Buffy The Vampire Slayer
I've said elsewhere that I place a high premium on TV and movies that give me multiple emotions through the series and episodes. Yes, this show is a bit cheesy - look past that. (or have an edible and laugh even harder at the bad stunt work as Buffy morphs into a ripped 35 year old would a few inches taller than her, it works well for that too). This is a show that still makes me laugh multiple times in an episode on top of the drama and creeps. Yes, it makes me cry in episodes.
Prom and the episode
The Body come to mind right away. It has actual scares too -
Hush is really creepy (and also really funny). Yes, I even like the episode that is a musical.
All that said, what sets it apart is the actors and characters. Like
@B Maverick we have had pets named after characters. Giles is probably my favorite character - I love the Britishness and heart that Anthony Stewart Head brought to the character. We had a guinea pig named Giles and my cat that passed a couple years ago was officially named Dr. Rupert Fluffenstein, but Ripper is what I called him. Hannigan as Willow, despite having a voice that makes Tick want to kick a kitten, is another highlight for me. It does fall off a bit after the fanstastic Season 2/Season 3 back to back. A lot of the best characters come and go in those seasons - Oz, Faith, Jenny Calendar, the principals, Kendra to name a few. Still, the back half of the series still features more Willow, more Spike (way better than Angel), and more Anya. It also has some great episodes and ends strong overall.
I will never get tired of watching this show and it is the one I've seen the most (especially seasons 2 and 3). I got to relive the Star Wars stuff with my son which was great, but my daughter has 0 interest in it. I am secretly hoping I can rewatch Buffy yet again with her in a few years. Speaking of S2 and edibles, I am about to hit the great stretch of episodes and the two parter
What's My Line? is up tonight.