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Why Do People Say They "Hate" Obama? (1 Viewer)

I can’t remember another president being hated prior to Obama.  And since we’ve been saddled with the reality show president it’s hard to believe anyone could feel that visceral about Obama.  But clearly many do.  Again, we’ve only unearthed 2 on this bored, but it’s a common sentiment on more pro Trump boreds.

I was only asking the question how one could hate Obama.
W was hated way worse than Obama, IMO

I think words matter. He asked about "hate". That's strong. With strong accusations, I find it best to keep to the actual accusation. 
Agreed.  As much as I loath Trump, I don’t know that I would say I “hate” him?   

Hate is personal to me I guess.  To “hate” someone, I think they have to have done you personal harm in some way.  Hate is rage.  

So no.  I don’t hate Trump.  But, for too many reasons to count, I think he is an awful human being.  

Several current Trump supporters?..so you equate several to one post and reportedly something from 2016 is a good answer??

Cmon Joe....he claimed several frequent Trump supporters have posted about hating Obama. Wow
I actually like this ruling by Joe.  This thread is absolutely trivial and hilarious, but it highlights one big thing to me.  On there best behaved day the anti-Trump crowd spits 1000 times more venom than the anti-Obama crowd ever did.  OP cast a 10 year fishing net and could only find 2 examples. :lmao:


Are you trolling us? 

The second one is from 2016.

If you were seriously looking for why people dislike Obama, this is a pretty thorough explanation of this poster did back then. 

And he clearly said, "I hate how he's divided us." That's a long ways from hating the man. 

I think he's the most disappointing.  If he wasn't such a petty little piece of dung he really could have done some powerful and amazing things during his tenure.

Take what's happened in places like Ferguson.  That could have been his moment to bring us together, to bridge gaps between us.  Instead, he chose to use it as a wedge issue.  And that's what I find most disappointing about him.  He wants us to fight, to be at each others throats.  Rich vs. Poor, men vs. women, black vs. white, black vs. cops...name an issue and he's front and center, gleefully dividing us.

But lets not confuse Obama being a despicable and loathsome human being with him being the worst president ever.  "W" was a really nice guy, but completely overwhelmed by the office and was a 'placeholder' President at best. When ranking our Presidents the likeability factor shouldn't be a factor.  It's what they were elected to do, and what they actually did.

I'm on record as saying I fell for the Obama BS the first time around.  I was captivated by the thought of someone coming in and spearheading 'the most transparent administration ever'.  Instead I got......this.  Never in the history of the presidency has someone abused the office as much and returned so little to the people.  I could get into the Executive Orders, Fast and Furious, etc....but they've been done to death on this board already.  His administration has done some truly awful and unforgivable things.  Terms like underhanded and shady are well deserved.  The spying on Americans, using the IRS to crush your political enemies, the Benghazi debacle...the litany of his moral crimes against the American people is staggering.  History will not be kind to his time in office. 

But I still get back to 'disappointing'.  With just a teaspoon of sugar he could have truly transformed this country.  During his first term, he had a built in cabal of Republicans (including the nominee he beat) that would have voted alongside him on all kinds of things.  With even a LITTLE ego stroking he would have had them in the palm of his hand, providing "bi-partisan cover".  Instead, he chooses to be a peacock ##### instead of a deal maker.  He scorches the earth into two sides, "with me" or "against me".

A lot of people like to crack on W as a bad president, but I never got the impression that he felt he wasn't the President for all of the American people.  He was a lot like Jimmy Carter in that regard.  So was Bill Clinton.  If Obama had even PRETENDED to be that guy he had a willing partner in the media to spread his message to the masses.  But he was only interested in being the President for people on "his side".

If you're not on the Obama side of the fence, you're considered the enemy.  But if you're on the Obama side of the fence, the taxpayer money flows to even the most worthless of projects (Solyndra) or protects the most racist of causes (DOJ sweeping the Black Panther voter intimidation crimes under the rug).  By definition, if you're on "the other side", everything you want or do is obstructionist and wrong.  I hate how he's divided us.  I've lost good friends because of this....man.

He's a bad guy and a horrible leader.  His lack of intellectual curiosity and inability to learn from his mistakes is troubling.  He's ignorant of how the economy works, and doesn't seem all that interested in learning how it does.  He's turned America into a joke around the world with Obama as the punchline.  He may have initiated foreign policies that we may never recover from (if Iran nukes Israel, the blood is ALL on Obama's hands).

So, is he the worst ever?  Could be.  All I know is a better case can be made that he's the worst than one for him being the best.

I can’t remember another president being hated prior to Obama.  And since we’ve been saddled with the reality show president it’s hard to believe anyone could feel that visceral about Obama.  But clearly many do.  Again, we’ve only unearthed 2 on this bored, but it’s a common sentiment on more pro Trump boreds.

I was only asking the question how one could hate Obama.
You’re wearing liberal glasses if you don’t remember people hating W. 

I actually like this ruling by Joe.  This thread is absolutely trivial and hilarious, but it highlights one big thing to me.  On there best behaved day the anti-Trump crowd spits 1000 times more venom than the anti-Obama crowd ever did.  OP cast a 10 year fishing net and could only find 2 examples. :lmao:
This is so true. People I used to be able to have normal exchanges with here have gone completely over the ledge. Now it appears they’re either unaware or don’t care. 

Yea, I get that, it just seemed so much more visceral with Obama and Trump.
That's fascinating. 

I live in Tennessee that Obama failed to carry both times and I voted for Obama both times. 

I never ever felt anything close to "hate". I know some did and I know the crazy stuff in Arkansas but that feels like way out fringe cases. 

I stand by what I said I don't it's remotely accurate to say regular people hated Obama. And certainly not many here. 

That's fascinating. 

I live in Tennessee that Obama failed to carry both times and I voted for Obama both times. 

I never ever felt anything close to "hate". I know some did and I know the crazy stuff in Arkansas but that feels like way out fringe cases. 

I stand by what I said I don't it's remotely accurate to say regular people hated Obama. And certainly not many here. 
Joe you must not spend much time communicating with die hard Trump supporters.

For those that live in a red state, it could get lonely pretty quickly. 
Don’t disagree.  And I dont know how living in a red state would impact my world view.  I live in the most conservative province in Canada which, admittedly, is probably something left of the most moderate Democrat (is there one?). 

I vote for the “conservative” candidate federally and provincially (state).  But most American “conservatives” would laugh at what that is in Canada, really.  

The most conservative candidate in Canada wouldn’t even dream about enacting policy that banned an entire population from a Muslim country from coming to Canada.  Separating kids from their parents to the point where, when reunited the kids are fundamentally psychologically damaged is something that would never happen here   Ever.  

In fairness, the problem is obviously not as acute north of the 49th parallel.   The Statue of Liberty still is the strongest beacon of light on the planet.  

Bit it is safe to say that someone like Trump would never get elected here.   He would be disqualified immediately on moral and ethical grounds.   

So yeah, it may get lonely for me in a red state.   But I’m adaptable.  I’d make a go of it. 

This is so true. People I used to be able to have normal exchanges with here have gone completely over the ledge. Now it appears they’re either unaware or don’t care. 
I think it’s the opposite, many of us are more aware, and that’s causing further division.  We used to believe that most Republicans were good people who simply believed in different ways of achieving better things for America as a whole.  Actively supporting a blatant racist while completely abandoning all of the Tea Party stuff that you guys claimed was so important just 8-9 years ago has exposed a lot of folks for what they are, and it’s ugly.  

Are you trolling us? 

The second one is from 2016.

If you were seriously looking for why people dislike Obama, this is a pretty thorough explanation of this poster did back then. 

And he clearly said, "I hate how he's divided us." That's a long ways from hating the man. 
If someone called Trump a “pathetic little piece of dung” would they get a timeout in 2019?  

Because that is what you quoted re Obama. 

Maybe they didn’t “hate” him.  I don’t know.  

Pretty sure I never said only educated people should vote.  You have a link that says otherwise?
Said exactly? Maybe not

But you said the uneducated shouldn’t be deciding who’s running the country 

Even an uneducated dolt like me can connect the dots lol

Said exactly? Maybe not

But you said the uneducated shouldn’t be deciding who’s running the country 

Even an uneducated dolt like me can connect the dots lol
Not going to rehash it so I don’t get banned again but I said no single group should determine the president.  Kind of like why the electoral college was created.

Maybe be a wee less sensitive?

Are you trolling us? 

The second one is from 2016.

If you were seriously looking for why people dislike Obama, this is a pretty thorough explanation of this poster did back then. 

And he clearly said, "I hate how he's divided us." That's a long ways from hating the man. 
Joe, there was an Obama hate thread that was deleted. Did you see my third link?

And regarding stat's post, do you commonly hear people call someone else a "petty little piece of dung" and that translates to NOT hating them? Seriously? Are you trolling us right now?

Joe, there was an Obama hate thread that was deleted. Did you see my third link?

And regarding stat's post, do you commonly hear people call someone else a "petty little piece of dung" and that translates to NOT hating them? Seriously? Are you trolling us right now?
Dude, posts from 3+ years ago doesn't answer the mail of "some of our regular trump supporters " at all.  Show me where Strat has regularly supported Trump in here.  Joe has to be joking. 


Stuff like this happened so infrequently back then it wasn't even something we had to worry about.
I know. I’ve been here since the yellow in April ‘03?   I think?

But you quoted a post in defence of your position that would now be auto-ban.  

“Hate” is not something I see here, really.  

A ton of hypocrisy and ignorance? Yep.  Every day.  

Don’t disagree.  And I dont know how living in a red state would impact my world view.  I live in the most conservative province in Canada which, admittedly, is probably something left of the most moderate Democrat (is there one?). 

I vote for the “conservative” candidate federally and provincially (state).  But most American “conservatives” would laugh at what that is in Canada, really.  

The most conservative candidate in Canada wouldn’t even dream about enacting policy that banned an entire population from a Muslim country from coming to Canada.  Separating kids from their parents to the point where, when reunited the kids are fundamentally psychologically damaged is something that would never happen here   Ever.  

In fairness, the problem is obviously not as acute north of the 49th parallel.   The Statue of Liberty still is the strongest beacon of light on the planet.  

Bit it is safe to say that someone like Trump would never get elected here.   He would be disqualified immediately on moral and ethical grounds.   

So yeah, it may get lonely for me in a red state.   But I’m adaptable.  I’d make a go of it. 
The same things were probably said here at one time. 

My previous comment was more about turning your back on friends and family. My wife voted for Trump. I make fun of her every now and then because of it. I wouldn't necessarily call her a Trump supporter. I know she's compassionate and has a good heart. To think that someone would cut ties with her because she voted for Trump just seems dumb.

I know. I’ve been here since the yellow in April ‘03?   I think?

But you quoted a post in defence of your position that would now be auto-ban.  

“Hate” is not something I see here, really.  

A ton of hypocrisy and ignorance? Yep.  Every day.  

The same things were probably said here at one time. 

My previous comment was more about turning your back on friends and family. My wife voted for Trump. I make fun of her every now and then because of it. I wouldn't necessarily call her a Trump supporter. I know she's compassionate and has a good heart. To think that someone would cut ties with her because she voted for Trump just seems dumb.
I get that.  At least initially in 2016/17.  

But this guy turned out to be even worse that what he was in the run up to Nov/16.   

Im not going to get into the detail again but Trump displays the absolute worst “qualities” or, described as “characteristics” or “traits,  ever.  

The man is a compulsive liar.  That alone should be disqualifying.  I don’t get it.  Honestly.  

To your point, if a friend of mine genuinely supported trump I would have a hard time finding common ground with them.  He’s a predator.  Has been for three decades.  

I get that.  At least initially in 2016/17.  

But this guy turned out to be even worse that what he was in the run up to Nov/16.   

Im not going to get into the detail again but Trump displays the absolute worst “qualities” or, described as “characteristics” or “traits,  ever.  

The man is a compulsive liar.  That alone should be disqualifying.  I don’t get it.  Honestly.  

To your point, if a friend of mine genuinely supported trump I would have a hard time finding common ground with them.  He’s a predator.  Has been for three decades.  
The thing that comes to mind, why was he your friend before 2016? Did you friend display those qualities? 

It just seems like we are judging people on what someone else is doing, not on what they are doing.


You’re wearing liberal glasses if you don’t remember people hating W. 
This was the giveaway to his whole shtick.  The Democrats spent 5 years saying Bush was a war criminal who ran black op torture chambers with **** Cheney.  Unless you’re under like 30, you remember these Bush years very well.  To say you never remember any of this is just laughable.

Dude, posts from 3+ years ago doesn't answer the mail of "some of our regular trump supporters " at all.  Show me where Strat has regularly supported Trump in here.  Joe has to be joking. 
Are you ignoring my link to an Obama hate thread being deleted?

Like 99.9% of threads in this forum, this discussion is pointless and goes off the rails in no time.

Does Statorama post anymore? That was an interesting read on Obama.  Reading his lists of thing he disliked about Obama makes me conclude he must dislike Trump even more.

could have been his moment to bring us together, to bridge gaps between us.  Instead, he chose to use it as a wedge issue.  And that's what I find most disappointing about him.  He wants us to fight, to be at each others throats.
Never in the history of the presidency has someone abused the office as much and returned so little to the people
 He scorches the earth into two sides, "with me" or "against me".
 If you're not on the Obama side of the fence, you're considered the enemy.  But if you're on the Obama side of the fence, the taxpayer money flows 
He's a bad guy and a horrible leader.  His lack of intellectual curiosity and inability to learn from his mistakes is troubling.  He's ignorant of how the economy works, and doesn't seem all that interested in learning how it does.  He's turned America into a joke around the world

I don't think that I hate anyone*.  When it comes to Trump I just don't think he is a good person and I really wish he wasn't the POTUS.

* ETA:  Okay maybe I hate Bill Belichick and Tom Brady but only on the football field  

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I can’t remember another president being hated prior to Obama.  
The president immediately prior to Obama was widely hated in certain corners of the internet.  Bush was literally Hitler, and there was also a little meme about comparing his facial expressions with those of chimpanzees.  We're not talking about reasoned objections to his proposed Social Security reforms here.

You too though. Right?

i mean, look at the post I copied.  Whining 101. 
I asked why this thread was still here. No whining, no telling people how to post, no hypocrisy telling people to keep it about the topic and not the poster. The guy is in pissing matches daily in multiple threads. 

We had a poster who stated he wished every night Obama would pass away.  We had posters spreading complete conspiracy theories about Obama being born in Kenya and faking his college years.  Plenty of hate around here.

We had a poster who stated he wished every night Obama would pass away.  We had posters spreading complete conspiracy theories about Obama being born in Kenya and faking his college years.  Plenty of hate around here.
Any evidence that any are

regular Trump supporters on this bored

The president immediately prior to Obama was widely hated in certain corners of the internet.  Bush was literally Hitler, and there was also a little meme about comparing his facial expressions with those of chimpanzees.  We're not talking about reasoned objections to his proposed Social Security reforms here.
I remember serious debates among my liberal friends about how much Bush was similar to Hitler. So silly. 

But that was nothing compared to Bill Clinton. Talk radio had a field day telling lies which I believe contributed to Hillary’s defeat in 2016. Murder of Vince Foster, Troopergate, cocaine smuggling from Mena, Arkansas, lists of people Hillary ordered killed, it was unbelievable. 


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