How can you draft JLEW/FTaylor/Moss? Trade or do you play in a 5 teams league?RamseyJ. LewisFred TaylorRandy MossChadd JohnsonMcMichael (TE league)Carolina D (Had to start Indy D this week because of bye week)Venatari
I hear you, drafted JStewart as well and as you can see from the top post I had of my roster, I would still be 3-0 but have even more pts!!!In Unlucky's ALPHA league:QB HASSELBECK, JBlake, HolcombRB PORTIS, KBARLOW, OSmith, Toefield, Cobourn, (cut JStewart)WR TOOMER, DJAX, JMORTON, Freeman, DBates, BoerigterTE POLLARDK ATLANTAD MIAMI, AtlantaLosing JStewart hurts. Hopefully OSmith pans out to replace him.
WAY too many guppies in this league; with fourteen teams NO ONE should have been able to get Jamal and LT2, which would have meant jamal was picked at 25ish.14 teams. We start 1 QB, 1-2 RBs, 2-3 WR, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 DEF/ST.QB: Collins or Ramsey (Pennington injured)RB: LT2, Jamal Lewis (Alstott and Betts reserve)WR: Coles and Owens (Boldin, Keyshawn and Fergueson reserve)TE: Alge CrumplerK: Wilkins (Pochman reserve)DEF/ST: Tennessee or SF