Posted this a couple days late (since I wanted to get it in before the playoffs), but here's the results:1: Indianapolis 12.739983092: Seattle 12.331587783: Denver 11.726575624: Carolina 11.621500625: Pittsburgh 11.612002276: New York (N) 10.693130267: Jacksonville 10.680974848: San Diego 10.666755559: Chicago 10.3239868310: Kansas City 9.99620259811: Washington 9.88949145312: Cincinnati 9.72349648313: New England 9.07874656114: Tampa Bay 8.85609040615: Dallas 8.50862678416: Atlanta 8.27389057917: Miami 8.02984821818: Minnesota 6.8973505619: Baltimore 6.86335577520: Green Bay 6.6521307321: St. Louis 6.43668487722: Arizona 5.97248701123: Philadelphia 5.92113286524: Cleveland 5.60708277325: Oakland 5.45460537226: Buffalo 5.24290199627: Detroit 5.21811087828: Tennessee 4.92281277529: New York (A) 4.53391810430: Houston 3.70960878131: New Orleans 3.56682829832: San Francisco 3.213809086Of the top 12 teams, 7 AFC/5 NFC. Last year it was much more lopsided for the AFC (6 of the top 7 were AFC).Biggest overachievers:Tampa Bay +2.14 games (8.85 expected wins, 11 actual wins)Minnesota +2.10 games (6.89 expected wins, 9 actual wins)Biggest underachievers:Green Bay -2.65 games (6.65 expected wins, 4 actual wins)PWT says teams that over/underachieve should return to their expected range the following year.Let's check how PWT did for 2005:Biggest overachievers:#1) Pittsburgh 11.48 expected wins, 15 actual 3.518 difference#2) Atlanta 8.083 expected wins, 11 actual 2.916 difference#3) St. Louis 6.084 expected wins, 8 actual 1.915 differencePWT was money as all three teams hit their expected win total in year N+1And just for jwvdcw who swore last year that Atlanta didn't overachieve last year, but was just good at winning close games... well here's some proof that they just got lucky (I mentioned the reasons why in another thread which boiled down to INT returns for TDs and an abnormal fumble recovery rate).Biggest underachievers:#1) Tampa Bay 9.233 expected wins, 7 actual -2.233 difference#2) Kansas City 8.987 expected wins, 7 actual -1.987 difference#3) Buffalo 10.977 expected wins, 9 actual -1.977 differenceMoney on KC, pretty good on Tampa (who underperformed for two consecutive years and have now overperformed this year) and completely missed the boat on Buffalo.