My location is turrible regardless of the time of year. They’ve repeatedly not delivered packages to my door “claiming I wasn’t home”, but was if they just bothered to knock. I actually tracked down the driver in my neighborhood once to get a package. I asked why they didn’t knock despite the note claiming they did. No response. I constantly get other people’s mail and it’s not for my immediate neighbors. Sometimes I get mail after 8 pm.
I’ve had mail holds ignored multiple times. I mean completely ignored. I’m out of town right now and they delivered mail 2 days of the 5 I told them to hold it. Wondering how I know? I have a sensor in the mailbox so every time it opens I get a notification. I also have some outdoor cams (Wyze) take video when the sensor is triggered (use them for lots of other things, but this is a nice feature)
Here’s an example