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What is a "big game" (1 Viewer)


Is the Super Bowl the only big game?How about key matchups with rivals or top competition in the regular season?Or late regular season games to get into the playoffs?Wild Card round or Divisional round playoff games... are they big?Or is the line drawn only at AFC or NFC Championship games?I keep hearing how so-and-so can't win the "big game," but I can't for the life of me figure out what IS a big game and what ISN'T. As an example, I hear that Bill Cowher can't win a big game, but I'm pretty sure that he's won some big games over the years en route a 63% regular season winning percentage, 6 AFC Championship appearances, and a Super Bowl appearance (maybe a 2nd on the way) in 14 seasons as the Steelers' coach. He won a HUGE game yesterday. He's got a 10-9 career postseason record right now and lost a few games in the playoffs to teams led by Montana, Elway, and Brady with teams led (and destroyed) by O'Donnell and Stewart. And now, if he goes into Denver next week as road underdogs and the Steelers lose, we'll hear it again... he can't win the "big game."So, what's a "big game?"

Is the Super Bowl the only big game?

How about key matchups with rivals or top competition in the regular season?

Or late regular season games to get into the playoffs?

Wild Card round or Divisional round playoff games... are they big?

Or is the line drawn only at AFC or NFC Championship games?
All of these are big games. For example, if two teams from the same division are 5-1 and playing next week, it is a big game.

Any playoff game is a big game. That is a no-brainer.

Ok, I’m sorry – that was a stupid, trolling post – the kind I normally find annoying from other posters.My real response would be – all the games you listed above are IMO “big games”. Some people might accuse Cower of not winning the big game, but I was just talking ot a couple Steeler fans this morning, and I conceeded that Cower has always done a great job with the Steelers, making them competative year in and year out with whatever talent he has available to him. I think a Super Bowl for him would just be the final piece of the puzzle in a great career. I really wanted him to get it that year they played Dallas.So the non-smart### comment would be, Yes, Cower has won “Big Games”.

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