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Possible Dwayne Bowe stat correction? (1 Viewer)


On the hook and lateral at the end of the game, Bowe attempted to lateral to Hemmingway who never possessed the ball iirc. The fumble was given to Hemmingway on all the major sites.

Any possibility of a correction?

Play by play on CBS:

:-)05) (Shotgun) A.Smith pass short left to D.Bowe to KC 38 for 2 yards. Lateral to J.Hemingway to KC 38 for no gain (E.Weddle). FUMBLES (E.Weddle), RECOVERED by SD-E.Weddle at KC 38. E.Weddle to KC 38 for no gain (J.Hemingway).

If Hemingway dd not have possession would the fumble then be given to Bowe or would it be considered an incompletion?

On the hook and lateral at the end of the game, Bowe attempted to lateral to Hemmingway who never possessed the ball iirc. The fumble was given to Hemmingway on all the major sites.

Any possibility of a correction?

Play by play on CBS:

:-)05) (Shotgun) A.Smith pass short left to D.Bowe to KC 38 for 2 yards. Lateral to J.Hemingway to KC 38 for no gain (E.Weddle). FUMBLES (E.Weddle), RECOVERED by SD-E.Weddle at KC 38. E.Weddle to KC 38 for no gain (J.Hemingway).
I didn't see the play, but according to the play by play above, Hemmingway was credited with possession & fumble. Only way it changes, IMO, is if they were to change it to saying Hemmingway never possessed the ball.


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