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Roy Williams attends Lions Halloween Party (1 Viewer)



Former Detroit receiver Roy Williams, who was traded to the Dallas Cowboys two weeks ago, attended the Lions players' Halloween party this evening. Williams showed up in support of former teammate Mike Furrey, who puts on the party to raise money for his charities.

Williams came dressed as former Lions running back Tatum Bell, who made national headlines two months ago when he was accused of pilfering the travel bags of Detroit running back Rudi Johnson. Williams was wearing a bellhop uniform with a big name tag that said "T. Bell.''

Williams was also wearing boxer shorts on the outside of his pants and it said "Rudi'' on the front and "Johnson 32'' on the back. Williams said he informed Bell what he was going to do, via text message, and got the running back's approval.


Former Detroit receiver Roy Williams, who was traded to the Dallas Cowboys two weeks ago, attended the Lions players' Halloween party this evening. Williams showed up in support of former teammate Mike Furrey, who puts on the party to raise money for his charities.

Williams came dressed as former Lions running back Tatum Bell, who made national headlines two months ago when he was accused of pilfering the travel bags of Detroit running back Rudi Johnson. Williams was wearing a bellhop uniform with a big name tag that said "T. Bell.''

Williams was also wearing boxer shorts on the outside of his pants and it said "Rudi'' on the front and "Johnson 32'' on the back. Williams said he informed Bell what he was going to do, via text message, and got the running back's approval.
thats why i love this guy.
This sounds like nothing more than a ploy......

to motivate Tatum Bell, of course.


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Former Detroit receiver Roy Williams, who was traded to the Dallas Cowboys two weeks ago, attended the Lions players' Halloween party this evening. Williams showed up in support of former teammate Mike Furrey, who puts on the party to raise money for his charities.

Williams came dressed as former Lions running back Tatum Bell, who made national headlines two months ago when he was accused of pilfering the travel bags of Detroit running back Rudi Johnson. Williams was wearing a bellhop uniform with a big name tag that said "T. Bell.''

Williams was also wearing boxer shorts on the outside of his pants and it said "Rudi'' on the front and "Johnson 32'' on the back. Williams said he informed Bell what he was going to do, via text message, and got the running back's approval.
thats why i love this guy.
And probably the only reason.
Why the hell is Roy in Detroit? This is guy who still does not know all the plays in the playbook as seen by him being on the field for about 60% of the plays. Not to mention they have a big game coming up against the first place Giants. Glad to see his head is in the right place.

Side note...the costume is funny as hell.

dotman said:
Ron_Mexico said:
This sounds like nothing more than a ploy......to motivate Tatum Bell, of course. :no:
I don't get it.
If you look around the room and don't SEE the ploy to motivate Taytum Bell, then YOU ARE the ploy to motivate Taytum Bell.I can't believe that when you write ":yawn:" it just turns into a "yawn". you; have to spell it Taytum nowadays.
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Why the hell is Roy in Detroit? This is guy who still does not know all the plays in the playbook as seen by him being on the field for about 60% of the plays. Not to mention they have a big game coming up against the first place Giants. Glad to see his head is in the right place.Side note...the costume is funny as hell.
To support an ex-teammate's charity event.
Glad to see Tatum Bell posting in this thread or is that Roy Williams posted under his alias Taum Bell?

A pretty funny story and I can't believe someone is critical of Roy showing up at a charity event and thinking he should be sitting in a room studying the playbook. Get a life. Roy probably does not need to study the playbook more. His limited plays in games right now will not increase until they can practice more plays during practice. I'm sure he is coming along just fine with the playbook.

Why the hell is Roy in Detroit? This is guy who still does not know all the plays in the playbook as seen by him being on the field for about 60% of the plays. Not to mention they have a big game coming up against the first place Giants. Glad to see his head is in the right place.Side note...the costume is funny as hell.
To support an ex-teammate's charity event.
With the money Jerry Jones just threw at him, he can probably afford to rent a private plane. For the obsecenely wealthy, flying from Dallas to Detroit is not the 8 hour nightmare that it would be for the rest of us.
Why the hell is Roy in Detroit? This is guy who still does not know all the plays in the playbook as seen by him being on the field for about 60% of the plays. Not to mention they have a big game coming up against the first place Giants. Glad to see his head is in the right place.Side note...the costume is funny as hell.
Wade Phillips gave the players yesterday off, and today was their regular day off. I don't see it as a big deal.As for the costume, I think it's funny as hell too! Gives him some closure with his old teammates. I think it's a good story.
Why the hell is Roy in Detroit? This is guy who still does not know all the plays in the playbook as seen by him being on the field for about 60% of the plays. Not to mention they have a big game coming up against the first place Giants. Glad to see his head is in the right place.Side note...the costume is funny as hell.
Wade Phillips gave the players yesterday off, and today was their regular day off. I don't see it as a big deal.As for the costume, I think it's funny as hell too! Gives him some closure with his old teammates. I think it's a good story.
Maybe I am being too hard on him. Just not a fan of him missing so many snaps. We have a big game against the Giants (which I expect to lose) and would like everyone including Williams to be mentally ready for.
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Didnt Scott Mitchell dress up as Wayne Fonts for a Halloween party in Detroit and get in to some trouble? I think that was the last time I owned a Lion in fantasy.

My phone just broke... I really should see the deals Tatum can offer me, perhaps he can get me the 5 finger discount.

Bankerguy said:
Why the hell is Roy in Detroit? This is guy who still does not know all the plays in the playbook as seen by him being on the field for about 60% of the plays. Not to mention they have a big game coming up against the first place Giants. Glad to see his head is in the right place.Side note...the costume is funny as hell.
Wade Phillips gave the players yesterday off, and today was their regular day off. I don't see it as a big deal.As for the costume, I think it's funny as hell too! Gives him some closure with his old teammates. I think it's a good story.
Maybe I am being too hard on him. Just not a fan of him missing so many snaps. We have a big game against the Giants (which I expect to lose) and would like everyone including Williams to be mentally ready for.
It's okay, we definitely can see why you Cowboys fans are little up tight.

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