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Solved (1 Viewer)

#5 -- she is correct.  The "correct" answer is for a subtraction rather than addition.

#6 -- she has it correct, just in different form  17/12 = 1 5/12

#10 -- same as 6, 59/56 = 1 3/56

# 3 -- she got that one wrong   >> 6/15 + 5/15 = 11/15  (maybe she just dropped both leading 1's or something)

#5 -- she is correct.  The "correct" answer is for a subtraction rather than addition.

#6 -- she has it correct, just in different form  17/12 = 1 5/12

#10 -- same as 6, 59/56 = 1 3/56

# 3 -- she got that one wrong   >> 6/15 + 5/15 = 11/15  (maybe she just dropped both leading 1's or something)
But it said simplest form.  I am guessing an improper fraction is not considered the simplest form.   

Last edited by a moderator:
But it said simplest form.  I am guessing an improper fraction is not considered the simplest form.   

And you can hide (no longer delete) threads you've started to save yourself any further embarrassment just in case you accuse a mod of saying something you actually said. Or you don't know fractions.  


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