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Sproles Owners (1 Viewer)

As a LT owner, yeah, I made the mistake of not picking him up on the waiver wire. I guess my only excuse is our league plays with small rosters. Definitely a mistake - not the first, not the last. At this point, if you're an LT owner your best bet is to wait it out. Sproles plays against what looks like to be a solid run D in Buffalo this Monday, and hopefully LT's toe will get better reducing the number of carries (and the value of Sproles in the process). If you want Sproles now you're going to have to pay the piper. Most people are basing what he did against the Chargers as the standard, but the Chargers haven't exactly had the best D lately.
SD plays NYJ this Monday.
As a LT owner, yeah, I made the mistake of not picking him up on the waiver wire. I guess my only excuse is our league plays with small rosters. Definitely a mistake - not the first, not the last. At this point, if you're an LT owner your best bet is to wait it out. Sproles plays against what looks like to be a solid run D in the Jets this Monday, and hopefully LT's toe will get better reducing the number of carries (and the value of Sproles in the process). If you want Sproles now you're going to have to pay the piper. Most people are basing what he did against the Broncos as the standard, but the Broncos haven't exactly had the best D lately.
SD plays NYJ this Monday.
OK I give up. getting all my nfl teams mixed up. Fixed what I meant to say in the post above..I will say this tho, the Jets have had a good run D.
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this close to grabbing Sproles for Eddie Casino Royale. I think it's a fair trade to be honest. I got Royal off the wire last week, and he's a bit thin at WR. I think Royal is actually a starter on his team! And Sproles' value to a non LT owner is significantly lower than his value to an LT owner IMO. I've got depth at WR beyond Royal. I hope he pulls the plug. At 0-2 he can't sit around waiting for Sproles to materialize, or LT to go down long term...

As a LT owner, yeah, I made the mistake of not picking him up on the waiver wire. I guess my only excuse is our league plays with small rosters. Definitely a mistake - not the first, not the last. At this point, if you're an LT owner your best bet is to wait it out. Sproles plays against what looks like to be a solid run D in the Jets this Monday, and hopefully LT's toe will get better reducing the number of carries (and the value of Sproles in the process). If you want Sproles now you're going to have to pay the piper. Most people are basing what he did against the Broncos as the standard, but the Broncos haven't exactly had the best D lately.
SD plays NYJ this Monday.
OK I give up. getting all my nfl teams mixed up. Fixed what I meant to say in the post above..I will say this tho, the Jets have had a good run D.
Jets D as a whole has looked pretty terrible so far. The run D was garbage last week, when they knew all game the pats were running...
davearm said:
hellz_fireflies said:
davearm said:
hellz_fireflies said:
I love the LT owners (not one of them)...they don't have him as a handcuff stupid move and now Sproles might cut into LT's carries due to toe issue and as the team saw Sproles be a great 3rd down back catching the ball.Trust me those LT owners want him bad! You never know when your key RB will go down.In 4 leagues and Sproles was just taken in all 4 off WW..WHAT WERE THE LT owners thinking?
Post #28 should answer your question.
Why don't you do it for me..trying to figure it out still?
You want me to read post #28 to you? :thumbdown: Look I've got LT, Chris Johnson, Jamal Lewis, Chris Perry, and Felix Jones in a start-2 league. If I also had Sproles, he'd still be on the bench if LT was out -- Lewis would be the guy to start (with Johnson) in that scenario.I suspect other LT owners are in very similar situations.So what's the point of rostering Sproles, let alone trading something valuable for him, if he's not startable even in ideal circumstances?
Actually if LT was out the only guy I would not start Sproles over is Johnson. You are underestimating how good he can be.
Yeah, I definitely don't want to squabble about one specific team in here where the owner is all into his team....but Sproles starts on this team if LT goes down. At the very least becomes a bye week replacement and matchup start over Johnson and Lewis certain weeks. He'd without question have more value than Perry and Jones (if Barber is healthy). That said, this team does not need to go out and overpay for Sproles services. If the price was right, a deal should get done though, and then go work the Barber owner to move Jones.
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Maybe the better question would be "Tomlinson Owners, what are you getting from the Sproles owner in your league?" :yawn:

Picked him up right before the LT owner did this week and I sent a little message about what he would give for him. His response was not very friendly. I figure at this point with SJax on my team I will just hang on to mighty mouse and see what happens with that toe.

davearm said:
Look I've got LT, Chris Johnson, Jamal Lewis, Chris Perry, and Felix Jones in a start-2 league. If I also had Sproles, he'd still be on the bench if LT was out -- Lewis would be the guy to start (with Johnson) in that scenario.

I suspect other LT owners are in very similar situations.

So what's the point of rostering Sproles, let alone trading something valuable for him, if he's not startable even in ideal circumstances?
Actually if LT was out the only guy I would not start Sproles over is Johnson. You are underestimating how good he can be.
And I think you are underestimating the degree to which SD would become a RBBC without LT.IMO Sproles would get 12-15 touches, and Hester would get 10-12, including all the GL carries. And the third guy (name escapes me) might get worked in some too. Just my speculation though. None of us will know for sure until LT is actually out.

At any rate anointing the guy a strong RB2 is pretty premature at this point IMO.

davearm said:
Look I've got LT, Chris Johnson, Jamal Lewis, Chris Perry, and Felix Jones in a start-2 league. If I also had Sproles, he'd still be on the bench if LT was out -- Lewis would be the guy to start (with Johnson) in that scenario.I suspect other LT owners are in very similar situations.So what's the point of rostering Sproles, let alone trading something valuable for him, if he's not startable even in ideal circumstances?
Actually if LT was out the only guy I would not start Sproles over is Johnson. You are underestimating how good he can be.
Yeah, I definitely don't want to squabble about one specific team in here where the owner is all into his team....but Sproles starts on this team if LT goes down. At the very least becomes a bye week replacement and matchup start over Johnson and Lewis certain weeks. He'd without question have more value than Perry and Jones (if Barber is healthy). That said, this team does not need to go out and overpay for Sproles services. If the price was right, a deal should get done though, and then go work the Barber owner to move Jones.
I'm not "all into my team"... I'm simply not guzzling the Sproles koolaid by the gallon.
Wait until Sproles is game planned for on defence.

Denver did not account for the guy at all....and maybe should have woken up and spied him a bit.

I'll believe al of this after a few games.

I offered Brandon Jackson before sometime last week before Sunday.

The offer was rejected sometime Sunday night after the Chargers game and I was told: "you will need to offer alot more".

I responded that he is free to counter offer but that I don't see Sproles as much more than an RB3 if LT were to be sidelined for awhile and that I doubt we're going to see eye to eye on his value.

Sproles Owners, What are you getting from the LT owner?

Okay, what are some real accepted trades you all been getting?

So far, the thread's been mostly Sproles owners listing what they're asking (and not getting), Sproles owners thinking they picked up Ahman Green after Week Four in 2000, LT owners saying he ain't worth it. I did post a list of 1-for-1 trades involving Sproles in CBS Commissioner leagues, but that was dismissed out of hand because real men use Yahoo and MFL.

So.... Sproles Owners, What are you getting from the LT owner?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Sproles Owners, What are you getting from the LT owner?

Okay, what are some real accepted trades you all been getting?

So far, the thread's been mostly Sproles owners listing what they're asking (and not getting), Sproles owners thinking they picked up Ahman Green after Week Four in 2000, LT owners saying he ain't worth it. I did post a list of 1-for-1 trades involving Sproles in CBS Commissioner leagues, but that was dismissed out of hand because real men use Yahoo and MFL.

So.... Sproles Owners, What are you getting from the LT owner?

Inquiring minds want to know.
As an LT owner in a dynasty league I got Sproles straight up for Patten to a Colston owner.In a redraft league I've offered a LT owner Turner and Sproles for Jacobs. He's pondering the offer at the moment.

I just picked him up in a redraft from the waiver wire and was wondering the same thing. The LT owner in my league has Meachem and I own Colston. Am I short changing myself by making that swap?Is the shark move to hold Sproles at least through this weekend?
as an LT owner I hate to say it, but sproles might outproduce LT this year.
As an LT owner in a dynasty league I got Sproles straight up for Patten to a Colston owner.
I'm not the biggest Sproles backer in the world, but I been sitting Patten on my bench in my Dynasty league all season. I'd trade him in a heartbeat for Sproles. RB >>>> WR
In a redraft league I've offered a LT owner Turner and Sproles for Jacobs. He's pondering the offer at the moment.
That offer is more than fair. Good Luck!
Wait until Sproles is game planned for on defence. Denver did not account for the guy at all....and maybe should have woken up and spied him a bit.I'll believe al of this after a few games.
So Denver didn't game plan for any production from the SD RB? With that game plan I'm surprised they won....Oh, wait :(
Wait until Sproles is game planned for on defence. Denver did not account for the guy at all....and maybe should have woken up and spied him a bit.I'll believe al of this after a few games.
So Denver didn't game plan for any production from the SD RB? With that game plan I'm surprised they won....Oh, wait :(
Denver didn't game plan for someone as SMALL as Sproles. They apparently left all the "little man" tacklers out of the game, so when Sproles started lighting them up they just didn't know what to do.
Wait until Sproles is game planned for on defence. Denver did not account for the guy at all....and maybe should have woken up and spied him a bit.I'll believe al of this after a few games.
So Denver didn't game plan for any production from the SD RB? With that game plan I'm surprised they won....Oh, wait :unsure:
Denver didn't game plan for someone as SMALL as Sproles. They apparently left all the "little man" tacklers out of the game, so when Sproles started lighting them up they just didn't know what to do.
The gameplan they developed to stop LT was worthless against Sproles? :bag:
Is the shark move to hold Sproles at least through this weekend?
Like my other posts state, holding him until Tuesday could pay off.BUT, his value could be at it's highest right now. For starters, a lot of folks are currently valuing Sproles as though he is both going to start on Monday and going to succeed on Monday. Neither of those is guaranteed. LT could come in and look good for a spell (or longer). (I'd rather LT be benched, personally.) Likewise, Tolbert isn't a bad runner himself. Hester is also there. Just because they're big fullbacks doesn't eman they can't shoulder the load for a game or two. Look at McLain (Baltimore) in week one.All that said, I think there are going to be a lot of Sproles owners who are unhappy with current trade offers, holding onto him through this weekend's game. We'll know on Tuesday whether those owners get lucky.
Is the shark move to hold Sproles at least through this weekend?
Like my other posts state, holding him until Tuesday could pay off.BUT, his value could be at it's highest right now. For starters, a lot of folks are currently valuing Sproles as though he is both going to start on Monday and going to succeed on Monday. Neither of those is guaranteed. LT could come in and look good for a spell (or longer). (I'd rather LT be benched, personally.) Likewise, Tolbert isn't a bad runner himself. Hester is also there. Just because they're big fullbacks doesn't eman they can't shoulder the load for a game or two. Look at McLain (Baltimore) in week one.All that said, I think there are going to be a lot of Sproles owners who are unhappy with current trade offers, holding onto him through this weekend's game. We'll know on Tuesday whether those owners get lucky.
In addition, value is high because it's a Monday night game and the LT owner won't have any other option if he's declared out at the last minute. Having Sproles to plug in at a moment notice would be a luxury for LT owners. :shrug:
Is the shark move to hold Sproles at least through this weekend?
Like my other posts state, holding him until Tuesday could pay off.BUT, his value could be at it's highest right now. For starters, a lot of folks are currently valuing Sproles as though he is both going to start on Monday and going to succeed on Monday. Neither of those is guaranteed. LT could come in and look good for a spell (or longer). (I'd rather LT be benched, personally.) Likewise, Tolbert isn't a bad runner himself. Hester is also there. Just because they're big fullbacks doesn't eman they can't shoulder the load for a game or two. Look at McLain (Baltimore) in week one.All that said, I think there are going to be a lot of Sproles owners who are unhappy with current trade offers, holding onto him through this weekend's game. We'll know on Tuesday whether those owners get lucky.
In addition, value is high because it's a Monday night game and the LT owner won't have any other option if he's declared out at the last minute. Having Sproles to plug in at a moment notice would be a luxury for LT owners. :shrug:
Sproles is a waste of roster space. If you are forced to play Sproles you really didn't draft very well.ETA: Kind of like your roster....not a good draft at all. I knew I smelt a Sproles owner trying to get value out of him. :shrug:
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Is the shark move to hold Sproles at least through this weekend?
Like my other posts state, holding him until Tuesday could pay off.BUT, his value could be at it's highest right now. For starters, a lot of folks are currently valuing Sproles as though he is both going to start on Monday and going to succeed on Monday. Neither of those is guaranteed. LT could come in and look good for a spell (or longer). (I'd rather LT be benched, personally.) Likewise, Tolbert isn't a bad runner himself. Hester is also there. Just because they're big fullbacks doesn't eman they can't shoulder the load for a game or two. Look at McLain (Baltimore) in week one.All that said, I think there are going to be a lot of Sproles owners who are unhappy with current trade offers, holding onto him through this weekend's game. We'll know on Tuesday whether those owners get lucky.
In addition, value is high because it's a Monday night game and the LT owner won't have any other option if he's declared out at the last minute. Having Sproles to plug in at a moment notice would be a luxury for LT owners. :shrug:
Sproles is a waste of roster space. If you are forced to play Sproles you really didn't draft very well.
:shrug: not everyone plays in an 8 team league
Is the shark move to hold Sproles at least through this weekend?
Like my other posts state, holding him until Tuesday could pay off.BUT, his value could be at it's highest right now. For starters, a lot of folks are currently valuing Sproles as though he is both going to start on Monday and going to succeed on Monday. Neither of those is guaranteed. LT could come in and look good for a spell (or longer). (I'd rather LT be benched, personally.) Likewise, Tolbert isn't a bad runner himself. Hester is also there. Just because they're big fullbacks doesn't eman they can't shoulder the load for a game or two. Look at McLain (Baltimore) in week one.All that said, I think there are going to be a lot of Sproles owners who are unhappy with current trade offers, holding onto him through this weekend's game. We'll know on Tuesday whether those owners get lucky.
In addition, value is high because it's a Monday night game and the LT owner won't have any other option if he's declared out at the last minute. Having Sproles to plug in at a moment notice would be a luxury for LT owners. :2cents:
Sproles is a waste of roster space. If you are forced to play Sproles you really didn't draft very well.
:kicksrock: not everyone plays in an 8 team league
Did you just learn that yesterday? :wolf:
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Is the shark move to hold Sproles at least through this weekend?
Like my other posts state, holding him until Tuesday could pay off.BUT, his value could be at it's highest right now. For starters, a lot of folks are currently valuing Sproles as though he is both going to start on Monday and going to succeed on Monday. Neither of those is guaranteed. LT could come in and look good for a spell (or longer). (I'd rather LT be benched, personally.) Likewise, Tolbert isn't a bad runner himself. Hester is also there. Just because they're big fullbacks doesn't eman they can't shoulder the load for a game or two. Look at McLain (Baltimore) in week one.All that said, I think there are going to be a lot of Sproles owners who are unhappy with current trade offers, holding onto him through this weekend's game. We'll know on Tuesday whether those owners get lucky.
In addition, value is high because it's a Monday night game and the LT owner won't have any other option if he's declared out at the last minute. Having Sproles to plug in at a moment notice would be a luxury for LT owners. :2cents:
Sproles is a waste of roster space. If you are forced to play Sproles you really didn't draft very well.
:kicksrock: not everyone plays in an 8 team league
Did you just learn that yesterday? :wolf:
I guess you were there to see how the draft panned out!All I was saying is that Sproles has more value now due to the unknown.
Is the shark move to hold Sproles at least through this weekend?
Like my other posts state, holding him until Tuesday could pay off.BUT, his value could be at it's highest right now. For starters, a lot of folks are currently valuing Sproles as though he is both going to start on Monday and going to succeed on Monday. Neither of those is guaranteed. LT could come in and look good for a spell (or longer). (I'd rather LT be benched, personally.) Likewise, Tolbert isn't a bad runner himself. Hester is also there. Just because they're big fullbacks doesn't eman they can't shoulder the load for a game or two. Look at McLain (Baltimore) in week one.All that said, I think there are going to be a lot of Sproles owners who are unhappy with current trade offers, holding onto him through this weekend's game. We'll know on Tuesday whether those owners get lucky.
In addition, value is high because it's a Monday night game and the LT owner won't have any other option if he's declared out at the last minute. Having Sproles to plug in at a moment notice would be a luxury for LT owners. :nerd:
Sproles is a waste of roster space. If you are forced to play Sproles you really didn't draft very well.
:kicksrock: not everyone plays in an 8 team league
Did you just learn that yesterday? :wolf:
I guess you were there to see how the draft panned out!All I was saying is that Sproles has more value now due to the unknown.
Oh I forgot ... :2cents:
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Just had the LT owner offer me:

I get: A.Johnson/A.Gonzo/trash

I give: Sproles/ThomasJones/Colston


Wait until Sproles is game planned for on defence. Denver did not account for the guy at all....and maybe should have woken up and spied him a bit.I'll believe al of this after a few games.
So Denver didn't game plan for any production from the SD RB? With that game plan I'm surprised they won....Oh, wait :no:
Denver didn't game plan for someone as SMALL as Sproles. They apparently left all the "little man" tacklers out of the game, so when Sproles started lighting them up they just didn't know what to do.
The gameplan they developed to stop LT was worthless against Sproles? :goodposting:
When Sproles was in the game the extra defender/Saftey they brought up to help stop LT dropped back into coverage and the defensive philosophy became more "Stop the pass".That takes nothing away from the great plays Sproles made utilizing his killer speed... can he do that week in and week out though?Sproles is the ultimate "Sell High" guy, IMO.
I picked Sproles up on the WW and I'm going to sit on him and wait for the value to go up. I don't get a good feeling about LT2's toe and Sproles is sick in space.

I love the LT owners (not one of them)...they don't have him as a handcuff stupid move and now Sproles might cut into LT's carries due to toe issue and as the team saw Sproles be a great 3rd down back catching the ball.Trust me those LT owners want him bad! You never know when your key RB will go down.In 4 leagues and Sproles was just taken in all 4 off WW..WHAT WERE THE LT owners thinking?
Post #28 should answer your question.
Why don't you do it for me..trying to figure it out still?
You want me to read post #28 to you? :headbang: Look I've got LT, Chris Johnson, Jamal Lewis, Chris Perry, and Felix Jones in a start-2 league. If I also had Sproles, he'd still be on the bench if LT was out -- Lewis would be the guy to start (with Johnson) in that scenario.I suspect other LT owners are in very similar situations.So what's the point of rostering Sproles, let alone trading something valuable for him, if he's not startable even in ideal circumstances?
Chargers beat writer Kevin Acee said on NFL Network's Team Cam program that he expects Darren Sproles to get more carries than LaDainian Tomlinson on Monday night.Acee said Tomlinson's toe is too painful for him to consistently push off and make moves horizontally. Acee also indicated that LT2 may only get around 10 carries against the Jets, just like last week. Sproles should be in lineups as a flex or RB2, particularly in points per reception leagues. He is a potent threat out of the backfield.Rotoworld.com 9/19 4PM
I love the LT owners (not one of them)...they don't have him as a handcuff stupid move and now Sproles might cut into LT's carries due to toe issue and as the team saw Sproles be a great 3rd down back catching the ball.

Trust me those LT owners want him bad! You never know when your key RB will go down.

In 4 leagues and Sproles was just taken in all 4 off WW..WHAT WERE THE LT owners thinking?
Post #28 should answer your question.
Why don't you do it for me..trying to figure it out still?
You want me to read post #28 to you? :lol: Look I've got LT, Chris Johnson, Jamal Lewis, Chris Perry, and Felix Jones in a start-2 league. If I also had Sproles, he'd still be on the bench if LT was out -- Lewis would be the guy to start (with Johnson) in that scenario.

I suspect other LT owners are in very similar situations.

So what's the point of rostering Sproles, let alone trading something valuable for him, if he's not startable even in ideal circumstances?
Chargers beat writer Kevin Acee said on NFL Network's Team Cam program that he expects Darren Sproles to get more carries than LaDainian Tomlinson on Monday night.Acee said Tomlinson's toe is too painful for him to consistently push off and make moves horizontally. Acee also indicated that LT2 may only get around 10 carries against the Jets, just like last week. Sproles should be in lineups as a flex or RB2, particularly in points per reception leagues. He is a potent threat out of the backfield.

Rotoworld.com 9/19 4PM
I'm an LT owner and gave Hightower straight up for Sproles. I wasn't real happy about it, but I guess I started to panic a bit. That and I pulled the trigger as Sproles was taking one to the house last week and lt was looking like ricky williams doing an interview on the sidelines.

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Is the shark move to hold Sproles at least through this weekend?
Like my other posts state, holding him until Tuesday could pay off.BUT, his value could be at it's highest right now. For starters, a lot of folks are currently valuing Sproles as though he is both going to start on Monday and going to succeed on Monday. Neither of those is guaranteed. LT could come in and look good for a spell (or longer). (I'd rather LT be benched, personally.) Likewise, Tolbert isn't a bad runner himself. Hester is also there. Just because they're big fullbacks doesn't eman they can't shoulder the load for a game or two. Look at McLain (Baltimore) in week one.All that said, I think there are going to be a lot of Sproles owners who are unhappy with current trade offers, holding onto him through this weekend's game. We'll know on Tuesday whether those owners get lucky.
In addition, value is high because it's a Monday night game and the LT owner won't have any other option if he's declared out at the last minute. Having Sproles to plug in at a moment notice would be a luxury for LT owners. :2cents:
Sproles is a waste of roster space. If you are forced to play Sproles you really didn't draft very well.ETA: Kind of like your roster....not a good draft at all. I knew I smelt a Sproles owner trying to get value out of him. :(
if Lt sits out sproles could easily be a top 5 back next week.
from other thread

Via Rotoworld - Sproles over LT

"Chargers beat writer Kevin Acee said on NFL Network's Team Cam program that he expects Darren Sproles to get more carries than LaDainian Tomlinson on Monday night.

Acee said Tomlinson's toe is too painful for him to consistently push off and make moves horizontally. Acee also indicated that LT2 may only get around 10 carries against the Jets, just like last week. Sproles should be in lineups as a flex or RB2, particularly in points per reception leagues. He is a potent threat out of the backfield. Sep. 19 - 5:50 pm et"

Dynasty Value - I just traded FOR Sproles in a 16 team dynasty start 1 RB 1 RB/TE flex .5 PPR league, Michael Bush, a 2nd, and a 5th for Darren Sproles and a 3rd to the McFadden owner.

For me it just came down to rewatching both players performances from Sunday and seeing one that had "IT".

I picked up Sproles after week 1 when news surfaced that LT was banged up a bit at the end of the Panthers' game. I offered him to the LT owner for Royal or Engram, but he countered with Ricky Williams for Jonathan Stewart on my roster in a 16 team dynasty league....ummm how about NOOO!

What is with all the anger from I'm assuming LT owners in this thread? Chill out guys Tomlinson is mortal after all and it is possible he could miss games this season and Sproles could be a fantasy asset. How is that for a harsh dose of reality?

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I picked up Sproles after week 1 when news surfaced that LT was banged up a bit at the end of the Panthers' game. I offered him to the LT owner for Royal or Engram, but he countered with Ricky Williams for Jonathan Stewart on my roster in a 16 team dynasty league....ummm how about NOOO!What is with all the anger from I'm assuming LT owners in this thread? Chill out guys Tomlinson is mortal after all and it is possible he could miss games this season and Sproles could be a fantasy asset. How is that for a harsh dose of reality?
I'm an LT owner, no anger here. However my main question is why do they keep insisting LT play with his jammed toe? Just let him sit out a week or two, let Sproles carry the load for a bit, and get his toe back to 100 percent. I'd rather have that knowing I can start someone else in his place rather than feeling obligated to start him with his 10-12 carries and his 2.5 yard per avg (with a jammed toe).Maybe the anger is from the LT owners receiving trade offers from the Sproles owners and not reaching an agreement. The truth of the matter tho is when LT is healthy, he's the number one back for the Chargers. He's not out for the season...yet. That's why a lot of Sproles owners are looking to trade him now, when his value is highest. The healthier that toe gets the less Sproles value becomes. If you think that LT's toe is not going to heal this year, then hold on to Sproles and don't trade him. As an LT owner without Sproles, I've got no choice but to ride out the storm. I've got a deep enough bench and I'm 2-0, so I'm not willing to make a bad trade just to grab the backup for the San Diego run D. Sure it hurts but it's not the end of my season.
I too picked up Sproles after week 1 when I herd the news of Tomlinson's toe. Of course I immediately went to the Tomlinson owner and offered him straight up for D. Ward. I have Jacobs. He laughed and said if he wated him he would have picked him up. He counters with Ward for Watson :goodposting: which I gladly did. Another week has passed and I get a trade offer of Watson for Sproles. :lmao: So now I am trying to get Colston from him for Sproles, Ronnie Brown and Patrick Crayton. :lmao: He needs help now and would probably be out of it if he waits for Colston to be back but he probably doesn't see it that way.

Still waiting for reply

I too picked up Sproles after week 1 when I herd the news of Tomlinson's toe. Of course I immediately went to the Tomlinson owner and offered him straight up for D. Ward. I have Jacobs. He laughed and said if he wated him he would have picked him up. He counters with Ward for Watson :) which I gladly did. Another week has passed and I get a trade offer of Watson for Sproles. :ph34r: So now I am trying to get Colston from him for Sproles, Ronnie Brown and Patrick Crayton. :lol: He needs help now and would probably be out of it if he waits for Colston to be back but he probably doesn't see it that way.Still waiting for reply
what a moron,watson instead of sproles when you have L.T. ? Take full advantage of him !! He sounds like a fool.
I too picked up Sproles after week 1 when I herd the news of Tomlinson's toe. Of course I immediately went to the Tomlinson owner and offered him straight up for D. Ward. I have Jacobs. He laughed and said if he wated him he would have picked him up. He counters with Ward for Watson ;) which I gladly did. Another week has passed and I get a trade offer of Watson for Sproles. :) So now I am trying to get Colston from him for Sproles, Ronnie Brown and Patrick Crayton. :( He needs help now and would probably be out of it if he waits for Colston to be back but he probably doesn't see it that way.Still waiting for reply
No deal. He countered with Colston and Lelie for Forte and Sproles. I asked him why he had Lelie on his roster. I didn't know he was still on a NFL team. I guess I will have to wait another week.
mistersmith said:
northern exposure said:
I picked up Sproles after week 1 when news surfaced that LT was banged up a bit at the end of the Panthers' game. I offered him to the LT owner for Royal or Engram, but he countered with Ricky Williams for Jonathan Stewart on my roster in a 16 team dynasty league....ummm how about NOOO!

What is with all the anger from I'm assuming LT owners in this thread? Chill out guys Tomlinson is mortal after all and it is possible he could miss games this season and Sproles could be a fantasy asset. How is that for a harsh dose of reality?
I'm an LT owner, no anger here. However my main question is why do they keep insisting LT play with his jammed toe? Just let him sit out a week or two, let Sproles carry the load for a bit, and get his toe back to 100 percent. I'd rather have that knowing I can start someone else in his place rather than feeling obligated to start him with his 10-12 carries and his 2.5 yard per avg (with a jammed toe).Maybe the anger is from the LT owners receiving trade offers from the Sproles owners and not reaching an agreement. The truth of the matter tho is when LT is healthy, he's the number one back for the Chargers. He's not out for the season...yet. That's why a lot of Sproles owners are looking to trade him now, when his value is highest. The healthier that toe gets the less Sproles value becomes. If you think that LT's toe is not going to heal this year, then hold on to Sproles and don't trade him.

As an LT owner without Sproles, I've got no choice but to ride out the storm. I've got a deep enough bench and I'm 2-0, so I'm not willing to make a bad trade just to grab the backup for the San Diego run D. Sure it hurts but it's not the end of my season.
I would suggest looking at the Chargers' 0-2 record for your answer as to why LT keeps playing. I also think LT is a warrior and wants to push himself to contribute. I think this thread illustrates that some Sproles' owners have tried to extort a high price from the LT owner in a trade. But, I think there are also examples in this thread of LT owners making ridiculous trade offers for Sproles after he has clearly shown he has some value. The true value of Sproles probably exists somewhere between the lopsided offers from owners on both sides.

I don't think Sproles will be taking over for LT as the #1 RB in SD for the entire season. But I think he may get some complete games where he is not competing with LT for carries , then he'll split carries with LT to ease him back into the lineup and keep him healthy for the rest of the season and possibly the playoffs. This means Sproles has some value to current owners and to LT owners as well. I'm not saying he should be played or valued as a starting RB, but he definitely has value as a flex position player. If you play in a larger league ( I own Sproles in a 16 team league that starts 2 RBs and has a WR/RB flex),

there is no doubt the Chargers can run the ball, so if Sproles starts or splits carries with LT he has value.

mistersmith said:
northern exposure said:
I picked up Sproles after week 1 when news surfaced that LT was banged up a bit at the end of the Panthers' game. I offered him to the LT owner for Royal or Engram, but he countered with Ricky Williams for Jonathan Stewart on my roster in a 16 team dynasty league....ummm how about NOOO!

What is with all the anger from I'm assuming LT owners in this thread? Chill out guys Tomlinson is mortal after all and it is possible he could miss games this season and Sproles could be a fantasy asset. How is that for a harsh dose of reality?
I'm an LT owner, no anger here. However my main question is why do they keep insisting LT play with his jammed toe? Just let him sit out a week or two, let Sproles carry the load for a bit, and get his toe back to 100 percent. I'd rather have that knowing I can start someone else in his place rather than feeling obligated to start him with his 10-12 carries and his 2.5 yard per avg (with a jammed toe).Maybe the anger is from the LT owners receiving trade offers from the Sproles owners and not reaching an agreement. The truth of the matter tho is when LT is healthy, he's the number one back for the Chargers. He's not out for the season...yet. That's why a lot of Sproles owners are looking to trade him now, when his value is highest. The healthier that toe gets the less Sproles value becomes. If you think that LT's toe is not going to heal this year, then hold on to Sproles and don't trade him.

As an LT owner without Sproles, I've got no choice but to ride out the storm. I've got a deep enough bench and I'm 2-0, so I'm not willing to make a bad trade just to grab the backup for the San Diego run D. Sure it hurts but it's not the end of my season.
I would suggest looking at the Chargers' 0-2 record for your answer as to why LT keeps playing. I also think LT is a warrior and wants to push himself to contribute. I think this thread illustrates that some Sproles' owners have tried to extort a high price from the LT owner in a trade. But, I think there are also examples in this thread of LT owners making ridiculous trade offers for Sproles after he has clearly shown he has some value. The true value of Sproles probably exists somewhere between the lopsided offers from owners on both sides.

I don't think Sproles will be taking over for LT as the #1 RB in SD for the entire season. But I think he may get some complete games where he is not competing with LT for carries , then he'll split carries with LT to ease him back into the lineup and keep him healthy for the rest of the season and possibly the playoffs. This means Sproles has some value to current owners and to LT owners as well. I'm not saying he should be played or valued as a starting RB, but he definitely has value as a flex position player. If you play in a larger league ( I own Sproles in a 16 team league that starts 2 RBs and has a WR/RB flex),

there is no doubt the Chargers can run the ball, so if Sproles starts or splits carries with LT he has value.
L.T. has tuff toe or what there calling a spranied toe (tuff toe) this could linger all year and could get worst. If he does miss some games Sproles looks like he will explode in those games , he has shown amazing speed and vision. I dont own L.T. but do own Sproles and if i did have L.T. i would really want Sproles because if things do get worst Sproles numbers could be top 10. Based on being on a great team and this kid is explosive. Bottom line i think L.T.ownes are undervaluing Sproles. All will pay for it when and if L.T. goes down.

I sent the LT Owner an offer 3 days ago, in 12 team Redraft at MFL....

Today he accepted my offer... Sproles for Chris Perry.


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