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Speed in the NFL (1 Viewer)

It's generally considered a courtesy to bump threads instead of starting ones that are redundant, especially because of the potential to duplicate arguments, positions, facts, etc. You have to think about the regulars on the board, too. They're readers as well as content-drivers. They don't want to have to wade through the same slog twice. Go about it how you will; I'm just telling you board etiquette and what earns people respect on the board. I'm spending a lot more time than I want to on this sort of stuff. I'm not a mod, and haven't forgotten that. I'm trying to help you, and have since the beginning since I believe you're not a troll like a lot of people are saying in print here. 

Just...it's my two cents. Take those cents for what they're worth to you.    
That troll thing I simply can't fathom, I post other places, and have for years, only here have I ever read this troll silliness. Everything I talk about I;m dead serious about and I'm not some dumb kid messing around on the internet,  so...troll?????????????  Who can I bug?......I'm a grandpa, little old to be playing that stupid BS.

Who enters threads that don't interest them, I sure don't.  So nobody has to wade thru anything, I don't.

But......will be more courteous starting now.

Knowing what a guy like Antonio Brown did in other sports is interesting to me, I like to know all I can about the players.

Bryce Love the great Stanford RB soon to be an NFL still holds the 100m record in age group track, can't recall what age.  I like knowing this stuff.
Thanks for clarifying. Admittedly, sometimes I am too stupid to understand things.

Thanks for clarifying. Admittedly, sometimes I am too stupid to understand things.
Speed in football will be talked about this season, you will hear something about it in some game.  You will hear.....he was a Missouri state hurdles champ in HS....talking Ezekial Elliott. We heard how RGIII was a track star at Baylor.  We heard about the speed of Ted Ginn.

TONS...of stuff out there all talking about speed in the NFL.

I was sharing what 50 years of following that connection has taught me.  Now you'll know, is that some problem?

Would you believe Saquon Barkley was a shot putter in HS?

Kareem Hunt can high jump 6-8?

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Speed in football will be talked about this season, you will hear something about it in some game.  You will hear.....he was a Missouri state hurdles champ in HS....talking Ezekial Elliott. We heard how RGIII was a track star at Baylor.  We heard about the speed of Ted Ginn.

TONS...of stuff out there all talking about speed in the NFL.

I was sharing what 50 years of following that connection has taught me.  Now you'll know, is that some problem?

Would you believe Saquon Barkley was a shot putter in HS?

Kareem Hunt can high jump 6-8?
Lol...I like your need for speed

Lol...I like your need for speed
I would think everyone would love to know all they can about these NFLers. I sure do.  Hell, Jordy Nelson was a Kansas State 100m champ, and while in HS so was John Riggins (9.8 yards)

Why not know all ya can?

Why anyone would hassle over "don't tell me things I didn't know" ya got me, I'd be....thanks man didn't know that.

This sort of thing is all over the place..  People do care.

How fast are NFL players really?

Speed is important for NFL players, both for providing strong defense and running an incredible offense. A lot
of sports fans think that big guys are always slower than the smaller guys. This isn’t always true, especially for
NFL players, who are some of the fastest runners in the world. So where exactly do NFL players fit in the scale
of fastest to slowest?

The 40-yard dash

The 40-yard dash measures how fast a person can run. It’s mainly used by recruiters when picking new players
for the NFL draft. It measures how long it takes a player to run 40 yards. Since 1990, the NFL has used partial
electronic timing to get accurate 40-yard dash times. The timer is started by hand at the beginning of the dash
and is stopped by an electric signal at the 40-yard line. Players can start their dash whenever they’re ready.
Wide receivers are the fastest runners with an average time of 4.55s. The slowest players on the field are the
offensive guards, who tend to average 5.36s for their 40-yard dash.

How do NFL players stack up?

So how fast are NFL players really? Most ordinary joggers run at 8.3 mph. The fastest NFL players have
clocked a top speed of 22 mph. So even slow NFL players are much, much faster than average Joes, but how
do they compare to the fastest man on Earth, Usain Bolt? Usain Bolt’s top speed is 30 mph during his record-breaking
run, or a 3.97 40-yard dash, much faster than anybody in the NFL
Even the fastest runners in the world are slow compared to the animal kingdom. Many animals, including
ostriches (40 mph), horses (55 mph) and cheetahs (61 mph) are much faster than humans.

NFL players are getting faster

NFL players keep getting faster thanks to better training programs. Julio Jones, who weighs 217 pounds, one of the most physically gifted players in the NFL, runs a 4.39s 40-yard dash. 30-year old DeSean Jackson is still one of the fastest
players and started out with a 4.35s in the Combine. A rookie fifth-round pick, Tyreek Hill, has managed to
match the 4.24s 40-yard dash record held by Chris Johnson. Hill displayed an amazing top speed of 22.77 mph
in the 2016 season. We’re very interested to see how much faster these athletes will get in the new year.


TONS....of similar stuff out there, people do care.

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This sort of thing is all over the place..  People do care.

Even the fastest runners in the world are slow compared to the animal kingdom. Many animals, including
ostriches (40 mph), horses (55 mph) and cheetahs (61 mph) are much faster than humans.
I still put my money on ochocinco and Michael Phelps vs horse and shark.

How much you want to bet that horse was on steroids? And that the shark....um....it wasn’t even a real shark so they could have just sped up the cgi to make it look cool....
I don't make any bets without gathering info, looking at trends, stats, looking for "spots" where one side has all the advantages.

Speed and the Oakland Raiders. Al Davis got his speed fetish after watching a Dodger baseball game and their speed running the bases.

All Time Raiders 100m



1.Cliff Branch  9.2 yards

2.Willie Gault  10.10 ****

3.Jacoby Ford  10.01

4.James Jett 10.16****

5.Ron Brown  10;06****

6.Sam Graddy  10/09****

7.James Trapp 10.14

8.Michael Bennett  10.18



1.Alexander Wright  NFL Fastest Man

2.Justin Fargas  Cali State 100m Champ

3.Napolean Kaufman  Cali State 100m Champ

4.Bo Jackson  10.39

5.Tim Dwight 10.33

6.Eugene White 9.4

7.Bo Roberson 9.5**** long  jumper, won the silver, the first fast Raider

8.Rocket Ismail 10.3

Most countries  can't compare to that.

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That troll thing I simply can't fathom, I post other places, and have for years, only here have I ever read this troll silliness. Everything I talk about I;m dead serious about and I'm not some dumb kid messing around on the internet,  so...troll?????????????  Who can I bug?......I'm a grandpa, little old to be playing that stupid BS.
People toss around "troll" way too easily. I would just bump topics already discussed, but that's me. Peace, man. 

Someone is getting awfully defensive
Not really, I get the internet thing.

I once posted a long list of every 1000 yard rusher in NFL history, what school they had played for what pro team. Guy comes on.......you spelled...(forget now)...wrong.  Hell, just like this thread, people MUST find something wrong/negative, I'd be.....hey thanks didn't know that.

I can't talk a thousand things, can't even change my own oil, but I do know track/football.

There used to be a video of John Riggins running a 9.8 100 yards to win the Kansas State Champs.  Poof gone!

Very muscular at around 210 I;m guessing. he was 230 at Washington.

He was the Jets and Redskins first 1000 yard rusher.

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Not really, I get the internet thing.

I once posted a long list of every 1000 yard rusher in NFL history, what school they had played for what pro team. Guy comes on.......you spelled...(forget now)...wrong.  Hell, just like this thread, people MUST find something wrong/negative, I'd be.....hey thanks didn't know that.

I can't talk a thousand things, can't even change my own oil, but I do know track/football.

It’s pretty simple really, but I guess no surprise that you don’t understand it.  People here for the greater part like to discuss performance at the NFL level, looking for information that allows them to prognosticate to the coming season(s for dynasty players), and what affects players in the NFL.  You love posting peripheral and sometimes esoteric stuff that sometimes has little to nothing to do with current or future players and how it affects their NFL careers in an almost “look at how smart and interesting I am” manner, not to mention that there are times you wrongfully portray yourself condescendingly as the smartest guy in the room. 

The problem is that a lot of people here really aren’t interested in your esoteric knowledge and feel that it clutters the board, that and your abrasive self adoration and your immediately aggressive defensive stance when someone disagrees with you or lets you know how they feel about your relentless posting.  It pretty much comes down to that you think you’re a lot more interesting than more than a few people here think that you are.  

Personally I really don’t care one way or the other and will check in briefly to see if something that interests me got posted in one of your numerous threads and then just ignore it if not.  But it seems you just can’t comprehend the reactions you get from some here, and IMO this is pretty much why.

It’s pretty simple really, but I guess no surprise that you don’t understand it.  People here for the greater part like to discuss performance at the NFL level, looking for information that allows them to prognosticate to the coming season(s for dynasty players), and what affects players in the NFL.  You love posting peripheral and sometimes esoteric stuff that sometimes has little to nothing to do with current or future players and how it affects their NFL careers in an almost “look at how smart and interesting I am” manner, not to mention that there are times you wrongfully portray yourself condescendingly as the smartest guy in the room. 

The problem is that a lot of people here really aren’t interested in your esoteric knowledge and feel that it clutters the board, that and your abrasive self adoration and your immediately aggressive defensive stance when someone disagrees with you or lets you know how they feel about your relentless posting.  It pretty much comes down to that you think you’re a lot more interesting than more than a few people here think that you are.  

Personally I really don’t care one way or the other and will check in briefly to see if something that interests me got posted in one of your numerous threads and then just ignore it if not.  But it seems you just can’t comprehend the reactions you get from some here, and IMO this is pretty much why.
See this?

Threads that are asking for advice on how you should draft or manage your team belong in The Assistant Coach forum.

The Shark Pool is reserved for*** sharing NFL talk**** and fantasy football strategy discussion.

Sharing NFL talk is all I'm doing. How can that be any problem?

I never enter any thread that doesn't interest me, If someone doesn't care about this topic them move on, it's just that simple.  I treat people like they act, be cool and it will be cool, enter a thread to just play critic, I respond accordingly.

I have talked about this topic other places with no problems at all, the same with my other threads.

Share NFL talk..............so I do.

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See this?

Threads that are asking for advice on how you should draft or manage your team belong in The Assistant Coach forum.

The Shark Pool is reserved for*** sharing NFL talk**** and fantasy football strategy discussion.

Sharing NFL talk is all I'm doing. How can that be any problem?

I never enter any thread that doesn't interest me, If someone doesn't care about this topic them move on, it's just that simple.  I treat people like they act, be cool and it will be cool, enter a thread to just play critic, I respond accordingly.

I have talked about this topic other places with no problems at all, the same with my other threads.

Share NFL talk..............so I do.

Well thanks from all of us on how you’ll let us use this board and how we need to think while posting.  Think I’ll just add you to ignore since you really don’t add much value here and you love to spoil for a fight.  Adios.

Well thanks from all of us on how you’ll let us use this board and how we need to think while posting.  Think I’ll just add you to ignore since you really don’t add much value here and you love to spoil for a fight.  Adios.
Lets see if I have this right.....

You can't accept the fact I was just talking football like everybody else, but when attack I do respond?  You came at me but I'm spoiling for a fight,  what? This "only talk about things that interest me" is pretty lame don't you think?  I never enter any thread to wimper around and play critic,  I just walk on by if the interest isn't there.. I sure in the hell don't worry about what others find interesting, we all have our thing and I respect that.  It's called maturity.

This...why are you talking about what interests you and not me......hahahaha!

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Let me apologize to the board  I did think this was like all the other football forums out there where ya just take football.  It does appear that here it's more about the fantasy aspects of the game/young players..  So I'm sorry for getting in the way of that, I will only post if a thread interests me. 

Sorry I got in the way.

How about we just let this thread sink to the bottom.  I think I got it now.

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