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Playoff Waivers in Keeper League (1 Viewer)


In the 12 team keeper league that I'm the commissioner of, we start our playoffs this week. Two teams who are not in the playoffs anymore made waiver moves that might effect the outcome of our playoffs. One team just dropped RG3 to pick up Cobb as a potential keeper next season (he still has Rivers and Foles at QB), and another team dropped Donald Brown to take a gamble on T Williams as a late round keeper.

My question is, as commissioner, should I allow these players to be available on the waiver wire considering they could improve some positions for teams that are in the playoffs or should I put RG3 and Brown back on their original teams rosters and send a note to the league reminding them that if they aren't in the playoffs, that hy shouldn't drop players of that value?

In the 12 team keeper league that I'm the commissioner of, we start our playoffs this week. Two teams who are not in the playoffs anymore made waiver moves that might effect the outcome of our playoffs. One team just dropped RG3 to pick up Cobb as a potential keeper next season (he still has Rivers and Foles at QB), and another team dropped Donald Brown to take a gamble on T Williams as a late round keeper.

My question is, as commissioner, should I allow these players to be available on the waiver wire considering they could improve some positions for teams that are in the playoffs or should I put RG3 and Brown back on their original teams rosters and send a note to the league reminding them that if they aren't in the playoffs, that hy shouldn't drop players of that value?
If you do not already have specific rules in place to deter these types of moves, you must let them stand. No league, or commissioner, should re-write, or impart new, rules just as the playoffs are starting. Doing so would make you look bad, and quite frankly, if any commissioner did this (re-wrote rules, or instilled new ones mid-season) I would leave and never, ever return. Mainly because I could never trust said commissioner to handle things appropriately going forward.

My :2cents:


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