The Dude minds
Not to give away Matt Waldmans rsp secrets but he would not agree. He's made me look twice at ware. If you've never followed Matt, he's a pretty damn good evaluator of talent.Who is 2.4 Spencer Ware?![]()
Not to give away Matt Waldmans rsp secrets but he would not agree. He's made me look twice at ware. If you've never followed Matt, he's a pretty damn good evaluator of talent.Who is 2.4 Spencer Ware?![]()
Well both you and Matt know more about this guy than I do. So I should not be so quick to judge. Maybe it will turn out to be a brilliant move and Ware will be higher ranked post Nfl draft than where a lot of scouts have him listed right now. Which is low enough to be pretty much under my radar until now.Yeah, that 2.4 pick was actually me, and I'm very happy with it. What's funny is I loved Ware leading up to this draft, and then was actually surprised to see that Waldman agreed with me as well, which reinforced my belief in Ware even more.
I'm not going to argue that's it wasn't a reach--it certainly was. But I didn't want to miss out on him and it turns out when I made the pick that an owner or two at the end of the second would have possibly taken him. There are also other factors--My WR's in this league are stacked. Dez, Harvin, Marshall, White, Shorts. And despite the depth at WR this year, my top 6 were off the board, whereas Ware was my #3 RB. So to me, it was better value AND a need, and I felt compelled to take my #3 RB while he was still there after 9 other backs went off the board. Didn't want to gamble. The only no-brainer picks I would have made over Ware at 2.4 were Eifert and Stacy, who were both recently picked. So I took my guy, and I hope NFL teams like him better than most draftniks do.Well both you and Matt know more about this guy than I do. So I should not be so quick to judge. Maybe it will turn out to be a brilliant move and Ware will be higher ranked post Nfl draft than where a lot of scouts have him listed right now. Which is low enough to be pretty much under my radar until now.Yeah, that 2.4 pick was actually me, and I'm very happy with it. What's funny is I loved Ware leading up to this draft, and then was actually surprised to see that Waldman agreed with me as well, which reinforced my belief in Ware even more.
Mid 5th round bump. Getting really deep now.Just started. 14 team PPR. Will update as we go. Pretty unconventional so far, guys are obviously much more likely to go with their gut/eyes in this format when we have no idea how NFL teams have evaluated these guys. Its really fun the way these picks can come out of the blue as guys "reach" past conventional ADP to get their guys that they believe in: 1.1 Eddie Lacy1.2 Cordarelle Patterson1.3 Giovanni Bernard1.4 Da'Rick Rogers1.5 Tavon Austin1.6 Jonathan Franklin1.7 DeAndre Hopkins1.8 Montee Ball1.9 Keenan Allen1.10 Marcus Lattimore1.11 Justin Hunter1.12 Christine Michael1.13 Andre Ellington1.14 Zac Stacy2.1 Le'Veon Bell2.2 Tyler Eifert2.3 Knile Davis2.4 Spencer Ware2.5 Robert Woods2.6 Geno Smith2.7 Joseph Randle2.8 Markus Wheaton2.9 Quinton Patton2.10 Terrence Williams2.11 Stedman Bailey2.12 Mike Gillislee2.13 Zach Ertz2.14 Rex Burkhead3.1 Travis Kelce3.2 Stepfan Taylor3.3 Aaron Dobson3.4 Marquess Wilson3.5 Chris Harper3.6 Josh Boyce3.7 Kenjon Barner3.8 Ryan Swope3.9 Tyler Wilson3.10 James Casey3.11 Kerwynn Williams3.12 Jawan Jamison3.13 Miguel Maysonet3.14 Denard Robinson4.1 Ray Graham4.2 E.J. Manuel4.3 Mark Harrison4.4 Mike Glennon4.5 Gavin Escobar4.6 D.J. Harper4.7 Montel Harris4.8 Tavarres King4.9 Jordan Reed4.10 Marquise Goodwin4.11 Keenan Davis4.12 Matt Barkley4.13 Ryan Nassib4.14 Latavius Murray5.1 Dennis Johnson5.2 Stepfon Jefferson5.3 Marcus Davis5.4 Kenny Stills5.5 Vance McDonald5.6 Cobi Hamilton5.7 Charles Johnson
Maybe he ends up a good player, still doesn't make it a good pick when you could have drafted the guy 2 rounds later.I'm not going to argue that's it wasn't a reach--it certainly was. But I didn't want to miss out on him and it turns out when I made the pick that an owner or two at the end of the second would have possibly taken him. There are also other factors--My WR's in this league are stacked. Dez, Harvin, Marshall, White, Shorts. And despite the depth at WR this year, my top 6 were off the board, whereas Ware was my #3 RB. So to me, it was better value AND a need, and I felt compelled to take my #3 RB while he was still there after 9 other backs went off the board. Didn't want to gamble. The only no-brainer picks I would have made over Ware at 2.4 were Eifert and Stacy, who were both recently picked. So I took my guy, and I hope NFL teams like him better than most draftniks do.Well both you and Matt know more about this guy than I do. So I should not be so quick to judge. Maybe it will turn out to be a brilliant move and Ware will be higher ranked post Nfl draft than where a lot of scouts have him listed right now. Which is low enough to be pretty much under my radar until now.Yeah, that 2.4 pick was actually me, and I'm very happy with it. What's funny is I loved Ware leading up to this draft, and then was actually surprised to see that Waldman agreed with me as well, which reinforced my belief in Ware even more.
Read more closely. I said above that I later found out he was a target for two other owners in the late 2nd, so I couldn't have gotten him 2 rounds later.Maybe he ends up a good player, still doesn't make it a good pick when you could have drafted the guy 2 rounds later.I'm not going to argue that's it wasn't a reach--it certainly was. But I didn't want to miss out on him and it turns out when I made the pick that an owner or two at the end of the second would have possibly taken him. There are also other factors--My WR's in this league are stacked. Dez, Harvin, Marshall, White, Shorts. And despite the depth at WR this year, my top 6 were off the board, whereas Ware was my #3 RB. So to me, it was better value AND a need, and I felt compelled to take my #3 RB while he was still there after 9 other backs went off the board. Didn't want to gamble. The only no-brainer picks I would have made over Ware at 2.4 were Eifert and Stacy, who were both recently picked. So I took my guy, and I hope NFL teams like him better than most draftniks do.Well both you and Matt know more about this guy than I do. So I should not be so quick to judge. Maybe it will turn out to be a brilliant move and Ware will be higher ranked post Nfl draft than where a lot of scouts have him listed right now. Which is low enough to be pretty much under my radar until now.Yeah, that 2.4 pick was actually me, and I'm very happy with it. What's funny is I loved Ware leading up to this draft, and then was actually surprised to see that Waldman agreed with me as well, which reinforced my belief in Ware even more.
I agree. I am a bit amazed with how deep some quality players are going in this draft, particularly for a 14 teamer.ShaHBucks said:Vance McDonald is a nice pick this late. One of the best all-around TE's in the draft.
I sort of like your draft. Not seeing your team doesn't make it easy but I think you have gotten some quality players all the way through.Mid 5th round bump. Getting really deep now.Just started. 14 team PPR. Will update as we go. Pretty unconventional so far, guys are obviously much more likely to go with their gut/eyes in this format when we have no idea how NFL teams have evaluated these guys. Its really fun the way these picks can come out of the blue as guys "reach" past conventional ADP to get their guys that they believe in: 1.1 Eddie Lacy1.2 Cordarelle Patterson1.3 Giovanni Bernard1.4 Da'Rick Rogers1.5 Tavon Austin1.6 Jonathan Franklin1.7 DeAndre Hopkins1.8 Montee Ball1.9 Keenan Allen1.10 Marcus Lattimore1.11 Justin Hunter1.12 Christine Michael1.13 Andre Ellington1.14 Zac Stacy2.1 Le'Veon Bell2.2 Tyler Eifert2.3 Knile Davis2.4 Spencer Ware2.5 Robert Woods2.6 Geno Smith2.7 Joseph Randle2.8 Markus Wheaton2.9 Quinton Patton2.10 Terrence Williams2.11 Stedman Bailey2.12 Mike Gillislee2.13 Zach Ertz2.14 Rex Burkhead3.1 Travis Kelce3.2 Stepfan Taylor3.3 Aaron Dobson3.4 Marquess Wilson3.5 Chris Harper3.6 Josh Boyce3.7 Kenjon Barner3.8 Ryan Swope3.9 Tyler Wilson3.10 James Casey3.11 Kerwynn Williams3.12 Jawan Jamison3.13 Miguel Maysonet3.14 Denard Robinson4.1 Ray Graham4.2 E.J. Manuel4.3 Mark Harrison4.4 Mike Glennon4.5 Gavin Escobar4.6 D.J. Harper4.7 Montel Harris4.8 Tavarres King4.9 Jordan Reed4.10 Marquise Goodwin4.11 Keenan Davis4.12 Matt Barkley4.13 Ryan Nassib4.14 Latavius Murray5.1 Dennis Johnson5.2 Stepfon Jefferson5.3 Marcus Davis5.4 Kenny Stills5.5 Vance McDonald5.6 Cobi Hamilton5.7 Charles Johnson
I'm guessing this is not a start 2QB league since the first one drafted in at 1.08 - so what is up with Matt Barkley at 1.8?This one started this morning. Only four picks in so far.
Does that mean the commisioner makes the pick for anyone that times out? Has this ever lead to some one making a stink.Timer Expired Replacement pick made by Commissioner
That's an automated line, guessing the owner emailed the Commissioner and he input his pick manuallyI'm guessing this is not a start 2QB league since the first one drafted in at 1.08 - so what is up with Matt Barkley at 1.8?This one started this morning. Only four picks in so far.
Is it because of this:
Does that mean the commisioner makes the pick for anyone that times out? Has this ever lead to some one making a stink.>Timer Expired Replacement pick made by Commissioner
Ridley has much more wiggle, agility, maneuverability, whatever you wanna call it. And a really good burst. Spencer Ware looks a lot like Tim Hightower.How does Ware compare to Ridley, who was also overlooked leading up into the draft?
Sucks for him.The owner timed out but was authorized to make a pick to make up for it and informed via email, but he was delinquent in responding so the draft continued until he logged on for his 2.9 pick at which point he made 2 picks. The commish just inserted one of them into the 1.8 slot, so actually Barkley was the 2.9 pick. 1 QB league, 6 pts all TD's.
I actually expect Montee to go in the 2-3rd round, and I think he'll get drafted fairly appropriately based on his situation.Looks like Montee Ball and Knile Davis will vie for most overdrafted player in 2013 rookie drafts
Draft finished. Notable prospects that went undrafted:Landry Jones Joseph FauriaMychal RiveraOther assorted deep TE's and QB's. RB's and WR's were of course totally picked through. Hell, I drafted a kid from Harvard and a couple really raw deep sleepers at WR. And then made a 5'5 RB Mr. Irrelevant.Just started. 14 team PPR. Will update as we go. Pretty unconventional so far, guys are obviously much more likely to go with their gut/eyes in this format when we have no idea how NFL teams have evaluated these guys. Its really fun the way these picks can come out of the blue as guys "reach" past conventional ADP to get their guys that they believe in: 1.1 Eddie Lacy1.2 Cordarelle Patterson1.3 Giovanni Bernard1.4 Da'Rick Rogers1.5 Tavon Austin1.6 Jonathan Franklin1.7 DeAndre Hopkins1.8 Montee Ball1.9 Keenan Allen1.10 Marcus Lattimore1.11 Justin Hunter1.12 Christine Michael1.13 Andre Ellington1.14 Zac Stacy2.1 Le'Veon Bell2.2 Tyler Eifert2.3 Knile Davis2.4 Spencer Ware2.5 Robert Woods2.6 Geno Smith2.7 Joseph Randle2.8 Markus Wheaton2.9 Quinton Patton2.10 Terrence Williams2.11 Stedman Bailey2.12 Mike Gillislee2.13 Zach Ertz2.14 Rex Burkhead3.1 Travis Kelce3.2 Stepfan Taylor3.3 Aaron Dobson3.4 Marquess Wilson3.5 Chris Harper3.6 Josh Boyce3.7 Kenjon Barner3.8 Ryan Swope3.9 Tyler Wilson3.10 James Casey3.11 Kerwynn Williams3.12 Jawan Jamison3.13 Miguel Maysonet3.14 Denard Robinson4.1 Ray Graham4.2 E.J. Manuel4.3 Mark Harrison4.4 Mike Glennon4.5 Gavin Escobar4.6 D.J. Harper4.7 Montel Harris4.8 Tavarres King4.9 Jordan Reed4.10 Marquise Goodwin4.11 Keenan Davis4.12 Matt Barkley4.13 Ryan Nassib4.14 Latavius Murray5.1 Dennis Johnson5.2 Stepfon Jefferson5.3 Marcus Davis5.4 Kenny Stills5.5 Vance McDonald5.6 Cobi Hamilton5.7 Charles Johnson5.8 Aaron Mellette5.9 Tyler Bray5.10 Cierre Wood5.11 Dion Sims5.12 Jake Stoneburner5.13 George Winn5.14 Michael Ford6.1 Michael Hill6.2 Connor Vernon6.3 CJ Anderson6.4 Chad Bumphis6.5 Kenbrell Thompkins6.6 Emory Blake6.7 Courtney Gardner6.8 Mike James6.9 Matt Scott6.10 Arrelious Benn6.11 Corey Fuller6.12 Dion Lewis6.13 Jasper Collins6.14 T.J. Moe7.1 Onterrio McCalebb7.2 Brandon Kaufman7.3 Ace Sanders7.4 Zach Rogers7.5 Jeremy Stewart7.6 Levine Toilolo7.7 Treavor Scales7.8 Ryan Otten7.9 Zac Dysert7.10 Chris Gragg7.11 Theo Riddick7.12 Tim Hightower7.13 Benny Cunningham7.14 Robbie Rouse
Its always a good idea to go with your own ideas rather than just picking from others talent lists.. If the player hits.. you feel like your system worked that time and if the player misses at least you did it your way...I'm not going to argue that's it wasn't a reach--it certainly was. But I didn't want to miss out on him and it turns out when I made the pick that an owner or two at the end of the second would have possibly taken him.There are also other factors--My WR's in this league are stacked. Dez, Harvin, Marshall, White, Shorts. And despite the depth at WR this year, my top 6 were off the board, whereas Ware was my #3 RB. So to me, it was better value AND a need, and I felt compelled to take my #3 RB while he was still there after 9 other backs went off the board. Didn't want to gamble. The only no-brainer picks I would have made over Ware at 2.4 were Eifert and Stacy, who were both recently picked. So I took my guy, and I hope NFL teams like him better than most draftniks do.Well both you and Matt know more about this guy than I do. So I should not be so quick to judge. Maybe it will turn out to be a brilliant move and Ware will be higher ranked post Nfl draft than where a lot of scouts have him listed right now. Which is low enough to be pretty much under my radar until now.Yeah, that 2.4 pick was actually me, and I'm very happy with it. What's funny is I loved Ware leading up to this draft, and then was actually surprised to see that Waldman agreed with me as well, which reinforced my belief in Ware even more.
BRUTAL:This one started this morning. Only four picks in so far.
Man, Quinton Patton at 3.07 is a steal.BRUTAL:This one started this morning. Only four picks in so far.
1.08 8. Tastes Like Chicken Barkley, Matt FA QB ® Mon Apr 15 12:35:19 a.m. ET 2013 Timer Expired Replacement pick made by Commissioner
That was explained in an earlier post. That was his make-up pick for timing out. He didn't log on to make the replacement pick until 2.9. The pick was inserted into his original 1.8 slot by the commish.BRUTAL:This one started this morning. Only four picks in so far.
1.08 8. Tastes Like Chicken Barkley, Matt FA QB ® Mon Apr 15 12:35:19 a.m. ET 2013 Timer Expired Replacement pick made by Commissioner
This league has been running since 2006. People have been burned too many times going by someone else's or so-called expert rankings so I think this draft tends to not follow that kind of flow to a certain degree.Man, Quinton Patton at 3.07 is a steal.BRUTAL:This one started this morning. Only four picks in so far.
1.08 8. Tastes Like Chicken Barkley, Matt FA QB ® Mon Apr 15 12:35:19 a.m. ET 2013 Timer Expired Replacement pick made by Commissioner
I just joined this league and am happy to get Lattimore and Michael where I did.This league has been running since 2006. People have been burned too many times going by someone else's or so-called expert rankings so I think this draft tends to not follow that kind of flow to a certain degree.Man, Quinton Patton at 3.07 is a steal.BRUTAL:This one started this morning. Only four picks in so far.
1.08 8. Tastes Like Chicken Barkley, Matt FA QB ® Mon Apr 15 12:35:19 a.m. ET 2013 Timer Expired Replacement pick made by Commissioner
Still feel that way about Ball?Looks like Montee Ball and Knile Davis will vie for most overdrafted player in 2013 rookie drafts
i would take him around 1.10-1.12, but im guessing he's gone before thenTitus Pullo said:Still feel that way about Ball?Looks like Montee Ball and Knile Davis will vie for most overdrafted player in 2013 rookie drafts
And he might be a FB now, for some reason. Not one of my finest moments lol. I'm hoping they try to stash him on the PS and fail, or something.S.Ware is now burried behind Lynch, Michael & Turbin
Every single RB will be over-drafted.Looks like Montee Ball and Knile Davis will vie for most overdrafted player in 2013 rookie drafts
I had three of those picks plus the 2.01. I am giddy with Austin, Bell, and Eifert and Robert Woods with the first pick in the second. Was wanting Lattimore or Michael, but happier with someone who will likely contribute at least a year earlier than the other two...cstu said:1st round in HyperActive 1 (PPR, QRWT 3 Flex)1.01 - Austin1.02 - Bernard1.03 - Lacy1.04 - Bell1.05 - Hopkins1.06 - Patterson1.07 - Hunter1.08 - Eifert1.09 - Ball1.10 - Lattimore1.11 - Franklin1.12 - Michael
It's been quite a while (years) since I posted here but I am back as a member and thought this was as good a place as any to jump back in since I'm an LSU fan. It's tough to say why Ware lost carries as compared to previous years, especially since Miles really values inside runners who get consistent (even if unspectacular) yardage (Jacob Hester, for example). But this is the way it's been at LSU through both the Saban and Miles regimes. We are typically stacked at RB, like many SEC teams, but for some reason we tend to platoon these guys with minimal rhyme or reason as to the specific rotation (save for some occasional consistency for situation-specific roles). So, I wouldn't read too much into Ware losing touches as an indictment of his talent by the LSU coaching staff. I think he can safely be evaluated on his ability without concern that the coaches saw a deficiency or that he got into anyone's doghouse. Now, as to his ability, I think he's a lot like Marion Barber in that he's an underrated talent, but also in that he seeks out contact and may get nicked up a lot. He also didn't look as explosive taking reps alongside some of our other RBs like Michael Ford, Alfred Blue, Jeremy Hill, and Kenny Hilliard. I think he can be a productive NFL RB to be sure, but I think his main value will be as a reliable, tough runner who catches the ball well, pass blocks well, and so on, rather than an explosive starter.I did some reading about Spencer Ware. From what I learned he had a pretty decent season in 2011 but last year he was in a 4 headed RBBC and was the least used of the 4.
As you can see from these splits-
Opponent Alabama 7 13 1.9 0 1 38 38.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arkansas 9 22 2.4 0 3 26 8.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 Auburn 16 90 5.6 0 2 44 22.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Clemson 3 9 3.0 0 3 18 6.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Florida 8 21 2.6 0 1 20 20.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mississippi 8 55 6.9 1 4 16 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mississippi State 5 13 2.6 0 2 32 16.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 South Carolina 14 55 3.9 0 1 27 27.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Texas A&M 8 15 1.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Towson 8 36 4.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Washington 8 38 4.8 0 1 9 9.0 0 0 1 0.0 0 0 0 0.0Wares only decent game last season was against Auburn. I have seen a lot of highlight moves against that team during this offseason. Auburn just does not seem like they were a good defense last season. It leaves me wondering what Matt or others actually saw from him? Whatever it was I am guessing it happened in 2011.
Ware would not even attempt running the 40 yard dash, even at his pro day claiming hamstring issues. I am going to guess he does not want people to see a very bad time that would knock his already low stock even further. He did do a good amount of reps in the bench press is about the only positive I saw from the measurables.
Color me as still confused about why anyone would be so high on him. Could someone speak on his 2011 season and why he lost opportunity in 2012?
It's been quite a while (years) since I posted here but I am back as a member and thought this was as good a place as any to jump back in since I'm an LSU fan. It's tough to say why Ware lost carries as compared to previous years, especially since Miles really values inside runners who get consistent (even if unspectacular) yardage (Jacob Hester, for example). But this is the way it's been at LSU through both the Saban and Miles regimes. We are typically stacked at RB, like many SEC teams, but for some reason we tend to platoon these guys with minimal rhyme or reason as to the specific rotation (save for some occasional consistency for situation-specific roles). So, I wouldn't read too much into Ware losing touches as an indictment of his talent by the LSU coaching staff. I think he can safely be evaluated on his ability without concern that the coaches saw a deficiency or that he got into anyone's doghouse. Now, as to his ability, I think he's a lot like Marion Barber in that he's an underrated talent, but also in that he seeks out contact and may get nicked up a lot. He also didn't look as explosive taking reps alongside some of our other RBs like Michael Ford, Alfred Blue, Jeremy Hill, and Kenny Hilliard. I think he can be a productive NFL RB to be sure, but I think his main value will be as a reliable, tough runner who catches the ball well, pass blocks well, and so on, rather than an explosive starter.I did some reading about Spencer Ware. From what I learned he had a pretty decent season in 2011 but last year he was in a 4 headed RBBC and was the least used of the 4.
As you can see from these splits-
Opponent Alabama 7 13 1.9 0 1 38 38.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arkansas 9 22 2.4 0 3 26 8.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 Auburn 16 90 5.6 0 2 44 22.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Clemson 3 9 3.0 0 3 18 6.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Florida 8 21 2.6 0 1 20 20.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mississippi 8 55 6.9 1 4 16 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mississippi State 5 13 2.6 0 2 32 16.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 South Carolina 14 55 3.9 0 1 27 27.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Texas A&M 8 15 1.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Towson 8 36 4.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Washington 8 38 4.8 0 1 9 9.0 0 0 1 0.0 0 0 0 0.0Wares only decent game last season was against Auburn. I have seen a lot of highlight moves against that team during this offseason. Auburn just does not seem like they were a good defense last season. It leaves me wondering what Matt or others actually saw from him? Whatever it was I am guessing it happened in 2011.
Ware would not even attempt running the 40 yard dash, even at his pro day claiming hamstring issues. I am going to guess he does not want people to see a very bad time that would knock his already low stock even further. He did do a good amount of reps in the bench press is about the only positive I saw from the measurables.
Color me as still confused about why anyone would be so high on him. Could someone speak on his 2011 season and why he lost opportunity in 2012?
Hopkins and Patterson should be in the top 6. Ball and Franklin should not be in the top 6Just started 12 team PPR:
1.01 Jack Attack Bernard, Giovani CIN RB
1.02 . Jack Attack Austin, Tavon STL WR
1.03 The Collusion Kid Lacy, Eddie GBP RB
1.04 . Gooney Birds Ball, Montee DEN RB
1.05 . Gooney Birds Bell, Le'Veon PIT RB
1.06 . Jack Attack Franklin, Johnathan GBP RB started 12 team PPR:
1.01 Jack Attack Bernard, Giovani CIN RB
1.02 . Jack Attack Austin, Tavon STL WR
1.03 The Collusion Kid Lacy, Eddie GBP RB
1.04 . Gooney Birds Ball, Montee DEN RB
1.05 . Gooney Birds Bell, Le'Veon PIT RB
1.06 . Jack Attack Franklin, Johnathan GBP RB
agree with franklin, Ball not so muchHopkins and Patterson should be in the top 6. Ball and Franklin should not be in the top 6Just started 12 team PPR:
1.01 Jack Attack Bernard, Giovani CIN RB
1.02 . Jack Attack Austin, Tavon STL WR
1.03 The Collusion Kid Lacy, Eddie GBP RB
1.04 . Gooney Birds Ball, Montee DEN RB
1.05 . Gooney Birds Bell, Le'Veon PIT RB
1.06 . Jack Attack Franklin, Johnathan GBP RB
I think this is perfect draft to fill holes in your roster and not worry about how the draft should play out or rankings.agree with franklin, Ball not so muchHopkins and Patterson should be in the top 6. Ball and Franklin should not be in the top 6Just started 12 team PPR:
1.01 Jack Attack Bernard, Giovani CIN RB
1.02 . Jack Attack Austin, Tavon STL WR
1.03 The Collusion Kid Lacy, Eddie GBP RB
1.04 . Gooney Birds Ball, Montee DEN RB
1.05 . Gooney Birds Bell, Le'Veon PIT RB
1.06 . Jack Attack Franklin, Johnathan GBP RB
I don't how drafting the Packers backup RB helps someone fill out their roster.I think this is perfect draft to fill holes in your roster and not worry about how the draft should play out or rankings.agree with franklin, Ball not so muchHopkins and Patterson should be in the top 6. Ball and Franklin should not be in the top 6Just started 12 team PPR:
1.01 Jack Attack Bernard, Giovani CIN RB
1.02 . Jack Attack Austin, Tavon STL WR
1.03 The Collusion Kid Lacy, Eddie GBP RB
1.04 . Gooney Birds Ball, Montee DEN RB
1.05 . Gooney Birds Bell, Le'Veon PIT RB
1.06 . Jack Attack Franklin, Johnathan GBP RB
Agree on the Franklin reach. My statement was more generic to this draftI don't how drafting the Packers backup RB helps someone fill out their roster.I think this is perfect draft to fill holes in your roster and not worry about how the draft should play out or rankings.agree with franklin, Ball not so muchHopkins and Patterson should be in the top 6. Ball and Franklin should not be in the top 6Just started 12 team PPR:
1.01 Jack Attack Bernard, Giovani CIN RB
1.02 . Jack Attack Austin, Tavon STL WR
1.03 The Collusion Kid Lacy, Eddie GBP RB
1.04 . Gooney Birds Ball, Montee DEN RB
1.05 . Gooney Birds Bell, Le'Veon PIT RB
1.06 . Jack Attack Franklin, Johnathan GBP RB
I disagree. Always take the best talent in this case. This time next year Hopkins and Patterson will have more value than Ball and Franklin.I think this is perfect draft to fill holes in your roster and not worry about how the draft should play out or rankings.agree with franklin, Ball not so muchHopkins and Patterson should be in the top 6. Ball and Franklin should not be in the top 6Just started 12 team PPR:
1.01 Jack Attack Bernard, Giovani CIN RB
1.02 . Jack Attack Austin, Tavon STL WR
1.03 The Collusion Kid Lacy, Eddie GBP RB
1.04 . Gooney Birds Ball, Montee DEN RB
1.05 . Gooney Birds Bell, Le'Veon PIT RB
1.06 . Jack Attack Franklin, Johnathan GBP RB