Goat Herders
Slowly, gently, delicately, there is a coup about to take place.The oft-discussed, fiercely debated topic of exacty WHO WILL Hall of Fame Quarterback BRETT FAVRE throw all those passes to?!?!?!?Well, as we've been discussing, it looks like there are a few people in the Driver corner, some in the Walker corner, and some in the Bob Ferguson corner. Count me as part of the last group, as I believe Bob Ferguson is, well, this year's Donald Driver. I.e. a late round pickup who quickly plays his way into "must start" territory. But I didn't start this thread to debate this point. I wasn't able to watch the game yesterday, so even though I saw Fergie end up with 7 targets and a TD, does anyone have any info on how he looked? Was his TD celebration a "mockery" of his ankle injury, or did I miss something? Green Bay, fans, haters, and homers, weigh in here!!!!HERD