nobody is equally qualified and no - US companies do not do that, they have entire Human Resources groups that intentionally look into things like that PLUS affirmative action initiatives and quota's etcAll of the evidence is that U.S. companies do hire based on skin color. Whites are more likely to get call-backs, more likely to get interviews, more likely to be hired, and more likely to be promoted than equally-qualified blacks.
no wayAnd blacks are more likely to be stopped by police, more likely to arrested when stopped, more likely to be charged when arrested, more likely to be convicted when charged, and more likely to be injured or die in custody, than equally-criminal whites.
to say that, you are saying the entire police force across the nation has it in for black people - I call BS on that too. Both the above 40 years ago yes, it was much more true. Today ? not
This 100 million will do absolutely nothing - nothing at all.