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Points per reception (1 Viewer)

Junior McSpiffy

Okay, I admit that I am a dinosaur and don't have a PPR league on my resume. My question then is this: What increases a players value in a PPR league? I ask this only because I see a disclaimer on just about every player that they should get a bump in PPR leagues. If everybody gets a bump... then doesn't it all even out?

Give me a for instance of a player who drops down the list in a PPR.

Great example is a Ridley or Alfred Morris type of RB that does a lot of work on the ground, but doens't catch many passes. Another RB who can approximate the same yardage as those players, but will catch more passes will score more points.

And not every player gets an equal bump. Somebody like Sproles gets a big bump. He ranks #14 in PPR for RB's, but #24 in standard leagues. If everyone received and equal bump then everybody's ranking would be the same.

Morris is #11 in PPR and #5 in Standard

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Forte, Bush, Sproles should get a bump up. Lynch, Morris, Ridley get a bump down. More catches = more pts. Makes sense, right? Witten should also get a bump as he doesn't score as much as you'd like, but he does catch a ton of passes. Don't write anyone off just because they don't catch a ton of balls, but if you're torn between a couple guys you'll probably want to lean more towards the one with good hands.

Desean Jackson. Mike Wallace (could be different in Miami though). Your low catch "home run" hitters are less valuable in PPR. Obviously your potential 100 catch guys (Marshall, Welker, Calvin, etc.) increase in value and most of all, in stability.

it isn't rocket science. Players who get more catches....their value goes up.....players who get less catches, their value goes down

it isn't rocket science. Players who get more catches....their value goes up.....players who get less catches, their value goes down
I get that, my point was just that you never see the comment "This guy's value goes down in standard leagues," which I think would be somewhat common now that PPR leagues are becoming the norm. It's always about whose value goes up, and it seems like that comment goes with two guys in three.


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