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Tiger Woods (1 Viewer)

Tiger is playing really, really well. Forget his record this week as Stricker and especially Dustin Johnson played horribly as his partners, and Tiger rimmed putts for 3 days. Right now (1/2 way through the singles match) he looks like the best player in the President's Cup. Thinking clearly, terrific ball striking, controlling ball flight, short game good and now making instead of rimming putts. If you can forget the last 2 years you would think this is the same Tiger as before. first time in a long time I've felt like he's a major threat to win - which I think he'll be every week from here on out..
Yep. Putting seems to be the last piece and even that was just a matter of speed this week. He's going to have a big year next year. These last couple weeks are the arrival announcement. It doesn't have the sexiness of stroke play win, but those paying attention see it. Gotta figure he's the favorite at his event in Thousand Oaks in a couple weeks now.The one thing that remains a bit of a question mark is his driver. They haven't showed many, if any, of his tee shots on par 4s and 5s. I've done math on a few of his second shot yardages and figured he hit a couple fairways with driver, but it could have been three-wood killed with a bunch of roll. I'd like to hear one of these guys talk about what he's been hitting off the tee. I imagine he didn't hit many drivers this week.
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Tiger is playing really, really well. Forget his record this week as Stricker and especially Dustin Johnson played horribly as his partners, and Tiger rimmed putts for 3 days. Right now (1/2 way through the singles match) he looks like the best player in the President's Cup. Thinking clearly, terrific ball striking, controlling ball flight, short game good and now making instead of rimming putts. If you can forget the last 2 years you would think this is the same Tiger as before. first time in a long time I've felt like he's a major threat to win - which I think he'll be every week from here on out..
Yep. Putting seems to be the last piece and even that was just a matter of speed this week. He's going to have a big year next year. These last couple weeks are the arrival announcement. It doesn't have the sexiness of stroke play win, but those paying attention see it. Gotta figure he's the favorite at his event in Thousand Oaks in a couple weeks now.The one thing that remains a bit of a question mark is his driver. They haven't showed many, if any, of his tee shots on par 4s and 5s. I've done math on a few of his second shot yardages and figured he hit a couple fairways with driver, but it could have been three-wood killed with a bunch of roll. I'd like to hear one of these guys talk about what he's been hitting off the tee. I imagine he didn't hit many drivers this week.
His driver has never been great, even when dominant. His talent and strength from the rough always made up for his lack of accuracy.
Tiger is playing really, really well. Forget his record this week as Stricker and especially Dustin Johnson played horribly as his partners, and Tiger rimmed putts for 3 days. Right now (1/2 way through the singles match) he looks like the best player in the President's Cup. Thinking clearly, terrific ball striking, controlling ball flight, short game good and now making instead of rimming putts. If you can forget the last 2 years you would think this is the same Tiger as before. first time in a long time I've felt like he's a major threat to win - which I think he'll be every week from here on out..
Yep. Putting seems to be the last piece and even that was just a matter of speed this week. He's going to have a big year next year. These last couple weeks are the arrival announcement. It doesn't have the sexiness of stroke play win, but those paying attention see it. Gotta figure he's the favorite at his event in Thousand Oaks in a couple weeks now.The one thing that remains a bit of a question mark is his driver. They haven't showed many, if any, of his tee shots on par 4s and 5s. I've done math on a few of his second shot yardages and figured he hit a couple fairways with driver, but it could have been three-wood killed with a bunch of roll. I'd like to hear one of these guys talk about what he's been hitting off the tee. I imagine he didn't hit many drivers this week.
His driver has never been great, even when dominant. His talent and strength from the rough always made up for his lack of accuracy.
True, but this year was different. It's been much, much worse. He can't win if he hits it like he hit it this year. But even though we didn't get to see him hit it this week, you have to assume based on the rest of his ball-striking, that he's gotten it manageable.
No sporting event is better then chilling on a Sunday and watching Tiger in the hunt. Tiger takes president but you got plenty of time to flip back and forth with whatever. Gold.

Hope we have another five years of stellar play. Lucky to see him at his best hopefully we can get a bit more.

No sporting event is better then chilling on a Sunday and watching Tiger in the hunt. Tiger takes president but you got plenty of time to flip back and forth with whatever. Gold.Hope we have another five years of stellar play. Lucky to see him at his best hopefully we can get a bit more.
Where did Tiger take the President?
I'm going on record now. Tiger wins @ least 2 majors this year.
Easy homer. He's done it before a few times, so you're not exactly going out on a limb. But I have a hard time believing he's going to let up on his practice regimen between now and Abu Dhabi now that all the work he's put in is coming to fruition and he has the new move dialed in. So, I think there's a good chance his timing will be there come April. Assuming that, which is a big assumption, it's going to come down to putting and if he can get comfortable, which he obviously isn't yet in spite making some good putts in the last month. You don't change your putting grip in the middle of a tournament if you're happy with it. That'll be the determining factor, like it is with everybody. If he gets that straightened out, then look out. It'll be something to see. But let's let him beat the six guys who showed up to play this week first, and get the confidence of closing out a win. The importance of getting under the gun on Sunday and coming through cannot be overstated. He's been in the hunt on Sunday a few times since the fire hydrant and didn't close any of them. I think the shots he hit Sunday in Sydney and then his play on Sunday at the PC probably went a long way, but nothing breeds winning like winning. He has to relearn how to win again before he can win Majors at a 50% clip. You're putting the cart before the horse.I'll bet Jack's a bit more concerned now than he was a couple months ago. Although, Olympic has a history of bumpy, unpredictable greens, Kiawah will probably be windy, and he didn't play Lytham and St. Anne's well the first time. Not to mention, none of them are very familiar to him. I'm not sure he's even seen Kiawah, unless he played there as an amateur. So it's not necessarily a Major season that sets up well for him on paper, for whatever that's worth.
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Finally putted two times when it counted most. If that putter gets rolling, the field will be left in the dust for another phase. Tiger isn't even in his golf "prime" yet. Isn't that around the late 30's for golfers typically?

Yeah, golfers in their 30s are usually at the prime of their game. I expect Tiger to win several times next year and probably sniff a major or two.

His problem will be fending off the new wave of talent coming up. The Rickie Fowlers of the world.

Ok Tiger looks like he's getting it back together but let's not crown him for beating 17 guys at his own tournament, which is unofficial ;) .... :unsure:

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I think he's back but will never be the same. Rough guess at maybe 80% of his old self which still puts him in the top tier. I think he'll be successful but not near where he was. Well maybe near and I think he breaks Jack's record but not as dominant and I think he'll lose a few that we are used to him winning down the stretch.

Glad he won but not as behind him as before. I watched and that's probably what counts.

If you want to bet against him now is probably the time, right? I mean the hype is going to be there leading into next year correct?

I think he's back but will never be the same. Rough guess at maybe 80% of his old self which still puts him in the top tier. I think he'll be successful but not near where he was. Well maybe near and I think he breaks Jack's record but not as dominant and I think he'll lose a few that we are used to him winning down the stretch.Glad he won but not as behind him as before. I watched and that's probably what counts. If you want to bet against him now is probably the time, right? I mean the hype is going to be there leading into next year correct?
"80% of his old self" = Still the best in the world....by a large margin
I think he's back but will never be the same. Rough guess at maybe 80% of his old self which still puts him in the top tier. I think he'll be successful but not near where he was. Well maybe near and I think he breaks Jack's record but not as dominant and I think he'll lose a few that we are used to him winning down the stretch.Glad he won but not as behind him as before. I watched and that's probably what counts. If you want to bet against him now is probably the time, right? I mean the hype is going to be there leading into next year correct?
I'll let people knock the field. Doesn't matter. There were some serious players out there. I was at Sherwood CC today (Friday as well). Tiger was stiff most of the day - just didn't let it go. Very cautious, didn't make many putts, etc. Finally, when Johnson made the putt on 16 he couldn't play cautious any more. Bam - 2 birdies on very difficult holes to win.Tiger's short game is back. HUGE. He is back hitting unbelievable flop shots when he needs to, getting up and down better out of sand, etc. He's as long as he's ever been and although tinkering, is still rolling in meaninful putts. Now he has a win and the monkey is off is back. Getting stronger mentally and the scandale is starting to fade. If you don't think the crowd is behind him you should have been out there today - people went NUTS when he sunk that last putt. Folks - he's going to contend every week. Get used to it.
Interesting development. If Tiger can overcome what happened in the last two years then he'll formidable indeed. We'll wait and see...

I think he's back but will never be the same. Rough guess at maybe 80% of his old self which still puts him in the top tier. I think he'll be successful but not near where he was. Well maybe near and I think he breaks Jack's record but not as dominant and I think he'll lose a few that we are used to him winning down the stretch.Glad he won but not as behind him as before. I watched and that's probably what counts. If you want to bet against him now is probably the time, right? I mean the hype is going to be there leading into next year correct?
I'll let people knock the field. Doesn't matter. There were some serious players out there. I was at Sherwood CC today (Friday as well). Tiger was stiff most of the day - just didn't let it go. Very cautious, didn't make many putts, etc. Finally, when Johnson made the putt on 16 he couldn't play cautious any more. Bam - 2 birdies on very difficult holes to win.Tiger's short game is back. HUGE. He is back hitting unbelievable flop shots when he needs to, getting up and down better out of sand, etc. He's as long as he's ever been and although tinkering, is still rolling in meaninful putts. Now he has a win and the monkey is off is back. Getting stronger mentally and the scandale is starting to fade. If you don't think the crowd is behind him you should have been out there today - people went NUTS when he sunk that last putt. Folks - he's going to contend every week. Get used to it.
Yeah, there were some players in the field, but it seemed those who were there were just barely there. Everybody's ragged from all the international play and time-zone hopping, or just hadn't been playing. This was one of the weakest fields I've seen at this event, if not the weakest. He would not have won had he played like this in years past. But he did win. He did what he had to when he had to. Which is the most important thing to come of this. The not trusting his new move and reverting to his old swing on the back nine a couple times yesterday nearly cost him the tournament. Fortunately for him, he has plenty of time between now and April to groove the new motion deeper and deeper and put the old one farther and farther behind him. But putting is giving him fits and if he can't get consistent, he's not going to win Majors, let alone dominate. And it's not just one thing with his putting...his misreading putts, he's getting the speed wrong on putts, he's not releasing the toe on putts and missing right, and he's not sure of his putting stroke. But like I said, I think he'll get in the neighborhood he needs to be in by April on all fronts, and the birdie-birdie finish here will probably be considered as much a catalyst as anything.
If he putted slightly better he'd have won by 5-7 strokes in a rout. Thats how good his ballstriking was. Fact is he was down one with two holes to go and went birdie, birdie. Thats the tiger we knew.

The win itself isn't that impressive but he's taken a big step.

With this breakthrough he can mentally put himself in a place where he feels like the best player in the world. He can only start attacking and dominating from there. It's just a matter of whether he still has the game, and there's no reason why he wouldn't.

The win itself isn't that impressive but he's taken a big step. With this breakthrough he can mentally put himself in a place where he feels like the best player in the world. He can only start attacking and dominating from there. It's just a matter of whether he still has the game, and there's no reason why he wouldn't.
Putting. His ball-striking is where it needs to be, save for a habit of reverting back to his old swing here and there when under the gun. I think it's just a matter of time before he puts that behind him. Putting is what's going to keep him from dominating if anything does. His father was the one who always helped him with his putter. Now he has Stricker. Can't wait to see how this plays out.
You can argue the field strength all you want, but Tiger looked good. His ball striking was by far the best in the field and for the first time in a long time, he was hitting his driver off the tee consistently. Plus, he's hitting the ball as long as he's ever hit it. That's a sign that he's getting comfortable with this swing change. The putting will come. Putting is feel and confidence. You get the feel by endless numbers of rounds. He's only been able to practice for 3 months, so it's coming but not there yet. The confidence will come if he continues to do things like he did yesterday. Making two big putts to win a tourney will do more for his putting stroke than 2 months of practice.

Thirty-four putts and about 12 inches on his first hole from hitting all 18 greens in regulation. Again, putting held him back but these are grainy greens that are new to him. I watched and if he's not right where he left off with his ball-striking, he's only off a couple yards. Rory hit it sideways and got him by three shots. That had to be annoying. But no rust and he's shaping the ball as he wants to. It's a little scary seeing him hit that cut driver with control. The more I see that, the more I'm inclined to believe that he'll be devouring everything in his path when he gets to courses where he knows the greens. And obviously, Augusta. Rory's got balls, but it's going to be interesting to see how he holds up the first time he's toe to toe with Tiger on a Sunday afternoon, let alone in a Major championship.

I have a bet that Tiger wins a major this year. He'll be one of the favorites heading to Augusta for sure.

It was inevitable. Glad to see the kinder, gentler version ready to climb back to the top.

Welcome back, big guy. We missed you... :thumbup:

He had a very nice Round 3. Let's see if he can close it out in the 4th round like he used to do when he had a lead on Saturday night.

Would love to see him back in top form. It would make this year's majors much more interesting to have him in contention.

He had a very nice Round 3. Let's see if he can close it out in the 4th round like he used to do when he had a lead on Saturday night.

Would love to see him back in top form. It would make this year's majors much more interesting to have him in contention.
If this isn't top form, I don't know what is. I suppose he can still hit a little closer and hole a few more putts, but he hasn't been this consistent since 2007. It's getting to that word where he gets really dangerous...boring. Clean cards...greens in regulation from the fairway, rather than from the parking lot...routine two-putts, with the occasional putt falling. "Plodding along." The swing is different, but the stats remind me of 2007. I've been careful not declaring him "back." He's back. Whether or not he wins tomorrow, he's back.
Though not on the program guide, Golf Channel came on early the first two rounds in order to show every shot he hit. They didn't do it last night, but I wouldn't be surprised if they do it again for the final round.

He had a very nice Round 3. Let's see if he can close it out in the 4th round like he used to do when he had a lead on Saturday night.

Would love to see him back in top form. It would make this year's majors much more interesting to have him in contention.
If this isn't top form, I don't know what is. I suppose he can still hit a little closer and hole a few more putts, but he hasn't been this consistent since 2007. It's getting to that word where he gets really dangerous...boring. Clean cards...greens in regulation from the fairway, rather than from the parking lot...routine two-putts, with the occasional putt falling. "Plodding along." The swing is different, but the stats remind me of 2007. I've been careful not declaring him "back." He's back. Whether or not he wins tomorrow, he's back.
I am talking more about the consistency part. He has been throwing some good rounds up for a few months, but hasn't had a consistent 4 rounds in a long time. Even at the Chevron he had one poor round.Also, his putting is no where near as consistent as he used to be. When he was in top form he rarely missed a putt within 12ft that he NEEDED to make. He hasn't putted with the same intensity or consistency since the accident and swing change. Before he (and most everyone else) knew he was going to make certain putts, he hasn't had that look in a long time.


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