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Streaming or currently airing TV shows (AKA Netflix thread) (9 Viewers)

Get an arcade Xbox, or the Call of Duty one, because they have the new chip. All the other Xbox's have the old chips, which have a high probability of getting the RROD.

Also, some models of blurays have the netflix capability - I think my Samsung does. They cost more but then u do not need a Roku. On the other hand the Roku has some extra internet functionality- for example the last month of baseball season, I was able to stream my mlb account thru it to watch baseball games. I do not know if thye will let me do that again next year.
I bought this blu ray player and I'm really happy with the netflix streaming. I was looking to get a blu ray anyway so this made the most sense. I'm not a gamer so the xbox and PS3 wasn't really necessary. It was on sale for $130 last week, I'm waiting for another sale to get one as a gift. Even at $200 it probably makes sense if you're looking for a blu ray and netflix streaming.
Yeah, so why should anyone buy a roku instead of a netflix-streaming-enabled blu-ray? Roku is cheaper, but most of us will probably be buying a blu-ray sooner or later right? (Well, maybe not if streaming/on-demand continues to expand.)Does the roku have anything that the blu-ray doesn't?
It looks like roku has several different streaming channels right now. Obviously, netflix is the big one. But mine also has the amazon.com station, an MLB station, some indie type stations, and as I mentioned, I think there are rumors of more.
I just watched "Cocaine Cowboys", a documentary on the coke industry in Miami in the 70s & 80s. The thing that amazed me the most was how much of an overall impact the drug trade had on Miami. Not just the income of the drug runners themselves, but the legitimate businesses that catered to their lifestyle - clubs, housing markets, car sales, banks, etc. Drug money basicly sheltered the entire city from a recession that hit the rest of the country and was responsible for the construction of much of the downtown Miami skyline.

I just got a roku xd something or another Friday for 50% off on their site, wireless and all. sign up for their emails, they may offer it again.

I have a samsung blu ray player that I use now and a mac mini too. My son uses his x-box 360 and my 6 year old prefers his laptop.

We watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang tonight.

I hadn't seen it since I was a little kid. I was surprised it was written by Ian Flemming of James Bond fame and the screen play was written by Roald Dahl,(james and the giant peach, matilda and charlie and the chocalate factory).

It also has Benny Hill!!

Another recommendation if you like British humor and the Office is the IT crowd. It's by the guy who created the office and is hilarious!


Another excellent movie that deserves mention on this thread (meaning it's a "watch instantly" option) is "The Proposition" a really dark and gritty western set in Australia. Guy Pierce (L.A. Confidentiakl, Memento) and John Hurt are the two most recognizable stars in it, but it has terrific acting by the entire cast. :own3d:

Also, some models of blurays have the netflix capability - I think my Samsung does. They cost more but then u do not need a Roku. On the other hand the Roku has some extra internet functionality- for example the last month of baseball season, I was able to stream my mlb account thru it to watch baseball games. I do not know if thye will let me do that again next year.
I bought this blu ray player and I'm really happy with the netflix streaming. I was looking to get a blu ray anyway so this made the most sense. I'm not a gamer so the xbox and PS3 wasn't really necessary. It was on sale for $130 last week, I'm waiting for another sale to get one as a gift. Even at $200 it probably makes sense if you're looking for a blu ray and netflix streaming.
Yeah, so why should anyone buy a roku instead of a netflix-streaming-enabled blu-ray? Roku is cheaper, but most of us will probably be buying a blu-ray sooner or later right? (Well, maybe not if streaming/on-demand continues to expand.)Does the roku have anything that the blu-ray doesn't?
It looks like roku has several different streaming channels right now. Obviously, netflix is the big one. But mine also has the amazon.com station, an MLB station, some indie type stations, and as I mentioned, I think there are rumors of more.
Yeah, I think the thing is on the BluRay features its just kind of an add-on. On the Roku, internet streaming is all they do. They are more focused on it and have more content currently and probably will be more aggressively adding more in the future. The free MLB (If u already had the mlb.com package) was an nice, free, unexpected bonus at the end of last season with Roku.
For those considering Roku vs BR player with streaming capabilities...

Not sure if its been mentioned yet, but the quality of streaming vs an actual disc is horrible. I had my LG BD370 hardwired to the internet for the netflix streaming and 1) the audio is only 2 channel and 2) the picture quality is somewhere between VCR and DVD.

I just watched "Cocaine Cowboys", a documentary on the coke industry in Miami in the 70s & 80s. The thing that amazed me the most was how much of an overall impact the drug trade had on Miami. Not just the income of the drug runners themselves, but the legitimate businesses that catered to their lifestyle - clubs, housing markets, car sales, banks, etc. Drug money basicly sheltered the entire city from a recession that hit the rest of the country and was responsible for the construction of much of the downtown Miami skyline.
Great flick, I also saw this on Netflix streaming.
His Name Was Jason (Friday the 13th) Documentry: If you dig the series this is well worth checking out.

Brick: Murder mystery involving teenagers

Bolt: Kids Flick

Welcome to Macintosh: Documentary about Apple

Dexter: Season 1 Must see TV Series

Serenity: Sci-Fi movie based on the TV series Firefly

Worst Week, The Entire Series: Rather entertaining comedy TV show

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For those considering Roku vs BR player with streaming capabilities...Not sure if its been mentioned yet, but the quality of streaming vs an actual disc is horrible. I had my LG BD370 hardwired to the internet for the netflix streaming and 1) the audio is only 2 channel and 2) the picture quality is somewhere between VCR and DVD.
I assume that the quality of the picture on the Roku would be better? Can anyone comment on SD vs. XD.
For those considering Roku vs BR player with streaming capabilities...Not sure if its been mentioned yet, but the quality of streaming vs an actual disc is horrible. I had my LG BD370 hardwired to the internet for the netflix streaming and 1) the audio is only 2 channel and 2) the picture quality is somewhere between VCR and DVD.
I assume that the quality of the picture on the Roku would be better? Can anyone comment on SD vs. XD.
The picture on the Roku is great. I have the HD box (not all streams are HD compatible, and mine is only 720), and I am really impressed. Also hearing rumors that HULU might be a future channel.I seriously wish I heard of the roku earlier. Love it.
FYI you can use a friend's netflix on your Roku

We have had Roku over a year, haven't paid a dime beyond the initial $100 for the box

Here's some I haven't seen mentioned

Good Night and Good Luck

Righteous Kill

The Constant Gardner

A Christmas Story

Jesus Camp

Dog Day Afternoon

In Cold Blood

Barton Fink

Step Brothers



Taxi Driver

Royal Tenenbaums

I have watched a lot of the instant movies since there is not much on TV that I like. Most are lesser known indie or foreign movies but also some mainstream that I liked.

Before the Devil Knows Your Dead

Summer of Sam


Into Temptation



Alexandras Project

Southern Comfort

Lower City

Before Sunset (should see Before Sunrise first but not a watch instantly option)

Man Woman and the Wall

Lakeview Terrace

Casablanca (favorite classic movie)

Some good eye candy flicks:


Sex and Lucia

Center of the World


Eyes Wide Shut

En la Cama

Story of O

Secret Things

Swimming Pool

Water Drops on Burning Rocks (same girl that was in swimming pool)

Californication season 1

PrimerI suggest watching it two or three times to catch everything you miss.Quite by accident, an engineer builds a machine that can transport the user back in time. But his discovery comes with an ominous caveat: At the heart of this puzzling device, nothing is as it seems on the surface. David Sullivan and Shane Carruth co-star in this Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize winner, a film whose inventive narrative blends a patchwork story line with overlapping streams of dialogue that help build tension and suspense

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Extended Version)

Step Brothers

Pineapple Express

Matrix Revolutions & Reloaded



Miracle at Saint Anna

Saints and Soldiers

Letters from Iwo Jima

Clash of the Titans

Beastmaster (haven't seen this since I was a kid! I am sure this oscar worthy film has held up well)

The Legend of Drunken Master

Righteous Kill

TV Shows:

Lost, Seasons 1-5

Survivorman, Seasons 1 and 2

Man v. Food Season 1

The Office, Seasons 1-5

South Park, Seasons 1-9


The King of Kong

Bigger, Stronger, Faster

Brother's Keeper

Super High Me

Inside Deep Throat

The Last Game

2 Days in April

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Let's make a list for instant-gratification movie fans. Try to limit recommendations to those you don't have to order and wait a couple days for them to arrive. (I know, Netflix switches these around once in a while, but let's stick with ones we ouselves have "watched instantly".)My recommendation would be a very cool English series called "Wire In the Blood". It's about a nerdy psychology professor who profiles serial killers and helps the police catch them. I know - it sounds like a familiar setup - but this series is actually very well done, it is more graphic than what you tend to see on American TV, and the acting is terrific. I've watched all six seasons on my computer (via Netflix) and the only clunker in the bunch was one movie done separately from the series where the main character went to America to testify in a Texas trial. The rest of them were very well done. :thumbup:
Downloaded seasons 1-5, and I am hooked big time, based on your recommendation. Tony Hill is the man, really well done. Highly recommended.
I liked Brick. It was a combination of Miller's Crossing with Cruel Intentions (which was a modern-era remake of Dangerous Liasons).

I bought this blu ray player and I'm really happy with the netflix streaming. I was looking to get a blu ray anyway so this made the most sense. I'm not a gamer so the xbox and PS3 wasn't really necessary. It was on sale for $130 last week, I'm waiting for another sale to get one as a gift. Even at $200 it probably makes sense if you're looking for a blu ray and netflix streaming.
I was tired of waiting for this to get back down to that sweet sale price, so I ordered it last night. $171 plus The Hangover on blue-ray. Signed up for Netflix today. This Watch Instantly thing looks great, especially for classic films.

Here's my instant queue so far...

The Bridge on the River Kawai

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

The Princess Bride

A Christmas Story

The Girlfriend Experience (Sasha Grey's mainstream debut)

Brothers (Danish movie recently remade)

The Way We Get By (documentary about three senior citizens who greet returning soldiers at airport)

THX 1138


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly



The Boondock Saints

The Third Man

The Maltese Falcon


Singin' in the Rain



The Caine Mutiny

Good Night, and Good Luck

Letters From Iwo Jima

Miracle at St. Anna

Big Lebowski

Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist

King of Kong

Super Size Me

Bigger, Stronger, Faster

Bought the Roku player, love it.


Definitely going to fill my queue with these suggestions. Looking forward to seeing Lost, I have never seen one episode despite great reviews.
I was looking at this and it looks very cool. Does anyone know how the XBox compares as a movie download/player? Does it look and act the same? Is compatability and hook up as easy? Any difference in picture? If I can get the same ease and functionality I will go for the combo deal XBox.
Also curious about the Roku. Is the setup simple with wireless internet? Just find the network and connect?
Yes, its buttsimple to hookup and use. I even hooked one up for my parents in their 80s and they can figure out how to use it.THey have a new hi-def one I bought yesterday on their half price sale. I will report back whether it is worth the extra $$. THe pic on the basic one is very good.

Also, some models of blurays have the netflix capability - I think my Samsung does. They cost more but then u do not need a Roku. On the other hand the Roku has some extra internet functionality- for example the last month of baseball season, I was able to stream my mlb account thru it to watch baseball games. I do not know if thye will let me do that again next year.
Bump. Anymore thoughts? I'm thinking of buying a Roku. Any thoughts on the DVD netflix compatible(?) players vs just buying the Roku? Can I have two shows going at once on different televisions if I have both? Not a lot of info on the Netflix site. http://www.roku.com/roku-products


Bump. Anymore thoughts? I'm thinking of buying a Roku. Any thoughts on the DVD netflix compatible(?) players vs just buying the Roku? Can I have two shows going at once on different televisions if I have both? Not a lot of info on the Netflix site.


I haven't received my Insignia blue-ray player with wifi yet, but I'll keep you posted. Assuming it works I think it's well worth it to have one device that does both.
Bought the Roku player, love it.


Definitely going to fill my queue with these suggestions. Looking forward to seeing Lost, I have never seen one episode despite great reviews.
I was looking at this and it looks very cool. Does anyone know how the XBox compares as a movie download/player? Does it look and act the same? Is compatability and hook up as easy? Any difference in picture? If I can get the same ease and functionality I will go for the combo deal XBox.
Also curious about the Roku. Is the setup simple with wireless internet? Just find the network and connect?
Yes, its buttsimple to hookup and use. I even hooked one up for my parents in their 80s and they can figure out how to use it.THey have a new hi-def one I bought yesterday on their half price sale. I will report back whether it is worth the extra $$. THe pic on the basic one is very good.

Also, some models of blurays have the netflix capability - I think my Samsung does. They cost more but then u do not need a Roku. On the other hand the Roku has some extra internet functionality- for example the last month of baseball season, I was able to stream my mlb account thru it to watch baseball games. I do not know if thye will let me do that again next year.
Bump. Anymore thoughts? I'm thinking of buying a Roku. Any thoughts on the DVD netflix compatible(?) players vs just buying the Roku? Can I have two shows going at once on different televisions if I have both? Not a lot of info on the Netflix site. http://www.roku.com/roku-products

I've got one scheduled for delivery today- Xmas gift for the wife. As soon as I get it up and running I'll double back here, but in the meantime I'd love to hear more from people who already have it. How's the picture quality on a decent-sized screen? What bells and whistles does it have? Can I cancel my MLB Extra Innings package next year and just watch through MLB.com?
Bought the Roku player, love it.


Definitely going to fill my queue with these suggestions. Looking forward to seeing Lost, I have never seen one episode despite great reviews.
I was looking at this and it looks very cool. Does anyone know how the XBox compares as a movie download/player? Does it look and act the same? Is compatability and hook up as easy? Any difference in picture? If I can get the same ease and functionality I will go for the combo deal XBox.
Also curious about the Roku. Is the setup simple with wireless internet? Just find the network and connect?
Yes, its buttsimple to hookup and use. I even hooked one up for my parents in their 80s and they can figure out how to use it.THey have a new hi-def one I bought yesterday on their half price sale. I will report back whether it is worth the extra $$. THe pic on the basic one is very good.

Also, some models of blurays have the netflix capability - I think my Samsung does. They cost more but then u do not need a Roku. On the other hand the Roku has some extra internet functionality- for example the last month of baseball season, I was able to stream my mlb account thru it to watch baseball games. I do not know if thye will let me do that again next year.
Bump. Anymore thoughts? I'm thinking of buying a Roku. Any thoughts on the DVD netflix compatible(?) players vs just buying the Roku? Can I have two shows going at once on different televisions if I have both? Not a lot of info on the Netflix site. http://www.roku.com/roku-products

I'm running netflix on our PS3 & like the roku but will probably buy the boxee box for netflix,hulu etc.
Does anyone know anything about Amazon On Demand? Specifically- I want to get my wife a couple bucks towards Amazon on Demand to pair with the Roku gift. If I just get her an amazon gift card will that do the trick? How does that work?

Continuing with my recent British theme, I just watched "House of Cards: Trilogy I". It's about a guy in British Parliament who moves up in the power structure through a lot of dirty plays. It is very fast moving and takes off from the start. :rolleyes:


It must have cost pennies to make. The performances are shaky at best. The story, in whole, is kinda thin.

But I freaking LOVED this movie. There was so much coolness as to how it was shot. It's like Dark City meets Pan's Labyrinth. The soundtrack fits perfectly. And I had tears on my cheeks at the end.

I can't recommend this highly enough.


It must have cost pennies to make. The performances are shaky at best. The story, in whole, is kinda thin.

But I freaking LOVED this movie. There was so much coolness as to how it was shot. It's like Dark City meets Pan's Labyrinth. The soundtrack fits perfectly. And I had tears on my cheeks at the end.

I can't recommend this highly enough.
This one keeps popping up as a Netflix recommendation for me. It looks very different from the standard hollywood production. After reading your post, I'm eager to check it out.

It must have cost pennies to make. The performances are shaky at best. The story, in whole, is kinda thin.

But I freaking LOVED this movie. There was so much coolness as to how it was shot. It's like Dark City meets Pan's Labyrinth. The soundtrack fits perfectly. And I had tears on my cheeks at the end.

I can't recommend this highly enough.
This one keeps popping up as a Netflix recommendation for me. It looks very different from the standard hollywood production. After reading your post, I'm eager to check it out.
The way it's been marketed, I couldn't tell if it was animated like Spirited Away, in between like Scanner Darkly, or a live action. It's live action but shot with some really interesting techniques.

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