paging @Mad Cow
So long story short - back in February - daughter (13 years old) had general pediatrician check up. Doc said her vision was near sighted at 20/45. Nurse saw this on her physical papers and said that she need eye exam before she would sign off on physical. Nurse gives her eye test and said she is 20/40 good enough to play sports without glasses.
Take her to eye doc and he has her at 20/30
He says if she feels she doesn't need them that she will be fine. If she were driving he would definitely recommend glasses.
He basically said right now it would be like going SD to HD. If we wanted to get a cheap pair of glasses to see if she even bothered wearing them. She doesnt want them and said she is fine
Am I "over worried" that I should get her glasses now? Should I get another eye test before a year is up?
If my daughter starts with glasses will her eyes get worse? (i now this is a wives tale with reading glasses) We've been implementing the 20 - 20 rule for tablet viewing.
Are glasses really needed at 20/30?
ETA: Daughters age 13
So long story short - back in February - daughter (13 years old) had general pediatrician check up. Doc said her vision was near sighted at 20/45. Nurse saw this on her physical papers and said that she need eye exam before she would sign off on physical. Nurse gives her eye test and said she is 20/40 good enough to play sports without glasses.
Take her to eye doc and he has her at 20/30

He says if she feels she doesn't need them that she will be fine. If she were driving he would definitely recommend glasses.
He basically said right now it would be like going SD to HD. If we wanted to get a cheap pair of glasses to see if she even bothered wearing them. She doesnt want them and said she is fine
Am I "over worried" that I should get her glasses now? Should I get another eye test before a year is up?
If my daughter starts with glasses will her eyes get worse? (i now this is a wives tale with reading glasses) We've been implementing the 20 - 20 rule for tablet viewing.
Are glasses really needed at 20/30?
ETA: Daughters age 13
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