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Trade ? (1 Viewer)


I've been offered the following players:

Randy Moss, Steve Slaton & Lance Moore


Marion Barber

Any like this deal? I sort of do.

depends what the rest of your team is like. Moss and Slaton have more favorable playoff schedules but it seems like you could more for Barber. Also, i think you'd be selling him low right now with Romo out and his stats hurting a bit after last week. I'd see what else i could get for him

The suspense is killing me. How will my favorite fantasy team (outside of my own of course) handle this situation?

depends what the rest of your team is like. Moss and Slaton have more favorable playoff schedules but it seems like you could more for Barber. Also, i think you'd be selling him low right now with Romo out and his stats hurting a bit after last week. I'd see what else i could get for him
My team now is:QB: Delhomme, Ryan, B. JohnsomRB: Barber, MJD, Chris Perry, Mewelde MooreWR: TJ Houz, Calvin Johnson, Ward, Myles AustinTE: Cooley, Scheefler
I did this once before where I thought I was posting in the AC forum and it was the shark pool. It does not end well.

It may be an OK deal if you really need WR help but if your WR are pretty good I would stick with Barber. I am a bit concerned that Slaton's workload could change or he could hit the rookie wall. Stick with Barber if your WR are decent.

depends what the rest of your team is like. Moss and Slaton have more favorable playoff schedules but it seems like you could more for Barber. Also, i think you'd be selling him low right now with Romo out and his stats hurting a bit after last week. I'd see what else i could get for him
My team now is:QB: Delhomme, Ryan, B. JohnsomRB: Barber, MJD, Chris Perry, Mewelde MooreWR: TJ Houz, Calvin Johnson, Ward, Myles AustinTE: Cooley, Scheefler
This trade hurts you.
depends what the rest of your team is like. Moss and Slaton have more favorable playoff schedules but it seems like you could more for Barber. Also, i think you'd be selling him low right now with Romo out and his stats hurting a bit after last week. I'd see what else i could get for him
My team now is:QB: Delhomme, Ryan, B. JohnsomRB: Barber, MJD, Chris Perry, Mewelde MooreWR: TJ Houz, Calvin Johnson, Ward, Myles AustinTE: Cooley, Scheefler
I vote no. i agree with the comments about slaton's variance in carries as AGreen (when healthy) and others will eat into his load. You have no RB depth. I think i might bundle TJ and Barber for a RB with a better playoff schedule and a better WR...assuming you start 3 WRs and 2 RBs.
I've been offered the following players:Randy Moss, Steve Slaton & Lance MooreforMarion BarberAny like this deal? I sort of do.
I don't think you should do it. Slaton is WAY overhyped; every year there's one rookie who gets lucky and this year, he's it. The Texans just picked up Ryan Moats who has much better hands; Moats is going to be the 3rd down and goal line back. Stay away from Slaton. I definitely think you should cut bait on Barber though. He hasn't looked as good lately; and everyone knows he's going to start losing carries to Tashard Choice.Also; Delhomme's schedule gets downright nasty right away; and there are rumors that Steve Smith is going to be suspended as part of the NFL's crackdown on diuretics. I'd take what you can get for him now.I'd counter with Barber & Delhomme for Moss & Moore, and hope he takes it.Also; pick up Tashard Choice & Ryan Moats and laugh at the other owner.
depends what the rest of your team is like. Moss and Slaton have more favorable playoff schedules but it seems like you could more for Barber. Also, i think you'd be selling him low right now with Romo out and his stats hurting a bit after last week. I'd see what else i could get for him
My team now is:QB: Delhomme, Ryan, B. JohnsomRB: Barber, MJD, Chris Perry, Mewelde MooreWR: TJ Houz, Calvin Johnson, Ward, Myles AustinTE: Cooley, Scheefler
This trade hurts you.
Agree you only have 1 good Rb if Parker comes back. If you trade that good RB and have to rely on Slaton that's a big risk
I've been offered the following players:Randy Moss, Steve Slaton & Lance MooreforMarion BarberAny like this deal? I sort of do.
It doesn't seem fair, cause he's giving you three players, and you're only giving him one!You should offer to throw in Calvin Johnson and Hines Ward too!

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