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:X Lakers 13/14 Thread: 6th Draft Slot "Locked Up" :BYE: (1 Viewer)

The Sunday home whites are...

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So now Nash is saying his ankle has been bothering him since before training camp. I'm really hoping this guy either gets dealt or retires at the end of this season.

Gasol looks good though.

I like what I've seen from Xavier Henry, though he didn't play much last night - maybe that means they've figured out he's already made the team and they wanted to use the minutes to look at the rest of the guys who probably won't make the cut.

So now Nash is saying his ankle has been bothering him since before training camp. I'm really hoping this guy either gets dealt or retires at the end of this season.

Gasol looks good though.

I like what I've seen from Xavier Henry, though he didn't play much last night - maybe that means they've figured out he's already made the team and they wanted to use the minutes to look at the rest of the guys who probably won't make the cut.
Henry has looked very good in the brief snipets I've caught thus far.

Interesting goings on in last night's game vs. the Jazz.

Kaman sat out with some stomach problem so Shawne Williams got the start at the 4. He did o.k. Later on Wes Johnson subbed in for Williams at the 4, and he looked really good. He held his own on D and on the glass vs. Favors, looked sharp on offense in the 1st half too. D'Antoni is talking about bringing Kaman in off the bench now at the 5, so that would mean Williams/Johnson would be playing the 4.

They didn't seem to bother trying to establish Gasol in the post much. That might work against a banged up preseason Utah squad but I doubt they can win against good teams that way.

Nick Young looked pretty bad on offense.

Nash sat out the 2nd half with a sore neck. He didn't look that great in his 1st half minutes either. He might be the 2nd or 3rd best PG on the team right now. Dude needs to retire. Farmar looked pretty good.

Ryan Kelly looked a bit lost out there.

Pretty sure Landry is gone - he got 0 minutes. Elias Harris did pretty much nothing as he and Sacre finally made it in in the middle of the 4th quarter. If they don't go with 15 I could see Harris and/or Kelly hitting the bricks, maybe Sacre if D'Antoni is really going to go with Kaman off the bench with Williams/Johnson at the 4 and Hill backing up at 4 and 5.

When does Nash hang it up? During the season or will he wait until after the season is over?

For those thinking of drafting this guy in FBBall leagues, know that (assuming he can play at all) he'll probably sit out one game in each back to back set this year.

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it's going to be a looOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONg year....
I'm really excited about all the young talent they'll be developing this season. Should really help them out years down the road.*

Gotta believe Phil Jackson is now very happy to be on vacation while Pringles gets to make the death march.


ETA: notation for the sarcasm impaired

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I don't know if I agree that they are going to be terrible. They aren't winning the title or anything, but people seem to be forgetting that Pau Gasol is a damn fine player. Even if they only get half a season with Kobe and half of Steve Nash they can still win 30-ish games. :shrug:

I don't know if I agree that they are going to be terrible. They aren't winning the title or anything, but people seem to be forgetting that Pau Gasol is a damn fine player. Even if they only get half a season with Kobe and half of Steve Nash they can still win 30-ish games. :shrug:
In the NBA, that's the definition of terrible. Not good enough to go anywhere in the playoffs, not bad enough to get a good shot at a high draft pick. I'd rather they won 0 games this year than 30-ish.

it's going to be a looOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONg year....
I'm really excited about all the young talent they'll be developing this season. Should really help them out years down the road.

Gotta believe Phil Jackson is now very happy to be on vacation while Pringles gets to make the death march.
Who is this young talent of which you speak? Ryan Kelly, Xavier Henry, Elias Harris?

Wes Johnson is the same age as Farmar.

it's going to be a looOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONg year....
I'm really excited about all the young talent they'll be developing this season. Should really help them out years down the road.

Gotta believe Phil Jackson is now very happy to be on vacation while Pringles gets to make the death march.
For the first time in FBG history, you're more optimistic than I am. I don't see much young talent on the roster to develop. Just a bunch of dudes who are pulled off the scrap heap and will be forced into minutes b/c of the openings.

Maybe the Wesley Johnson reclamation project works? Jordan Hill may build on last year? Can I really get excited about Ryan Kelly?

The Lakers have a ton of cap room next year. Only the strong nucleus of Nash and Sacre is signed for 2014-15.

Bench looked better than the starters last night. I don't understand running Shawne Williams out there as the starting 4. He was brutal from 3 point range and he jacked one up just about every time he got the ball on offense.

Looks like 12 guaranteed spots right now: Nash, Bryant, Young, Williams, Gasol, Blake, Kaman, Hill, Farmar, Johnson, Henry, Meeks

I think Sacre hangs around, and one or two from Harris, Kelly, Landry - none of these guys played last night.

Wes Johnson looks like a good pickup.

Kobe looked very excited about the win. :oldunsure:

Seemed like the bench was much improved during the preseason, good to see it carry over so far.

Kobe got paid $24,363,044, which is 80% of his salary for the season, today. He'll get the remaining $6.1M over the course of the season. I hope he can manage.

Lakers might catch a break tonight, as it looks like Duncan can't go.

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I'm a Laker fan. Not obsessive but I know a lot who are. No one cares about this team. Usually on Sunday night we'll all tune in. Now? It's not even on the radar. Tune in to see a bunch of nobodies and C. Kaman? Are you kidding me?

After Magic and before Shaq we had the Nick at Night era. Van Exel, E. Jones, and a decent E. Campbell. Those teams were fun at least. We had young players with potential. A. Peeler and G. Lynch a few other's.

This team is the most boring Laker team I've ever seen. Going nowhere. No young players with potential. I'd love to see the tv ratings compared with the last few seasons. Must be a bloodbath.

Trade Pau. Lets bottom out. Their is 4-6 players who would have been the #1 pick in this past draft. By a considerable margin.

No one is watching this team. No one cares. Most boring team in the NBA. Only thing that can change that is Kobe coming back and just chucking while they lose.

Time to start looking at best trade possibilities for Gasol. Writing is on the wall. Needed a perfect convergence of events for the Lakers to have any chance at making noise this year -- Nash and Gasol bouncing back, Kobe returning early his same old self and young drifters stepping up. None of it is happening, and it's clearly a lost season.

Time to start looking at best trade possibilities for Gasol. Writing is on the wall. Needed a perfect convergence of events for the Lakers to have any chance at making noise this year -- Nash and Gasol bouncing back, Kobe returning early his same old self and young drifters stepping up. None of it is happening, and it's clearly a lost season.
The writing has been on the wall for about 7 months.


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