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Schedules are Here! (1 Viewer)


Well, as you all know, the schedules for the 2006 season have just been released. A ton of intriging matchups coming our way. The big one, Phili vs Dallas, should be something great. TO will get booed all day long, and he'll just feed off the noise. Thanksgiving also is shaping up to be great, cause of the addition of the Broncos vs Cheifs game. It should be great to watch the tuff run defense of the Broncs shut down LJ. In your opinion, which game are you most looking forward to this year? Eagles Cowboys? Pats Colts? Manning vs Manning showdown week 1? Houstan vs Titans ( could be the continuation of Reggie vs Vince rivalry from college). Any thoughts?

Last week of the season, Pitt vs Cincy...

That could be a very important game to both teams.
I kind of wish they had that game in Week 16. Games are meaningless half the time in Week 17.
Most anticipated by a Jaguars fan are weeks #3 and #14, thats when the Jags play the Colts. The two wins by the Colts over Jags are why they won the division. Jacksonville needs to win atleast 1 of those 2 games to have a shot at winning the division.

Well, as you all know, the schedules for the 2006 season have just been released. A ton of intriging matchups coming our way. The big one, Phili vs Dallas, should be something great. TO will get booed all day long, and he'll just feed off the noise. Thanksgiving also is shaping up to be great, cause of the addition of the Broncos vs Cheifs game. It should be great to watch the tuff run defense of the Broncs shut down LJ. In your opinion, which game are you most looking forward to this year? Eagles Cowboys? Pats Colts? Manning vs Manning showdown week 1? Houstan vs Titans ( could be the continuation of Reggie vs Vince rivalry from college). Any thoughts?
:no: Larry Johnson vs Denver in 2005 on week 1330 carries for 140 yards and 2 TDs


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