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Who to drop? (1 Viewer)

Here's Johnny

12ppr  3-3  this week could go either way

Have Rivers on bye

Corey Davis       sick of him killing me but maybe most talented

Tre'Quan Smith     loads of optimism but may not see targets


Aaron Jones

Also:  I have $30 left in faab money, and Luck is on waivers (vs. Oakland week 8).  Should I bid on him or pick up whoever does not get picked up;




I drop Davis.  His QB is holding him back and he is too much of an inconsistent killer that he is clogging your roster.  You never have confidence to play him but he is too good to drop.  Just free yourself and drop him.  It's very liberating...hahaha

I hold off on the QB (i.e. - don't go hard for Luck) since you have Rivers as your every week starter. 

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12ppr  3-3  this week could go either way

Have Rivers on bye

Corey Davis       sick of him killing me but maybe most talented

Tre'Quan Smith     loads of optimism but may not see targets


Aaron Jones

Also:  I have $30 left in faab money, and Luck is on waivers (vs. Oakland week 8).  Should I bid on him or pick up whoever does not get picked up;



Hard to know who to drop without knowing the rest of your team.  Are you stronger at WR or RB?

Luck is definitely worth bidding on, but with only $30 in FAAB, even if you bid $20 would be hard to pick him up.  And if you only want to carry one QB going forward that might be a lot for a one-week guy.  If you want to play matchups with Rivers and Luck then it might be worth it.

Going cheap on the other 3 could also be useful  - Dalton gets TB next week, Mayfield gets Pittsburgh although Cleveland has no receivers, Smith gets the Giants but he also has no recivers.


Hard to know who to drop without knowing the rest of your team.  Are you stronger at WR or RB?

Luck is definitely worth bidding on, but with only $30 in FAAB, even if you bid $20 would be hard to pick him up.  And if you only want to carry one QB going forward that might be a lot for a one-week guy.  If you want to play matchups with Rivers and Luck then it might be worth it.

Going cheap on the other 3 could also be useful  - Dalton gets TB next week, Mayfield gets Pittsburgh although Cleveland has no receivers, Smith gets the Giants but he also has no recivers.

I have AJ and Tate at WR, Kamara, CHubb, JOnes, and Howard at RB.

Davis is droppable and I would wait and pick up Dalton for nothing. After his pooper he won't be bid on and his one bad game does not make a streak.

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