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Removing an NFL owner... (1 Viewer)


RPS World Champion
Not suggesting they should, but let's say that an NFL owner had some sort of dementia or Alzheimer's or something like that where they still controlled the team but were just running it into the ground.

Could the NFL step in and do something about it? Do they have a rule allowing them to just take control of a team like that?

(And I don't mean for incompetence.)

Thoughts? Raiders fans? Anyone else?

Not suggesting they should, but let's say that an NFL owner had some sort of dementia or Alzheimer's or something like that where they still controlled the team but were just running it into the ground.Could the NFL step in and do something about it? Do they have a rule allowing them to just take control of a team like that?(And I don't mean for incompetence.)Thoughts? Raiders fans? Anyone else?
Owners can be forcibly replaced, but probably not for those reasons. Criminal malfeasance is about it. (Still in mourning that Eddie DeBartalo was forced out)
We certainly need to find out.... It's very difficult to admit being a Raider fan with that bumbling idiot running the show.

Us fans in Cincy have been trying to do this for a long time. We would definitely support any rule that forces Mike Brown to sell the team. It is painfully clear that he has no clue what he is doing.

SuperJohn96 said:
Not suggesting they should, but let's say that an NFL owner had some sort of dementia or Alzheimer's or something like that where they still controlled the team but were just running it into the ground.Could the NFL step in and do something about it? Do they have a rule allowing them to just take control of a team like that?(And I don't mean for incompetence.)Thoughts? Raiders fans? Anyone else?
I would imagine they would have the same recourse that everyone else does of possibly getting them declared mentally incompetent (in the legal sense and not in the "you ran this franchise incompetently" sense). Then someone else would be given power of attorney over their affairs and could sell it or put someone capable in charge.
Lions fan here wishing for a competent owner like Al Davis.... man that was hard to say, but it is sad and true at the same time.

Most countries have laws protecting their citizens from having their property foricbly taken from them. I'm pretty sure the worst the NFL could do to an owner would be kick their franchise out of the league, and I think even that would be next to impossible to accomplish legally.

As a 'nati fan, I have say that if there was a rule to allow that to happen, we would probably know about it.

Most countries have laws protecting their citizens from having their property foricbly taken from them. I'm pretty sure the worst the NFL could do to an owner would be kick their franchise out of the league, and I think even that would be next to impossible to accomplish legally.
an NFL franchise isn't like someone's house. the owners are all subject to the league's rules, and it's a contractual relationship going back to the 1966 merger agreement that governs their rights. it has nothing to do with property rights. they're also subject to antitrust laws, with a limited exemption.
Most countries have laws protecting their citizens from having their property foricbly taken from them. I'm pretty sure the worst the NFL could do to an owner would be kick their franchise out of the league, and I think even that would be next to impossible to accomplish legally.
an NFL franchise isn't like someone's house. the owners are all subject to the league's rules, and it's a contractual relationship going back to the 1966 merger agreement that governs their rights. it has nothing to do with property rights. they're also subject to antitrust laws, with a limited exemption.
:goodposting: With any franchise agreement, there are lots of rules.Unfortunately for Raiders, Bengals and Lions fans, making terrible decisions about general managers and coaches is well within the rules. Somebody has to lose.

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