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Refs just refuse to call penalties on the Chiefs (1 Viewer)

Here is another one I'd like to see discussed since the NFL can make technology remove some of the fun in the games, everyone thought Likely caught the ball but they use zoom enhancement to show the toe was a little over/on the line...OK

-Since we're not gonna go ALL the WAY with technology on downs, distance, spots of the ball throughout the football game, we're not putting chips on everyone so we can see more clearly who is committing this and that penalty...but if we aren't gonna do all that then you can't have this magic zoom in replay on the last play of the game when the team is already announcing it's going for 2 points.

How come the other 96 plays are treated so differently? Believe me, I understand why they do it this way but they aren't doing any service the NFL fan sitting at home that doesn't root for either of these 2 teams.
what world are you living in....the fact they were going to go for two has absolutely nothing to do with anything.....it's not some magic thing that just showed up.....in case you haven't heard, every scoring play is reviewed....and this call gets overturned 100 times out of 100.....even if it wasn't a scoring play....if challenged that play gets overturned 100 out of 100....if it was a play on the sideline in the second quarter of a preseason game and it gets challenged.... it overturned 100 out of 100...
I'll just leave this right here ....
Once Again, rules do not apply to KC
Why does this shock anyone.. They have a guy who has 8 felonies against him still playing.. Rules don't apply to them.
I hadn't even considered this ... but yes, not only accused of 8 felonies, but video evidence of the crime and he has admitted to doing it...

"I take full responsibility for my part in this matter and will continue to cooperate with the necessary authorities. ..."

The league no longer requires a conviction to exercise their Personal Conduct Policy ... but for THIS player they do? :poop:
chiefs hate is awesome....adults get a forum to bring out their inner crybaby....:cry:
It's not Chiefs hate, I'm a big fan of Mahomes and Reid,
Let's not mince words or just throw shade or a blanket over what is an obvious issue and clear visual problem to everyone watching at home
That includes just blowing off people posting with "Chiefs Hate" because that's what you believe but it's simply not true.
Juwan Taylor for about 2.5 years now, everyone watching at home can see this Cheifs' Tackle get off the line prior to the snap...and he needs to obviously but it's not legal.
People that post about this are not Chiefs' haters or "crazy"

-If we are going to have a rationale conversation, great but if it's just all rolled up as Cheifs' hate, very short sighted and obtuse on this issue.

But I felt the Chiefs did win the game fairly and Lamar Jackson showed at the end why he's Lamar Jackson and why Mahomes is Mahomes.
Don't shoot at MoP, just keeping it real. The illegal formation calls stopped the flow of the game and then salt in the wound is Taylor starting early before the snap
call it what you want and put makeup on the pig....but it's still a pig....you'd be obtuse and short sighted not to admit that chiefs hate is in fact a very real thing....
Nobody is putting anything on a pig, have no idea what you are referring to
All the media shows and social media platforms today pretty much throw roses at the Chiefs
Never read a report that talked about Reid and the Cheifs the way the Patriots' hate was for 2 decades but they were proven cheaters and I think deserved it

I have no idea what this Chiefs hate thing is, sounds made up to be honest
Even when a poster(me) posts not a Chiefs hater, you still come across uber defensive, why?
If anything you yourself are stoking those flames,(Cheifs' Hate) I don't see the problem with people asking questions and wanting to know why Taylor is never called

I even posted that I felt in the end the game was won/lost by LJax and the Cheifs' D
Obviously that fell on deaf ears, nobody is trying to take back the Lombardi Trophies
I didn't say the Chiefs cheated or were not deserving last night, but there is an obvious issue with Taylor

I'm disappointed because I don't think of you in this way even a team you root for
This sort of sounds like when a group of people start asking questions of another group and are labeled as "Anti-Blanks"


BTW: To the larger audience there is a LOT MORE going on than just this issue, I want to be clear about that, enough with the rule changes and rule reminders and rule emphasis
I just want to go back to enjoying football, it's gotten so complicated we must have a retired referee in the booth to explain things that many times only make the situation feel worse.
its because of statements like the bolded...completely false....Taylor was the most penalized player in the league last year...
Thanks for posting back with me

-My first thought was if Taylor gets called more than anyone, wouldn't that lend credence to the fact he "needs" to be getting off the line a half second early?
72nd out of 81 Tackles rated on PFF last season

I do want to say once again that Taylor's penalties/no calls were not the reason the Ravens lost the game IMHO
I choose to focus on their pitiful clock management at the end of BOTH Halves of football
Also LJax has accuracy issues, the play that took a long time and Likely almost was hurt in the end zone, Jackson could have ran for 15 yds and maybe scored a TD or gotten out of bounds
Again, no timeouts left for the Ravens so he stayed in the pocket at the end of the game and continues to prove that he is no pocket passer
OL blatant false starts
Spaggs calling timeout instead of Reid, and no penalty?

Baltimore OL called for 187 penalties for not being close enough to the line.
Def called for a ridiculous roughing the passer call

It really looks sooooo obvious that the refs are still showing preference to KC.
The worst is the Superbowls they have won...

They were the 6th most penalized team last year, and had the most offensive holding calls last year during the regular season, but somehow in the playoffs the "Chiefs consistently had fewer penalties than their opponents throughout the playoffs.", and didn't have any offensive holding calls in the superbowl🤔🤔. They have never once had a single holding call against them in the 3 straight superbowls.

I am a panthers fan btw...
Yeah, the zero offensive holding penalties is amazing for a team that has a lot in the regular season. Amazing I tell you.
They rise above in the playoffs. The great teams do. 🤷‍♂️
Not in this area. They still hold plenty. It just isn't called.
There’s likely holding on almost every play in the NFL if you wanted to call it. Do the Chiefs get the benefit of the doubt? Maybe. I just think there’s a bunch of conspiracy theorists in here. This happens all the time when there is a dynasty team. It was the Cowboys haters, then the Patriots haters. Rinse and repeat
There was play after play in the SB of KC false starts and at least two BLATANT choke holds around Nick Bosa's neck as he reached but couldn't quit grab Mahomes for what should have been an easy sack and end to a drive.

It is a real thing.
.but if we aren't gonna do all that then you can't have this magic zoom in replay on the last play of the game when the team is already announcing it's going for 2 points.

Ummm, they do this for every scoring play in every quarter of the game. It's not just the last play of the game that gets this scrutiny.
Just want to take the opportunity to point out the Chiefs had several borderline calls go against them in the Super Bowl against the Bucs.
.but if we aren't gonna do all that then you can't have this magic zoom in replay on the last play of the game when the team is already announcing it's going for 2 points.

Ummm, they do this for every scoring play in every quarter of the game. It's not just the last play of the game that gets this scrutiny.
Then put a little chip in the football so we know exactly how far the ball went and can see under the pile and find out if the RB actually crossed the GL
And while we are at it, since the Refs are always too quick to call "Intention to Rough the Passer" then those Retired Refs can really earn their keep in the booth
Give them a big red push button that signals to the on field Ref that the QB roughing was erroneous
Cut down on some of these fluff calls that turn games by extending drives for no reason

How come the league can't see these things and stop it?
chiefs hate is awesome....adults get a forum to bring out their inner crybaby....:cry:
It's not Chiefs hate, I'm a big fan of Mahomes and Reid,
Let's not mince words or just throw shade or a blanket over what is an obvious issue and clear visual problem to everyone watching at home
That includes just blowing off people posting with "Chiefs Hate" because that's what you believe but it's simply not true.
Juwan Taylor for about 2.5 years now, everyone watching at home can see this Cheifs' Tackle get off the line prior to the snap...and he needs to obviously but it's not legal.
People that post about this are not Chiefs' haters or "crazy"

-If we are going to have a rationale conversation, great but if it's just all rolled up as Cheifs' hate, very short sighted and obtuse on this issue.

But I felt the Chiefs did win the game fairly and Lamar Jackson showed at the end why he's Lamar Jackson and why Mahomes is Mahomes.
Don't shoot at MoP, just keeping it real. The illegal formation calls stopped the flow of the game and then salt in the wound is Taylor starting early before the snap
call it what you want and put makeup on the pig....but it's still a pig....you'd be obtuse and short sighted not to admit that chiefs hate is in fact a very real thing....
Nobody is putting anything on a pig, have no idea what you are referring to
All the media shows and social media platforms today pretty much throw roses at the Chiefs
Never read a report that talked about Reid and the Cheifs the way the Patriots' hate was for 2 decades but they were proven cheaters and I think deserved it

I have no idea what this Chiefs hate thing is, sounds made up to be honest
Even when a poster(me) posts not a Chiefs hater, you still come across uber defensive, why?
If anything you yourself are stoking those flames,(Cheifs' Hate) I don't see the problem with people asking questions and wanting to know why Taylor is never called

I even posted that I felt in the end the game was won/lost by LJax and the Cheifs' D
Obviously that fell on deaf ears, nobody is trying to take back the Lombardi Trophies
I didn't say the Chiefs cheated or were not deserving last night, but there is an obvious issue with Taylor

I'm disappointed because I don't think of you in this way even a team you root for
This sort of sounds like when a group of people start asking questions of another group and are labeled as "Anti-Blanks"


BTW: To the larger audience there is a LOT MORE going on than just this issue, I want to be clear about that, enough with the rule changes and rule reminders and rule emphasis
I just want to go back to enjoying football, it's gotten so complicated we must have a retired referee in the booth to explain things that many times only make the situation feel worse.
its because of statements like the bolded...completely false....Taylor was the most penalized player in the league last year...
Thanks for posting back with me

-My first thought was if Taylor gets called more than anyone, wouldn't that lend credence to the fact he "needs" to be getting off the line a half second early?
72nd out of 81 Tackles rated on PFF last season

I do want to say once again that Taylor's penalties/no calls were not the reason the Ravens lost the game IMHO
I choose to focus on their pitiful clock management at the end of BOTH Halves of football
Also LJax has accuracy issues, the play that took a long time and Likely almost was hurt in the end zone, Jackson could have ran for 15 yds and maybe scored a TD or gotten out of bounds
Again, no timeouts left for the Ravens so he stayed in the pocket at the end of the game and continues to prove that he is no pocket passer

The no flag on Spags is the most blatant. Everyone just laughed that off??
Hiding it in plain sight, it seems.
its not a penalty....ref just shouldn't have granted it...
It could have been a 15 yarder. Or they should have been able to run the play with KC out there unprepared so bad that old man Spaggs sprinted 20 yards down the sideline.

But instead...KC got the benefit of the doubt...again
chiefs could beat a middle school team and people would find a reason why the middle school team got screwed....fact
If the Chiefs played a middle school team and the middle school team was called for penalties that the Chiefs weren't called for despite being just as, if not more, guilty of them... then people would be right to say they got screwed.

No one's saying the Chiefs aren't a great team. Hell, only an idiot would say that. That's actually what makes people upset. The Chiefs are already the best team in the league. Seeing them get an unfair advantage from the refs alongside that is a little bit infuriating. I'm saying that as a fan of neither team that played last night.
6th most penalized team in the league last year....and Taylor led the league in penalties....not sure how those equate exactly to an unfair advantage from the refs.....sounds like they maybe have a case to say the refs are treating THEM unfairly....lol
Last edited:
chiefs could beat a middle school team and people would find a reason why the middle school team got screwed....fact
I'd start with the Chiefs being manipulative little sissies trying to stat pad and take advantage of children. I'd be throwing those fools in jail, but you go on supporting.
I'll just leave this right here ....
Once Again, rules do not apply to KC
Why does this shock anyone.. They have a guy who has 8 felonies against him still playing.. Rules don't apply to them.
I hadn't even considered this ... but yes, not only accused of 8 felonies, but video evidence of the crime and he has admitted to doing it...

"I take full responsibility for my part in this matter and will continue to cooperate with the necessary authorities. ..."

The league no longer requires a conviction to exercise their Personal Conduct Policy ... but for THIS player they do? :poop:
I must have missed it....has Addison been suspended yet...
chiefs hate is awesome....adults get a forum to bring out their inner crybaby....:cry:
It's not Chiefs hate, I'm a big fan of Mahomes and Reid,
Let's not mince words or just throw shade or a blanket over what is an obvious issue and clear visual problem to everyone watching at home
That includes just blowing off people posting with "Chiefs Hate" because that's what you believe but it's simply not true.
Juwan Taylor for about 2.5 years now, everyone watching at home can see this Cheifs' Tackle get off the line prior to the snap...and he needs to obviously but it's not legal.
People that post about this are not Chiefs' haters or "crazy"

-If we are going to have a rationale conversation, great but if it's just all rolled up as Cheifs' hate, very short sighted and obtuse on this issue.

But I felt the Chiefs did win the game fairly and Lamar Jackson showed at the end why he's Lamar Jackson and why Mahomes is Mahomes.
Don't shoot at MoP, just keeping it real. The illegal formation calls stopped the flow of the game and then salt in the wound is Taylor starting early before the snap
call it what you want and put makeup on the pig....but it's still a pig....you'd be obtuse and short sighted not to admit that chiefs hate is in fact a very real thing....
Nobody is putting anything on a pig, have no idea what you are referring to
All the media shows and social media platforms today pretty much throw roses at the Chiefs
Never read a report that talked about Reid and the Cheifs the way the Patriots' hate was for 2 decades but they were proven cheaters and I think deserved it

I have no idea what this Chiefs hate thing is, sounds made up to be honest
Even when a poster(me) posts not a Chiefs hater, you still come across uber defensive, why?
If anything you yourself are stoking those flames,(Cheifs' Hate) I don't see the problem with people asking questions and wanting to know why Taylor is never called

I even posted that I felt in the end the game was won/lost by LJax and the Cheifs' D
Obviously that fell on deaf ears, nobody is trying to take back the Lombardi Trophies
I didn't say the Chiefs cheated or were not deserving last night, but there is an obvious issue with Taylor

I'm disappointed because I don't think of you in this way even a team you root for
This sort of sounds like when a group of people start asking questions of another group and are labeled as "Anti-Blanks"


BTW: To the larger audience there is a LOT MORE going on than just this issue, I want to be clear about that, enough with the rule changes and rule reminders and rule emphasis
I just want to go back to enjoying football, it's gotten so complicated we must have a retired referee in the booth to explain things that many times only make the situation feel worse.
its because of statements like the bolded...completely false....Taylor was the most penalized player in the league last year...
Thanks for posting back with me

-My first thought was if Taylor gets called more than anyone, wouldn't that lend credence to the fact he "needs" to be getting off the line a half second early?
72nd out of 81 Tackles rated on PFF last season

I do want to say once again that Taylor's penalties/no calls were not the reason the Ravens lost the game IMHO
I choose to focus on their pitiful clock management at the end of BOTH Halves of football
Also LJax has accuracy issues, the play that took a long time and Likely almost was hurt in the end zone, Jackson could have ran for 15 yds and maybe scored a TD or gotten out of bounds
Again, no timeouts left for the Ravens so he stayed in the pocket at the end of the game and continues to prove that he is no pocket passer
no worries....it's just inaccurate and unsubstantiated statements like the one you made continue to perpetuate a false narrative that many non Chiefs fans like to fall in line with like blind sheep....
chiefs hate is awesome....adults get a forum to bring out their inner crybaby....:cry:
It's not Chiefs hate, I'm a big fan of Mahomes and Reid,
Let's not mince words or just throw shade or a blanket over what is an obvious issue and clear visual problem to everyone watching at home
That includes just blowing off people posting with "Chiefs Hate" because that's what you believe but it's simply not true.
Juwan Taylor for about 2.5 years now, everyone watching at home can see this Cheifs' Tackle get off the line prior to the snap...and he needs to obviously but it's not legal.
People that post about this are not Chiefs' haters or "crazy"

-If we are going to have a rationale conversation, great but if it's just all rolled up as Cheifs' hate, very short sighted and obtuse on this issue.

But I felt the Chiefs did win the game fairly and Lamar Jackson showed at the end why he's Lamar Jackson and why Mahomes is Mahomes.
Don't shoot at MoP, just keeping it real. The illegal formation calls stopped the flow of the game and then salt in the wound is Taylor starting early before the snap
call it what you want and put makeup on the pig....but it's still a pig....you'd be obtuse and short sighted not to admit that chiefs hate is in fact a very real thing....
Nobody is putting anything on a pig, have no idea what you are referring to
All the media shows and social media platforms today pretty much throw roses at the Chiefs
Never read a report that talked about Reid and the Cheifs the way the Patriots' hate was for 2 decades but they were proven cheaters and I think deserved it

I have no idea what this Chiefs hate thing is, sounds made up to be honest
Even when a poster(me) posts not a Chiefs hater, you still come across uber defensive, why?
If anything you yourself are stoking those flames,(Cheifs' Hate) I don't see the problem with people asking questions and wanting to know why Taylor is never called

I even posted that I felt in the end the game was won/lost by LJax and the Cheifs' D
Obviously that fell on deaf ears, nobody is trying to take back the Lombardi Trophies
I didn't say the Chiefs cheated or were not deserving last night, but there is an obvious issue with Taylor

I'm disappointed because I don't think of you in this way even a team you root for
This sort of sounds like when a group of people start asking questions of another group and are labeled as "Anti-Blanks"


BTW: To the larger audience there is a LOT MORE going on than just this issue, I want to be clear about that, enough with the rule changes and rule reminders and rule emphasis
I just want to go back to enjoying football, it's gotten so complicated we must have a retired referee in the booth to explain things that many times only make the situation feel worse.
its because of statements like the bolded...completely false....Taylor was the most penalized player in the league last year...
Thanks for posting back with me

-My first thought was if Taylor gets called more than anyone, wouldn't that lend credence to the fact he "needs" to be getting off the line a half second early?
72nd out of 81 Tackles rated on PFF last season

I do want to say once again that Taylor's penalties/no calls were not the reason the Ravens lost the game IMHO
I choose to focus on their pitiful clock management at the end of BOTH Halves of football
Also LJax has accuracy issues, the play that took a long time and Likely almost was hurt in the end zone, Jackson could have ran for 15 yds and maybe scored a TD or gotten out of bounds
Again, no timeouts left for the Ravens so he stayed in the pocket at the end of the game and continues to prove that he is no pocket passer
no worries....it's just inaccurate and unsubstantiated statements like the one you made continue to perpetuate a false narrative that many non Chiefs fans like to fall in line with like blind sheep....
I must have missed it, what is inaccurate?
Not sure if folks want to have a deep convo here on this, but Spags calling the timeout was egregious. Spags knows better and this was a purposeful abuse to the extent I think it should have been a personal foul, 15 yards first down.

The Chiefs clearly benefitted from a coach purposefully delaying the game with "misdirection". I realize those are my words, but IMO this behaviour is the worst. This leads a bad example to the culture of the sport. This IMO is simply cheating and should have been a penalty. In addition, I think Spags should be considered for a fine and possible single game suspension.

Harsh I know, but with the amount of coach cheating in sports today, the NFL has an opportunity to define the culture and integrity of its sport.

Here are some more of them
chiefs hate is awesome....adults get a forum to bring out their inner crybaby....:cry:
It's not Chiefs hate, I'm a big fan of Mahomes and Reid,
Let's not mince words or just throw shade or a blanket over what is an obvious issue and clear visual problem to everyone watching at home
That includes just blowing off people posting with "Chiefs Hate" because that's what you believe but it's simply not true.
Juwan Taylor for about 2.5 years now, everyone watching at home can see this Cheifs' Tackle get off the line prior to the snap...and he needs to obviously but it's not legal.
People that post about this are not Chiefs' haters or "crazy"

-If we are going to have a rationale conversation, great but if it's just all rolled up as Cheifs' hate, very short sighted and obtuse on this issue.

But I felt the Chiefs did win the game fairly and Lamar Jackson showed at the end why he's Lamar Jackson and why Mahomes is Mahomes.
Don't shoot at MoP, just keeping it real. The illegal formation calls stopped the flow of the game and then salt in the wound is Taylor starting early before the snap
call it what you want and put makeup on the pig....but it's still a pig....you'd be obtuse and short sighted not to admit that chiefs hate is in fact a very real thing....
Nobody is putting anything on a pig, have no idea what you are referring to
All the media shows and social media platforms today pretty much throw roses at the Chiefs
Never read a report that talked about Reid and the Cheifs the way the Patriots' hate was for 2 decades but they were proven cheaters and I think deserved it

I have no idea what this Chiefs hate thing is, sounds made up to be honest
Even when a poster(me) posts not a Chiefs hater, you still come across uber defensive, why?
If anything you yourself are stoking those flames,(Cheifs' Hate) I don't see the problem with people asking questions and wanting to know why Taylor is never called

I even posted that I felt in the end the game was won/lost by LJax and the Cheifs' D
Obviously that fell on deaf ears, nobody is trying to take back the Lombardi Trophies
I didn't say the Chiefs cheated or were not deserving last night, but there is an obvious issue with Taylor

I'm disappointed because I don't think of you in this way even a team you root for
This sort of sounds like when a group of people start asking questions of another group and are labeled as "Anti-Blanks"


BTW: To the larger audience there is a LOT MORE going on than just this issue, I want to be clear about that, enough with the rule changes and rule reminders and rule emphasis
I just want to go back to enjoying football, it's gotten so complicated we must have a retired referee in the booth to explain things that many times only make the situation feel worse.
its because of statements like the bolded...completely false....Taylor was the most penalized player in the league last year...
Thanks for posting back with me

-My first thought was if Taylor gets called more than anyone, wouldn't that lend credence to the fact he "needs" to be getting off the line a half second early?
72nd out of 81 Tackles rated on PFF last season

I do want to say once again that Taylor's penalties/no calls were not the reason the Ravens lost the game IMHO
I choose to focus on their pitiful clock management at the end of BOTH Halves of football
Also LJax has accuracy issues, the play that took a long time and Likely almost was hurt in the end zone, Jackson could have ran for 15 yds and maybe scored a TD or gotten out of bounds
Again, no timeouts left for the Ravens so he stayed in the pocket at the end of the game and continues to prove that he is no pocket passer
no worries....it's just inaccurate and unsubstantiated statements like the one you made continue to perpetuate a false narrative that many non Chiefs fans like to fall in line with like blind sheep....
I must have missed it, what is inaccurate?
that Taylor is never called
chiefs hate is awesome....adults get a forum to bring out their inner crybaby....:cry:
It's not Chiefs hate, I'm a big fan of Mahomes and Reid,
Let's not mince words or just throw shade or a blanket over what is an obvious issue and clear visual problem to everyone watching at home
That includes just blowing off people posting with "Chiefs Hate" because that's what you believe but it's simply not true.
Juwan Taylor for about 2.5 years now, everyone watching at home can see this Cheifs' Tackle get off the line prior to the snap...and he needs to obviously but it's not legal.
People that post about this are not Chiefs' haters or "crazy"

-If we are going to have a rationale conversation, great but if it's just all rolled up as Cheifs' hate, very short sighted and obtuse on this issue.

But I felt the Chiefs did win the game fairly and Lamar Jackson showed at the end why he's Lamar Jackson and why Mahomes is Mahomes.
Don't shoot at MoP, just keeping it real. The illegal formation calls stopped the flow of the game and then salt in the wound is Taylor starting early before the snap
call it what you want and put makeup on the pig....but it's still a pig....you'd be obtuse and short sighted not to admit that chiefs hate is in fact a very real thing....
Nobody is putting anything on a pig, have no idea what you are referring to
All the media shows and social media platforms today pretty much throw roses at the Chiefs
Never read a report that talked about Reid and the Cheifs the way the Patriots' hate was for 2 decades but they were proven cheaters and I think deserved it

I have no idea what this Chiefs hate thing is, sounds made up to be honest
Even when a poster(me) posts not a Chiefs hater, you still come across uber defensive, why?
If anything you yourself are stoking those flames,(Cheifs' Hate) I don't see the problem with people asking questions and wanting to know why Taylor is never called

I even posted that I felt in the end the game was won/lost by LJax and the Cheifs' D
Obviously that fell on deaf ears, nobody is trying to take back the Lombardi Trophies
I didn't say the Chiefs cheated or were not deserving last night, but there is an obvious issue with Taylor

I'm disappointed because I don't think of you in this way even a team you root for
This sort of sounds like when a group of people start asking questions of another group and are labeled as "Anti-Blanks"


BTW: To the larger audience there is a LOT MORE going on than just this issue, I want to be clear about that, enough with the rule changes and rule reminders and rule emphasis
I just want to go back to enjoying football, it's gotten so complicated we must have a retired referee in the booth to explain things that many times only make the situation feel worse.
its because of statements like the bolded...completely false....Taylor was the most penalized player in the league last year...
Thanks for posting back with me

-My first thought was if Taylor gets called more than anyone, wouldn't that lend credence to the fact he "needs" to be getting off the line a half second early?
72nd out of 81 Tackles rated on PFF last season

I do want to say once again that Taylor's penalties/no calls were not the reason the Ravens lost the game IMHO
I choose to focus on their pitiful clock management at the end of BOTH Halves of football
Also LJax has accuracy issues, the play that took a long time and Likely almost was hurt in the end zone, Jackson could have ran for 15 yds and maybe scored a TD or gotten out of bounds
Again, no timeouts left for the Ravens so he stayed in the pocket at the end of the game and continues to prove that he is no pocket passer
no worries....it's just inaccurate and unsubstantiated statements like the one you made continue to perpetuate a false narrative that many non Chiefs fans like to fall in line with like blind sheep....
I must have missed it, what is inaccurate?
that Taylor is never called
How about last night? What did you see?
If a guy does it every snap and gets called once a game, my thoughts are he's likely the most penalized RT in the NFL but that still means he gets away with it the other 59 plays

"Hardly ever" is that better?
When you count up all the snaps and plays, once out of 60, I kinda understand why he does it

The Miami Dolphins, now there's a team that need to leave their stance early, like before the other team even breaks the huddle

You saw all those false starts last night like the rest of us, you know why people say he's never called vs the number of times they watch it happen.

I get your point, he's the most penalized and for good reason it would appear.
Then put a little chip in the football so we know exactly how far the ball went and can see under the pile and find out if the RB actually crossed the GL
There are two components to that. Are you also chipping every player's knee, elbow, butt, etc so you know when he was actually down? What about forward progress and wehn that is actually stopped? Last night Pacheco got stopped....pushed back....and then a second push was allowed to give him the TD. I have seen that blown dead for forward progress being stopped once the pile stopped and pushed backwards toward the line of scrimmage.
Then put a little chip in the football so we know exactly how far the ball went and can see under the pile and find out if the RB actually crossed the GL
There are two components to that. Are you also chipping every player's knee, elbow, butt, etc so you know when he was actually down? What about forward progress and wehn that is actually stopped? Last night Pacheco got stopped....pushed back....and then a second push was allowed to give him the TD. I have seen that blown dead for forward progress being stopped once the pile stopped and pushed backwards toward the line of scrimmage.
Agree on Pacheco, was surprised that went as a TD
The league no longer requires a conviction to exercise their Personal Conduct Policy ... but for THIS player they do? :poop:
Seems like they are doing the same for Jordan Addison too.
Maybe so but Addisons crime is far less of an infraction ... 2 misdemeanors vs 8 felonies for Rice.
From what I read, guy fell asleep in his car, blocking a road, and blew a .08 ... one tick over the limit.
Henry Ruggs also drove recklessly and crashed into other drivers. But I guess if nobody dies it's much easier to tolerate.
Thankfully Rice had the smarts to get the heck out of there so they couldn't give him a sobriety test. Turned himself in days later ... clean as a whistle.
Not sure if folks want to have a deep convo here on this, but Spags calling the timeout was egregious. Spags knows better and this was a purposeful abuse to the extent I think it should have been a personal foul, 15 yards first down.

The Chiefs clearly benefitted from a coach purposefully delaying the game with "misdirection". I realize those are my words, but IMO this behaviour is the worst. This leads a bad example to the culture of the sport. This IMO is simply cheating and should have been a penalty. In addition, I think Spags should be considered for a fine and possible single game suspension.

Harsh I know, but with the amount of coach cheating in sports today, the NFL has an opportunity to define the culture and integrity of its sport.
At the least it was a 15 yard penalty, but the dumb ref was so caught off guard that he didn't remember the rule.
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But I guess if nobody dies it's much easier to tolerate.
Of course it is. Results do matter. All of us have gone over the limit to various degrees. The fact that the time I went 110 I didn't lose control or hit anybody matters. Going that far over the speed limit is a felony depending on results. So should I be fired, and jailed?
The league no longer requires a conviction to exercise their Personal Conduct Policy ... but for THIS player they do? :poop:
Seems like they are doing the same for Jordan Addison too.
Maybe so but Addisons crime is far less of an infraction ... 2 misdemeanors vs 8 felonies for Rice.
From what I read, guy fell asleep in his car, blocking a road, and blew a .08 ... one tick over the limit.
Henry Ruggs also drove recklessly and crashed into other drivers. But I guess if nobody dies it's much easier to tolerate.
Thankfully Rice had the smarts to get the heck out of there so they couldn't give him a sobriety test. Turned himself in days later ... clean as a whistle.
glad you admit the narrative you were originally trying to spin.....(that Rice/the Chiefs) are being treated differently.... is in fact a false narrative
But I guess if nobody dies it's much easier to tolerate.
Of course it is. Results do matter. All of us have gone over the limit to various degrees. The fact that the time I went 110 I didn't lose control or hit anybody matters. Going that far over the speed limit is a felony depending on results. So should I be fired, and jailed?
If you caused an accident and then walked away, leaving two cars sitting in the freeway, then yes you should be fined an jailed. That was the "result" of his actions.
The league no longer requires a conviction to exercise their Personal Conduct Policy ... but for THIS player they do? :poop:
Seems like they are doing the same for Jordan Addison too.
Maybe so but Addisons crime is far less of an infraction ... 2 misdemeanors vs 8 felonies for Rice.
From what I read, guy fell asleep in his car, blocking a road, and blew a .08 ... one tick over the limit.
Henry Ruggs also drove recklessly and crashed into other drivers. But I guess if nobody dies it's much easier to tolerate.
Thankfully Rice had the smarts to get the heck out of there so they couldn't give him a sobriety test. Turned himself in days later ... clean as a whistle.
glad you admit the narrative you were originally trying to spin.....(that Rice/the Chiefs) are being treated differently.... is in fact a false narrative
OK Homer
From the Tweeter...

"...a #Chiefs sideline member gets in #Ravens Roquan Smith’s face & shoves him at the 0:14 mark in the video.#Eagles Big Dom was suspended 5 games for moving #49ers Dre Greenlaw. Interested to see what the NFL does, but we all know how KC’s treated…"

It's not just Us minus "Stinkin Ref" lol
From the Tweeter...

"...a #Chiefs sideline member gets in #Ravens Roquan Smith’s face & shoves him at the 0:14 mark in the video.#Eagles Big Dom was suspended 5 games for moving #49ers Dre Greenlaw. Interested to see what the NFL does, but we all know how KC’s treated…"

It's not just Us minus "Stinkin Ref" lol
Yeah, the first thing I thought of when that was playing out was "WTF is some dude on the sideline doing pushing a player". Would have loved to see Smith retaliate but that would have been an immediate suspension from Roger
But let’s be honest, the offensive linemen of KC are doing the same sets the Ravens are doing, but only one team is being called for it.
100% correct. #74 of the Chiefs was lined up in the backfield all night long.

As I said in another thread, the league lovbes the Taylor Swifty bump to viewership and want to continue to ride that gravy train.
this.... like most other strawman arguments is the perfect example of conspiracy theories that are completely unsubstantiated.....people want to believe it and will fall in line like blind sheep even though they know they can't "prove it"....and then get upset when they get a little pushback on their make believe statements...

I will say that probably a major contributor to these conspiracy theories is that the Chiefs are in fact a really good team with some very good, exciting, and marketable players.....and because of their success they often play in prime time games for the entire world to see with nothing else going on...meaning if the game last night was on your average Sunday afternoon in the middle of the day.....the discussion and nitpicking of all things Chiefs would probably be a lot less....but Chiefs fatigue and Chiefs hate is very real....when something is basically force fed to you, you eventually get get tired of it.....and start trying to find reasons to not like it.....even if you have to "make up" those reasons and they are based on nothing but conspiracies...and the loser mentality gobbles up anything and everything to try and bring down the dudes at the top of the hill....it's okay....it happens all the time in a lot of sports....but let's not bury our head in the sand and act like if given the choice almost every person attached to one of the other 31 teams doesn't want to see the Chiefs lose.....and it's now to the point that they never win on their own merit....they get unfair help..and all the other weak bs crybaby excuses...score more points...we don't want to talk about things like Flowers fumbling at the goal line last year or Lamar throwing the pick into triple coverage in the endzone...
Last edited:
The league no longer requires a conviction to exercise their Personal Conduct Policy ... but for THIS player they do? :poop:
Seems like they are doing the same for Jordan Addison too.
Maybe so but Addisons crime is far less of an infraction ... 2 misdemeanors vs 8 felonies for Rice.
From what I read, guy fell asleep in his car, blocking a road, and blew a .08 ... one tick over the limit.
Henry Ruggs also drove recklessly and crashed into other drivers. But I guess if nobody dies it's much easier to tolerate.
Thankfully Rice had the smarts to get the heck out of there so they couldn't give him a sobriety test. Turned himself in days later ... clean as a whistle.
glad you admit the narrative you were originally trying to spin.....(that Rice/the Chiefs) are being treated differently.... is in fact a false narrative
OK Homer
I'd say the exact same thing regarding any other player/team....not sure what your point is..
But I guess if nobody dies it's much easier to tolerate.
Of course it is. Results do matter. All of us have gone over the limit to various degrees. The fact that the time I went 110 I didn't lose control or hit anybody matters. Going that far over the speed limit is a felony depending on results. So should I be fired, and jailed?
If you caused an accident and then walked away, leaving two cars sitting in the freeway, then yes you should be fined an jailed. That was the "result" of his actions.
a warrant was issued for his arrest and he turned himself in....so the legal process is being followed....he most likely will be fined and possibly jailed.....just have to let it play out like it would for every other citizen that did the same thing....
But I guess if nobody dies it's much easier to tolerate.
Of course it is. Results do matter. All of us have gone over the limit to various degrees. The fact that the time I went 110 I didn't lose control or hit anybody matters. Going that far over the speed limit is a felony depending on results. So should I be fired, and jailed?
I stated a fact, you agree with me ... Pretty sure we're on the same page. Punishment should fit the crime (& damages).
But it doesn't explain why the NFL would be dragging feet suspending this guy after he's admitting to doing what he's being charged for ... 8 felonies, some involving injury.
Def a step down from the Ruggs incident obviously but still should be a suspension. 2 games / 4 games ... something.
Guys get suspended when baby mamas accuse them of domestic violence. No conviction necessary. Her word vs his. No one is waiting for the legal system to play out. Player can deny it. Charges can be dropped. Doesn't matter. Suspended. Is driving a car 119 mph into other cars not worthy of the same instant suspension?
Is there information that we're not privy to that says Rice may be innocent? Something the NFL knows that we don't? Why wait other than to let the team have him for this season?
It seems like a suspension of Rice would be counterproductive to the NFL's effort to elevate the KC Swifties to another championship.
Gambling on sports? WHACK - your suspended.
Drive 119 mph into traffic? Some people got injured? One, two, thee, ... eight felony charges? "Let the legal system play out ... which will happen after this season of course" ... seems so lax compared to other player infractions.
But I guess if nobody dies it's much easier to tolerate.
Of course it is. Results do matter. All of us have gone over the limit to various degrees. The fact that the time I went 110 I didn't lose control or hit anybody matters. Going that far over the speed limit is a felony depending on results. So should I be fired, and jailed?
I stated a fact, you agree with me ... Pretty sure we're on the same page. Punishment should fit the crime (& damages).
But it doesn't explain why the NFL would be dragging feet suspending this guy after he's admitting to doing what he's being charged for ... 8 felonies, some involving injury.
Def a step down from the Ruggs incident obviously but still should be a suspension. 2 games / 4 games ... something.
Guys get suspended when baby mamas accuse them of domestic violence. No conviction necessary. Her word vs his. No one is waiting for the legal system to play out. Player can deny it. Charges can be dropped. Doesn't matter. Suspended. Is driving a car 119 mph into other cars not worthy of the same instant suspension?
Is there information that we're not privy to that says Rice may be innocent? Something the NFL knows that we don't? Why wait other than to let the team have him for this season?
It seems like a suspension of Rice would be counterproductive to the NFL's effort to elevate the KC Swifties to another championship.
Gambling on sports? WHACK - your suspended.
Drive 119 mph into traffic? Some people got injured? One, two, thee, ... eight felony charges? "Let the legal system play out ... which will happen after this season of course" ... seems so lax compared to other player infractions.
he will get suspended at some point.....in just may not happen on a schedule that you prefer......the other thing that most don't really factor in....is that there was another car and driver involved....so it will take some time to figure out levels of responsibility/negligence etc....the results coming out of the court case/legal system will probably impact the level and amount of suspension....
But I guess if nobody dies it's much easier to tolerate.
Of course it is. Results do matter. All of us have gone over the limit to various degrees. The fact that the time I went 110 I didn't lose control or hit anybody matters. Going that far over the speed limit is a felony depending on results. So should I be fired, and jailed?
I stated a fact, you agree with me ... Pretty sure we're on the same page. Punishment should fit the crime (& damages).
But it doesn't explain why the NFL would be dragging feet suspending this guy after he's admitting to doing what he's being charged for ... 8 felonies, some involving injury.
Def a step down from the Ruggs incident obviously but still should be a suspension. 2 games / 4 games ... something.
Guys get suspended when baby mamas accuse them of domestic violence. No conviction necessary. Her word vs his. No one is waiting for the legal system to play out. Player can deny it. Charges can be dropped. Doesn't matter. Suspended. Is driving a car 119 mph into other cars not worthy of the same instant suspension?
Is there information that we're not privy to that says Rice may be innocent? Something the NFL knows that we don't? Why wait other than to let the team have him for this season?
It seems like a suspension of Rice would be counterproductive to the NFL's effort to elevate the KC Swifties to another championship.
Gambling on sports? WHACK - your suspended.
Drive 119 mph into traffic? Some people got injured? One, two, thee, ... eight felony charges? "Let the legal system play out ... which will happen after this season of course" ... seems so lax compared to other player infractions.
There's precedent for this.

That's the simple answer
chiefs could beat a middle school team and people would find a reason why the middle school team got screwed....fact
If the Chiefs played a middle school team and the middle school team was called for penalties that the Chiefs weren't called for despite being just as, if not more, guilty of them... then people would be right to say they got screwed.

No one's saying the Chiefs aren't a great team. Hell, only an idiot would say that. That's actually what makes people upset. The Chiefs are already the best team in the league. Seeing them get an unfair advantage from the refs alongside that is a little bit infuriating. I'm saying that as a fan of neither team that played last night.
6th most penalized team in the league last year....and Taylor led the league in penalties....not sure how those equate exactly to an unfair advantage from the refs.....sounds like they maybe have a case to say the refs are treating THEM unfairly....lol
If you sped every time you drove your car and I sped only once every 15 times I drove my car you would inevitably end up with more speeding tickets than me. If, however, you got out of half of your tickets while I got out of zero of mine, that would mean you were receiving preferential treatment that I wasn't, despite your multitude of more infractions.

Maybe the Chiefs should've been the most penalized team in the NFL last year, but preferential treatment meant they were only 6th. Saying they were the 6th most penalized team is meaningless when we are talking about all the times they committed infractions, but weren't penalized.

It's even more meaningless when my statement had nothing to do with last year, but only concerned itself with last night. Taylor got preferential treatment last night that the Ravens' o line did not. Trying to deflect or pretending it didn't happen is nothing more than blatant homerism. You're looking through red and gold colored glasses right now.
It happens in every sport, with the good players and teams, and in reverse with the bad ones.

All star pitchers get more corner of the zone calls than their peers. Enforcers in hockey get more penalties called on them for the same behaviour than their peers. Fouls in basketball, the list goes on. Anything that is a subjective call is victim to this happening.

The question is….so what? Some refs are way worse at this than others (there is data out there) but other than that they are all human.

Which is why the NFL is for entertainment purposes only 😁

Someone needs to send them the link to the cognitive bias video.
That Chiefs right tackle false starting on every passing play and the refs fixation with the Ravens OL, is very telling for sure.

I don't know if it was or wasn't, but this is probably like the Lane Johnson thing everyone was complaining about last year - in real time it looks like he's constantly false starting but the way it's officiated this isn't actually a false start. I forget the exact specifics but essentially he's allowed to kick back his foot before the snap. It looks like he's moving before the snap (because he is) but that specific movement is allowed.
Players in a two-point stance are allowed to adjust their back foot before the snap. As long as his backfoot is still in the air while the ball is being snapped, it's just considered "an adjustment".

At least according to this youtube video which seems to be accurate based on how it's called.

Love this video showing the tackle almost a full two yards off the line of scrimmage.

He false starts every play and it's almost never called. I'm pretty sure Collinsworth called them out on it for a while before they started throwing some flags finally.

The illegal formation penalties on Baltimore were correct, and I hope they start calling them on everyone because it's b.s. But they let the Chiefs get away with the exact same thing last night.
But let’s be honest, the offensive linemen of KC are doing the same sets the Ravens are doing, but only one team is being called for it.
100% correct. #74 of the Chiefs was lined up in the backfield all night long.

As I said in another thread, the league lovbes the Taylor Swifty bump to viewership and want to continue to ride that gravy train.
this.... like most other strawman arguments is the perfect example of conspiracy theories that are completely unsubstantiated.....people want to believe it and will fall in line like blind sheep even though they know they can't "prove it"....and then get upset when they get a little pushback on their make believe statements...

I will say that probably a major contributor to these conspiracy theories is that the Chiefs are in fact a really good team with some very good, exciting, and marketable players.....and because of their success they often play in prime time games for the entire world to see with nothing else going on...meaning if the game last night was on your average Sunday afternoon in the middle of the day.....the discussion and nitpicking of all things Chiefs would probably be a lot less....but Chiefs fatigue and Chiefs hate is very real....when something is basically force fed to you, you eventually get get tired of it.....and start trying to find reasons to not like it.....even if you have to "make up" those reasons and they are based on nothing but conspiracies...and the loser mentality gobbles up anything and everything to try and bring down the dudes at the top of the hill....it's okay....it happens all the time in a lot of sports....but let's not bury our head in the sand and act like if given the choice almost every person attached to one of the other 31 teams doesn't want to see the Chiefs lose.....and it's now to the point that they never win on their own merit....they get unfair help..and all the other weak bs crybaby excuses...score more points...we don't want to talk about things like Flowers fumbling at the goal line last year or Lamar throwing the pick into triple coverage in the endzone.?
I'm not turning a blind eye here......

*throws yellow flag*

15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on the Stinkin Ref for this word salad. lol
.but if we aren't gonna do all that then you can't have this magic zoom in replay on the last play of the game when the team is already announcing it's going for 2 points.

Ummm, they do this for every scoring play in every quarter of the game. It's not just the last play of the game that gets this scrutiny.
Then put a little chip in the football so we know exactly how far the ball went and can see under the pile and find out if the RB actually crossed the GL
And while we are at it, since the Refs are always too quick to call "Intention to Rough the Passer" then those Retired Refs can really earn their keep in the booth
Give them a big red push button that signals to the on field Ref that the QB roughing was erroneous
Cut down on some of these fluff calls that turn games by extending drives for no reason

How come the league can't see these things and stop it?
hate the chip idea...no way it can work. It can't measure the knees/ankles/thighs/elbows etc. It might tell you the ball reached the line, but usually we already know that. what we dont know is whether or not a body part was already down when it did, and no chip can tell us that.

what makes more sense IMHO, is changing every first down marker to the nearest full yardage marker and get rid of the stupid chains. use the lines on the field. EVERYTHING is measured by eyeball live, it's beyond dumb to use chains (that were set from 3o yards away, BY EYE) to determine whether a team got the last 6 inches they needed.
Goodell was at the game too. I’m sure he was pleased with the outcome of that game. Chiefs are his money makers. That’s all he cares about. $$$$
I can’t imagine anyone trying to defend the special relationship between the Chiefs, refs, and NFL at this point. The NFL is doing all it can to make an average KC team win games and get to the playoffs.

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