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Ran a 10k in June (3 Viewers)

Ugh. Heat and Humidity is killing me. I went out last night to do 12 and had to come back inside after 3.5. I did not have it. I was tired, legs were like concrete and I just could not breath. Finished it up this morning, where the temps were a little cooler, but the humidity was just sucking the life out of me. I finished, but times are nothing like I need to be for my training. I am hoping that eventually this will just work itself out, but I am not completely sure. For this Sunday's run I am supposed to do 16 with 8 in the middle at marathon pace. I think I will be lucky to do 20% over marathon pace. We shall see though.

So how will this translate to later in the early fall. Does the hard time breathing now eventually help later when the temps get cooler or am I screwed? Right now, I am contemplating taking the rest of the year off and just getting some base mileage in, but I don't want to lose what I have now.


The_Man: Good news from the doctor. I have done both the Intermediate I and II plans. They are good. Enjoy the slow starting miles. Sounds like you may need them right now to get back into it. If you have any questions please let me know.

The_Man: Good news from the doctor. I have done both the Intermediate I and II plans. They are good. Enjoy the slow starting miles. Sounds like you may need them right now to get back into it. If you have any questions please let me know.
Thanks, GB. :lmao: I'll take you up on that as I get into it.Two miles today, maybe a tiny bit more sore than yesterday, but still feeling like I'm on the right track. Slow, steady, and short are the words right now. Not even taking a watch with me just to make sure I stay focused on feeling better and don't get caught up in trying to run fast.

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement.

Ugh. Heat and Humidity is killing me. I went out last night to do 12 and had to come back inside after 3.5. I did not have it. I was tired, legs were like concrete and I just could not breath. Finished it up this morning, where the temps were a little cooler, but the humidity was just sucking the life out of me. I finished, but times are nothing like I need to be for my training. I am hoping that eventually this will just work itself out, but I am not completely sure. For this Sunday's run I am supposed to do 16 with 8 in the middle at marathon pace. I think I will be lucky to do 20% over marathon pace. We shall see though.So how will this translate to later in the early fall. Does the hard time breathing now eventually help later when the temps get cooler or am I screwed? Right now, I am contemplating taking the rest of the year off and just getting some base mileage in, but I don't want to lose what I have now.
Dude. Stop panicking. You'll be fine.Just do your runs based on effort. Maybe even get a HRM (if you're not already using one), and gauge your effort that way. My GMP is 6:52, and I've been doing the vast majority of my recent runs slower than 8:00/mile.Tonight I've got 9/4T on the schedule, so I think I'm going to run to the gym (~2 miles), do another mile and then my 4T (6:30 pace) on the treadmill, and then run back home. Don't even wanna try running that fast outside in this heat.Hope you all have a great day!!!
Ugh. Heat and Humidity is killing me. I went out last night to do 12 and had to come back inside after 3.5. I did not have it. I was tired, legs were like concrete and I just could not breath. Finished it up this morning, where the temps were a little cooler, but the humidity was just sucking the life out of me. I finished, but times are nothing like I need to be for my training. I am hoping that eventually this will just work itself out, but I am not completely sure. For this Sunday's run I am supposed to do 16 with 8 in the middle at marathon pace. I think I will be lucky to do 20% over marathon pace. We shall see though.So how will this translate to later in the early fall. Does the hard time breathing now eventually help later when the temps get cooler or am I screwed? Right now, I am contemplating taking the rest of the year off and just getting some base mileage in, but I don't want to lose what I have now.
Dude. Stop panicking. You'll be fine.Just do your runs based on effort. Maybe even get a HRM (if you're not already using one), and gauge your effort that way. My GMP is 6:52, and I've been doing the vast majority of my recent runs slower than 8:00/mile.Tonight I've got 9/4T on the schedule, so I think I'm going to run to the gym (~2 miles), do another mile and then my 4T (6:30 pace) on the treadmill, and then run back home. Don't even wanna try running that fast outside in this heat.Hope you all have a great day!!!
Thanks for the face slap. I needed that. I am not panicing as much as I just can't find that groove that I am used to being in. Hopefully it just hits soon.
Dude. Stop panicking. You'll be fine.

Just do your runs based on effort. Maybe even get a HRM (if you're not already using one), and gauge your effort that way. My GMP is 6:52, and I've been doing the vast majority of my recent runs slower than 8:00/mile.

Tonight I've got 9/4T on the schedule, so I think I'm going to run to the gym (~2 miles), do another mile and then my 4T (6:30 pace) on the treadmill, and then run back home. Don't even wanna try running that fast outside in this heat.

Hope you all have a great day!!!
Thanks for the face slap. I needed that. I am not panicing as much as I just can't find that groove that I am used to being in. Hopefully it just hits soon.
Johnny Fontane: "I don't know what to do, Godfather." Godfather: "You can start by being a MAN!" [Face slap]

That is the lowest price I've seen (other than used) for something with decent shifters. Do you know the size you need?
Probably a 62cm.I'd love any recommendations you can make!
1. At least 9 speed. Which means Tiagra, 105, Ultegra, or DA shifters (more than likely Tiagra or 105).2. Aluminum or carbon is fine. 3. Something that fits well. Just make sure it is sized for you.Once you figure out size I'd probably try and buy used. There should be lots in your area. For buying new Bikes Direct is OK, as long as you can do a lot of assembly and tinkering yourself. Lots of reports of having to setup the derailleur stops and such. I don't know what you're wanting to spend, but the Neuvation aluminum SRAM Rival bike is supposed to be quite nice ($1200, though).
alright bike guys, need advice on whether to shop for a new bike or just fix the old one.

I currently have a 15 year old Trek 1200 road bike, looks pretty similar to this with better pedals but the shifters are on the bottom frame. That's the part I hate but seems pretty easy to fix. I want a tri-bike as I do more and will continue to do more tri's than pure cycling events and I find I pull my body forward over the pedals more than is comfortable - you can imagine how the seat fits when I start going forward. I am fixing this issue but I find I'm slower when I stay back.

I'm guessing I can fix the shifters for under $100 if I do it myself, I'll also upgrade some other parts but keep it under $300 most likely.

The Dawes Lightning seems a decent deal but it's still not a tri bike. Most tri bikes I've looked at start at $1k before they would seem to be worth the upgrade.

Did a short brick this morning:

bike - 10 miles, 19.0mph, 82 cadence

run - 2.25 miles, 7:42 pace, 173 ave HR

I had to cut the bike a bit shorter than I'd have liked because I had an early meeting, but overall I'm happy with those times and I'm glad I got one last brick workout in before Sunday.

I have to take my bike into the LBS this afternoon - I'm getting what sounds like engine knock on the left pedal every time I reach the bottom of the rotation, then 1/2 way through the ride this morning I heard what sounded like a loud cap-gun "pop." Maybe I just ran something over (no tire damage that I could find) but I don't need my bike falling apart on me.

Ugh. Heat and Humidity is killing me. I went out last night to do 12 and had to come back inside after 3.5. I did not have it. I was tired, legs were like concrete and I just could not breath. Finished it up this morning, where the temps were a little cooler, but the humidity was just sucking the life out of me. I finished, but times are nothing like I need to be for my training. I am hoping that eventually this will just work itself out, but I am not completely sure. For this Sunday's run I am supposed to do 16 with 8 in the middle at marathon pace. I think I will be lucky to do 20% over marathon pace. We shall see though.So how will this translate to later in the early fall. Does the hard time breathing now eventually help later when the temps get cooler or am I screwed? Right now, I am contemplating taking the rest of the year off and just getting some base mileage in, but I don't want to lose what I have now.
Dude. Stop panicking. You'll be fine.Just do your runs based on effort. Maybe even get a HRM (if you're not already using one), and gauge your effort that way. My GMP is 6:52, and I've been doing the vast majority of my recent runs slower than 8:00/mile.Tonight I've got 9/4T on the schedule, so I think I'm going to run to the gym (~2 miles), do another mile and then my 4T (6:30 pace) on the treadmill, and then run back home. Don't even wanna try running that fast outside in this heat.Hope you all have a great day!!!
Thanks for the face slap. I needed that. I am not panicing as much as I just can't find that groove that I am used to being in. Hopefully it just hits soon.
we're ALL feeling it right now. In fact, you asked basically the exact same thing I asked a week or two ago about how running in humidity will translate to the fall. Adjust your times down and don't let yourself get discouraged. Another thing that helps me is that I have logs of all my runs from last year to compare to, so for instance even though I was a little disappointed with my 3x 1600 the other day, I can look back and see: 7/7/09 - 3x 1600 - 7:19, 7:26, 7:266/22/10 - 3x1600 - 6:50, 7:06, 7:13 So at least I can see I'm ahead of last year at the same time (trying to compare apples-to-apples).
Once you figure out size I'd probably try and buy used. There should be lots in your area.
Not with a 62cm frame. :confused:
Plus with a connection like Courtney (AKA Sprtymama on eBay for those who don't know) you just gotta go new. Can she get any of the bikes on Bikesdirect, or is her's a more limited selection? What is your max you want to spend?
Forgot you had a connection. Find a road bike she has that has STI shifters in your size and you are good to go.
Tri-Man: :lol: sometimes the elements win. Not often against TM, but they do sometimes win. Awful timing for that event, as it doesn't give you time to adjust to the heat prior.

Gruecd: I'd recommend 105 components or higher. Tiagra are ok, but there is a big step up to 105. A body just bought this bike and it's actually a decent ride. Very aero frame, which will help for TT'ing. Make sure you take good measurements (have somebody else take them for you) to precisely determine the size bike you need. I like this fit calculator. I'd also search high and low on Craigslist, and Ebay. I purchased my last bike on Ebay and got a great deal! Also, I have some new HTFU photos for you!!!

PMB: You need patience with the weather. Working hard in it now will pay huge dividends later. Don't worry about walking during runs, running slower and/or running much shorter distances = just run at a perceived effort that you would run in normal weather.

The_Man: Great to hear the good news! Take your time getting back at it.

Fubar: Changing your Trek shifters to brifters (brakes/shifters) won't be cheap. At a minimum, you'll need a new cassette $60), chain ($30), derailleurs ($20 front, $80 rear), and brifters ($350); if you go to the 105 level = approximately $550. Buyng new beats fixing old, and having two bikes is much better than having one!


My Update:

I was at a conference in San Antonio for most of the last week, and did get some decent workouts in.

Fri: 26 mile bike ride averaging 20.4 MPH. Got my HR up over 170 which is hard for me to do on the bike.

Sat: 6 mile run in 94 degree + humid weather. I'm pretty sure I sweat out a good 6 lbs. during the run. I took a quick shower to get some of the stink out, and went up to the hotel's lap pool to get my first real swimming in almost a year. It was MUCH more difficult than I anticipated. I did: 50, 100, 150, 150, 100, 50 = only 600 yards, but I was shot. All were under 1:00 per 50, which was better than I expected.

Sun: Attempted another swim, this time I did: 50, 100, 150, 200, 150, 100, 50 = 800 yards. My shoulder was a bit tender, but again I was able to at least keep each set under 1:00 pace.

Mon: 8 mile run in 95 degrees. This was one of my better, albeit slow, runs in quite some time. I started out painfully slow (9:25 first mile), and had every mile after a bit faster. Through mile 5, my HR was still below 170 = I decided to make it an 8, instead of a 6. I slowly sped up for the last three, and ended up averaging only 9:03 (1:00+ slower than MP), but I did finally get some mileage in.

Tues: Another swim which took way too much effort. I did: 50, 100, 150, 200, 200, 150, 100, 50 = 1,000 yards. My second 200 was in 3:48, but it was a struggle. I did not expect that short of a distance to be that hard = I've got a TON of work ahead of me.

Wed: Wanted to do a 6 mile run, but my HR was up to 174 during the 4th mile. I decided to speed it up, and get back in. Finished the last mile (4th) in 8:35, but my HR was at 180 = had to shut it down. I walked for a good mile, and was pissed that I didn't slow it down to get more mileage in. I then want straight to my hotel room, quickly showered, and decided to punish myself with another swim. This time I did: 50, 100, 200, 300, 200, 100, 50 = 1,000 yards again. The 300 seemed to be less work than the 200's the day before and was done in 5:49 = I'll take that pace, but need to greatly increase my stamina.

Today: Back home; did a 17 mile ride, that needed to be done quickly as I needed to get in for a meeting. My legs felt great, and I averaged 21.4 MPH on a somewhat hilly course (my go to course = my best fitness barometer). The wind was down from what it normally is, which greatly helped. I'd like to get this ride up to 22.5 = where I was on it prior to HHH last year.

= These workouts combined let me know that I have a LOOOOOONG way to go in all three disciplines.

pigskinliquors said:
Fubar: Changing your Trek shifters to brifters (brakes/shifters) won't be cheap. At a minimum, you'll need a new cassette $60), chain ($30), derailleurs ($20 front, $80 rear), and brifters ($350); if you go to the 105 level = approximately $550. Buyng new beats fixing old, and having two bikes is much better than having one!
At that price, I'll be going new for sure. Would used brifters be a horrible idea?

wraith5 said:
I have to take my bike into the LBS this afternoon - I'm getting what sounds like engine knock on the left pedal every time I reach the bottom of the rotation, then 1/2 way through the ride this morning I heard what sounded like a loud cap-gun "pop." Maybe I just ran something over (no tire damage that I could find) but I don't need my bike falling apart on me.
So my Nashbar pedal was already giving out, and that was making the noise. Hello Shimano PDM324s (SPD + cage for my trail riding).
pigskinliquors said:
Fubar: Changing your Trek shifters to brifters (brakes/shifters) won't be cheap. At a minimum, you'll need a new cassette $60), chain ($30), derailleurs ($20 front, $80 rear), and brifters ($350); if you go to the 105 level = approximately $550. Buyng new beats fixing old, and having two bikes is much better than having one!
At that price, I'll be going new for sure. Would used brifters be a horrible idea?
IF they are in good shape, you can certainly go used. The problem is that it will be difficult to know what shape they are in until they are installed. For that price though it certainly beats new.
Back at it today in the pool. Only did 1,500 yards and hated how I felt. The left shoulder felt OK, but the elbow, knee and especially the hand hurt quite a bit. I think I found myself kicking more when pulling on my left side, likely to compensate for a weak pull to protect the shoulder. As bad as the swim was, it gave me enough confidence to make it a for sure that I am racing Sunday and am doing it without a wetsuit.

BNB, Tri-Man and others that have crashed out, how was your confidence first ride back? I am going to do a short one tomorrow just to be sure my head is right for Sunday. I have always believed that when you play timid or scared, that is when you get hurt. So, I want to be able to ride without thinking if I can.

Wraith, geeked for you on Sunday!!! I have no doubt you'll enjoy it and it will have you wanting to sign up for another.

eta, just was checking my email and received my weekly run mail from one of the local running stores, very timely reminder for me (and maybe for a few others here):

Yo Run Gang,

My friend Karen trained diligently all winter to run a 50K mountain race. A week out from the event a rock shot out from her lawnmower, shattering her tibia.

Life is not fair and as athletes we are reminded of this often. There are no givens, in training, racing or life. When aiming at a long term goal we put a lot of life's eggs in one basket, a risk-reward scenario. The risks are high, a lot can happen during several months of training, especially as race week draws near when our bodies are on the edge, ready for injury or sickness.

We can hope for the best, but need to have a plan for the worst. By reminding ourselves that there is perhaps an 80% chance of making it to the starting line we might train a bit smarter, taking days off when a pain comes up or we are feeling run down. We might be more flexible with our plans, keeping family and friends intact. The worst case scenario plan? Be ready to switch gears 180 degrees when tragedy hits, putting all our effort in a new direction, making a plan for recovery and getting just as focused on the next big comeback as we did for original plan.

Dang, why is it that the hardest things in life to do are the right things?

Run smart,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner, inching my way back from injury ... while wanting to run back!

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Wore a hat today on my run and it really helped with the sweat.

I'm looking forward to 2Y2B kicking my ### this Sunday. I'm mean it's going to suck getting beat by an old man, and on top of that an old man who's coming off a crash the week before.

Good luck to those racing this weekend. Have fun and enjoy the experiences.


I was up early again today and did 9 miles. It was much cooler this morning and a lot less humidity. I averaged 8:22 per mile and felt pretty good. I know that I went out faster than I should have, but I know that this is something that I am going to really have to work on to become a better runner. It is hard for me to cut back when I am feeling good at the start.

2Young - I don't recall having any problems coming back from either of my crashes from a few years ago (in both cases, I even had to ride/limp back for 45 minutes after the crash). In a race environment, with a controlled course, you'll be fine. You might be jumpy riding through the streets for a bit, though.

Thanks for posting that article. I'm still in a funk over Sunday's race ...kicking myself for eating too much (a pre-packaged bagel that sat heavy) and drinking too little (causing early dehydration) before the race. All the planning, and I put myself in a bad position on a hot, humid day with poor nutrition. But yeah, looking to regroup and come back strong with upcoming races!


'Punished' myself this morning with a hard hour swim. 10 x 200 @ 3:44 (56 sec/lap). It felt good.


2Young and Dexter, do well this weekend! (Dexter, 2Young has some experience losing to an old man, so he'll be able to console you.)

Wraith, I'll see you out there! Just relax, now, and be proud of how well you've trained. You have shown tremendous improvement this past year. I know you'll do great.

2Young: I don't know how I missed it, but so sorry to hear about your crash. Hang in there, and best of luck to you, Dexter and everyone else who is racing this weekend.

Sand: I'm hoping you are right regarding endurance in the swim coming back, as I did not expect any of the workouts I did to be even half as hard as they were. UGH!!

Tri-Man: Nutrition aside, the weather for your race was brutal. There is zero reason to blame yourself. IF it was the end of the summer, and you'd have been training in heat/humidity it would be a different story.

FWIW: Here's a new race! I hope it does well, as I have a goal of running a full IM the year I turn 54 = 10 years from now (I'll be the same age my mother was when she passed away; and will be doing it to raise $ for a scholarship in her name).


My update:

I HTFU'd this morning by NOT running :thumbup: My alarm went off at 5:45, and I knew I'd either be having a SRD today or tomorrow. The temp was only 73 (86% humidity) which is 5+ degrees cooler than it's been. Since I'm trying my hardest to acclimate to the weather, I need to be running in heat, as it certainly isn't going to get any cooler here for more than two months. I'll now run tomorrow morning and will follow it up with a quick swim.

Wraith - so pumped for your Race Report already. Have a great time. I think you are going to kick ###, especially in the swim and run.

PSL - great week of workouts and very hard core holding out for the hot weather.

PMB - keep grinding through. I aspire to be the runner you are.

Gruecd - I don't even bother aspiring to be the runner you are. You are a machine.

2y2bb - way to get back up on the bike that threw you. Have a great race.

Sorry if I missed anyone else. Been kind of hanging low -- alternately feeling sorry for myself about being hurt and like a fraud for being here when I'm not running. Looking at 2 tomorrow and then 4 on Sunday. If that all goes well, then it's marathon training time on Monday!

5 miles this morning @ 8:07 pace (plus .5 warm/cooldown, 6 total). Supposed to be an "easy" (9:10) pace day with the race only 2 days away, but I felt like I needed to hit close to 8's mentally.

I'm heading out soon for an easy swim just to get into the wetsuit one more time - I'll probably do 1000 meters and call it a day. I just don't want to go 4 days without swiming before the race.

Tonight or tomorrow I'll change out the cleats on my bike shoes to my new Shimano's and go for a nice, easy recovery-type ride. Make sure I can clip out easily, etc.

5 miles this morning @ 8:07 pace (plus .5 warm/cooldown, 6 total). Supposed to be an "easy" (9:10) pace day with the race only 2 days away, but I felt like I needed to hit close to 8's mentally.

I'm heading out soon for an easy swim just to get into the wetsuit one more time - I'll probably do 1000 meters and call it a day. I just don't want to go 4 days without swiming before the race.

Tonight or tomorrow I'll change out the cleats on my bike shoes to my new Shimano's and go for a nice, easy recovery-type ride. Make sure I can clip out easily, etc.
Wraith: I'm not sure what your old cleats/pedals were, but different cleats/pedals have variance in the height of your foot = changes your alignment. I'd check and make sure you don't need to change your seat position to match the cleat change. With your leg fully extended (knee locked), at the sweet spot of your seat, at the lowest point of your pedal stroke, your foot should be flat, and identical before and after changing cleats. Small changes can make a big difference = be careful!
Sand: I'm hoping you are right regarding endurance in the swim coming back, as I did not expect any of the workouts I did to be even half as hard as they were. UGH!!
A couple weeks of consistency and you'll be right back in it.
FWIW: Here's a new race! I hope it does well, as I have a goal of running a full IM the year I turn 54 = 10 years from now (I'll be the same age my mother was when she passed away; and will be doing it to raise $ for a scholarship in her name).
I saw this and pretty much thought - "What the #### were they thinking?" Houston at the end of May? Whatever the size of their medical tent, triple it.The thought of running for scholarship money is pretty cool, BTW.

Gruecd - I don't even bother aspiring to be the runner you are. You are a machine.
Thanks for the kind words, but you wouldn't have wanted to be me yesterday. Tempo run was an epic FAIL. It was hot and humid outside, so I figured I'd have better luck attempting the tempo portion of my run at the gym on the treadmill. Bad decision. I swear to God it was hotter in the gym than it was outside. Cranked up the treadmill to 9.3 (6:27 pace), did the first mile, and had to slow it down. I was already overheating. Did an easy mile, then another one at 6:27, and then just finished up the mileage at GA pace.Ended up with 9 miles total including the two faster miles, but if I'd known I was gonna be doing mile repeats instead of a tempo run, I would've done 'em faster (6:00 pace), and I would've taken shorter rest intervals. Oh, well.

On the plus side, I found out what legs I'm going to be running at Ragnar in August. :kicksrock: I'm batting leadoff, so I'll have legs 1, 13, and 25 (chart). Just over 17 miles total. Leg #13 has some hills, but the best part is that leg #25 is just a flat little 5K. Perfect.

wraith, 2Young, and Dexter - I hope all of you have great races this weekend! Looking forward to the reports!!

PSL - IM in Houston on Memorial Day? That's insane.

pmb - Nice job on the 9 this morning.

tri-man - Way to get back after it!!

Hope you guys have a great weekend. 15-miler for me in the morning!!

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(Wraith5 + Old Ladies) / Lap pool = (Palestinians + Isralis) / Gaza Strip

Seriously, I don't what it is about me and old ladies, but put us in a pool together and sparks fly (and definitely NOT the Tri-man + old lady sparks). All I'm saying is that if it takes you 5 minutes to cross 50 meters, that's not swiming laps. That's imitating a beluga in the tide. And that doesn't have to happen during the one hour of daily adult lap time. OK? OK!!

Of course, 3 pools, 3 incidents, and I'm the only constant... nah!

ANYWAY, ended up doing 1300 meters between arguing and switching lanes. the longest I went was 400 meters, and did it in 7:36. Very happy with that.

Also met up with a young guy who's racing Sunday (experienced racer) who talked with me about the course. The swim is around a little island in the middle of the lake. It will be interesting to see how tight people try to stay to the island's shore on the far side.

Wraith - so pumped for your Race Report already. Have a great time. I think you are going to kick ###, especially in the swim and run.

Sorry if I missed anyone else. Been kind of hanging low -- alternately feeling sorry for myself about being hurt and like a fraud for being here when I'm not running. Looking at 2 tomorrow and then 4 on Sunday. If that all goes well, then it's marathon training time on Monday!
Thanks to you and everyone else for all of the support! It's going to be interesting, and I can't wait. Regarding being a "fraud," I love that you've been sticking around through your recovery. I'd be disappointed if you didn't. It's kinda like the NFL: you can't lose your starters job due to injury. Same concept applies here!

I was talking with my sister-in-law yesterday about the Bourbon Chase (she says she's in if we want/need her, by the way - she's run Boston) and she was asking me about the group of guys I'd be running with. Of course that's not the easiest thing to explain to someone, especially after I told her I was going to be running with a group of friends.

So keep showing up!

The swim is around a little island in the middle of the lake. It will be interesting to see how tight people try to stay to the island's shore on the far side.
I'd suggest that you make firm plans to swim around the turn versus cutting it tight and using your legs to 'step' around it or dolphin dive around. Last Sunday, I dolphin dived in the shallows for quite a stretch (x 2 with the repeat lap) to avoid very heavy weeds ...but my calves were not at all used to that. [Caveat: unless they allow you to run across the shore. See if you can find out what's allowed during the 6:15 a.m. course talk.]PS: Sounds like my elderly aqua-ladies need a tri-man spankin'.
The swim is around a little island in the middle of the lake. It will be interesting to see how tight people try to stay to the island's shore on the far side.
I'd suggest that you make firm plans to swim around the turn versus cutting it tight and using your legs to 'step' around it or dolphin dive around. Last Sunday, I dolphin dived in the shallows for quite a stretch (x 2 with the repeat lap) to avoid very heavy weeds ...but my calves were not at all used to that. [Caveat: unless they allow you to run across the shore. See if you can find out what's allowed during the 6:15 a.m. course talk.]PS: Sounds like my elderly aqua-ladies need a tri-man spankin'.
More power to you, brother! I'm going to stop by on my way home to take a look at things - the kid at the pool told me it's all set up.
(Wraith5 + Old Ladies) / Lap pool = (Palestinians + Isralis) / Gaza StripSeriously, I don't what it is about me and old ladies, but put us in a pool together and sparks fly (and definitely NOT the Tri-man + old lady sparks). All I'm saying is that if it takes you 5 minutes to cross 50 meters, that's not swiming laps. That's imitating a beluga in the tide. And that doesn't have to happen during the one hour of daily adult lap time. OK? OK!! Of course, 3 pools, 3 incidents, and I'm the only constant... nah!
Oh, you're NOT going to be able to just drop that in here without a seriously good story or two. :popcorn:
I was talking with my sister-in-law yesterday about the Bourbon Chase (she says she's in if we want/need her, by the way - she's run Boston) and she was asking me about the group of guys I'd be running with. Of course that's not the easiest thing to explain to someone, especially after I told her I was going to be running with a group of friends.
I am already looking forward to this. If we do end up shy a guy I can try and recruit a friend down the street. Guy finished 22nd in the Mercedes marathon (2:59:xx - considered to be a hard, hilly marathon). And he's ~45, so the age bonus thing is off the charts. Not tri-man-off-the-charts, but still doing good.
I was talking with my sister-in-law yesterday about the Bourbon Chase (she says she's in if we want/need her, by the way - she's run Boston) and she was asking me about the group of guys I'd be running with. Of course that's not the easiest thing to explain to someone, especially after I told her I was going to be running with a group of friends.
I am already looking forward to this. If we do end up shy a guy I can try and recruit a friend down the street. Guy finished 22nd in the Mercedes marathon (2:59:xx - considered to be a hard, hilly marathon). And he's ~45, so the age bonus thing is off the charts. Not tri-man-off-the-charts, but still doing good.
:thumbup: and :unsure: Some of us in the midwest have now met, so I'm fine with the possibility that, needing an extra runner or more, those of you who will be making first-time, first-hand acquaintances get first shot at bringing a friend. Of course, Wraith's sister is probably not a guy, so that counts for somethin' ...

2Young - I don't recall having any problems coming back from either of my crashes from a few years ago (in both cases, I even had to ride/limp back for 45 minutes after the crash). In a race environment, with a controlled course, you'll be fine. You might be jumpy riding through the streets for a bit, though.

Thanks for posting that article. I'm still in a funk over Sunday's race ...kicking myself for eating too much (a pre-packaged bagel that sat heavy) and drinking too little (causing early dehydration) before the race. All the planning, and I put myself in a bad position on a hot, humid day with poor nutrition. But yeah, looking to regroup and come back strong with upcoming races!


'Punished' myself this morning with a hard hour swim. 10 x 200 @ 3:44 (56 sec/lap). It felt good.


2Young and Dexter, do well this weekend! (Dexter, 2Young has some experience losing to an old man, so he'll be able to console you.)

Wraith, I'll see you out there! Just relax, now, and be proud of how well you've trained. You have shown tremendous improvement this past year. I know you'll do great.
:goodposting: Thanks for keeping me humble Pops, we need to find a sprint and go head up some day!
I was talking with my sister-in-law yesterday about the Bourbon Chase (she says she's in if we want/need her, by the way - she's run Boston) and she was asking me about the group of guys I'd be running with. Of course that's not the easiest thing to explain to someone, especially after I told her I was going to be running with a group of friends.
I am already looking forward to this. If we do end up shy a guy I can try and recruit a friend down the street. Guy finished 22nd in the Mercedes marathon (2:59:xx - considered to be a hard, hilly marathon). And he's ~45, so the age bonus thing is off the charts. Not tri-man-off-the-charts, but still doing good.
:lmao: and :lmao: Some of us in the midwest have now met, so I'm fine with the possibility that, needing an extra runner or more, those of you who will be making first-time, first-hand acquaintances get first shot at bringing a friend. Of course, Wraith's sister is probably not a guy, so that counts for somethin' ...
We'll get numbers for sure. I mentioned it to my brother-in-law (soon to be 40) who has run legs of the Sawtooth Relay UPHILL in the 7s that would love to join us too. He is in if we need him and can bring others too. Oh, and, :goodposting: for :lmao: of Wraith's sister before we decide if shes in.
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The swim is around a little island in the middle of the lake. It will be interesting to see how tight people try to stay to the island's shore on the far side.
I'd suggest that you make firm plans to swim around the turn versus cutting it tight and using your legs to 'step' around it or dolphin dive around. Last Sunday, I dolphin dived in the shallows for quite a stretch (x 2 with the repeat lap) to avoid very heavy weeds ...but my calves were not at all used to that. [Caveat: unless they allow you to run across the shore. See if you can find out what's allowed during the 6:15 a.m. course talk.]PS: Sounds like my elderly aqua-ladies need a tri-man spankin'.
More power to you, brother! I'm going to stop by on my way home to take a look at things - the kid at the pool told me it's all set up.
Sounds like an AWESOME security blanket to me (the island, not the old ladies). If you are in a grove, as Dory said "just keep swimming". If things don't feel right, head for shallow water, stand up and reset yourself (fix your goggles, wetsuit, etc or just get a good breath).
Back on the horse tonight for a short 10-mile ride (had to get the nibs off the new tires before Sunday). My derailleur seems off a bit and rubs only at the highest gear. Sunday's tri is dead flat, so it won't be an issue and I can get the bike back in next week. Didn't feel 100% right, but good enough. The bumps hurt my wrist when I was on the brake, but felt fine in aero. I did panic once at a stop sign a bit trying to be sure I got out of my clips. I think I felt the difference in tires. I had Vitorra Rubino Pro Slicks on my bike. Due to my need to get the bike back quick, they put on Specialized Pro II Mondos . They felt softer, if that makes sense and have more touch when turning, but also felt a touch slower rolling. I also had the shop put a thinker wrap on the bars when they did the repairs & an VERY happy with the additional thickness.

Hours away from tackling the Blood, Sweat, and Gears 102.5 mile. haven't trained for this distance so it should be interesting. My PR for this event is 6:50. Goal time is 6:45 with a stretch goal of 6:30. To make things interesting, I'm riding bandit which means no support / rest stops so I'll have to find water along the way and am carrying 2500 cals with me.

Intersting factiod - To get up the 20% grade at Snake Mt at 4 mph I'll have to 408 watts for 2 miles at the end of a 7 mile climb.

Good luck to everyone else racing this weekend.

Hours away from tackling the Blood, Sweat, and Gears 102.5 mile. haven't trained for this distance so it should be interesting. My PR for this event is 6:50. Goal time is 6:45 with a stretch goal of 6:30. To make things interesting, I'm riding bandit which means no support / rest stops so I'll have to find water along the way and am carrying 2500 cals with me.Intersting factiod - To get up the 20% grade at Snake Mt at 4 mph I'll have to 408 watts for 2 miles at the end of a 7 mile climb.Good luck to everyone else racing this weekend.
:goodposting: sounds like fun :loco: Go get'em Haus!
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Hours away from tackling the Blood, Sweat, and Gears 102.5 mile. haven't trained for this distance so it should be interesting. My PR for this event is 6:50. Goal time is 6:45 with a stretch goal of 6:30. To make things interesting, I'm riding bandit which means no support / rest stops so I'll have to find water along the way and am carrying 2500 cals with me.Intersting factiod - To get up the 20% grade at Snake Mt at 4 mph I'll have to 408 watts for 2 miles at the end of a 7 mile climb.Good luck to everyone else racing this weekend.
I have no pride - I'd bring a triple to that climb.
The swim is around a little island in the middle of the lake. It will be interesting to see how tight people try to stay to the island's shore on the far side.
I'd suggest that you make firm plans to swim around the turn versus cutting it tight and using your legs to 'step' around it or dolphin dive around. Last Sunday, I dolphin dived in the shallows for quite a stretch (x 2 with the repeat lap) to avoid very heavy weeds ...but my calves were not at all used to that. [Caveat: unless they allow you to run across the shore. See if you can find out what's allowed during the 6:15 a.m. course talk.]PS: Sounds like my elderly aqua-ladies need a tri-man spankin'.
More power to you, brother! I'm going to stop by on my way home to take a look at things - the kid at the pool told me it's all set up.
Sounds like an AWESOME security blanket to me (the island, not the old ladies). If you are in a grove, as Dory said "just keep swimming". If things don't feel right, head for shallow water, stand up and reset yourself (fix your goggles, wetsuit, etc or just get a good breath).
OK, visited the race site after work - picture of the swim course here. 700 meters looks a lot longer this way than I thought it would! You can see that they have the course marked on the inside all the way down & back (so no crossover) and it's also roped off all the way around the back of the island.

Here is the transition area. The exit is on the far side, and the entry is behind me far to the right (so diagonal from the exit). My race number is 220, so you can see the row where I'm assigned. I'm hoping to get a spot right along the near edge so I have a clear shot to the exit.

Any thoughts are welcome.

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OK, visited the race site after work - picture of the swim course here. 700 meters looks a lot longer this way than I thought it would! You can see that they have the course marked on the inside all the way down & back (so no crossover) and it's also roped off all the way around the back of the island.

Here is the transition area. The exit is on the far side, and the entry is behind me far to the right (so diagonal from the exit). My race number is 220, so you can see the row where I'm assigned. I'm hoping to get a spot right along the near edge so I have a clear shot to the exit.

Any thoughts are welcome.
I tried to find the course map for the swim to determine if it is clockwise or counter-clockwise, but got the page not found message. Based on how narrow the right side is (looking at the picture) I am guessing it is clockwise. Depending on where the sun is in relation to the course and how sunny it is on Sunday, those small buoys are going to be a little tough to spot. No matter which way the swim goes, there are unique trees on either side of the course that you can use to spot instead of the buoys (especially that one on the left side of the island). Thinking that you want to be on the outside left, that water tower might work to spot too and/or you may want to see if there is a bright colored car in that parking lot. For the back swim of the out and back, I'd hug the line and right side breathe if space allows (shortest way between 2 points is a straight line). If you have to stay to the outside still, you have the dock and the corner of that orange snow fence to spot. If the water is clear, remember to follow the bubbles if your spotting is off and try some drafting (reaching for the outside of the feet). That is a generic, wide open transition area and could make things hard to find your bike. Be sure to walk from the water right to you spot. I still find it odd you can have "help" in transition. If you can use tri-man as your help, you are all set, as he will tower over everyone's help (but be careful, he'll want to put on your gloves for you). If the "help" means just volunteers, I'd work a plan with tri-man to guide you a bit if needed. Still find a tree, sign, trash can, etc that will help you remember where you are at.

Be sure to show off your body marking after. Take the family to lunch, ice cream, the pool, etc. How many adults get to write on themselves with permanent marker?! :thumbdown:

Thanks 2Y!! That picture is looking straight down the "out" portion of the swim - we'll go around the island counter-clockwise then come back down the left side of the picture to the swim exit. I will look for good spotting targets during the swim practice. Coming back I'll be able to see the exit area clearly, as it's all fenced off with orange plastic fencing.

In the better late than never category, here are some pictures of my bike set up (taken by my 3.5 and 5 year olds). Forgive my stoned look in a few of the shots... and that's all I'll say about that.

Done with 15 hot, sweaty miles to cap off a week of hot, sweaty running. SRD tomorrow. I can tell my body needs it, so I'm looking forward to it. Week in review:

M: 11 ML @ 8:20 pace

T: 13 ML @ 8:14

W: 5 rec @ 8:34

T: 9 GA @ 7:47 (botched tempo)

F: 5 rec @ 8:16

S: 15 ML @ 8:10


Weekly total: 58

Psyched for all the racers this weekend!!!

In the better late than never category, here are some pictures of my bike set up (taken by my 3.5 and 5 year olds). Forgive my stoned look in a few of the shots... and that's all I'll say about that.
Do you rock in the seat when pedaling? Your seat looks a tad high to me from those shots.
Wraith -- so if counter-clockwise, the buoys will all be on your left ...awkward for most everyone. I think you've done some bilateral breathing, which would let you spot left. Otherwise, you'll have to do the ol' elevate and lunge to get a look ahead. Hopefully they'll have some boats/kayaks to your right. I'm planning to get there sometime after 6 a.m. ...I'll find you.


Solid 90 minutes on the bike this a.m. - 20 miles in a hard gear, holding 20 1/2-21 mph on the 3/4-mile straightaways (then easing off a bit on the 1/4-mile turns of my two mile rectangular loop).


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