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R Rated movies - what was your first, what was the first for your children? (1 Viewer)

I was in 1st grade when I watched The Shining at a friend's house. 

Honestly, I dont recall my teen-agers seeing a rated R movie yet (besides my college aged son).....I'm not necessarily against it, but they dont seem as abundant as when I was a kid. 

Saturday Night Fever when I was 13.  Both of my boys were shown Fast Times at Ridgemont High when they turned 13.  Neither would admit to me if they had seen an R rated movie prior to that.

This thread reminds me of walking the aisles of Blockbuster looking for movies to bring home to watch with friends.

13 - Saturday Night Fever
Same for me.  It was awesome, but really awkward sitting with my mom in the theater.  I'm sure she had no idea what she was getting into.

For my son, the first was Deadpool when he was 13.  I fast-forwarded through the "Calendar Girl" scene, really just because it would have been uncomfortable for him.  As it was fast forwarding, I was doing a kind of play by play - now they're banging, more banging, different position, etc.  
I saw it with my mom and little brother... at a drive in :eek:  

I remember it like it was yesterday. 1980 - Stir Crazy with Gene Wilder and Richard Prior. I was 7. My mom took my older brother and I to see it. It was the first time I saw the tata's!! My mom was the best! 

Thought it was Airplane! because I remember my parents being surprised at the bouncing boobs on the screen (well, my dad rewinded "to see how bad it was").  But that was only PG.

Maybe Terminator 2?  Not really sure now though, and feel like there had to be something before that.

My parents took me to see Aliens. I was about 8 and I had to sleep on the floor of my parents room that night.

Bad Boys with Sean Penn and Esai Morales on HBO one night circa 1984.       Dad was playing Poker with his buddies in the kitchen.  Came down to check on me when the movie was starting, kind of gave me a look and said OK.   Around 11 or 12 yrs old.

Since it was brought up in here, I do remember seeing Robocop in the theater, which means I would have been 11 for that.  For some reason I thought I was older when I saw that.   I remember being a bit traumatized by the toxic waste scene at the end.  
That's funny, I would have had to be 11 too.  For some reason I thought I was younger.  We rented it and watched it at home and had some friends over for a sleepover. 

How on Earth is The Matrix an R rated movie?
Seriously... I had to Googlez.

For me it was Terminator, on "ONtv" at my neighbor's place.

My kids are 8 and 6 so we're still several years away from allowing them to watch.  Heck, there are some uncomfortable moments when they sit and watch Impractical Jokers with me.  :lol:  

Seriously... I had to Googlez.

For me it was Terminator, on "ONtv" at my neighbor's place.

My kids are 8 and 6 so we're still several years away from allowing them to watch.  Heck, there are some uncomfortable moments when they sit and watch Impractical Jokers with me.  :lol:  
I thought I could un Americanize myself and be cool with nudity and sexual topics in front of the kids but anti - violence. Nope. I wanted to jump out of the window during The Jerk when he first meets motorcycle chick. And that was on network TV and knowing that The Jetk has no (female) nudity. 

Animal House is the first one I remember seeing.

I would have been 7 or 8 and had 2 older cousins take me with them to see. Fun times, IMO. 

Can't remember for sure if it was the first I'd seen, but I know for an absolute fact the first one I saw in the theater was The Untouchables. I was 10 or 11 and loved action movies/cartoons but had never seen anything so graphic. You know, when someone got shot, they'd just keel over dead. So Sean Connery blowing the guys brains out in the cabin and DeNiro bashing someone's head in with a baseball bat left a serious impression. 

When I was a kid every grocery store rented VHS tapes. This must have been shortly after I'd seen the Untouchables, as I was about the same age. My dad was clueless and one day I convinced him to let me rent a movie. So I browsed the videos while he shopped. When he was done we were in a hurry and he told me just make a choice and let's get going.  I chose Porky's, knowing full well the legendary content.  Back then, porn was impossible to come by, and we didn't have premium channels like HBO to get our bewb fix. Naked ladies were the holy grail. I took it home and waited for the old man to go to bed. I stuck it in the VCR and hit play. Less than a minute later, my mom walks in, sits down and says "what did you guys get?"

I was mortified.  I didn't think she was home! I said something like "aw, just some stupid high school movie, you wont like it." I'm sure I said plenty more than that, but she was not dissuaded. She watched every GD minute of that movie with me. I'm still amazed she didn't make me turn it off. She even laughed hysterically when Meat was running around with the giant condom and shoved it straight into Balbricker's crotch. 

Afterwards,  all she said to me was "I hope you know teenagers dont really act like that."

Cant remember if it was Porkys, Risky Business or Revenge of the Nerds.  All three are firmly implanted in my mind.  

I don't remember what my first R rated movie was but for many of us, we are old enough that when we saw our first R rated movie, there was no PG13.   As such some of the old R rated movies likely would have been PG13 movies today.
Yea I remember a lot of rated M movies.  A lot didn't even have ratings like I'm pretty sure Night of the Living dead didn't have a rating.  Things were a little different then I think Midnight Cowboy had an X rating when it first came out.

Cant remember if it was Porkys, Risky Business or Revenge of the Nerds.  All three are firmly implanted in my mind.  
I don’t remember the first but it was in that 80-82 bucket and was probably watched on those big rental discs. Alien or Poltergeist are likely. But Porky’s was the first I saw multiple times. 

I think it might have been Escape from New York but not 100% sure.

My older son turned 13 today and me and a couple dads had taken him and a couple friends to see a pre-Christmas showing of Die Hard at an old local theater with beers (for the parents, not the kids).  They liked the movie and got a kick out of the differences they spotted in the 80's from the "old" movie.

Was the first Batman R?  Probably that or Terminator 2.  Or whatever Arnold movie came out about that time. 

I lied and told my parents that Black Sunday was rated PG, and our local cinema NEVER checked ID's. They were just happy to have the business, especially people who might buy candy and soda. 


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