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What are you getting for Player X? (1 Viewer)


I've seen a lot of posts clogging up this forum trying to get a gauge on what specific players are being traded for in other leagues. Since no two leagues are the same, this is of limited value with the limited sample size in here--typically there are only a couple of replies and that doesn't really help anyone much at all.

Thankfully, there's a decent solution.

First, if you don't have a sportsline league, sign up for a free fantasy football team at http://www.sportsline.com/fantasy

Now that you're logged into sportsline, from the fantasy football main page, click "Free Fantasy Football", then, "Sign Up Now".

Create a team name. Whatever you want. Click OK. Stop. Don't join a league if you don't want to.

You now have a Sportsline fantasy team, even though it's not in a league.

Now, here's where we get to the interesting stuff, and if you have a Sportsline league you can do this already by just going to the player page in your league. Let's say you want to find out what people are getting for Aaron Rodgers in various leagues. Go back to the Fantasy Football main page, and click on Week 3 Projections. Find the player you want, and click on his name, and you'll go to his stats page. For Aaron Rodgers, that's "http://fantasynews.sportsline.com/fantasyfootball/players/playerpage/419780"

Now, change the beginning of the URL from "fantasynews.sportsline.com/fantasyfootball" to just "freemeeting.1.football.sportsline.com", and you'll be on the Fantasy Stats page for Aaron Rodgers: "http://freemeeting.1.football.sportsline.com/players/playerpage/419780"

Halfway down the page are a couple of Aaron Rodgers trades. Click "More Trades" and you'll see ALL the sportsline.com leagues trades involving Aaron Rodgers, most recent first. I'd advise then clicking "Premium" to get rid of guppy leagues trades (dropping from 4000+ trades to 56).

Any time you know the player ID number (the 419780 for Aaron Rodgers, for example), you can enter it into the URL: "freemeeting.1.football.sportsline.com/players/player/trades/419780/all/all/premium" and get all the trades for that player. You can also single out NFC-only player pools if your league is set up that way.

Hopefully, this will allow everyone to quickly see what kind of value they can get for players, and hopefully it'll clear up some of the Shark Pool requests for this kind of borderline-Assistant Coach kind of info. It can also help facilitate trades--showing your potential trading partner that someone else made a deal like the one you want might get him over some fear he's being had. Of course, if you're especially devious, you might take off the "Premium" filter if you're trying to steal a good trade out of a guppy--happily show him some sucker in some free league accepted Dwayne Bowe for Tony Romo and see if he bites :thumbup:

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While I think this is solid advice and is quite useful I'd like to point out that CBS leagues have some really crazy trades even at the Premium level. Some of the stuff on there is downright silly. I was checking out Santonio Holmes earlier today and some of the trades jumped out at me as being lopsided. Just a couple of examples from premium leagues:

Holmes + Edge FOR LJ

This one seems like a decent 2 for 1. Trade a stud for depth at two positions. I have no issues here.

Holmes + Palmer FOR Jake D + Freddy T

I'd say whoever got Palmer here is getting the better end of this one, but not knowing the scoring system and rosters in this league you'll never really know. No issues here.

Holmes FOR Jake D

Ok this seems more like something fair for both parties. Normally I'd say Holmes >>> Jake but perhaps the Jake owner has QB depth and needs WR help and vice versa. No issues here.

Holmes + Kevin Smith FOR Addai

Ok this is rediculous in any format. A WR2 that is performing below his ADP plus a rookie RB3 whom just probably got demoted by Rudi Freakin Johnson FOR a 1st round RB1 stud whom, granted, has underperformed but still has so much more value than a WR2+RB3. Let me remind you this is a premium league but it is listed as "limited" so perhaps it's a Premium guppie league? Big time issues here.

Holmes + DMac FOR Bush + Chambers

Ok how on gods green earth does this trade not get vetoed. I never veto any trade but there's gotta be something going on here that's beyond ordinary. In any format this trade makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. A WR2 (performing like a WR3/4) plus a RB2 FOR a RB1 (well RB1 in PPR and RB2 in normal leagues but he is performing at RB1 levels in all formats) plus a WR2 (performing like a WR1). Totally lopsided. Massive issues with this one.

Holmes + Lynch + Romo FOR FWP + Warner + Roy Williams

I don't think this one really needs any explanation beyond WTWTF?!?! Every part of this trade is better for the guy getting Romo in pretty much any format. Romo > Warner, Holmes > Roy, Lynch > FWP (even before the injury IMHO). This trade is a disgrace to FF.

There's tons more examples (both good and bad) but you guys get the point. If you want examples then by all means check out CBS trades but there's going to be a lot more to it than just assuming "Owner X traded player Y for player Z therefore that should be fair value". It's dependant on the scoring system, rosters, etc. Every league is different so each player has different value. Now that you've considered all of that you need to seriously throw out any data like the above examples that just make no sense whatsoever.

Again I think your post is solid and is great advice but there are some issues with using CBS...


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