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Who are you targeting rounds 15-20? FBG Championship (1 Viewer)

I got one for ya ....

Kenbrell Thompkins

Undrafted rookie free agent signed by the Pats, and has looked really good in preseason.

I'd take him in the 15th round.

I got one for ya ....

Kenbrell Thompkins

Undrafted rookie free agent signed by the Pats, and has looked really good in preseason.

I'd take him in the 15th round.
Too much hype, someone will probably reach.

I'm participating in a ffpc 20-rounder so I'll share some of my targets/thoughts.

Joique Bell - If Bush goes down Bell will obviously get a huge bump. His skill set mirrors Bush's more so than Leshoure.

LaMicheal James - Thought he looked good and could supplant Hunter as SF's #2RB. Gore is only getting older.

Jospeh Randle - Dunbar is injured and Murray has a well documented injury history.

There is no doubt at all that the 49ers absolutely stole LaMichael James, where they drafted him 2 years ago. I don't doubt his talent at all. But even if Gore gets hurt, is he a time share with Hunter?

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There is no doubt at all that the 49ers absolutely stole LaMichael James, where they drafted him 2 years ago. I don't doubt his talent at all. But even if Gore gets hurt, is he a time share with Hunter?
If we are talking 15th round RBs in the FPC format, not many others available that have that kind of upside.

Another name that is a pure lottery ticket based on injury is Gerhart - dude will easily but up RB2 numbers if AP goes down.


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