He's a taller back who makes quick cuts.
The closest thing I can think of is Peterson with less burst and speed.
Wow, thats a long way from these guys:
However, is there any reason to believe he's better than Chris Brown, Michael Bennett, Anthony Thomas, DeShaun Foster and Justin Fargas? I don't see one.
Those guys had pretty good careers relative to the average NFL tailback. A-Train was a ROY winner and a two-time 1,000 yard rusher. Bennett, Brown, and Fargas have all had a 1,000 yard rushing season. Foster eclipsed the 850 yard three times for the Panthers. We think of these guys as mediocre players now that they're mostly playing supporting roles, but they all had their moments. Many of them were high dynasty picks at one point or another in their careers. The FF community has a tendency to get overly excited about young players who show promise. We've seen it in recent years with guys like Julius Jones, Kevin Jones, Cadillac Williams, Anthony Thomas, Lee Suggs, Laurence Maroney, and Chris Brown. All of them were gushed over and anointed as the next great thing. Is Forte the next in a long line of overhyped youngsters or is he another legitimate starting caliber talent like Lynch and ADP? There's no way to know for sure. We've seen guys burst onto the scene like this and then fizzle. That's why I tend to err towards skepticism unless I'm totally sold on someone. Forte is gradually earning my respect, but I wouldn't pick him with a top 10 dynasty pick yet.
And if you're going to stalk me and give me grief for my comments about Forte, you might as well do the same for every other poster who doubted him. I had Forte at RB6 in my final rookie rankings, which is exactly where the NFL scouts had him (he was the 6th RB drafted). He slipped to 1.04-1.06 in most of my drafts and I don't recall many people saying they would've picked him in the top 3. Lots of people missed the boat on him. In fact, most people missed the boat on him.
It's easy to play psychic in hindsight. Those of us who offer our opinions to the public expose ourselves to a certain amount of ridicule when we're wrong. That's just part of the hobby. I just try to learn from mistakes and do better the next time out.