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************ Unfficial Colts Draft Thread ### (1 Viewer)


friggin Panthers.

Addai is one of those FT-types ie has real possibilities, IF he can stay healthy.

GDB Titans getting White. I didn't want the Colts to draft him, but I can just see him ripping through our soft run D for big big gains.

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Agreed... I was getting really excited about the possibility of Deangelo falling to us. I think Addai is solid but just not an exciting 1st rounder.

Hopefully we can address LB, DB, OG and pick up some picks by trading down since we lack a 4th or 6th rounder.

WHOO HOOOOOO GB yet another midget in the secondary w/the 2d round pick  :thumbup:
This was the biggest comment coming from my draft poker party. We all were shaking our heads on this pick.
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I agree with the skepticism on the Jennings pick, but I thought that Bob Sanders would never match up well with Doss as the safeties. Sounds like the Colts are looking at slotting Jackson as the strong safety, Sanders at Free, Hayden and ?? as the starting corners. Very short, quick, bump-and-run coverage. /shrug, hasn't really been impressive secondary as yet, we'll have to wait and see.

friggin Panthers.

Addai is one of those FT-types ie has real possibilities, IF he can stay healthy.

GDB Titans getting White. I didn't want the Colts to draft him, but I can just see him ripping through our soft run D for big big gains.
Colts fansWe did just fine...

I love the Addai selection because he can come in and play ALL THREE downs right away. With Rhodes and Mungro we will continue to have a solid attack out of the backfield.

The CB selection fills a need and just wait and see on our 3rd round LB...he will give Gardner/Hagler etc a run for playing time



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