Considering it was a playoff game, the totality of the calls made it the worst officiated game I've ever seen. These have all been mentioned, so let's summarize.
1. Pass Interference never called on Colts even though it was blatant
2. Whole Colts Defensive line jumped offsides, play whistled dead, NO PENALTY ON EITHER TEAM
3. Manning sacked for a safety – yet he was ruled down at the 1
4. The Polamalu Interception that was reversed
I can live with #1, happens fairly often, no big deal. I can chalk up #2 to an anomaly; everybody got confused, refs basically covering their butts, let them have a “do-over”.
But #3 and #4 are so beyond excusable in my book, something has to be done to that crew.
I'm a Steeler fan and I don't agree with all of this.1. Yes, that was down right awful. One of the worst non calls I've seen involving PI.
2. No Indy player touched a Steeler player and there was never a snap, only a whistle blown stopping any action. It was the correct call to not penalize Indy in this case. Pitt would have had to get the snap off with an Indy player in the nuetral zone. Seeing that the whistle was blown, that was impossible.
3. Contact was made about 6 inches prior to the GL, again I agree with the call the refs made here.
4. Yes, this was one fo the most asinine things I have ever seen happen on a football field. Ref with no common sense should not be left to interpret rule books.