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Ran a 10k in June (2 Viewers)

Welcome to the madness Baur and Rusty. I will not repeat what others have said. I will say this. Whatever you do, make sure you have fun doing it. If it is not fun then don't do it, you will not get as much out of it. Pick some races as goals and we can all help with your training and getting through them.


did my 4x400s last night. Mile warm up and half mile cool down. Just nice and easy to get the juices and legs flowing a bit. I am getting ready for this thing and putting the final touches on how I want to handle everything. Weather looks awful right now and appears that it will be raining for most of the marathon if not all. Just another challenge right?

Welcome Bauer and Rusty! Jump on in.

PMB, can't wait to follow you Saturday and read your race report. You are going to have a great run.

7 x 400 for me this morning. It was a great a.m. to run -- cool, but not cold, with no humidity. Also, the sun was up by the end, so it was nice not to be in the dark. Times were:








It was cool to be that consistent -- didn't really try to be, it just worked out that way. For each repeat, I told myself to run as easily as I possibly could while still going at a pace I would classify as sprinting. Sprint as easy as you can, in other words.

Jogged very slow 400s in between each repeat, and my self-measured 400 course is a slightly downhill stretch along my regular route that is probably +/- some number of meters from 400, but I still feel good about how I'm successfully adding some speed work to my training.

My birthday presents are wrapped and on the table in the living room -- Friday better be Garmin day! At least then I'll know if I'm really running 400s or not.

Bauer -Like others said, you're going to want to invest in a good pair of running shoes. Running isn't an expensive hobby, but shoes are the one expense that you can't skimp on. You're going to have some soreness if you're new to running, but given that you've built up to doing four miles comfortably, most of that "breaking in" period is already over with. There's a good chance that your shoes are causing the problem, or it could be that you're just over-doing it. Or a combination of the two. As far as pacing yourself goes, keep in mind that you don't need to go all-out every time you run. Doing four miles at a time is a good, solid distance. If you feel totally spent at the end of each and every run, you're going to fast. One or two runs can be hard, but you need some easy days in there too. One way to slow yourself down is to ask yourself if you could easily carry on a conversation with a running partner at your current pace. If the answer is no, then you're going faster than "easy" pace.Edit: Wait, are you doing four miles every day? That means you went from 0 miles per week to 28 miles per week in six weeks. No wonder you're sore. Wraith is right that you need some rest days if you don't have them built into your schedule already.
One more vote for good shoes will make all the difference in the world. Trying to answer this from the perspective of a 21 year old, I found myself wishing again that someone had pointed me towards running and triathlon when I was MUCH younger. If you feel the need to do something 5 or 6 days a week, I'd recommend finding some cross training options and only run 3 days a weeks. If the school gym has a pool, I'd give this a try. To me, it is the perfect complement to running. The school gym likely has ellipticals, etc that would also be a non-impact option. If you want something structured, Google up a 10K training plan (even if you don't want to race). The will give you some variety, including some speed work options.
Welcome to the madness Baur and Rusty. I will not repeat what others have said. I will say this. Whatever you do, make sure you have fun doing it. If it is not fun then don't do it, you will not get as much out of it. Pick some races as goals and we can all help with your training and getting through them.


did my 4x400s last night. Mile warm up and half mile cool down. Just nice and easy to get the juices and legs flowing a bit. I am getting ready for this thing and putting the final touches on how I want to handle everything. Weather looks awful right now and appears that it will be raining for most of the marathon if not all. Just another challenge right?
Just better bragging rights when you nail it!!! Didn't want to miss the chance to wish you luck this weekend. I'll be tied up with Little League all weekend and can't watch your progress on the CPU, but will be checking in on the Blackberry. Have a GREAT race!
Thanks for the wishes guys.

By the way The_Man, race is on Sunday. I don't want you going crazy on Saturday morning then cussing me because you are a day early.

Thanks for the responses everyone, I really appreciate it.

I guess the concensus is get some new running shoes, so I will do some research on the best type for my running style and hopefully pick up a pair this weekend.

To answer some questions-- Yes I went from running zero miles a week to running about 25 miles a week in 6 weeks. Some days my legs are too sore or I am just too hung over to run how far i would like to.

The school gym has a pool, elypticals etc but it is always absolutely packed where you wait a good 30 minutes to get on any machine.

I would love to take up swimming as a form of cross training, but with the semester coming to a close in the next week or two and no free pool option around my home it looks like that will have to be put on hold.

I'm getting ready to go run now, so I will try to analyze my stride and such as Tri-Man suggested.

Good luck to everyone else running today!

Thanks for the responses everyone, I really appreciate it.

I guess the concensus is get some new running shoes, so I will do some research on the best type for my running style and hopefully pick up a pair this weekend.

I'm getting ready to go run now, so I will try to analyze my stride and such as Tri-Man suggested.

Good luck to everyone else running today!
Try your local running store. They will help you pick out a good shoe for your foot and stride. The shoe will probably cost around $100. Considering the advice you should get at the store the price of the shoe is well worth it. Runner's World online is also a good resource. They have various "tools" that can help with pacing, training, and terminology (speedwork, tempo, strides, etc).

Edit to add: As already suggested, try signing up for a 5K or 10K. This will help keep you motivated and help with increasing speed and distance. Look for a training plan to follow (after a few structured runs you will figure out your current paces are).


Legs feel great today (after yesterday's tough speedwork). Will do an easy 4 to get the legs ready for tomorrow's tempo.

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Last July my BIL convinced me that running to get in shape was the way to go for me and would be worth it. He was right. I set a goal of being able to complete the Broad Street Run (10 miles) in 2010 and trained fairly consistently (messed up around the winter holidays) since then. I feel better and look better and have a little more pride in myself for having done so.

Well, my long term goal of the BSR is coming up this Sunday and I know I can do it. I have a few random questions that I was hoping you all could help me out with.

1. Through all of my training I have been listening to podcasts...very rarely to music. Some people have recently suggested that during the race if I listen to music I'll keep my pace up and can even "pass the time" faster. Any suggestions on which way I should go with this?

2. My BIL told me recently that the running shoes I bought last August are probably beat by now and should be replaced. They definitely don't feel as cushioning as they did before but haven't stopped me from finishing my long runs relatively comfortably at a near-race-pace. Lately though my knees have felt some wear on them after the long runs. Should I do this before the race or after? Since I only have one more 5 mile run before the race I assume after, but wanted to check with you all.

3. What should I do for food/hydration the day before/morning of/during the race? For all of my long runs (up to 8 miles) I have only hydrated before (not during) and just made sure to have a good filling breakfast. Any other tips?

4. People have said I should take my pace a little easier the first 2-4 miles of the race until things thin out a bit (31,000+ runners) then pick it up when I'll be well warmed up. Any thoughts?

Thanks for all the help, folks!

Well, my long term goal of the BSR is coming up this Sunday and I know I can do it. I have a few random questions that I was hoping you all could help me out with.

1. Through all of my training I have been listening to podcasts...very rarely to music. Some people have recently suggested that during the race if I listen to music I'll keep my pace up and can even "pass the time" faster. Any suggestions on which way I should go with this? Is this your first race? If so, I'd suggest running without any music or podcasts. You'll get pumped from people cheering and music along the course. Sometimes the race experience gets lost if you have headphones on. Just my $.02.

2. My BIL told me recently that the running shoes I bought last August are probably beat by now and should be replaced. They definitely don't feel as cushioning as they did before but haven't stopped me from finishing my long runs relatively comfortably at a near-race-pace. Lately though my knees have felt some wear on them after the long runs. Should I do this before the race or after? Since I only have one more 5 mile run before the race I assume after, but wanted to check with you all. I would stick with your current shoes and replace them after the race.

3. What should I do for food/hydration the day before/morning of/during the race? For all of my long runs (up to 8 miles) I have only hydrated before (not during) and just made sure to have a good filling breakfast. Any other tips? The rule of thumb is to not do anything on race day that you haven't done in training. Basically, trust your training. The exception in your case (since you'll be running further than in training) is that you might want to take some water during the race.

4. People have said I should take my pace a little easier the first 2-4 miles of the race until things thin out a bit (31,000+ runners) then pick it up when I'll be well warmed up. Any thoughts? This sounds about right. With that many runners you will be forced to go at a slower for the first few miles.

Thanks for all the help, folks!
My responses are based on my limited experience (about one year). Good luck and have fun!!!
Well, my long term goal of the BSR is coming up this Sunday and I know I can do it. I have a few random questions that I was hoping you all could help me out with.

1. Through all of my training I have been listening to podcasts...very rarely to music. Some people have recently suggested that during the race if I listen to music I'll keep my pace up and can even "pass the time" faster. Any suggestions on which way I should go with this? Is this your first race? If so, I'd suggest running without any music or podcasts. You'll get pumped from people cheering and music along the course. Sometimes the race experience gets lost if you have headphones on. Just my $.02.

2. My BIL told me recently that the running shoes I bought last August are probably beat by now and should be replaced. They definitely don't feel as cushioning as they did before but haven't stopped me from finishing my long runs relatively comfortably at a near-race-pace. Lately though my knees have felt some wear on them after the long runs. Should I do this before the race or after? Since I only have one more 5 mile run before the race I assume after, but wanted to check with you all. I would stick with your current shoes and replace them after the race.

3. What should I do for food/hydration the day before/morning of/during the race? For all of my long runs (up to 8 miles) I have only hydrated before (not during) and just made sure to have a good filling breakfast. Any other tips? The rule of thumb is to not do anything on race day that you haven't done in training. Basically, trust your training. The exception in your case (since you'll be running further than in training) is that you might want to take some water during the race.

4. People have said I should take my pace a little easier the first 2-4 miles of the race until things thin out a bit (31,000+ runners) then pick it up when I'll be well warmed up. Any thoughts? This sounds about right. With that many runners you will be forced to go at a slower for the first few miles.

Thanks for all the help, folks!
My responses are based on my limited experience (about one year). Good luck and have fun!!!
Beyond :goodposting: Keggers, I agree 110% with everything stated. With a race this big, so much will be missed listening to music. I scrapped the iPod for races after my 2nd 1/2 marathon and haven't worn one since. I do to train, but never for races. As for taking the pace easy for the first 2 to 4 miles, the size of the crowd will probably take care of that. Don't waste energy bobbing & weaving around heavy traffic. Pick your spots to accelerate when the arise and know that things will open up later. If you have gas in the tank at the end, drop the (polish) hammer for a strong finish. Good luck and enjoy!
1. Through all of my training I have been listening to podcasts...very rarely to music. Some people have recently suggested that during the race if I listen to music I'll keep my pace up and can even "pass the time" faster. Any suggestions on which way I should go with this? Is this your first race? If so, I'd suggest running without any music or podcasts. You'll get pumped from people cheering and music along the course. Sometimes the race experience gets lost if you have headphones on. Just my $.02.
With 31,000 people you'll (hopefully) be too busy :mellow: some nice views from behind to worry about music. In my half mary I did take my music with me (I hang it on the back of my hat) and stuffed the earphones in the hat so that it was there if I needed it. I turned it on with a few miles to go once I needed the pickup. If you do bring it definitely start with it off. Probably the coolest experience I have had running was in my first 10k (4000 people or so). After we started up and cleared the crowds at the start we hit a section of road that was very quiet. All you could hear were 8000 feet hitting the ground - no traffic, no talking, no music, just feet. It was surreal. If you have music in you'll miss some cool stuff.As far as race strategy in my ten miler my strategy was to cruise at a good comfortable pace through 10k and then hammer it home as best I could. That way if you are tired after 10k you aren't completely dead. For the first time you do a new distance I would plan on a negative split. I have never gotten one, but trying for one gets you to the finish line in better shape instead of dragging your ### in dying the last few miles if you hit it hard for the first half.

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Last July my BIL convinced me that running to get in shape was the way to go for me and would be worth it. He was right. I set a goal of being able to complete the Broad Street Run (10 miles) in 2010 and trained fairly consistently (messed up around the winter holidays) since then. I feel better and look better and have a little more pride in myself for having done so.

Well, my long term goal of the BSR is coming up this Sunday and I know I can do it. I have a few random questions that I was hoping you all could help me out with.

1. Through all of my training I have been listening to podcasts...very rarely to music. Some people have recently suggested that during the race if I listen to music I'll keep my pace up and can even "pass the time" faster. Any suggestions on which way I should go with this? If you choose to go with music -- and like the others said, I would skip it -- be sure you pick music you're already very familiar with. "Comfort music" if you will. On long runs, songs that are fresh and/or complicated tend to become irritating as you get fatigued. Keep that in mind.

2. My BIL told me recently that the running shoes I bought last August are probably beat by now and should be replaced. They definitely don't feel as cushioning as they did before but haven't stopped me from finishing my long runs relatively comfortably at a near-race-pace. Lately though my knees have felt some wear on them after the long runs. Should I do this before the race or after? Since I only have one more 5 mile run before the race I assume after, but wanted to check with you all. It goes against the "nothing new on race day" rule, but I would go ahead and replace them if you're just buying another pair of the same model. If you're switching to a new shoe altogether, then wait.

3. What should I do for food/hydration the day before/morning of/during the race? For all of my long runs (up to 8 miles) I have only hydrated before (not during) and just made sure to have a good filling breakfast. Any other tips? Don't overdo prerace hydration. You don't want a full bladder sloshing around at the gun. Just be sure to get plenty of fluids the day before. I also drink at every aid station once the race starts. Also, I would go with a light breakfast. You don't want a heavy "filling" breakfast sitting in your gut during the race either. Just have a bagel or something comparable (light, with easily-digested carbs).

4. People have said I should take my pace a little easier the first 2-4 miles of the race until things thin out a bit (31,000+ runners) then pick it up when I'll be well warmed up. Any thoughts? I would normally warm up before the race, not during. That said, yes your pace will probably be thrown off a little at the start. Don't sweat it.

Thanks for all the help, folks!
Keggers said:
Bauer said:
Thanks for the responses everyone, I really appreciate it.

I guess the concensus is get some new running shoes, so I will do some research on the best type for my running style and hopefully pick up a pair this weekend.

I'm getting ready to go run now, so I will try to analyze my stride and such as Tri-Man suggested.

Good luck to everyone else running today!
Try your local running store. They will help you pick out a good shoe for your foot and stride. The shoe will probably cost around $100. Considering the advice you should get at the store the price of the shoe is well worth it.
:shrug: :mellow: :cry: Don't underestimate the value of having your stride analyzed by someone who knows what they are looking for. In my opinion, that first pair of good running shoes is not the time for DIY cost savings.

Some great responses for PH. I don't think I have anything of value to add.

Our nanny called off today, so my plan of riding outside was replaced by 50 minutes on the trainer (watching Curious George and Sid the Science Kid). I really wanted to ride longer than that but my seat wouldn't allow it. 3 out of 4 days on the trainer appears to be my current limit.

Doubled up today with a run and a swim. I could only do 3 miles running due to the purple toe I got from the trail race on Sunday. I thought it was OK for a run, but too sore to go on and I am all but sure I am going to lose the toenail :popcorn: . Lucky for me run month is coming to a close and bike month starts on Saturday. Much better time in the pool. I wanted to get it in quick. so I did 2,500 yards in a single set in right around 45-minutes (a good follow up to another 2,500 on Monday in sets of 500).

Doubled up today with a run and a swim. I could only do 3 miles running due to the purple toe I got from the trail race on Sunday. I thought it was OK for a run, but too sore to go on and I am all but sure I am going to lose the toenail :lmao: . Lucky for me run month is coming to a close and bike month starts on Saturday. Much better time in the pool. I wanted to get it in quick. so I did 2,500 yards in a single set in right around 45-minutes (a good follow up to another 2,500 on Monday in sets of 500).
:unsure: Awesome - I did the same thing today. Core workout at lunch. 4000 yd swim, capped off with an easy 5 mile run this evening.
What up, guys? No "double" for me today, but congrats to those of you who did! Just a nice, hilly 7-miler for me at 7:45 pace.

That being said, not gonna pace 3:45 anymore at Green Bay. Just determined that 8:35 wouldn't be a comfortable pace for me. I want to help, but I don't want to get hurt in the process. Plus I'd be all over the place in terms of pacing. They said that they couldn't move me to a faster group, so they ended up just taking me off, which is fine. So now I can do whatever I want. Hmm.....

What up, guys? No "double" for me today, but congrats to those of you who did! Just a nice, hilly 7-miler for me at 7:45 pace.That being said, not gonna pace 3:45 anymore at Green Bay. Just determined that 8:35 wouldn't be a comfortable pace for me. I want to help, but I don't want to get hurt in the process. Plus I'd be all over the place in terms of pacing. They said that they couldn't move me to a faster group, so they ended up just taking me off, which is fine. So now I can do whatever I want. Hmm.....
#### them. Go drop a 2:59:59 on them.
Quick update for me. Ran and easy 3 miles yesterday afternoon and had planned on getting an easy 2 this morning, but was up a bunch last night with my little one. He just does not understand that dad needs his rest and skipped it. My plan did not call for me to run today, but I just felt like I should. Seems like I was just not supposed to run today and can use it as a nice rest day.

I'm pretty sure I saw one of Grue's super hot Boston Marathon friends running past the Baltimore Museum of Art last night. :goodposting:

You guys are nice and everything, but I'm thinking I might have to start hanging out at the Runner's World message board.

What up, guys? No "double" for me today, but congrats to those of you who did! Just a nice, hilly 7-miler for me at 7:45 pace.That being said, not gonna pace 3:45 anymore at Green Bay. Just determined that 8:35 wouldn't be a comfortable pace for me. I want to help, but I don't want to get hurt in the process. Plus I'd be all over the place in terms of pacing. They said that they couldn't move me to a faster group, so they ended up just taking me off, which is fine. So now I can do whatever I want. Hmm.....
#### them. Go drop a 2:59:59 on them.
That sucks! Too bad the full and half are sold out.
Hey, 2Young, I'm guessing you must know Doug Kurtis, huh? He was the winner of the first two Fox Cities Marathons in 1991 and 1992, and he's speaking at our kick-off event tonight for the race's 20th anniversary. Apparently he's the race director for the Detroit Thanksgiving Turkey Trot and Detroit's Corktown Races. What I didn't realize is that he also holds the world record for the most sub-2:20 marathon finishes, with 76. :goodposting:

I'm pretty sure I saw one of Grue's super hot Boston Marathon friends running past the Baltimore Museum of Art last night.
Unless the museum serves beer, I'm not sure that's where you'd find grue and his posse. :shrug: ---Despite Sunday's race, jumped back into training right away. 3 hours biking on Monday (day off), swim yesterday, 6 mile run today.
I ran an easy 3 mile run yesterday because my legs were so sore with the intent of taking the day off today, but after my first class it was just too nice out to not run. I felt great in the beginning but did a terrible job of pacing myself and was spent by the time I got done with my usual 4 mile run.

I plan on giving myself the next two days off and rest my legs. I am going out tonight because well... it's a Thursday and I'm in college so I expect to be hung over tomorrow. I am also going to Philly Friday and Saturday, so hopefully I'll be able to rest my legs up, pick up a new pair of running shoes, and be set for Sunday.

Good luck to all the runners this weekend. Polish Hammer I wish you all the best in the Broad Street Run on Sunday, I can't wait to hear about your experience. I'll be in town for the Phillies game Saturday, and I will be sure to :lmao: for you.

Went out for a 6.5 mile run at HMP over lunch today, and came up lame at the 4.5 mile mark after re-pulling the same hamstring I injured six weeks or so ago. :lmao:

This is really irritating since I didn't have any particular warning that anything was wrong. At the 4 mile mark everything was fine. At the 4.25, it felt like my hamstring was tightening up a little but was the kind of thing that would sort itself out on its own. At 4.5 it just suddenly seized up in the exact same spot where I had pain before.

The good news is that it doesn't feel like as severe a strain as I suffered before. I can walk around on it with only minor discomfort so I'd expect to be able to get back out there fairly soon. I have a half coming up on 5/15, and I should definitely be good to go for that. On the other hand, I'm very worried about the fact that I've suffered the exact same injury in the exact same spot twice inside of two months. This blows.
Did an easy/junky 5 miles today with no problems. I can't tell if my hamstring is a little tight or if I'm just imagining it, so it's probably more or less okay. The plan for now is to stick to the slower gears (Slow, Slower, Slowest) for the next few days and see how it does.
What up, guys? No "double" for me today, but congrats to those of you who did! Just a nice, hilly 7-miler for me at 7:45 pace.

That being said, not gonna pace 3:45 anymore at Green Bay. Just determined that 8:35 wouldn't be a comfortable pace for me. I want to help, but I don't want to get hurt in the process. Plus I'd be all over the place in terms of pacing. They said that they couldn't move me to a faster group, so they ended up just taking me off, which is fine. So now I can do whatever I want. Hmm.....
Yeah, that's kinda the way I feel about an 8:35 pace, too... 5 mile tempo run today, 7:50s goal pace and hit I 7:48s (7:51s first 3, 7:40s last 2 with a hard .5 mile push to finish). 7.24 miles total with warm/cooldown.

I was NOT feeling it today. Could possibly have something to do with staying up until 1am watching a show about some British woman with giant leg syndrome... regardless I decided not to add a swim today as originally planned and will hopefully get it in tomorrow instead. If I can get a solid ride done in the morning, too, I will be very happy with my efforts for April.

I was NOT feeling it today. Could possibly have something to do with staying up until 1am watching a show about some British woman with giant leg syndrome...
Man, Cinemax just isn't what it used to be. :bag:
:lmao: Apparently the show is a couple of years old, but I'd never heard of this poor woman before and I was stunned by the whole thing. From the waist up, she's tiny. But each of her legs weighs like 100lbs!! Well, they did. Turns out she had a foot amputated earlier this year. I'm a late night TV junkie anyway but last night was BAD. Watched Stargate Universe on the DVR, then started flipping. Watched part of L&O: SVU, The Memento, In Plain Sight, River Monsters, and and old Star Trek TNG episode (flipping back/forth at lulls or commercials). Then I found the show about this woman and couldn't turn it off.
I was NOT feeling it today. Could possibly have something to do with staying up until 1am watching a show about some British woman with giant leg syndrome... regardless I decided not to add a swim today as originally planned and will hopefully get it in tomorrow instead. If I can get a solid ride done in the morning, too, I will be very happy with my efforts for April.
Doing a 4-mile easy run tonight, which will give me 85 miles for April. Year to date:Jan - 46Feb - 58March - 73April - 85May - planning for 129And tomorrow should be Garmin Day!
Hey, 2Young, I'm guessing you must know Doug Kurtis, huh? He was the winner of the first two Fox Cities Marathons in 1991 and 1992, and he's speaking at our kick-off event tonight for the race's 20th anniversary. Apparently he's the race director for the Detroit Thanksgiving Turkey Trot and Detroit's Corktown Races. What I didn't realize is that he also holds the world record for the most sub-2:20 marathon finishes, with 76. :goodposting:
He wouldn't know me from Adam, but I have had the chance to chat with him at a couple of race expos and he is incredibly humble & nice. I saw him pop up as a new addition on Athlinks a while back and he has just about the most impressive race history I have ever seen on there. He takes great pride in his events and tries real hard to make them unique and fun for runners of all ages. We have an awesome running community here in Metro-Detroit in large part due to his efforts. I saw him milling around the finish line of the 1/2 marathon I did a few weeks ago and he looks to be in insane shape for a guy that is almost 60!
Went out for a 6.5 mile run at HMP over lunch today, and came up lame at the 4.5 mile mark after re-pulling the same hamstring I injured six weeks or so ago. :lmao:

This is really irritating since I didn't have any particular warning that anything was wrong. At the 4 mile mark everything was fine. At the 4.25, it felt like my hamstring was tightening up a little but was the kind of thing that would sort itself out on its own. At 4.5 it just suddenly seized up in the exact same spot where I had pain before.

The good news is that it doesn't feel like as severe a strain as I suffered before. I can walk around on it with only minor discomfort so I'd expect to be able to get back out there fairly soon. I have a half coming up on 5/15, and I should definitely be good to go for that. On the other hand, I'm very worried about the fact that I've suffered the exact same injury in the exact same spot twice inside of two months. This blows.
Did an easy/junky 5 miles today with no problems. I can't tell if my hamstring is a little tight or if I'm just imagining it, so it's probably more or less okay. The plan for now is to stick to the slower gears (Slow, Slower, Slowest) for the next few days and see how it does.
Reading back a bit, it almost sounds like your hammy issue is similar to the so called calf heart attack issue I was having. You may want to take a look at the thought of the "medicinal run" to get back quicker. I did the medicinal thing for about 2.5 weeks while recovering and so far, so good.
Well guys, enjoying th rest now and i am ready to go for Sunday. Sounds like I may need a boat to cross the finish line though. We are supposed to be gettin 1 inch of rain between Saturday and Sunday so it is going to be interesting. I am hoping that it blows it's load on Saturday and is not heavy on Sunday. Either way, I am preparing to get wet so it is going to be an interesting race. Just as a reminder I am bib #536 if any of you want to track it on Sunday.

Good luck to anyone else who may be racing this Sunday.

May pop back in here later today, but no promises. I will read up tomorrow and then maybe a quick update on Sunday after the race.

Got the Garmin 305 for my birthday - hurray!

How do I figure out my maximum heart rate? I'm planning to run 5 miles tomorrow at a 7:30 pace. Should I just start sprinting at the 4-mile mark for a quarter-mile or something?

SRD yesterday, and I did an easy 5-miler this morning. I'll do 11 or 12 miles tomorrow, and then I think I'm going to head up to Green Bay next week Wednesday to run the last 13 miles of the marathon course just to re-familiarize myself.

pmb - Good luck on Sunday. You know we'll all be pulling for you!!!! :goodposting:

The_Man - Happy birthday! You're going to love the Garmin.

PMB - When you run this weekend, I want you to remember the quote in my signature:

"Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own; sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction." - William James

Go get 'em out there!

wraith and tri-man - As dumb as it sounds, I might actually race a 5K the morning before the RNR Chicago Half. I've got a running buddy from Vermont who's originally from Wisconsin, and it turns out that he's coming back that weekend for a class reunion. We thought it would be cool if we could run a race together while he's here, so I might actually run the 5K on Saturday morning in Fond du Lac, take a shower somewhere, and then head down to Chicago for the expo and stuff. The way I look at it, the weather in Chicago probably won't be conducive to a PR anyway, so I might as well make the most of the weekend, right?
wraith and tri-man - As dumb as it sounds, I might actually race a 5K the morning before the RNR Chicago Half. I've got a running buddy from Vermont who's originally from Wisconsin, and it turns out that he's coming back that weekend for a class reunion. We thought it would be cool if we could run a race together while he's here, so I might actually run the 5K on Saturday morning in Fond du Lac, take a shower somewhere, and then head down to Chicago for the expo and stuff. The way I look at it, the weather in Chicago probably won't be conducive to a PR anyway, so I might as well make the most of the weekend, right?
:shrug: Why not? I did a 12K trail run six days after the RNR last year ..and one day before my Olympic tri. You'll recover OK if you're careful with your post-race fueling and rest.
wraith and tri-man - As dumb as it sounds, I might actually race a 5K the morning before the RNR Chicago Half. I've got a running buddy from Vermont who's originally from Wisconsin, and it turns out that he's coming back that weekend for a class reunion. We thought it would be cool if we could run a race together while he's here, so I might actually run the 5K on Saturday morning in Fond du Lac, take a shower somewhere, and then head down to Chicago for the expo and stuff. The way I look at it, the weather in Chicago probably won't be conducive to a PR anyway, so I might as well make the most of the weekend, right?
:kicksrock: Why not? I did a 12K trail run six days after the RNR last year ..and one day before my Olympic tri. You'll recover OK if you're careful with your post-race fueling and rest.
:pickle: If you aren't trying for a PR it's not going to matter much, anway, as long as you're in Chicago in time to enjoy the afternoon/evening with us!

pmb - You're going to kick ### on Sunday, rain or no rain!! Good luck!

The_Man - Happy birthday and enjoy your new toy - before long you won't be able to imagine running without it!

2500 yds in the pool... farthest I've ever gone. 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100.

1) It really kicked my butt BAD. I was even slower today than usual from the first 300 on.

2) I was able to do a lot less breast stroke today, which is a positive.

3) I got yelled at AGAIN by a fat old lady for splashing "too much."

...... apparently, I splash a lot when I swim.

...... it's a pool people. If you don't want to get wet, there are lots of other places to stand around and talk (plus then I don't have to see you in a swimsuit)

4) A real swimmer shared my lane, and it was amazing to watch him as he zipped past me repeatedly. I wish I'd seen something I could emulate.

Running a 10K in the morning with a few friends. Haven't been training all that hard and haven't run beyond 4 miles in about 2 weeks.

Forecast calls for wind and rain.

Getting up at 5:15 am to run in bad weather for a race I'm not prepared to run.


Running a 10K in the morning with a few friends. Haven't been training all that hard and haven't run beyond 4 miles in about 2 weeks.Forecast calls for wind and rain. Getting up at 5:15 am to run in bad weather for a race I'm not prepared to run.Perfect!
Add Bloody Marys &/or beer after at it becomes perfecter!eta, its sad when you have a typo when trying to misspell a word :yes:
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2500 yds in the pool... farthest I've ever gone. 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100.

1) It really kicked my butt BAD. I was even slower today than usual from the first 300 on.

2) I was able to do a lot less breast stroke today, which is a positive.

3) I got yelled at AGAIN by a fat old lady for splashing "too much."

...... apparently, I splash a lot when I swim.

...... it's a pool people. If you don't want to get wet, there are lots of other places to stand around and talk (plus then I don't have to see you in a swimsuit)

4) A real swimmer shared my lane, and it was amazing to watch him as he zipped past me repeatedly. I wish I'd seen something I could emulate.
Followed up with an hour bike ride this afternoon - hit the fire road trail that Tri-man and I ran last year and just enjoyed being out there. It felt good to ride without trying to hit any sort of time or speed goal. It was a solid way to close the book on April:

12 runs, 101.7 miles (333 for the year)

10 rides, 151.6 miles (579 for the year)

6 swims, 7.75 miles (16.75 for the year)

28 workouts and (30,000 calories burned) in 30 days. Not too shabby!

3) I got yelled at AGAIN by a fat old lady for splashing "too much."

...... apparently, I splash a lot when I swim.

...... it's a pool people. If you don't want to get wet, there are lots of other places to stand around and talk (plus then I don't have to see you in a swimsuit)
That's when I break out a few laps of fly. Retribution for having to listen to claptrap about splashing and for tasting the nasty old folk perfume they pour on. Good set, though! Just be consistent and the gains will come.On my end I did diddly squat today. I had to coach my kid's soccer team tonight. They made the playoffs with a 4-3 golden goal win, coming back from 3-1 down. I'm emotionally drained. No way I'm doing anything today.

Playoffs tomorrow.

For the month of April:

11 bike sessions - 170 miles

10 running sessions - 61 miles

12 swimming sessions - 36,500 yds.

Not a bad month.

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pmb - If you're still around and you're reading this, be smart tomorrow. I see almost a 100% chance of storms tomorrrow morning, with temps pushing 70 degrees and 90% humidity. As much as I hate to say this, you might want to scale back the goal. But if you choose to still go for it, then good luck! Looking forward to the text alerts!!!
Ran my first race of the year: Mind over matter 5k.

Weather: Despite the rain early in the day it was dry at race time and cool.

I was disappointed in my performance even though I finished under 30 minutes. I really need to get focused.

ETA: I followed up the race with some mountain biking. I had to cut my ride short since my riding partner took a nasty spill and his league was bloody.

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