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The 40's and memory (1 Viewer)

I've always been pretty bad with names, so that part is nothing new for me, but the searching for words part is seriously annoying.  Watching Jeopardy isn't the same experience when you can't blurt out the answer (question) in time even though you know you know it.

I'm not sure if this is related to this aging mind stuff or not, but something embarrassing happened to me a few weeks ago.  Just hanging out with the wife like usual when I started telling her about something that happened the day before.  I got halfway through when I realized it hadn't really happened - it was from a dream I had that night.  :bag:   Fortunately, she was distracted and only halfway listening, so she barely noticed when I trailed off and finished with, "...Oh, never mind."

Just got out of the shower. Went to get a new razor.  Opened the linen closet two steps away.  and it took me 5 seconds to remember that i was looking for a razor. 

Just got out of the shower. Went to get a new razor.  Opened the linen closet two steps away.  and it took me 5 seconds to remember that i was looking for a razor. 
Don't worry about it. This morning I put the cereal in the fridge and the milk in the pantry.

I've read entire books that I couldn't tell you the first thing they were about.  Totally serious.

but i've always chalked it up to reading too fast and not truly soaking up the material. and now with the volume of reading because of the internet, feels impossible to retain it all.

If there had been a legal way to bump off my mom, I would have done it.  There should be a way to do this.  I knew she had Alzheimer's a couple of years before she was impaired.  Her ability to give informed, legal consent was intact.

I'm not sure dad would have gone for it.
talk about your slippery slopes

"well, officer, i knew she had signs of Alzheimer's so i decided to spare her the future..."

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I turn 50 in a couple months. I haven't slept through a night in the last few years.  Mostly, because I can't sleep 8 hours before waking up to pee.  Lots of other changes also since my mid 40s.  I'm hesitant to kneel on a floor now because it hurts and hurts to get back up.  Memory issues.  Lots of little things that are really tough to notice of a short time but things are changing.

we've already covered loss of vision, right?

20/20 for 46 years. changed the font size on my phone. then bought a pair of drug-store 1x readers for reading. now I'm wearing 2.25s basically all the time.

I used to give my dad #### about his "menu face"... holding the menu at full outstretched arm's length and grimace/squinting to try to read it. without reading glasses, I can't see a single thing on a menu, regardless of how far away it is. got stuck at a restaurant recently without them- had to use my phone... camera, zoomed in tight... to see anything.

eta: damn. not looking forward to sleep issues. these days, I go to sleep almost immediately after putting my head on the pillow and sleep a good 7-8 hours if left unchecked. you can't take that away from me dammit. f u age.

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Thankfully, I can still sleep through the night, 8-10 hours, rarely having to get up to pee. Even after drinking beer the night before.

Thankfully, I can still sleep through the night, 8-10 hours, rarely having to get up to pee. Even after drinking beer the night before.
I can go to bed at 10, 11, 12 or 1. I can drink until I go to bed or stop around 9. And it doesn't matter. I have to get up betwen 4:30-5:00 to take a leak. It's been this way for 4-5 years.

I can tell you all you want about the vision thing.  I helped patients for years with that based solely on education.  Now I am beginning to empathize.  :(   Thankfully, I do have access to some of the best progressives out there.  Just got a pair that has not officially been released yet.  Good stuff.

I can tell you all you want about the vision thing.  I helped patients for years with that based solely on education.  Now I am beginning to empathize.  :(   Thankfully, I do have access to some of the best progressives out there.  Just got a pair that has not officially been released yet.  Good stuff.
Tell us more

You see, we have these things in our eyes called the crystalline lens.  They are responsible for helping us focus on near things.  When we are young, they have tons of focusing capability.  As we age, it declines.  That decline becomes all the more noticeable at some point between 40-45 really.  LASIK and similar procedures do not do anything for this, as it is an internal phenomenon.  Correction for this ranges from OTC readers (which work well for many but also many experience headache or other issues due to poor optical quality) to multifocals, some contact lens solutions, and there are some surgical options as well.  It just comes down to personal visual needs and lifestyle.  I use a pair of computer glasses for times when I have more use than normal, and then occasional progressive lenses for reading and such.  Any specific questions?

You see, we have these things in our eyes called the crystalline lens.  They are responsible for helping us focus on near things.  When we are young, they have tons of focusing capability.  As we age, it declines.  That decline becomes all the more noticeable at some point between 40-45 really.  LASIK and similar procedures do not do anything for this, as it is an internal phenomenon.  Correction for this ranges from OTC readers (which work well for many but also many experience headache or other issues due to poor optical quality) to multifocals, some contact lens solutions, and there are some surgical options as well.  It just comes down to personal visual needs and lifestyle.  I use a pair of computer glasses for times when I have more use than normal, and then occasional progressive lenses for reading and such.  Any specific questions?
You mentioned a good pair that hasnt' been released yet. What makes one good and one not so good?

I use readers I buy from Walgreens all the time. My distant vision is totally fine, so I've thought about getting clear lenses with readers at the bottom. Any good suggestions for that?

You mentioned a good pair that hasnt' been released yet. What makes one good and one not so good?

I use readers I buy from Walgreens all the time. My distant vision is totally fine, so I've thought about getting clear lenses with readers at the bottom. Any good suggestions for that?
To put it in perspective, there are progressive lenses (no-line bifocals as they are sometimes called) that were literally designed 30 years ago and are still used today and sold by retail places.  And then there are those that are designed now.  There are tremendous differences in areas of clarity, how much distortion or blur is present, etc.  Essentially more usable and comfortable vision.  I cannot imagine making a decision to use 30 yr old tech vs modern tech, but people do on a daily basis with their eyes. :shrug:

You mentioned a good pair that hasnt' been released yet. What makes one good and one not so good?

I use readers I buy from Walgreens all the time. My distant vision is totally fine, so I've thought about getting clear lenses with readers at the bottom. Any good suggestions for that?
I don't get it. If readers solve the problem, why the interest in prescription progressive lenses? Are you concerned the readers make you look old?

I don't get it. If readers solve the problem, why the interest in prescription progressive lenses? Are you concerned the readers make you look old?
A lot of it comes down to getting tired of the on, off on,off of readers.

my distant vision is finally starting to fade

20/15 at last check maybe .... 5 years ago. but the decline since in seeing things that are distant has been noticeable :(   never had glasses. thought i'd never need them. going to hold out as long as possible.

my distant vision is finally starting to fade

20/15 at last check maybe .... 5 years ago. but the decline since in seeing things that are distant has been noticeable :(   never had glasses. thought i'd never need them. going to hold out as long as possible.
My counter to that would be, if it is on the horizon, why delay seeing better and improving quality of life and vision? ;)

I don't get it. If readers solve the problem, why the interest in prescription progressive lenses? Are you concerned the readers make you look old?
Well, there's that. And I have to carry them around in my pocket and pull them out when I need them. It's just a pain.

mr. furley said:
If there had been a legal way to bump off my mom, I would have done it.  There should be a way to do this.  I knew she had Alzheimer's a couple of years before she was impaired.  Her ability to give informed, legal consent was intact.

I'm not sure dad would have gone for it.
talk about your slippery slopes

"well, officer, i knew she had signs of Alzheimer's so i decided to spare her the future..."
Nope.  AGAIN (and pay attention), I would have asked HER to make HER choices while she was completely able to do that for HERSELF.

Warhogs said:
I turn 50 in a couple months. I haven't slept through a night in the last few years.  Mostly, because I can't sleep 8 hours before waking up to pee.  Lots of other changes also since my mid 40s.  I'm hesitant to kneel on a floor now because it hurts and hurts to get back up.  Memory issues.  Lots of little things that are really tough to notice of a short time but things are changing.
Go see a doctor, dude.

Nope.  AGAIN (and pay attention), I would have asked HER to make HER choices while she was completely able to do that for HERSELF.
well, if she's dead can she affirm her choice in a court of law after the fact?

eta: you're oddly angry about.... everything. i don't remember this previously but perhaps i just wasn't paying attention :shrug:  

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To put it in perspective, there are progressive lenses (no-line bifocals as they are sometimes called) that were literally designed 30 years ago and are still used today and sold by retail places.  And then there are those that are designed now.  There are tremendous differences in areas of clarity, how much distortion or blur is present, etc.  Essentially more usable and comfortable vision.  I cannot imagine making a decision to use 30 yr old tech vs modern tech, but people do on a daily basis with their eyes. :shrug:
So I guess I'm asking for you to recommend something to me that is modern and good. I've been to the doctor once in the past 13 years, and I've never been to an eye doctor. So I'm very uniformed on all things "doctor" related.

So I guess I'm asking for you to recommend something to me that is modern and good. I've been to the doctor once in the past 13 years, and I've never been to an eye doctor. So I'm very uniformed on all things "doctor" related.
Gotcha.  There are a few companies that all make modern progressive lenses.  The largest is Essilor, whose progressive division falls under Varilux, which many people have heard.  For a couple of years, I wore and loved their S Design, but their newest that released officially September 12, is called the X Design lens.  So far, it has been fantastic.  That said, I am sure Zeiss also makes a decent lens.  I worked with them for a while several years ago.  What we do at my office is educate our patients on products, then let them make a decision based on their needs and budget.

I write down a lot of stuff now.
This. I'm 45 and for a couple years now, if I want to remember to do something, I tell myself to write it down right away. Keep in mind that we also have way more distractions than we've ever had. I'm sitting here working on my personal laptop watching NFL Network. Next to me are my cell phone and my work iPad. I've been getting texts all morning and answering work email. And this is nothing. My kids are in school and my wife is at work. When they're home, the number of potential distractions rises exponentially. It's not surprising we can't hang on to a thought long enough to actually do something about it.

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well, if she's dead can she affirm her choice in a court of law after the fact?

eta: you're oddly angry about.... everything. i don't remember this previously but perhaps i just wasn't paying attention :shrug:  
Okay, I have no idea what you are talking about.  One more time, I would have asked her to see a doctor and a lawyer to make HER choices while she was able.  I have no clue why this is difficult for you.

take any sleep aids? I do and sleep like a rock after previously having issues.  Not sure what the long term effects are but I'm just a different person after a great nights sleep. Personal/Professional life too affected when I don't get sleep
I take melatonin on occasion to help me get to sleep. Serious sleep aid only when I have gone a few days with virtually no sleep. I definitely fear getting hooked on those.

I see vision has cropped up now. Yea, was 20/15 until about 45. Now I am pretty much legally blind without glasses. Hate it.

About once a week I go to google.com and type "google" in the search bar or go to wikipedia.com and type "wikipedia" in the search box.

My counter to that would be, if it is on the horizon, why delay seeing better and improving quality of life and vision? ;)
Get Lasik or whatever the latest surgery is called.  I used to have 20/15 vision and then needed readers to see the scroll on ESPN.  Distance vision was going.  Fixed in seconds with Lasik.

I'm at the point where I doubt myself and get messed with by TV shows that show "previously on" clips that I don't remember. But it's because they use cut scenes from the episodes (I've gone back to the previous episode to verify if it was my memory or the show.) "Casual", on Hulu, is the latest to make me think I'm losing it.

And "Rick and Morty" just did an episode called "Vindicators 3" where they kept referencing it was the third time they met the Vindicators. And since it was Season 3 of the show, I had to look at all the episode descriptions from the prior 2 seasons to ensure it was part of the joke and I just didn't forget those other episodes where they showed up. 

was gonna post earlier, interestingly enough I forgot this thread was here,

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