I saw it with my mom and little brother... at a drive inSame for me. It was awesome, but really awkward sitting with my mom in the theater. I'm sure she had no idea what she was getting into.13 - Saturday Night Fever
For my son, the first was Deadpool when he was 13. I fast-forwarded through the "Calendar Girl" scene, really just because it would have been uncomfortable for him. As it was fast forwarding, I was doing a kind of play by play - now they're banging, more banging, different position, etc.
That's funny, I would have had to be 11 too. For some reason I thought I was younger. We rented it and watched it at home and had some friends over for a sleepover.Since it was brought up in here, I do remember seeing Robocop in the theater, which means I would have been 11 for that. For some reason I thought I was older when I saw that. I remember being a bit traumatized by the toxic waste scene at the end.
Seriously... I had to Googlez.How on Earth is The Matrix an R rated movie?
I had a Rambo lunchbox in Elementary schoolI don't remember my first. Maybe First Blood. But I showed my 12 y/o daughter Terminator 2 the other day and that was her first.
I thought I could un Americanize myself and be cool with nudity and sexual topics in front of the kids but anti - violence. Nope. I wanted to jump out of the window during The Jerk when he first meets motorcycle chick. And that was on network TV and knowing that The Jetk has no (female) nudity.Seriously... I had to Googlez.
For me it was Terminator, on "ONtv" at my neighbor's place.
My kids are 8 and 6 so we're still several years away from allowing them to watch. Heck, there are some uncomfortable moments when they sit and watch Impractical Jokers with me.![]()
Damn near everything has been remade. And yes- the remake is pretty damn bad. They just turned it into a bland PG-13 action movie.Flipping through the channels tonight, I stumbled on Robocop... Since when was that remade?
Yea I remember a lot of rated M movies. A lot didn't even have ratings like I'm pretty sure Night of the Living dead didn't have a rating. Things were a little different then I think Midnight Cowboy had an X rating when it first came out.I don't remember what my first R rated movie was but for many of us, we are old enough that when we saw our first R rated movie, there was no PG13. As such some of the old R rated movies likely would have been PG13 movies today.
I don’t remember the first but it was in that 80-82 bucket and was probably watched on those big rental discs. Alien or Poltergeist are likely. But Porky’s was the first I saw multiple times.Cant remember if it was Porkys, Risky Business or Revenge of the Nerds. All three are firmly implanted in my mind.
It did. Still the only X rated film to win a best picture Oscar. I believe the only one ever even nominated.I think Midnight Cowboy had an X rating when it first came out.
old skool13 - Dawn of the Dead (1978) Me and a couple of friends waited until some old dude (he was probably in his 30's lol ) let us go in with him.