

BTW, should I read anything into the fact that it took 24 hours and a non-Cowboys fan to post news item in its own thread (rather than only discretely mention it in the Cowboys thread) in light of all of the boasts by Cowboys fans that they are proud of being supposedly the most hated/talked about team in the league. It's a little hard to boast about how proud you are of your family when you're busy pushing your "special" son behind the curtain during the family photo, no?
Who really cares when the topic was started or who started it?Honestly, the guy was a non-factor on the field. From a pure football prespective, I doubt there are many topics started when a team cuts an ineefective 3rd/4th corner. If his name wasn't Pacman, no one would give a ####.
BTW, should I read anything into the fact that it took 24 hours and a non-Cowboys fan to post news item in its own thread (rather than only discretely mention it in the Cowboys thread) in light of all of the boasts by Cowboys fans that they are proud of being supposedly the most hated/talked about team in the league. It's a little hard to boast about how proud you are of your family when you're busy pushing your "special" son behind the curtain during the family photo, no?
Dude you got it all wrong, it is what it is. Sorry someone did not post that Pacman was cut.LOL What exactly do you want to hear Cowboys fans say. That you were right and Dallas has no chance to be better next season because of their players and coaching present. That Dallas had a disapointing year and we are going to jump off a cliff. Not going to happen. We will be back next year and still be very talented. Maybe they will learn from this year and the leadership issues. Maybe not but either way Dallas will be a player going into next season and we will see how it plays out. Life goes on and only one team will be ale to run it's mouth this off season and the is the SB CHAMP. If you want to run your mouth about making the playoffs or winning 1 or 2 games in the playoffs and such have at it but it means nothing, all that matters is who is the Champ. Dallas will be back next year and have a shot, have a nice day.
BTW, should I read anything into the fact that it took 24 hours and a non-Cowboys fan to post news item in its own thread (rather than only discretely mention it in the Cowboys thread) in light of all of the boasts by Cowboys fans that they are proud of being supposedly the most hated/talked about team in the league. It's a little hard to boast about how proud you are of your family when you're busy pushing your "special" son behind the curtain during the family photo, no?
I edited the title of the Dallas Cowboys off-season thread to include the info right after it happened. Personally, I didn't feel it needed a thread on it's own other then to hear the normal crap (Some of it justified) we hear from many of the same posters.
BTW, should I read anything into the fact that it took 24 hours and a non-Cowboys fan to post news item in its own thread (rather than only discretely mention it in the Cowboys thread) in light of all of the boasts by Cowboys fans that they are proud of being supposedly the most hated/talked about team in the league.

It's a little hard to boast about how proud you are of your family when you're busy pushing your "special" son behind the curtain during the family photo, no?
Who really cares when the topic was started or who started it?Honestly, the guy was a non-factor on the field. From a pure football prespective, I doubt there are many topics started when a team cuts an ineefective 3rd/4th corner. If his name wasn't Pacman, no one would give a ####.
If "ifs" and "buts" were candies and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas.It's precisely because he's Adam Jones that we're having this discussion. This pickup was hailed as a brilliant move by JJ and this was going to help the 'boys get back to the SB. It flamed, and judging by the reaction of some, Mr Capicollo's point is being made.

Hey, I'm all for 2nd chances. I think the 'boys were able to get something out of the Tank Johnson signing; props to them for it working out. Jones? Not so much. If you want to live by the "troubled" player, you're gonna have to die with him too.

It has been very obvious this season that his play on the field is not even close to being worth putting up with his off-the-field problems.
Having watched him this year, its an apparent catastrophic lack of situation awareness that causes him problems. On the field, he was attrocious in zone coverage. Even Wade during his pressers was saying that Pac was the kind of guy you just put on a WR and say "He's yours". To me, the "highlight" of this problem was the Eagles game. Fifteen seconds left in the first half. Philly had just scored to go up 2 TDs. Pac wsa back deep for the kickoff. He gets the ball, runs up the field, tries to juke. You can tell he's thinking "gotta make a play, gotta make a play!" He's surrounded by like 4 Eagles. "Gotta make a play!" He jukes again. OOOOPSSS! Ball haning in one hand gets FUMBLED! Eagles recover. Trot out Akers. Boom, Eagles walk into the lockeroom now up 3 scores, not 2. The one thing Pac absolutely could not do was fumble. Anything but give the Eagles more points there. And he does just that.And the off field stuff. Do we really need to go into how situation awareness seems to be an issue?I wish the guy well. He seems to work hard and wants to do well.
This was a roll-of-the-dice move by Jerry and the Cowboys. He took a chance on getting a guy who appeared to be playing at a pro bowl level prior to his year off. He gave him a minimum contract with no signing bonus. Cutting him cost Dallas nothing. He structured the deal so that Dallas gets back picks if Pac screwed up off the field. And btw, by Dallas not suspending him for his bathroom brawl and getting the NFL to suspend him, Dallas was able to recoup a pick from Tennessee. Had Dallas suspended him, then no pick.The bottom line is the dice roll didnt show a winning number. It is what it is. Time to move on. Jerry was at least smart enough to structure the whole thing so that they could move on with minimal impact. Easy come, easy go. As a Cowboy fan, I'm glad they at least tried this move. I know my team has an owner who wants to win. An owner who is trying to win. Many teams can't say that. I hope Jerry tries more things like this in the future. Some times it works (Charles Haley). Some times it doesnt.Time to move on.
I'm curious, though...Does it dull your enjoyment at all that Jerry Jones seems to build teams with players that tend to be low on character? I'd think it'd be sort of tough to root for players I don't respect, even if they help you win. I remember when Pacman was acquired and people thought he would help them win, most Cowboys fans seemed to be happy with it, but I kept thinking, "yeah, but you've got to root for this jackass every week." It seems like Cowboy fans more than almost any others are completely indifferent to how they win just as long as they DO win. I know my teams occasionally have had players on it that I disliked and for me it made it tough to watch. I could rationalize behaviors to an extent, but after a while it got to the point where I couldn't anymore. The Forest Gregg era in Green Bay was like that, although in that case, they didn't even have the winning to go with it. It was a pretty miserable time to be a fan.
Most "fans" just care about whether their uniform beats your uniform. Wins and losses.
Interesting. It sounds like almost a cultural difference then. They're almost like robots in uniforms to a lot of fans it sounds like. Where I come from, we tend to almost fall in love with not just the team, but a lot of the individual players. In Green Bay there's a hall of fame just for the Packers. We grow up on stories of great players (mostly from the Lombardi era), and feel like we almost know them. We put them on a pedastal, probably more than they should be. It's sort of a foreign concept to me that people can root for guys like T.O., Pacman Jones and other thugs and primadonna's and not bat an eye.
This was a roll-of-the-dice move by Jerry and the Cowboys. He took a chance on getting a guy who appeared to be playing at a pro bowl level prior to his year off. He gave him a minimum contract with no signing bonus. Cutting him cost Dallas nothing. He structured the deal so that Dallas gets back picks if Pac screwed up off the field. And btw, by Dallas not suspending him for his bathroom brawl and getting the NFL to suspend him, Dallas was able to recoup a pick from Tennessee. Had Dallas suspended him, then no pick.The bottom line is the dice roll didnt show a winning number. It is what it is. Time to move on. Jerry was at least smart enough to structure the whole thing so that they could move on with minimal impact. Easy come, easy go. As a Cowboy fan, I'm glad they at least tried this move. I know my team has an owner who wants to win. An owner who is trying to win. Many teams can't say that. I hope Jerry tries more things like this in the future. Some times it works (Charles Haley). Some times it doesnt.Time to move on.
I'm curious, though...Does it dull your enjoyment at all that Jerry Jones seems to build teams with players that tend to be low on character? I'd think it'd be sort of tough to root for players I don't respect, even if they help you win. I remember when Pacman was acquired and people thought he would help them win, most Cowboys fans seemed to be happy with it, but I kept thinking, "yeah, but you've got to root for this jackass every week." It seems like Cowboy fans more than almost any others are completely indifferent to how they win just as long as they DO win. I know my teams occasionally have had players on it that I disliked and for me it made it tough to watch. I could rationalize behaviors to an extent, but after a while it got to the point where I couldn't anymore. The Forest Gregg era in Green Bay was like that, although in that case, they didn't even have the winning to go with it. It was a pretty miserable time to be a fan.
Most "fans" just care about whether their uniform beats your uniform. Wins and losses.
Interesting. It sounds like almost a cultural difference then. They're almost like robots in uniforms to a lot of fans it sounds like. Where I come from, we tend to almost fall in love with not just the team, but a lot of the individual players. In Green Bay there's a hall of fame just for the Packers. We grow up on stories of great players (mostly from the Lombardi era), and feel like we almost know them. We put them on a pedastal, probably more than they should be. It's sort of a foreign concept to me that people can root for guys like T.O., Pacman Jones and other thugs and primadonna's and not bat an eye.
I get what you are going for. i love certain players too (usually high character guys-Witten is one for sure)I guess for me-If you told me at the start of the season my favourite team would have a bunch of "idiots off the field" on my team. Then you guarantee me that they would win the SuperBowl would I take it? The answer is yes.-The Cowboys of the 90's had a ton of questionable characters on that team.-The Detroit Pistons Bad Boy'sShould fans not have rooted for their team and their "uniform"?
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This was a roll-of-the-dice move by Jerry and the Cowboys. He took a chance on getting a guy who appeared to be playing at a pro bowl level prior to his year off. He gave him a minimum contract with no signing bonus. Cutting him cost Dallas nothing. He structured the deal so that Dallas gets back picks if Pac screwed up off the field. And btw, by Dallas not suspending him for his bathroom brawl and getting the NFL to suspend him, Dallas was able to recoup a pick from Tennessee. Had Dallas suspended him, then no pick.The bottom line is the dice roll didnt show a winning number. It is what it is. Time to move on. Jerry was at least smart enough to structure the whole thing so that they could move on with minimal impact. Easy come, easy go. As a Cowboy fan, I'm glad they at least tried this move. I know my team has an owner who wants to win. An owner who is trying to win. Many teams can't say that. I hope Jerry tries more things like this in the future. Some times it works (Charles Haley). Some times it doesnt.Time to move on.
I'm curious, though...Does it dull your enjoyment at all that Jerry Jones seems to build teams with players that tend to be low on character? I'd think it'd be sort of tough to root for players I don't respect, even if they help you win. I remember when Pacman was acquired and people thought he would help them win, most Cowboys fans seemed to be happy with it, but I kept thinking, "yeah, but you've got to root for this jackass every week." It seems like Cowboy fans more than almost any others are completely indifferent to how they win just as long as they DO win. I know my teams occasionally have had players on it that I disliked and for me it made it tough to watch. I could rationalize behaviors to an extent, but after a while it got to the point where I couldn't anymore. The Forest Gregg era in Green Bay was like that, although in that case, they didn't even have the winning to go with it. It was a pretty miserable time to be a fan.
Most "fans" just care about whether their uniform beats your uniform. Wins and losses.
Interesting. It sounds like almost a cultural difference then. They're almost like robots in uniforms to a lot of fans it sounds like. Where I come from, we tend to almost fall in love with not just the team, but a lot of the individual players. In Green Bay there's a hall of fame just for the Packers. We grow up on stories of great players (mostly from the Lombardi era), and feel like we almost know them. We put them on a pedastal, probably more than they should be. It's sort of a foreign concept to me that people can root for guys like T.O., Pacman Jones and other thugs and primadonna's and not bat an eye.
I get what you are going for. i love certain players too (usually high character guys-Witten is one for sure)I guess for me-If you told me at the start of the season my favourite team would have a bunch of "idiots off the field" on my team. Then you and then guarantee they would win the SuperBowl would I take it? The answer is yes.-The Cowboys of the 90's had a ton of questionable characters on that team.-The Detroit Pistons Bad Boy'sShould fans not have rooted for their team and their "uniform"?
You don't change your allegiance for any reason but I think there is a difference between embracing these athletes and voicing your disapproval.
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It's kind of sad, the only real difference between the Bengals and the Cowboys right now is that the Cowboys are willing to spend money. Both teams have an owner that is going to override his football people if he thinks HE knows what is best. Both teams don't care about character problems, even if it constantly causes lockerroom problems. Both teams refuse to admit that their team has some serious cracks in it.

Yes, the flipside of my above post is the Bengals. Why do they sign so many "questionable" guys even while they never manage to make their team better? In Cincy's case I think the team is just mind-blowingly bad at evaluating talent, which at least I would not say of Dallas.

-The Cowboys of the 90's had a ton of questionable characters on that team.
I think this is the main reason why the belief that the end justifies the means persists there, even when they are no longer getting the results they want.
Said another way, what Cowboys ownership seems to forget is that they won in the 1990's in spite of those problems and not because of them. Moreover, it was only done due to having very strong leadership on that team originally with Jimmy Johnson and also with players who made sure that, whatever else you were doing, if you weren't working hard and pulling together you didn't have a place on that team.

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