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Survivor Season 46 - Finale - Up Next: Survivor Forty Several (3 Viewers)

Woof. I'm sure it's much harder on the island, but I think if I'm ever in that position and there is even the slightest chance I'm going home, I'm playing it. Don't go home with an idol in your pocket. FWIW, I totally believed Bruce's story when he initially told it to Katturah because it seemed like something he would do. When Jake said to Bruce "Why did you lie to me?" I really felt his pain.

  • Kellie mentioned it as well, Jake is kind of breaking my heart. He has just been overwhelmed the entire game, and it is easy to see how it could happen. You make an early misstep and things just continue to pile almost beyond your control. @Pip's Invitation is right that he is getting the underdog edit, but I just can't see people voting for him. I don't know how I'm going to name the thread without a Jake quote when (if) he's gone.
  • Contrast his story with Emily, she has really rebounded from her early missteps and is playing a really nice game.
  • Katturah finally got her wish to get rid of Bruce, but she probably cut her nose off to spite her face. At 4-4, they needed to break the Reba 4, but she quickly rolled on Bruce. Her giving that information at Ladies night submarined his ability to strategize.
  • The target is huge on Mama J now, and I don't know that she'll survive it. She probably didn't appreciate Jeff reinforcing it.
  • Drew showed some compassion this week, and I've found him less annoying over the last month.
  • Dee kind of laid low this episode, and that's probably a good thing for her threat level
  • One of the most surprising things this season is that Austin has not drawn a lot of attention as a target. He's physical, he's social, he's strategic, he's likable, he has known idols. I'm not sure why we haven't seen his name come up. Perhaps he has and the producers are hiding it for a blind side, but he has really skated so far (which is good because I like him too, just surprising).
Bruce got played but honestly, it didn’t matter. If he had played it, one of his potential allies is gone and he’s gone next week. I get the just stay another week and see but I understand what he was trying to do because he needed a miracle to get to the final 3.
I also can’t figure out what Katurah is even trying to do. It will be interesting in terms of how long Reba stays in tact. I think to be safe, they should at a minimum get rid of Jake, then it’s on.

Austin is the only one who’s got a great path although Bruce’s idol might be in play again. Heck, I believe he just needs to win one immunity challenge and he’s into the final 4.
I also can’t figure out what Katurah is even trying to do. It will be interesting in terms of how long Reba stays in tact. I think to be safe, they should at a minimum get rid of Jake, then it’s on.

Austin is the only one who’s got a great path although Bruce’s idol might be in play again. Heck, I believe he just needs to win one immunity challenge and he’s into the final 4.
I think mama j still has his idol. Or the producers are messing with us. At one point they had her name on screen with immunity idol underneath it. At least I think I saw that. I didn’t bother to rewind it.
Kellie mentioned it as well, Jake is kind of breaking my heart. He has just been overwhelmed the entire game, and it is easy to see how it could happen. You make an early misstep and things just continue to pile almost beyond your control. @Pip's Invitation is right that he is getting the underdog edit, but I just can't see people voting for him. I don't know how I'm going to name the thread without a Jake quote when (if) he's gone.
  • Contrast his story with Emily, she has really rebounded from her early missteps and is playing a really nice game.
Here we have the difference between blundering in the premerge and blundering in the postmerge. You can overcome mistakes in the premerge, especially if most of the rest of your premerge tribe is gone by the merge. Much harder to overcome mistakes in the postmerge. Jake pissed off Dee, Julie and Katurah when he tried to save Kaleb and has been treated like a pariah ever since, and once he lost Kellie, he had no allies who had the ability to help him out of his predicament.
Drew showed some compassion this week, and I've found him less annoying over the last month.
I agree with both of those things, but I don't think it's improved his ultimate storyline/chances of winning as perceived by the viewer. His arrogance in confessionals has seeped into the actual game, first in the previous episode with the rice and now in this episode with his fight with Jake. He's not an overt villain -- and in fact has made honesty a part of his core strategy -- so I can't see him being portrayed like this if he were the winner. Sandra or Tyson, he ain't.
I also can’t figure out what Katurah is even trying to do.
She's playing the Laurel from Ghost Island game -- squeal on everyone to the dominant players and try to play for third-place money. But she might not even get that because Jake appears to be an even more likely zero-vote finalist.

Katurah is the first contestant to watch Laurel's game and say "yes, that is how I want to play."
I also can’t figure out what Katurah is even trying to do.
She's playing the Laurel from Ghost Island game -- squeal on everyone to the dominant players and try to play for third-place money. But she might not even get that because Jake appears to be an even more likely zero-vote finalist.

Katurah is the first contestant to watch Laurel's game and say "yes, that is how I want to play."
I also didnt understand why she was suddenly afraid of water. Once she jumped in with the tribe she was obviously a decent swimmer.
I also can’t figure out what Katurah is even trying to do.
She's playing the Laurel from Ghost Island game -- squeal on everyone to the dominant players and try to play for third-place money. But she might not even get that because Jake appears to be an even more likely zero-vote finalist.

Katurah is the first contestant to watch Laurel's game and say "yes, that is how I want to play."
I also didnt understand why she was suddenly afraid of water. Once she jumped in with the tribe she was obviously a decent swimmer.
Anxiety is a thing. I don't fault her for any of that. I do think Jeff was a little too eager to turn it into another "Cirie crosses the balance beam" moment.

As poorly edited as Ghost Island was, we kind of understood why Laurel did what she did because she had a close bond with Wendell. We haven't been shown why Katurah is doing what she's doing other than that she hates Bruce. But Bruce wasn't the only person whose plans she has blown up. So ... reasons?
I think mama j still has his idol. Or the producers are messing with us. At one point they had her name on screen with immunity idol underneath it. At least I think I saw that. I didn’t bother to rewind it.

I saw it, too.
After the end of the episode, I think that was done for effect. Since Mama J was “possibly” on the chopping block, I think they left it open so we’d think about it and that maybe, just maybe she might even use it because she was worried. It sure didn’t seem like Austin was worried about it so I assume he’ll get it back. I still don’t get why he even thought about doing it. With two idols he’s just about guaranteed to make it to the final four that even if Julie gets picked off, that would just be a jury member who liked him and would be pissed at the others who blindsided her.

I also saw the recap showing it again and the opening credits did show an immunity idol, so I did tell my wife and son that it would be funny if Julie used Austin’s idol. It was pretty clear that either Bruce or Jake was going home, but the recap/opening made me think about it.
I also can’t figure out what Katurah is even trying to do.
She's playing the Laurel from Ghost Island game -- squeal on everyone to the dominant players and try to play for third-place money. But she might not even get that because Jake appears to be an even more likely zero-vote finalist.

Katurah is the first contestant to watch Laurel's game and say "yes, that is how I want to play."
I also didnt understand why she was suddenly afraid of water. Once she jumped in with the tribe she was obviously a decent swimmer.
Anxiety is a thing. I don't fault her for any of that. I do think Jeff was a little too eager to turn it into another "Cirie crosses the balance beam" moment.

As poorly edited as Ghost Island was, we kind of understood why Laurel did what she did because she had a close bond with Wendell. We haven't been shown why Katurah is doing what she's doing other than that she hates Bruce. But Bruce wasn't the only person whose plans she has blown up. So ... reasons?
Honestly, I think it’s all been Bruce on the brain. She was happy to join Emily’s plan to fake out Bruce. I think editing made it seem more secret than it was based on Drew’s reaction, but we can’t seem to get a confessional or in game scene with her where she doesn’t mention Bruce besides the girl’s night mom talk and Jeff’s swim speech.

I’m not a fan because of the obsession but I am interested in what she does next without Bruce around. Kind of like Inigo Montoya.
Unfortunately after a great season, I expect the rest of the game to be boring. Last night was there last chance to blow things up, but there are a couple sheep out there that can't think past the impending tribal council.

I believe that Dee and Momma J will push for Emily's ouster next episode just to ensure there is no doubt about the final 4.
I also can’t figure out what Katurah is even trying to do.
She's playing the Laurel from Ghost Island game -- squeal on everyone to the dominant players and try to play for third-place money. But she might not even get that because Jake appears to be an even more likely zero-vote finalist.

Katurah is the first contestant to watch Laurel's game and say "yes, that is how I want to play."
I also didnt understand why she was suddenly afraid of water. Once she jumped in with the tribe she was obviously a decent swimmer.
Anxiety is a thing. I don't fault her for any of that. I do think Jeff was a little too eager to turn it into another "Cirie crosses the balance beam" moment.

As poorly edited as Ghost Island was, we kind of understood why Laurel did what she did because she had a close bond with Wendell. We haven't been shown why Katurah is doing what she's doing other than that she hates Bruce. But Bruce wasn't the only person whose plans she has blown up. So ... reasons?
Honestly, I think it’s all been Bruce on the brain. She was happy to join Emily’s plan to fake out Bruce. I think editing made it seem more secret than it was based on Drew’s reaction, but we can’t seem to get a confessional or in game scene with her where she doesn’t mention Bruce besides the girl’s night mom talk and Jeff’s swim speech.

I’m not a fan because of the obsession but I am interested in what she does next without Bruce around. Kind of like Inigo Montoya.

Unfortunately after a great season, I expect the rest of the game to be boring. Last night was there last chance to blow things up, but there are a couple sheep out there that can't think past the impending tribal council.

I believe that Dee and Momma J will push for Emily's ouster next episode just to ensure there is no doubt about the final 4.
Amazing comment/avatar synergy in this sequence. :laugh:
Yeah. It would
Unfortunately after a great season, I expect the rest of the game to be boring. Last night was there last chance to blow things up, but there are a couple sheep out there that can't think past the impending tribal council.

I believe that Dee and Momma J will push for Emily's ouster next episode just to ensure there is no doubt about the final 4.
Yeah, it would be a much more interesting finish if
- Bruce played his idol
- Bruce, Jake, Katurah and Emily voted Moma J,Drew or Dee.
Yeah. It would
Unfortunately after a great season, I expect the rest of the game to be boring. Last night was there last chance to blow things up, but there are a couple sheep out there that can't think past the impending tribal council.

I believe that Dee and Momma J will push for Emily's ouster next episode just to ensure there is no doubt about the final 4.
Yeah, it would be a much more interesting finish if
- Bruce played his idol
- Bruce, Jake, Katurah and Emily voted Moma J,Drew or Dee.
It was like herding cats, though. Bruce and Katurah hate each other and Jake is also playing with too much emotion. Belo died with Kellie's boot. She was the glue that held them together, and was the only one that they all would listen to.
It was like herding cats, though. Bruce and Katurah hate each other and Jake is also playing with too much emotion. Belo died with Kellie's boot. She was the glue that held them together, and was the only one that they all would listen to.
This is completely true. Even if Emily tried to shake things up, Katurah was only interested in voting Bruce off. She would also have to worry about Jake running to the other side with her plans.
It was like herding cats, though. Bruce and Katurah hate each other and Jake is also playing with too much emotion. Belo died with Kellie's boot. She was the glue that held them together, and was the only one that they all would listen to.
This is completely true. Even if Emily tried to shake things up, Katurah was only interested in voting Bruce off. She would also have to worry about Jake running to the other side with her plans.
It's been a while since I've seen a player so completely fixated on one other player. Of course I realize they can edit it that way to overemphasize things but she was just tunnel vision on Bruce. Now that she has accomplished that goal, I don't think she has a plan to advance further in the game other than the "anyone but me" strategy (which can be effective to get to the final, but outside a few notable exceptions, not a winning strategy).
It was like herding cats, though. Bruce and Katurah hate each other and Jake is also playing with too much emotion. Belo died with Kellie's boot. She was the glue that held them together, and was the only one that they all would listen to.
This is completely true. Even if Emily tried to shake things up, Katurah was only interested in voting Bruce off. She would also have to worry about Jake running to the other side with her plans.
It's been a while since I've seen a player so completely fixated on one other player. Of course I realize they can edit it that way to overemphasize things but she was just tunnel vision on Bruce. Now that she has accomplished that goal, I don't think she has a plan to advance further in the game other than the "anyone but me" strategy (which can be effective to get to the final, but outside a few notable exceptions, not a winning strategy).
I think the show failed by having her as a contestant. She obviously has some issues (failing to jump into water, the whole thing with her Mom), but there could be some more deep-seated issues regarding Bruce. Maybe she had a domineering male in her life that really did her wrong, and projects that towards Bruce. We can all agree that Bruce is annoying, but her attitude towards him goes beyond that.
It was like herding cats, though. Bruce and Katurah hate each other and Jake is also playing with too much emotion. Belo died with Kellie's boot. She was the glue that held them together, and was the only one that they all would listen to.
This is completely true. Even if Emily tried to shake things up, Katurah was only interested in voting Bruce off. She would also have to worry about Jake running to the other side with her plans.
It's been a while since I've seen a player so completely fixated on one other player. Of course I realize they can edit it that way to overemphasize things but she was just tunnel vision on Bruce. Now that she has accomplished that goal, I don't think she has a plan to advance further in the game other than the "anyone but me" strategy (which can be effective to get to the final, but outside a few notable exceptions, not a winning strategy).
Sandra twice. Both times it was because she sat with people the jury hated.
It was like herding cats, though. Bruce and Katurah hate each other and Jake is also playing with too much emotion. Belo died with Kellie's boot. She was the glue that held them together, and was the only one that they all would listen to.
This is completely true. Even if Emily tried to shake things up, Katurah was only interested in voting Bruce off. She would also have to worry about Jake running to the other side with her plans.
It's been a while since I've seen a player so completely fixated on one other player. Of course I realize they can edit it that way to overemphasize things but she was just tunnel vision on Bruce. Now that she has accomplished that goal, I don't think she has a plan to advance further in the game other than the "anyone but me" strategy (which can be effective to get to the final, but outside a few notable exceptions, not a winning strategy).
I think the show failed by having her as a contestant. She obviously has some issues (failing to jump into water, the whole thing with her Mom), but there could be some more deep-seated issues regarding Bruce. Maybe she had a domineering male in her life that really did her wrong, and projects that towards Bruce. We can all agree that Bruce is annoying, but her attitude towards him goes beyond that.
She posted a rant on social media (Instagram?) complaining about her portrayal of being obsessed about Bruce, and spent most of it ... complaining about Bruce.
Bruce got played but honestly, it didn’t matter. If he had played it, one of his potential allies is gone and he’s gone next week. I get the just stay another week and see but I understand what he was trying to do because he needed a miracle to get to the final 3.
He won two straight immunity challenges and almost won the third.

With only 7 left, 4 challenges to stay alive wouldn't have been a reach.

No reason at all NOT to play it. Unless they edited out others selling it, believing only Emily's story is only out done by the guy that gave away the immunity necklace at tribal. :shrug:
Bruce got played but honestly, it didn’t matter. If he had played it, one of his potential allies is gone and he’s gone next week. I get the just stay another week and see but I understand what he was trying to do because he needed a miracle to get to the final 3.
He won two straight immunity challenges and almost won the third.

With only 7 left, 4 challenges to stay alive wouldn't have been a reach.

No reason at all NOT to play it. Unless they edited out others selling it, believing only Emily's story is only out done by the guy that gave away the immunity necklace at tribal. :shrug:
Oh, I’m not saying it was a good move but I can see his wanting to save it on the chance that Emily wasn’t lying. Let’s be honest, Bruce wasn’t winning 6 in a row, he needed help or a lot of luck.

The problem for Bruce is that he never got that fact that Bello was completely fractured which is how Reba took them out so easily. Reba cleaned house with very little effort.
Austin is an idiot for telling Dee. Dee's an idiot for telling Julie, who she has no chance of beating in the final 3.

Just all out dumb play tonight. :thumbdown:
They both were but I have a feeling Julie, Dee and Austin knew Julie was playing the idol and that she was going Emily. Dee said she would act surprised so people didn’t know she told Julie and Dee was hamming it up.

Think about it this way, Drew and Austin could just vote for Jake and if Julie plays the idol and votes Austin, Jake goes home. With 6-1, it’s an easy split of 4-2-1 to make Julie’s vote not count unless Julie, Austin and Dee were fine with Emily because it makes Julie’s nemesis Drew weaker. Drew was much closer to Emily. Maybe those 3 set it up a bit. Could be why Drew was so mad in the preview.

Austin should have asked for his idol back immediately because if Julie refused her alliance would be pissed. Then it wouldn’t have mattered and they could have gotten rid of Julie.
Austin is an idiot for telling Dee. Dee's an idiot for telling Julie, who she has no chance of beating in the final 3.

Just all out dumb play tonight. :thumbdown:
Agreed. Lots of stupidity and a strong case Julie too was an idiot not voting Austin. Oh well, more exciting than the 4 steamrolling.
Agree.. Would have loved to see her write Austin down and watch a person leave two weeks in row with an idol in their pocket. :kicksrock:
Austin is an idiot for telling Dee. Dee's an idiot for telling Julie, who she has no chance of beating in the final 3.

Just all out dumb play tonight. :thumbdown:
Agreed. Lots of stupidity and a strong case Julie too was an idiot not voting Austin. Oh well, more exciting than the 4 steamrolling.
See my post above. It might have been more setup than we saw. Not doing the split vote and Dee acting ridiculously surprised really makes me think Austin was in on the Emily vote with Dee and Julie.
Austin is an idiot for telling Dee. Dee's an idiot for telling Julie, who she has no chance of beating in the final 3.

Just all out dumb play tonight. :thumbdown:
Overhyping Juile as the sure winner just screams Juile isn't the winner to me.
The redemption arc comes full circle for Emily. She went out strong and was easily the most improved player from beginning to end. At the end she was a force, and everyone acknowledged it. I hope she carries some of this new found self awareness into real life. Unfortunately based on some investment analysts I know, I'm not sure that will be long lived :)

  • Mama J continues with peak threat level. I really thought she had a taste of blood in her mouth and she would have preferred voting Drew, but was willing to cut Austin. Dee did him no favors by calling him her number 1 (and by also saying she has two number 1s). Super interesting to see where she goes next without an idol.
  • Epically bad gameplay by Austin on multiple fronts. Don't give away idols (and if someone gives you one, don't give it back). Don't tell people the plan when you know they are going to spill it. When you say "If she plays it, I'll go ahead and play mine" and then you don't play it, you deserve to go home. Much too large a risk to take at that point. You should have learned from Bruce, don't go home with an idol in your pocket, especially when you know she's mad at your alliance and you are the only feasible vote. It worked out but it wasn't strong gameplay. He'll be safe next week (presumably) but after that who knows.
  • It is easy to say "Don't tell her" Dee watching from the comfort of home, but clearly they have all gotten close. Really bad gameplay though. Mama J is going to walk it home if she is there at the end, and this was your shot to take her out (and you could have even claimed you didn't know).
  • Drew made the smart move by targeting Mama J, but his alliance failed him. When he won that puzzle and punched it, then did a kick, it looked like one of Napolean Dynamite's dance moves.
  • Without the object of her obsession, Katturah was a much more rational player. She really connected with the rest with her story (and perhaps her cult upbringing helps explain why she bristled so much at Bruce). She is now not in a bad position to get drug to the end.
  • Jake was proud of his ascent from an acting tree to a supporting role. He can't rise above that, but he is also in prime goat territory.
The winner comes from Austin, Dee, and Mama J (in that order). Mama J is just known throughout as too much of a threat and I think everyone will pounce as soon as there is an opportunity (which reinforces Dee's poor choice in telling her). Austin has a pass to the final 5 and stands a decent shot of winning a challenge (although he certainly had a brain freeze on the one today). He is also generally well liked by all except Julie (who was hurt by his choice).

Mama J wants Drew gone as the mastermind of that plot, and I just don't think Drew can get enough votes to win unless he is able to bring both goats with him.
Austin thinks with his heart instead of his head and takes Dee to FTC, where she beats him. That's where this season is going, isn't it? Something like this:

Julie's threat has become too big and she goes at 6 unless she wins immunity or finds an idol.

Between Drew, Jake and Katurah, one goes at 5, one loses fire and one goes to FTC.

Dee = 7 votes
Austin = 1 vote (Bruce votes for the person who beat him at an immunity challenge)
Drew, Jake or Katurah = 0 votes

So yeah, unless things change drastically, I think Dee is winning. She is acknowledged as the decision-maker of the Reba 4, but Julie is seen as a bigger threat and both Julie and Austin want to go to the end with her. Jake and Katurah have no agency. Drew is playing too hard and starting to blow it socially and will get cut before the end or lit up at FTC. Julie wins if she gets to the end but after what she did this episode I can't see the others letting her get there. Austin won't turn on Dee and she'll take advantage of that, either by cutting him or having a better case to make at FTC than him.
So no one thinks that Austin didn’t play his idol because he already knew that Julie was going Emily? Based on the preview with Drew, I’m thinking Dee, Julie and Austin had more conversations that didn’t make the air. Dee hammed up her shock so much it was noticeable and Austin talked about playing it if he was concerned. He didn’t look surprised.

Also, it was so easy to split the vote to over and make Julie’s vote not matter but it would have meant that Drew knew a) Emily was targeted (he’s tightest with her out of the 4 Reba) and b) Austin told Dee and Dee told Julie. Drew may have still thought Julie was going home and not known Dee spilled the beans hence Dee acting the ham and Austin not playing his idol showing how “close” he was to going home.

Honestly, Emily made the biggest mistake. Her move on Bruce is something you tell the jury in the final to shock people into realizing what you did. She just put a huge target on her back, especially to Julie.
Last edited:
So no one thinks that Austin didn’t play his idol because he already knew that Julie was going Emily? Based on the preview with Drew, I’m thinking Dee, Julie and Austin had more conversations that didn’t make the air. Dee hammed up her shock so much it was noticeable and Austin talked about playing it if he was concerned. He didn’t look surprised.

Also, it was so easy to split the vote to over and make Julie’s vote not matter but it would have meant that Drew knew a) Emily was targeted (he’s tightest with her out of the 4 Reba) and b) Austin told Dee and Dee told Julie. Drew may have still thought Julie was going home and not known Dee spilled the beans hence Dee acting the ham and Austin not playing his idol showing how “close” he was to going home.

Honestly, Emily made the biggest mistake. Her move on Bruce is something you tell the jury in the final to shock people into realizing what you did. She just put a huge target on her back, especially to Julie.
Austin had to know that Julie's vote was for Emily, and had to have trusted that Dee told him the truth about that. Otherwise he needed to play his idol or throw a stray vote on Emily to guard against a single vote taking him out.

Emily tanked her game not by not risking her vote for immunity but by claiming all the credit for the Bruce boot. She must have thought that Julie and Dee remained bigger threats than her, but she was wrong about Dee and she didn't know Julie had an idol.
I wonder if Katurah is the one who loses F4 firemaking, since she was shown complaining about it. Or wins it. Jeff loves F4 firemaking and I can't imagine he'd allow that comment to air if it wasn't relevant to something that happens later.
Why is Mama J going to win if she makes it? She's done nothing. She's been on the outside of all the blindsides. If they all vote for her just because they like her, that'll be one of the dumbest Survivors ever. I'm really hoping they're better than that.
Austin deserves to lose after last night. He not only gave away an idol, he gave away the better idol. He plays his next week because that’s the last time it works. For entertainment, I hope he wins immunity and then plays the idol for someone else. Jake would be the the biggest whoa! Factor
Why is Mama J going to win if she makes it? She's done nothing. She's been on the outside of all the blindsides. If they all vote for her just because they like her, that'll be one of the dumbest Survivors ever. I'm really hoping they're better than that.
Here's a secret: Most juries vote for the person they like best. Sometimes they try to justify it based on strategy. Often there is enough material for the edit to support that. Sometimes there isn't (Gabler).
Austin deserves to lose after last night. He not only gave away an idol, he gave away the better idol. He plays his next week because that’s the last time it works. For entertainment, I hope he wins immunity and then plays the idol for someone else. Jake would be the the biggest whoa! Factor
Austin was given the dodo edit all episode, including in the challenge when he didn't realize the puzzle had two sides. His portrayal last night tells me he's not winning. He's chosen a showmance over a million dollars. Maybe it will work out for him like it did for Boston Rob.

The amulet is not transferable, so his "better" idol was the only one he could give away. His mistake was not telling her up front "you have to return it to me after tribal if you survive and don't use it" when he gave it to her.
So no one thinks that Austin didn’t play his idol because he already knew that Julie was going Emily? Based on the preview with Drew, I’m thinking Dee, Julie and Austin had more conversations that didn’t make the air. Dee hammed up her shock so much it was noticeable and Austin talked about playing it if he was concerned. He didn’t look surprised.

Also, it was so easy to split the vote to over and make Julie’s vote not matter but it would have meant that Drew knew a) Emily was targeted (he’s tightest with her out of the 4 Reba) and b) Austin told Dee and Dee told Julie. Drew may have still thought Julie was going home and not known Dee spilled the beans hence Dee acting the ham and Austin not playing his idol showing how “close” he was to going home.

Honestly, Emily made the biggest mistake. Her move on Bruce is something you tell the jury in the final to shock people into realizing what you did. She just put a huge target on her back, especially to Julie.
I 100% believe he was in on it with Dee and Julie.
So no one thinks that Austin didn’t play his idol because he already knew that Julie was going Emily? Based on the preview with Drew, I’m thinking Dee, Julie and Austin had more conversations that didn’t make the air. Dee hammed up her shock so much it was noticeable and Austin talked about playing it if he was concerned. He didn’t look surprised.

Also, it was so easy to split the vote to over and make Julie’s vote not matter but it would have meant that Drew knew a) Emily was targeted (he’s tightest with her out of the 4 Reba) and b) Austin told Dee and Dee told Julie. Drew may have still thought Julie was going home and not known Dee spilled the beans hence Dee acting the ham and Austin not playing his idol showing how “close” he was to going home.

Honestly, Emily made the biggest mistake. Her move on Bruce is something you tell the jury in the final to shock people into realizing what you did. She just put a huge target on her back, especially to Julie.
I 100% believe he was in on it with Dee and Julie.

Yeah, I think the problem was going to be that if it came down to it, everyone votes Julie, and then Julie votes Austin, they both play their idols and there's a revote among the non-idol players... in the revote, Emily, Katurah, Jake and maybe Drew all vote out Dee.

Austin decided to save his idol and Dee by going along with the plan, which gets them all another week. Not sure if it gets any of them closer to the end.
Why is Mama J going to win if she makes it? She's done nothing. She's been on the outside of all the blindsides. If they all vote for her just because they like her, that'll be one of the dumbest Survivors ever. I'm really hoping they're better than that.
Tina beat Colby even though he brought her to the final two. There are a bunch of people who won because people liked them as long as they don’t flub the final. She’s also got one move under her belt of stealing an idol and blowing up Drew/Emily.
So no one thinks that Austin didn’t play his idol because he already knew that Julie was going Emily? Based on the preview with Drew, I’m thinking Dee, Julie and Austin had more conversations that didn’t make the air. Dee hammed up her shock so much it was noticeable and Austin talked about playing it if he was concerned. He didn’t look surprised.

Also, it was so easy to split the vote to over and make Julie’s vote not matter but it would have meant that Drew knew a) Emily was targeted (he’s tightest with her out of the 4 Reba) and b) Austin told Dee and Dee told Julie. Drew may have still thought Julie was going home and not known Dee spilled the beans hence Dee acting the ham and Austin not playing his idol showing how “close” he was to going home.

Honestly, Emily made the biggest mistake. Her move on Bruce is something you tell the jury in the final to shock people into realizing what you did. She just put a huge target on her back, especially to Julie.
I 100% believe he was in on it with Dee and Julie.

Yeah, I think the problem was going to be that if it came down to it, everyone votes Julie, and then Julie votes Austin, they both play their idols and there's a revote among the non-idol players... in the revote, Emily, Katurah, Jake and maybe Drew all vote out Dee.

Austin decided to save his idol and Dee by going along with the plan, which gets them all another week. Not sure if it gets any of them closer to the end.
It had to be. If Austin and Dee were really worried Julie might vote Austin the two of them avoid any revote by voting Emily or even Jake. It’s still 4-2-1 but 6-1 knowing Emily means Dee and Austin didn’t go against the rest.
So no one thinks that Austin didn’t play his idol because he already knew that Julie was going Emily? Based on the preview with Drew, I’m thinking Dee, Julie and Austin had more conversations that didn’t make the air. Dee hammed up her shock so much it was noticeable and Austin talked about playing it if he was concerned. He didn’t look surprised.

Also, it was so easy to split the vote to over and make Julie’s vote not matter but it would have meant that Drew knew a) Emily was targeted (he’s tightest with her out of the 4 Reba) and b) Austin told Dee and Dee told Julie. Drew may have still thought Julie was going home and not known Dee spilled the beans hence Dee acting the ham and Austin not playing his idol showing how “close” he was to going home.

Honestly, Emily made the biggest mistake. Her move on Bruce is something you tell the jury in the final to shock people into realizing what you did. She just put a huge target on her back, especially to Julie.
I 100% believe he was in on it with Dee and Julie.
I believe that HE believes he was in on it with them, but with how things were playing out I'm just too risk-averse to completely trust them.
So Austin tells Dee so she won’t be pissed at him. But she obviously doesn’t have the same concern.
They work hard to stay together until they finally get a 4-3 voting advantage, only to immediately implode on each other.
It's not merely a 4-3 voting advantage if Katurah is tattling on everyone's plans to your alliance. Weird how she played more "normally" after Bruce was gone.

An alliance sticking together to the end only benefits the person at the head of it. Drew realized that it wasn't him and acted accordingly.

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